Tanya Berlaga

Tanya Berlaga

  • October 2, 2023

    The tarnished legacy of Dianne Feinstein

    Last week, the oldest U.S. senator, Dianne Feinstein, passed away at the age of 90.  Love or hate her politics, Senator Feinstein lived a generally honorable life and had a distinguished career.  She was a successful lawyer, ...

  • September 1, 2023

    California hates your children

    Last week, California attorney general Rob Bonta sued a Southern California school district for requiring parental notification when a child experiences gender confusion by requesting to be called a name or a pronoun that does not match his biologica...

  • August 7, 2023

    Newsom–DeSantis debate: Will it happen, and who stands to benefit?

    During a Hannity segment last week, Ron DeSantis agreed to a televised debate with Gavin Newsom: "Absolutely, I'm game.  Just tell me when and where." The belligerent Newsom has been desperately trying t...

  • July 1, 2023

    Media talking points to cover for Joe Biden are getting dumber every day

    Two years ago, Joe Biden declared that his son, Hunter, never did anything wrong in his life, and everyone who "attacks" Hunter's "stellar reputation" is probably Putin's stooge. When Hunter's less than stellar acti...

  • June 5, 2023

    What the left gets wrong about the meaning of life

    Yesterday, I was having a conversation with my best friend who lives overseas.  She told me about someone she knew who recently passed away.  At the funeral, many people were giving heartfelt speeches about the deceased person, bu...

  • March 18, 2023

    WSJ's claws come out for Ron DeSantis

    Reactions to Ron DeSantis's controversial answers to Tucker Carlson's questions on Ukraine came fast and furious.  Every one of his potential rivals, including Mike Pence, Nikki Hailey, Chris Christie, and many others, came out deno...

  • February 6, 2023

    Objectivity Is Dead, and the Leftist Media Killed It

    The framers of the Constitution designated the press as a special institution designed to report to the people on the actions of the government. Here is what the First Continental Congress in 1774 wrote: The last right we shall mention regard...

  • December 16, 2022

    What the 'Respect for Marriage Act' Really Respects

    Last week, Congress passed the "Respect for Marriage" Act.  As usual, the name the proponents (or, sometimes, opponents) invent for the bill does not accurately represent its purpose.  You may remember that the "For...

  • November 3, 2022

    Now the Disgraced COVID 'Experts' Want 'Amnesty'?

    In her recent article in The Atlantic, a Brown University professor, Emily Oster, is calling for "pandemic amnesty."  She is telling me to "forgive and forget" everyone who was yelling obscenities at me for not wearing a...

  • September 7, 2022

    January 6 was Not a Real Insurrection. Take it From Someone who Lived Through One

    A fake insurrection (January 6, 2021) Chaotic events of January 6th were sold to Americans as “a violent insurrection.”  Because most Americans have experienced so few (read: zero) insurrections, it wasn’t a hard sell. ...

  • May 18, 2022

    Texas (!) university blows it at commencement ceremony

    Five years ago, my son was deciding on a college, and in the end, it came down to U.C. Berkeley or Rice University.  He picked Rice because it was smaller and provided more opportunities, and it made his parents happy, because we knew that ...

  • April 24, 2022

    Democrats trot out tearful women to save their radical agenda

    Four years ago, Barack Obama was the front man for the Democrat party.  Sure, he was on a mission to damage this country in favor of globalism, but he was doing it with "a wink and a smile."  Because of his amiable perso...

  • April 1, 2021

    YouTube is like the Soviet Union, and conservatives are Voice of America

    In August of 2018, I argued in defense of social media companies' right to regulate content presented on their sites. I made an argument that because Big Tech giants are private businesses, they have the right to refuse service to any customer th...

  • March 20, 2021

    Joe Biden is the second coming of Leonid Brezhnev

    He deserves a few lines or even a few pages in history books, but he was so mediocre as a person and so unremarkable as a politician that it would be difficult for him to leave any kind of a mark in history. He needed constant doctors' super...

  • March 17, 2021

    Definition of terms: Then and now

    Pregnant women serving in the military Then: Violence against women                                             Now: Diver...

  • March 13, 2021

    Movies that haven't been canceled yet but need to be

    Aladdin — For stereotyping Arab people as pushy merchants. The Jungle Book — For implying that India does not provide sufficient foster care. Snow White — For glorifying whiteness. Cinderella — For stereotypical depic...

  • March 11, 2021

    New profitable businesses of the woke era

    If you are looking for a new career or a way to make extra money, here are a few business opportunities that will make you a nice income these days. Race educator Job description: travel to people's houses to teach them how to be less white...