Sylvia Bokor

Sylvia Bokor

  • February 3, 2014

    Formalizing Censorship through the IRS

    As of February 1, IRS Reg-134417-13 ruling, intended to curtail political participation by non-profit groups, received 20,880 comments. The IRS will take comments until February 27, 2014. Our population is a little over three hundred and te...

  • December 31, 2013

    The Trillion-Plus Heist

    Government produces nothing. It creates no wealth. Yet the District of Columbia is ranked as the richest area in the nation. Politicians and bureaucrats shriek that business people are "greedy." But facts show differently. Imagine voting yourse...

  • November 27, 2013

    Our Obese Government

    The Wall Street Journal recently wrote: "the federal government employs just under 2.9 million civilian employees." Other media, such as the Washington Post, report a similar figure. But 2.086 million civilian employees refers only to the Executive B...

  • December 5, 2012

    Limiting Government

    Individual rights have been bastardized. There is no such thing as "a right to a job," "a right to health care," "a right to a decent home," et cetera. No one can transform the actions of those that create products and/or services into another's purv...

  • September 16, 2012

    Going 'Backward'

    During elections, Democrats routinely claim that "Republicans want to go backward," implying that Republicans want to return to some  drearily boring, less prosperous time. Obama resurrected that bromide in a campaign speech several days before ...

  • August 18, 2012

    Right to Work and Individual Rights

    The Right to Work clause came into existence in 1935, embedded in the Taft-Hartely Law.  It means that (a) employees may not be forced to join a union, that (b) employers need not hire only those who agree to join a union, and (c) that employers...