Tadas Klimas

Tadas Klimas

  • April 22, 2023

    The Religion of the Left

    That they hate is us clear. But why do they hate us? And why are they so crazy? It’s their religion. While based on Christianity, what they have is bent and twisted. Let us compare their “version” to the real one. The ...

  • March 15, 2023

    Jacob Chansley saved us all

    What the Democrats had planned on J6 — January 6, 2021, the day the votes were made official at the Capitol, never happened. Just consider the crackdown that did occur subsequent to J6.  Consider then what would have happened ...

  • December 29, 2022

    They hate us

    They hate us. Oh boy, do they ever.   Remember Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, ripping up President Trump’s State of the Union address?   That’s a constitutionally mandated document, by the way, but more importa...

  • March 1, 2022

    Ukraine Crushes Three Great Myths About Russia

    The world has been fundamentally changed by Ukraine. This is true, although nearly all Western coverage has been scaredy-cat and daft. Russia expected to waltz into Ukraine. It didn‘t. Russian forces have failed in all their objectives. A th...

  • January 5, 2021

    Trump's call to Georgia's secretary of state is Brad Raffensperger's dodge

    The internet is aflame about President Trump's Jan. 3 call to the Brad Raffensperger, Georgia's secretary of state. Any semi-honest perusal of the transcript will force a conclusion that not only was there nothing ...

  • December 10, 2020

    Bad Faith, Elections, and Election Officials

    Whether through the genius of the Founders or through the beneficence of the Creator, there is, and always has been, a perfect solution to the question of legitimacy of a presidential election. Note that the proper question is one of legitimacy. A...

  • November 20, 2020

    Awaiting the Kraken

      The only way the Left could win this election was by massive fraud. That is what they realized during the early morning hours after midnight of Election Day. So they piled it on. This really is startling. Not that the Left cheated, n...

  • October 17, 2020

    The Chinese Virus – Why We Panicked and Why We’ve Got to End the Panic Now

    There were some good reasons we were scared, indeed, petrified, of the Chinese Virus. But we panicked mostly because we were set up to do so. First, there had been weeks of reporting describing the crazed goings-on in Wuhan. Wuhan suddenly materia...

  • June 27, 2020

    Flynn never pled guilty

    It is big news concerning retired Lt. General Michael Flynn. An appellate court has sided with the government’s motion to dismiss the criminal charges against him. While the rest of us rejoice that the rule of law seems to be prevailing in t...

  • June 13, 2020

    Riot and Insurrection as a Computer Game

    This article does not intend to analyze protests, which are an American right, but riot and insurrection as evidenced by the current situation in Seattle, Washington, where an “autonomous zone” of several square blocks has been set up in ...

  • March 3, 2020

    If Cuccinelli is wrong, then so was Mueller

    As reported by Fox News, U.S. district judge Randolph Moss "ruled Sunday that one of the Trump administration's top immigration officials, Ken Cuccinelli, was unlawfully appointed to his post." The Fox News article is a bit...

  • October 8, 2019

    Supreme Court to decide what 'sex' means

    Back in law school — decades ago — as part of the graduation requirements, one had to write an appellate brief and then argue it before a panel of ersatz judges.  The topics and even the sides of the arguments were assigned. ...

  • August 25, 2019

    Former Overstock CEO makes bombshell allegations against FBI

    The astounding claims of the former Overstock CEO, Patrick Byrne, have set the media and social media world afire.  As well they should. Yet it seems that the pundits do not recognize the most scandalous and troublesome ramifications of ...

  • March 23, 2019

    The Metaphysics of FBI Bias

    The release of congressional testimony by FBI headquarters personnel last week once again focused a light upon bias at the FBI. The left countered using the following arguments. Bias always exists; everyone is biased. Therefore evidence of bias...

  • July 13, 2018

    The Strange Testimony of Peter Strzok

    Infamous FBI agent Peter Strzok testified before Congress on Thursday, July 12. Many questions put to him concerned his text messages and focused on the bias displayed. But the text messages may be a side story. Taking a look at Strzok's te...

  • June 22, 2018

    The Real Lesson of the Inspector General's Report

    You missed it. But that's all right: everyone else missed it, too. Michael Horowitz is the Department of Justice's Inspector General. He testified on June 18th before the Senate Judiciary Committee about his report concerning the Hillary C...

  • May 12, 2018

    The Asinine Coup

    There is a trope in many stories and even popular songs concerning the idea that, inasmuch as a soul is priceless, the devil delights in persuading it to be given up in exchange for something of no value, an exchange which is nothing if not asinine. ...

  • April 20, 2018

    McCabe, Comey, and Integrity at the FBI

    On April 13, 2018 the inspector general of the DOJ released a report (which can be found in full here) concerning former acting FBI director Andrew McCabe.  Much of the analysis and commentary this report has received has been muddled ...

  • March 23, 2018

    The FBI's McCabe and Bias in the Deep State

    Andrew McCabe was fired from the FBI reportedly for lying.  He should have been fired for misuse of office and bias. Notably, lying to the FBI is a crime under the False Statements Act.  So what "Andy" did was ar...

  • February 3, 2018

    Other Secrets of the FBI

    During these last few days, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has been the center of attention as perhaps never before. As this is being written, a memo may be released pertaining to the FBI that may prove to be the most scandalous of all time. ...

  • October 14, 2017

    Las Vegas shooting enabled by feeble response?

    The Las Vegas shooting was monstrous.  Understandably, many wanted to know the motive for the shooting, as this could explain its inhuman dimension. But it may be that the cause of its monstrous dimension resides not so much with a demonic pe...

  • September 21, 2017

    Lois Lerner and Non-Conspiracy Conspiracy

    On Friday, September 8, 2017 -- just before the weekend -- the DOJ announced that it would not prosecute Lois Lerner for her part in the IRS-Tea Party scandal. Evidence of Lerner's guilt is overwhelming. As Peter Roskam (R, Il), chairman of th...

  • September 12, 2017

    The Unconstitutionality of Rod J. Rosenstein

    There are no real legal or investigatory justifications for the appointment of a special counsel in relation to the "Russia" matter. Indeed, the main or most unarguable effect of this appointment is not its likely effect upon the 2018 congr...

  • June 20, 2017

    Comey's Game (II): The Mueller Gambit

    James Comey testified that he leaked his infamous memo in order to prompt the appointment of a special counsel. In order to understand his game, the task assigned to the special counsel must be identified. It is a very unusual one. The order signe...

  • June 15, 2017

    Comey's Game

    It is very strange, but it seems almost everything in recent American political history translates out to the FBI not functioning as it should.  While certainly this is because of a type of political correctness, it is proximately caused by the ...