Steve Hines

Steve Hines

  • October 31, 2009

    Are the Democrats Really This Desperate?

    For as long as they've existed, politicians have bent language to avoid saying things that sound unpleasant. Once upon a time, the players in the major league of Washington, D.C. politics at least told their versions of truth with eloquence and style...

  • October 2, 2009

    The GOP and its Confusion

    Here we go again.  We've seen this scenario many times before:  1. Politicians propose legislation sure to cost the productive classes billions more of their money;  2. Seeing little benefit from the proposal, citizens show their ...

  • September 21, 2009

    Jimmy Carter's Sanctimonious Guilt

    The recent exploitation of racism by former President Jimmy Carter reminds me of something I detected long ago in a lot of Americans from his generation.  After I could conjure a description for it, I found that it helped me understand many memb...