Steven Goldfien MD

Steven Goldfien MD

  • June 28, 2014

    The Destruction of Character by the Welfare State

    In 1909, with American Progressivism still in its infancy, Winston Churchill was already an advocate of government programs to help the most needy. On May 23rd of that year he proclaimed, I think it is our duty to use the strength of the resourc...

  • January 6, 2012

    How to Get Washington out of Health Care

    The experience of the last fifty years proves that the United States government cannot solve the problem of how to provide high-quality healthcare to all its citizens at a price the country can afford -- at least not without rationing, lowering the q...

  • September 17, 2011

    New-Wave Conservatives and the Lesson of Churchill

    The political backlash engendered by the election and actions of President Obama and the Democratic congressional majorities has encouraged a new wave of conservatives to run for political office.  Effective leaders need to be convincing on and ...

  • October 11, 2010

    Want doctors to innovate? Free them!

    Peter Orszag, formerly the Director of the White Office of Management and Budget, appears to have found a new career as a pundit for the NYT. The fact that he's chosen to admonish doctors in a recent sermon at least means that the new preacher and hi...

  • July 29, 2009

    Do Doctors Really Support a Public Plan Option?

    The American Medical Association's  (AMA) endorsement of HR 3200, America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009, surprised many because the bill includes a public plan option paying physicians at Medicare rates. Those hoping doctors will fight...