Steve Rose

Steve Rose

  • Who Is The ‘Real’ Kamala Harris? Who Is The ‘Real’ Tim Walz?

    October 27, 2024

    Who Is The ‘Real’ Kamala Harris? Who Is The ‘Real’ Tim Walz?

    The question brings up the commonsense idea that human beings can wear a mask (a “persona”) and pretend to be one person while actually being something or someone entirely different. It’s based on the age-old philosophical topic of ...

  • Why Democrat Leaders Corrupt Their Own Youth In The Name Of Liberty

    October 8, 2024

    Why Democrat Leaders Corrupt Their Own Youth In The Name Of Liberty

    Modern Democrats deliberately corrupt young people. The very idea of this probably seems absurd and bewildering to many of us. The idea that this is part of a conscious and organized political effort seems almost unbelievable. And obviously, avera...

  • George Stephanopoulos: A Case Study in America’s Psychological Warfare

    March 21, 2024

    George Stephanopoulos: A Case Study in America’s Psychological Warfare

    Many Americans are paying attention to daily news events. But more need to see beyond the daily events to the larger plot. Part of that larger plot involves understanding that we’re now living in an environment of psychological warfare. In T...

  • December 1, 2023

    How to Achieve Tyranny With Mush Words

    If you want to become a tyrant and transform your fellow citizens into slaves, all you really need are a few good mush words. “Mush words” are words with vague definitions. They’re slippery, hard to pin down, elusive, ultimately unk...

  • November 11, 2022

    Why Democrats Accuse Us of What They Do

    Many of us are on to their trick: Democrats (aka the American Neo-Communists) accuse us of what they’re doing. Examples abound. They accuse us of racism while they relentlessly obsess over skin color and inject racial tension, division, and ...

  • October 31, 2022

    They’re Turning Our Kids into Orwell’s Dogs

    It’s straight out of Animal Farm, Orwell’s famous allegory about communism. Democrats, aka the American neo-communists, are working overtime to transform our kids into Orwell’s dogs. Briefly, in Animal Farm, Napoleon was the farm...

  • August 17, 2022

    Stop Calling Them Democrats. They’re Communists.

    It’s time to stop calling them Democrats. This is no longer the party of FDR, JFK, or even Bill Clinton, and it’s time to start calling a spade a spade. Imagine this scenario: You have a neighbor, Mr. Jones—a kind old man w...

  • July 28, 2022

    Are the Woke Morally Superior?

    Defeating Wokeism isn’t merely a political, legal, or even cultural battle. We must also address what ultimately fuels Wokeness on a personal level: a delusional sense of moral superiority because it’s that moral superiority that is the v...

  • June 11, 2022

    Captain America as a guide to modern American politics

    Interestingly, despite Disney's increasingly hard-left policies, when it tells a tale of good versus evil, somehow it always ends up, even inadvertently, supporting the conservative worldview.  Thus, for a shorthand guide to modern...

  • June 4, 2022

    It’s Time to Drop the Word 'Homophobia'

    Imagine Guy A calls Guy B a “homophobe.” Guy B responds: “What do you mean? What is a ‘homophobe’? Can you define the word?” Guy A might not be able to. He might have never thought of it. But that isn...

  • May 14, 2022

    Woke Hypocrisy: A User’s Guide

    Wokeism is not what it pretends to be. It fools a lot of people by pretending to be about high ideals. It pretends to struggle against injustice, overcome oppression, and so on. But in reality, it’s something very different. For many more...

  • February 12, 2022

    Why is Wokeism so attractive to so many?

    Wokeism offers pre-packaged, shrink-wrapped, off-the-shelf righteousness to anyone who bends the knee. It requires little effort, sacrifice, or intelligence. Simply believe, complain, criticize, and accuse—it’s that easy. In exchange, you...

  • November 7, 2021

    The Fatal Flaw At The Core Of Wokeism

    Wokeism is fatally flawed at the core. It pretends to be a road to universal harmony. But it will never deliver. Wokeism might seem intimidating at first but, like the Death Star, critical weaknesses make it vulnerable. The most obvious flaw is th...

  • October 27, 2021

    Democrats Are Actively Seeking To Eradicate America’s Unique Culture

    Today is day #279 of Democrats deliberately flooding America with non-Americans to intentionally eradicate American culture. That sentence is worth unpacking a little. Some might respond: “Why are you so against immigration? It isn’...

  • October 2, 2021

    One way forward: A plan for victory, in a nutshell

    What's our plan for victory? If they're working to foster a revolution, what's our plan for the counter-revolution?  How can we inoculate ourselves against those who want to take America down? Many on our side often seem t...

  • July 22, 2021

    Five Things Americans Should Learn From Tibet

    It’s becoming increasingly clear that powerful forces are determined to undermine American from the inside. The effort is apparently either to destroy America entirely or hollow it out and transform it into something fundamentally different fro...