Susan Stanton

Susan Stanton

  • March 2, 2019

    There Still Ain't No Joy in Mudville

    Over the past decade or more, we have been listening to blowhard elites who ballyhoo and bellow over various political topics while demonstrating abject disrespect for the majority of Americans.  Lately, it's become fashionable to resis...

  • October 25, 2018

    Washington State's ridiculous 'vote boxes' degrade the franchise for everyone

    Here we are, a couple of weeks away from the volatile and highly anticipated midterm elections.  In the past two years, we have seen continuous kabuki, farce, and debacle from Democrats pulling nasty, immoral shenanigans against the America...

  • August 8, 2018

    Online Harassment, Political Activists, and What to Do about It

    In recent years, the internet has provided free rein to busybodies bent on opportunistic criminal behavior.  Never before have people known so much about others, nor have we cultivated so many meaningless "friends" who have coales...

  • January 4, 2018

    The Bloodless War against American Exceptionalism

      Unprecedented social and political conflict was laid bare in 2017, the likes of which have seldom been seen before.  Our American social fabric is in tatters.  We are looking less enlightened and more divided than at any time sinc...

  • February 3, 2017

    Deranged Millennials, academicians, and Hollywood crap shooters

    In the two weeks since the inauguration of our 45th president, we have seen the world erupt into predictable chaos.  Anarchy has been fomented by the growing underworld of arrogant progressives who believe they are the most intelligent...

  • December 22, 2016

    The Faithless Four of Washington State

    On December 19th, I felt like the gladiator walking into the lion’s den as we took our seats in the gallery of the Washington State Electoral College in Olympia. Always uber-liberal, the state’s Birkenstock babes and dudes came out i...

  • October 30, 2016

    How Voting Really Works: An Eyewitness Account

    Obviously, this election cycle has evolved into a circus of corruption.  The mud-slinging is interminable, filled with duck and run operations, outright fraud, and lawlessness.  In a little over a week, by hook or crook, we will know the wi...

  • October 9, 2011

    Land of the Oppressed, Home of the Handout

    These days, one often hears derogatory comments about "Baby Boomers."  Mostly they are pegged as being whiney, self-absorbed individuals who tend toward complaining about every little thing.  Pundits who label my generation in this way need...

  • October 2, 2011

    Profiling: Just Do It!

    I don't travel by air much these days.  Since the destruction of the twin towers and the loss of thousands of American lives on September 11th, our government's security policies have become increasingly bizarre and burdensome.   Latel...

  • March 17, 2010

    VA nightmare a harbinger of what we can expect under Obamacare

    Paralleling Obamacare with existing government programs should stand as a bellwether for those who favor this bloated plot to undermine our basic freedoms. The Veteran's Administration (VA) provides a glaring early warning of our future, if Obamacare...

  • June 30, 2009

    Real vs. an authentic world

    When did we become a nation of habitual voyeurs, panting with anticipation awaiting the next social or cultural train wreck?  When did we loose our common sense, politeness and quiet strength? When did our values degrade to follow that jagged fo...