Steven Plaut

Steven Plaut

  • January 19, 2016

    Leftist McCarthyism in Israel Funded by Soros and Other US Leftists

      In its latest act of illicit intervention in Israeli public life, the foreign (mainly U.S.)-funded "New Israel Fund" (where their 'New Israel" means Palestine) has filled the Israeli press and the country's billboards...

  • January 12, 2016

    The Israeli Left Scrambles in the Wake of A Stunning Video

    Israel has been rocked by sort of a Middle Eastern Bizarro version of the Dred Scott decision.  In that famous American Supreme Court case from1857, it was decided to send black escaped slave Dred Scott back to slavery in the South.  This t...

  • January 4, 2016

    Fight necrophobia!

    -Satire- Now that "transphobia" has joined the list of politically correct aggressions and bigotries, we thought the time was ripe to demand an end to the worst form of intolerance and disrespect towards a minority group. There are st...

  • June 22, 2013

    Israel labeled 'apartheid' state for offering veterans benefits

    Those who read Haaretz, which seems like a Palestinian newspaper printed in Hebrew, get to begin each morning with a dose du jour of far left propaganda. Haaretz these days makes no attempt to disguise its contempt for Israel, nor its indifference ...

  • March 9, 2013

    Lincoln as Bleeding Heart Peacenik?

      An interesting trend has emerged in recent weeks. The Israeli Left, along with most of the world's pseudo-intellectual classes, has suddenly discovered Abraham Lincoln, and is proclaiming him an honorary member of "Peace Now." Obviously it is ...

  • December 23, 2012

    The Martyrdom of Avigdor Lieberman

    In 1999, Benjamin Netanyahu lost the Israeli election to leftist Ehud Barak to the squealing delight of Israel's conscripted media and of many in its judicial system.  At the time, a criminal investigation was launched against Netanyahu for supp...

  • October 28, 2012

    The Death of a 'Poet'

    Haaretz, the far-leftsit Israeli daily, actually a Palestinian newspaper published in Hebrew, has uncovered a new scoop.  It claims that the leftist "poet" Shai Mizrachi, who committed suicide a few days ago, a day before his 38th birthday, was ...

  • August 26, 2012

    Middle East Non-Solutions

    The mantra crops up almost everywhere.  "You Israelis have two simple choices," it goes.  "You can either annex all of the 'occupied territories' and grant equal Israeli citizenship to all of the Palestinians there, in which case Israel wil...

  • May 10, 2012

    Learn from Elizabeth Warren

    I think the attacks against Elizabeth Warren, who pretended to be an American Indian to advance her career, are wrong.  To the contrary, she simply did what we all should be doing!  She sabotaged America's racist affirmative action regime, ...

  • May 7, 2012

    The Two Lefts

    It is impossible to understand politics in the world today without grasping the fundamental fact that there exist two different lefts.  I propose that the two be referred to by everyone as the Stupid Left and the Satanic Left.  The two are ...

  • July 24, 2011

    Israel's Supreme Court Serving the Kidnapper of its Most Famous MIA

    The decision this week by the Israeli Supreme Court in the matter of Mustafa Dirani (sometimes spelled Durani) has shown the world that Israel's judicial system is a clear and present danger to the country. Allow me to introduce you to the latest cli...

  • July 19, 2011

    The Threat to Israeli Liberties from the Israeli Supreme Court

    Robert Bork, the eminent American law professor from Yale University, once described the Israeli Supreme Court as the worst in the Western world.  Israel, Bork wrote, "has set a standard for judicial imperialism that can probably never be surpas...

  • March 16, 2009

    What is Marxism?

    Marxists claim that Marxism is a science.  It is not.  It is a sort of pagan religious cult.  It is a theology.  It is a form of superstition.Marxists claim that Karl Marx understood capitalism and economics.  He did not....

  • December 15, 2006

    Hannuka Among the Hellenists

    Of all the Jewish holidays, the one that I think best captures the contemporary Jewish zeitgeist, the one that is the most relevant to the current (and, if certain trends are not reversed, the last?) chapter in Jewish history, is Hannuka.Hannuka is, ...

  • October 5, 2006

    DePaul University's Moment of Truth

    The new academic school year is well underway.  But there is one school in which this year will determine once and for all whether it will henceforth be considered to be a bona fide "university", or merely a make—pretend parody of one....