Steve Holleman

Steve Holleman

  • Could Rahm Emanuel be the Democrats' great hope for 2028?

    March 15, 2025

    Could Rahm Emanuel be the Democrats' great hope for 2028?

    Could the 2028 presidential campaign line up with Marco Rubio taking on Rahm Emanuel?  That may or may not be what happens, but it’s what I am guessing will be what unfolds.  The Democrat party is in dire need for a level-headed...

  • September 7, 2018

    Nike's subversive racist brilliance

    When a football player fell from the spotlight because he had become a mediocre NFL quarterback and was no longer a media darling, he regained that spotlight by showing disrespect for America's symbols of honor and union.  The flag and ...

  • October 20, 2017

    Goodbye, Columbus... at Least for Now

    Austin, Texas city officials voted to completely replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People's Day. They voted to remove Columbus Day from city calendars calling for public schools to teach that Columbus is not a positive role model. The resoluti...

  • September 29, 2016

    Election day: You had better pull the lever

    I suspect that with the current political atmosphere in America today, as well as world conditions, many Christians are probably thinking end times.  Surely Armageddon is just around the corner.  I mean, is there anything more sinister than...

  • June 8, 2016

    Donald Trump's recipe for victory

    A presidential campaign is like making a cake.  The ingredients are a diverse America.  No single ingredient makes a cake, and no single approach will get you elected. Donald Trump can appeal to a wide variety of Americans if he approach...

  • November 6, 2015


    Houston’s lesbian mayor said of the citizens of Houston following the recent failure of the Orwellian HERO ordinance that the LGBT community is little understood.  She is absolutely right about that, but even without understanding her...

  • September 19, 2014

    An Affinity for Passion

    For good or for bad, people have a greater affinity for another person’s passion than they do for the ideology that passion represents. Knowing that truth is what gave me an understanding of how an American public could be s...

  • February 22, 2014

    'We Were Busy Then'

    I don't know about Nero and Rome, and I don't play the fiddle, but I too have been busy doing things. The past decade has been an awakening for some of us, but the damage we allowed during the previous decades does not relieve us of the guilt we bear...