Steve Feldman

Steve Feldman

  • August 22, 2021

    'The Delta Variant' vs. the Jewish People

    "The delta variant." Who knows how many times over the course of the past few months that phrase has been uttered or written by media, by pundits, and by just plain folk on social media? What we never hear or read is "the India v...

  • February 15, 2021

    Exposing an Appalling Media Whitewash of a Vicious, Murderous Terrorist Group

    Not everyone is a Middle East expert.  In fact, few Americans are.  But most if not all Americans should have some depth of knowledge about the Middle Eastern terrorist group Hezb'allah (translated as "party of god,"...

  • March 10, 2020

    Defining 'Peace' in the Middle East

    When most Americans think about or speak of peace, we have in mind the relationship between America and Canada.  For Europeans, it may be like the relationship between Belgium and France.  But in the Middle East, at best it seems to be an a...

  • August 29, 2017

    Unexpected Jew-hatred: Government building edition

    "Steve Feldman, land baron!" It has a nice ring to it as I say it out loud. Of course, it is patently untrue.  But that did not stop a United States Postal Service clerk from not only thinking I am a land baron, but also telling ...

  • January 21, 2017

    Second Class in the Classroom

    You are a child sitting in a Philadelphia classroom. The teacher, by implication and action asserts that your life doesn’t matter – and furthermore, that your people and your country are guilty of oppressing and committing genocide agains...

  • December 10, 2015

    NY Times covers up an inconvenient truth for Palestinian Authority

    They’ve done it again – and then some! The New York Times has a history of prominently featuring articles when Israel or Israelis allegedly misbehave, while burying articles when Israel or Israelis or Jews are the victims. It happen...

  • June 30, 2015

    What about that other flag?

    As the race is on to remove the Confederate battle flag from public view and pull it from store shelves and websites, in the heart of Washington flies a flag that seemingly upsets no one despite its bloody history and ongoing connection to violence. ...

  • October 5, 2014

    Hamas Was ISIS before There Was an ISIS

    When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told those assembled in the United Nations General Assembly that Hamas and ISIS “are branches of the same poisonous tree,” he had it right – almost.  (Despite contradiction from St...

  • June 7, 2013

    Alexander Haig, the Rebbe and Israel: A Secret Revealed After 32 Years

    While once some of the American's president's closest advisors could be counted on to support Israel in a pinch, an Alexander Haig would be an anachronism in the West Wing or at Foggy Bottom today. It seems that Gen. Alexander Haig had even more of a...

  • November 5, 2012

    Politicians Promise to Help Israel: Will It Be Too Little, Too Late?

    "If Israel is attacked" is a phrase heard often by mostly well-meaning politicians from both American parties when they are out on the campaign trail, or even while holding office, to express their intent to come to the aid of the Jewish state. But ...

  • May 13, 2012

    An Anniversary Gift Wish List

    The platitudes are heartfelt, no doubt, but actions speak louder than words as Israel turns 64. At a Columbus Day celebration, a visiting member of Congress stood up and gave a speech, as is typical of Columbus Day events throughout the land. In the ...

  • September 22, 2011

    The Questions Never Asked About Palestine

    As the Palestinian-Arabs and their friends make their latest push for "Palestinian" statehood at the United Nations this week, once again the wrong questions are being asked, while the pertinent questions every reporter, activist, and foreign ministe...

  • August 24, 2007

    A Palestinian Star is Born

    Why humanize someone with murder in her heart? Why take a child who helps inspire untold numbers of kids to kill innocent other kids and try to make her seem like the girl next door?Just how evil is a society that could raise such children? And why a...

  • August 13, 2007

    Is Candy Time Near?

    These must be great times for those among the Muslims and Arabs who would like to drive Israel into the sea - in other words, most of those two groups.Israel seems to be headed in that direction, and in the drivers' seats are not the successors to Ya...

  • May 27, 2007

    The War of Extermination Continues

    Does your chest hurt?Can you feel it in the pit of your stomach?Is your heart racing?Do you feel a sense of helplessness?I hope so.I hope all who care about the sanctity of life and the rights of people to be able to live in peace, without the fear o...

  • October 13, 2006

    A Death Penalty Interview

    Journalists have a number of issues to consider when determining whether to write or broadcast a report about a particular subject or individual. Among these are the potential repercussions facing those whom they interview. Usually, these 'sources' a...