Steven Kessler

Steven Kessler

  • September 16, 2020

    The Other Half of Socialism: Independence from Our Fellow Man

    There is a latent and relatively unknown element of socialism we've all been living through during the coronavirus lockdowns: independence from all forms of social attachment. To properly identify this tenet of socialism, we must understand ho...

  • March 7, 2020

    Socialism 101: Wealth-Hoarding

    "Wealth-hoarding" is a trendy phrase among modern socialists.  As Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently tweeted, "[t]he hoarding of wealth by the few is coming at the cost of peoples' lives" (1).  Bernie Sander...

  • January 1, 2020

    Economic vs. Cultural Marxism: The Most Important Distinction

    Many on both ends of the political spectrum are aware of the fact that social justice is simply Marxism, masquerading as a new ideological movement.  Like Marxism, social justice's goal is to make the world a more balanced and equitable...

  • June 2, 2019

    Liberals Are Optimists and Conservatives Are Pessimists

    In the clash of competing ideas and notions about what is good, beautiful, and true, liberals and conservatives tend to take different approaches concerning the ability of man to make the world a better place.  Typically, liberals tend to h...

  • May 30, 2019

    When Conservative SCOTUS Justices Are Liberal and Vice Versa

    On Monday, May 20, the Supreme Court decided in favor of an American Indian man, Clayvin Herrera, in Herrera v. Wyoming.  Essentially, Herrera was found guilty of off-season hunting at Bighorn National Forest.  Herrera believed he...

  • May 27, 2019

    Birth Control, Abortion and the Rise of Single Motherhood

    Typically, the conservative perspective on the rise of single motherhood and the breakdown of the traditional family unit places the blame on the shoulders of the liberal welfare state. This theory is usually attributed to Charles Murray's wor...

  • May 24, 2019

    American Suicide: A Permanent Solution to a Temporary Trump Problem

    A common refrain concerning suicide is that it's a permanent solution to a temporary problem.  Suicide is a drastic and permanent solution to a situation that in all likelihood will pass. Amid the fervor of anti-Trump hysteria, there...

  • April 28, 2019

    An 'Ever Better' Ideology? What Is Progressivism?

    I attended the University of Rochester for graduate school.  The university's motto is "Meliora: ever better."  Colloquially, "meliora" is used to mean never settle, we can always improve, and strive for mo...

  • April 17, 2019

    Three Questions to Ask Liberals

    As President Trump threatens to transport illegal aliens to sanctuary cities, suddenly, many on the Left are feeling significantly less generous and magnanimous regarding illegal immigration. Colloquially, this is known as "skin in the game....

  • April 13, 2019

    Roots of the Left's Acceptance of Pedophilia

    Shockingly, there are people in the liberal media attempting to normalize pedophilia.  These media sources range from outlets like to peer-reviewed journals to popular cable news media shows. One would think that a stance again...

  • March 24, 2019

    The College Admissions Scandal and Being Human

    As the fallout from the admissions scandal at elite colleges and universities perpetrated by wealthy and elite-status parents unfolds, the reactions from media personalities and the general public via social media have been predictable.  Th...

  • March 23, 2019

    Thomas Sowell Is Right to Predict a Socialist America

    Recently, Thomas Sowell appeared on the Fox Business Network.  The host, David Asman, asked Sowell whether America will go down the dark and dangerous road of socialism: The future of America — do you think that we are destined t...

  • March 17, 2019

    A Lesson in Socialism for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

    Newly elected congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez now appears ubiquitously in the news.  At the end of February, she made headlines in a dispute with Ivanka Trump. Ocasio-Cortez's professional persona is a Millennial socialist who...

  • March 7, 2019

    'People of Color' Is a Marxist Phrase. Let's Stop Using It.

    Like most ideologies, social justice has a lexicon of its own, complete with both formal terms emanating from the academic world and terms emerging colloquially from everyday use by its adherents.  The phrase "people" or "per...

  • January 12, 2019

    Understanding the Most Important Phrase in Social Justice

    The most important phrase in the social justice lexicon is "predicated on power structure."  You've likely heard that racism, privilege, and cultural appropriation – the big three of social justice – are predicated...