Steve Karp, M.D.

Steve Karp, M.D.

  • Et Tu, Medicus

    January 16, 2025

    Et Tu, Medicus

    In Shakespeare’s retelling, the assassination of Julius Caesar lies squarely at the feet of his friend Brutus, as expressed in the dying Caesar’s last words “Et tu Brute?” Though Shakespeare gave us great tragic literature, to...

  • An Insider Describes the Medical Field

    November 17, 2024

    An Insider Describes the Medical Field

    By the number of years put in, I am nearing the end of my professional career, the setting sun in sight.  However, looking back, I see that the sun began to set long ago. A career has a sense of permanence.  Mine became a job t...

  • January 16, 2024

    The State and I

    The government. When invoking those words, it is usually federal government that comes to mind rather than state. Likely, this is the by-product of influences that want to direct attention to the far instead of the near, the purpose being to get us t...

  • April 28, 2022

    The next wave of mask mandates

    To be generous, the use of masks during what was billed as a viral based respiratory pandemic is pseudoscience at best, given what was worn, how it was worn, where it was worn, the duration it was worn, and so on and so on.  No need to beat...

  • December 13, 2021

    The Medical Profession Implodes

    In “normal” times, the practice of medicine has many challenges, some from within and some from outside the profession.  If you let it, much of your daily practice follows specialty guidelines, insurance company criteria, hospital fo...

  • September 9, 2021

    Living in a time of unreason

    Reflection at times is worth the price of discomfort.  We are living through a world war.  On one level, it is waged on a virus.  On another level, it is waged by the Few against the Many.  The Few were self-ap...

  • August 28, 2021

    From a doctor bewildered at where all this COVID stuff is going

    Until recently, the practice of medicine was based more on science, less on science fiction.  Even when science fiction acted as foreshadowing, hard evidence was required to turn fiction into non-fiction. We are told to practice evidence...

  • June 8, 2021

    I've Read That...

    Looking back over the past year and a half, the number of conflicting stories about every aspect of the 2019 SARS Coronavirus is staggering. Many claims were repeated ad nauseam in the mainstream press while the counterclaims were mostly given the ...

  • February 15, 2021

    The Pandemic Cure is Far Worse than the Disease

    Excessive stress on a bone will often cause it to fracture.  Fractures can be the result of acute or chronic stress and can be partial or complete however, once the fracture occurs it’s over in less than a second.  Sufficient healing ...

  • November 24, 2020

    The mask that keeps on giving

    It was just announced that a third COVID vaccine has been created, this one in Europe, with a rollout expected in weeks to months.  The average American must be breathing a sigh of relief thinking that by getting vaccinated, he can return t...

  • July 15, 2020

    Where have all the lone wolves gone?

    While driving home from work last night, the song "Where Have All the Flowers Gone" popped into my head.  You remember that one, by Peter, Paul, and Mary, where picked flowers end up on the graves of soldiers.  As I humm...

  • June 20, 2020

    Fact vs. opinion — where does it lead?

    Decades ago, there began the phenomenon known as McCarthyism, named after Senator Joe McCarthy.  In short, McCarthy named people in the government or military who had communist sympathies or carried through deeds that aided the communist mo...

  • April 26, 2020

    Trying to understand the latest weird communist coronavirus directive from a state governor

    Call me misinformed, but I was under the impression that when it comes to law, rules, and regulations, it all comes down to wording, interpretation, and enforcement.  Recently, a flurry of state and federal directives have been issued due t...

  • April 1, 2020

    Hospitals: Managed or Mismanaged?

    The coronavirus pandemic has exposed many issues that American society will need to address if we are to avoid, as Karl Marx stated, repeating history "…first as tragedy, then as farce." Unfortunately, in this regard, people don...

  • March 23, 2020

    Lessons learned (or not)

    What’s the word for how to kill a country?  Countrycide?  Is it preferable for it to be done financially, such as torching the economy, then printing up money and causing massive debt requiring revaluation of the currency?  Or pe...

  • April 27, 2017

    Breaking Up the Legal Industrial Complex

    In 1918, Britain’s Hilaire Belloc published a book entitled The Free Press.  Buried within was his commentary on the two large guilds in British society, those of doctors and lawyers.  Though strong, the medical guild was no match for...

  • March 18, 2017

    Health Insurance or Medical Care?

    The terms health insurance and medical care are often used interchangeably. They are, however, quite different concepts, and once understood, who benefits or loses becomes apparent. For decades, Americans have been fed a lie that health insurance ...

  • January 25, 2017

    I Still Don't Prescribe Heroin

    Not long ago, I gave my take on the absurdity of linking the use of legally prescribed narcotic pain relievers with the nationwide heroin "epidemic." Recent studies have demonstrated that poly-drug use progressing to heroin is the most c...

  • September 21, 2016

    Diversity: Racism in disguise

    Why are the most diverse people in this country accused of not practicing diversity?  In order to sufficiently ponder the question, let’s define the terms.  Diversity is defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary as the “inclusio...

  • August 30, 2016

    I Don’t Prescribe Heroin

    While walking through the lobby of the hospital where I am a physician consultant, called on this occasion to evaluate a patient with newly diagnosed colon cancer, I found myself bombarded for the fourth time in a week, but on this occasion from the ...