Steve Feinstein

Steve Feinstein

  • September 12, 2023

    Biden is a Gold Mine

    Joe Biden is the proverbial gold mine. Someone is going to give into the all-too-obvious temptation and make a veritable fortune very soon. Doing so will pretty much permanently ruin that individual’s prospects as a major operative in future De...

  • September 1, 2023

    The Biggest Missed Story of the 21st Century

    Here it is: the biggest missed story of this century is the incredible dumbing down of the American public, to the point where a cripplingly large portion of the adult population is no longer willing or able to exercise independent critical thinking ...

  • August 25, 2023

    The Liberal Echo Chamber

    In modern political parlance, the term echo chamber has come to mean an environment where a given individual only encounters opinions and philosophies that mirror their own, giving rise to a reinforcement of that person’s original positions whi...

  • August 15, 2023

    Does Gravitas Matter Anymore?

    There was a time when the personal aura, the credibility, the machismo of the individual we elected president mattered. Collectively, these traits can be thought of as gravitas, a sense of commanding leadership, the quality that wordlessly demands th...

  • August 5, 2023

    Conservatives Can’t Play Political Hardball

    The conservative mindset apparently is just not genetically oriented to playing political hardball. Time and again, progressives take the initiative and mount political and PR offensives against conservatives, rocking them back on their heels, defini...

  • July 10, 2023

    The Liberal Media Need Shock Treatment

    We hear it all the time and it’s true: “How would the liberal media be treating this story if it was a Republican instead of a Democrat?” The IRS whistleblowers in the Hunter Biden matter are ignored by the liberal media. Bi...

  • June 22, 2023

    The Left's LGBTQ Hit Squad

    Among the many examples of how cynically the progressive Left exploits fringe special-interest groups to do their political bidding, none is more stark than the callous manner in which they manipulate the LGBTQ crowd. Progressives have fashioned t...

  • June 7, 2023

    Progressives Are Purely Emotional

    The so-called progressive sect purports to be forward-thinking, tolerant, and enlightened when it comes to the nation’s most pressing social and economic issues. Whether it be DEI, CRT, ESG, the Green New Deal, reparations, newly revised/lowere...

  • May 19, 2023

    Puppy Dog Republicans Afraid to Act

    Another example of indisputably corrupt and unscrupulous Democrat behavior has erupted onto the national scene with the release of the years-long Durham probe into the alleged “Russia-Russi-Russia” influence on the 2016 election. Once aga...

  • May 9, 2023

    Foreman and Ali: A Time of Better Choices

    I just saw the movie Big George Foreman, a film docudrama about the former heavyweight boxing champion George Foreman. As an ardent boxing aficionado and historian, I am always suspicious about whether or not a mass-market boxing movie intended for w...

  • April 27, 2023

    The Nuclear Family is Key to Democracy

    To say that things have become upside down in American society in the last 20 to 30 years or so is the understatement of the year. However, to be perfectly fair, every succeeding younger generation has been met with calls of derision and criticism by...

  • April 15, 2023

    Progressives Not Interested in the Good of the Country

    Progressives, be they politicians, the rabid rank-and-file voter or the embarrassingly biased legacy media, are light-years removed from caring about the overriding good of the country. They care only about grabbing and retaining power, by any means ...

  • March 23, 2023

    There's no such thing as 'non-partisan'

    There are a lot of lies, falsehoods, and empty clichés that float around political circles, but there is no cliché emptier, more blatantly false or overused in a more disingenuous manner, than this one: "This is not a Democrat or R...

  • February 2, 2023

    Weapons-Stealing Can Win Wars

    One of the hazards of war is the likelihood that at some point, one country's most advanced weapon will inadvertently fall into the hands of its enemy, revealing all its secrets and enabling the adversary to build its own superior weapon, thereby...

  • January 12, 2023

    January 6? How About Some Real Dates in American History?

    History aficionados enjoy noting the passage of significant dates. They serve as reminders of important events that have shaped America’s past, contributed to our culture and made our country what it is. Unfortunately these days with the ris...

  • December 30, 2022

    Liz Warren’s Disappearing Act

    Despite the Biden administration’s intentionally misleading, disingenuous blathering about this 50-year-high inflation being transitory, any 19-year-old freshman Econ 101 student could see that it wasn’t. Janet Yellin knew she was lying w...

  • November 19, 2022

    Lazy Voters Enable Democratic Fraud

    There is a new category of voters these days that is proving to be the deciding factor for the Democrats. This group is the lazy voter group, the ones who are predisposed to using those new at home food prep services. That describes all the thou...

  • October 7, 2022

    The Democrats Wrecked My Retirement

    If you're fortunate enough to lead a reasonably normal American life, things go something like this: you go through school and graduate from either high school or college, somewhere in the middle of the class.  You get a job, move out o...

  • September 23, 2022

    Insidious voter fraud

    There are two kinds of voter fraud.  One is obvious voter fraud.  That's the kind we know about and hear about every day: Voting machines programmed to "flip" votes from one candidate to the other. Pre-printe...

  • September 12, 2022

    Tell Them to Hold It

    Tuesday September 6th was Primary Election Day in Massachusetts. Geoff Diehl -- a Donald Trump endorsee -- won the Republican gubernatorial primary against his RINO rival Chris Doughty, who was backed by the squishy ersatz “Republican” go...

  • August 23, 2022

    Tired of the ‘Rank and File’

    We hear this a lot: “The rank and file are fine. It’s the leadership that’s bad.” That’d be nice if it were true. But it’s not. If there is one thing that progressive Left governance has accomplished in the last...

  • July 29, 2022

    Biden's Cabinet: Let us Count the Ways

    That “President” Biden’s administration is the most inept, counterproductive, outright laughable in post-World War II American history is beyond question. One hardly needs to list out all the failures, missed goals and broken promis...

  • July 23, 2022

    What is the Shelf Life of a Useful Idiot?

    “President” Biden is often described as a useful idiot. The term originated during the Cold War and is defined as a person perceived as propagandizing for a cause without fully comprehending the cause's goals, and who is cynically use...

  • July 15, 2022

    The Sophisticated Deception of Massachusetts

    Big, high-profile liberal states like California and New York grab most of the headlines and would appear to lay legitimate claim to the title of “Most Outrageous Liberal State.” With their inept governors and big-city mayors, rampant cri...

  • July 7, 2022

    The Mass Psychosis of Liberals

    It’s been my lifelong observation that liberals are a mostly conflicted, tormented group suffering from mass psychosis. They wrap themselves up in do-good, virtue-signaling knots and then attempt to rationalize positions even they know are inde...

  • June 13, 2022

    Dancing with the liberal media

    There's one thing that all conservatives can agree on: we don't get a fair shake from the liberal mainstream media.  Our positions, concerns, and opinions are continually and intentionally misrepresented and sloughed off by the libe...

  • May 28, 2022

    School Shootings: If It Was Simple, We’d Have Done It

    There are no easy answers for school shootings. If there were, we’d have done it by now. But that doesn’t mean there are none at all. There are, but they’re neither simple nor easy and they’re exceedingly difficult to hear and...

  • May 16, 2022

    Seizing the Narrative

    We need to talk about why Republicans don’t talk about the most important and visible issues in front of the electorate at any given time. As a party, Republicans are incredibly bad about not getting in front of the narrative-du-jour and s...

  • April 26, 2022

    Fraud is the Only Issue

    From a straight political standpoint, things are not going well for the Democrats. It’s difficult to cite a time in post-World War II America when so many things on so many fronts went this badly this quickly, and the voting public knows it...

  • April 19, 2022

    I guess I'm a racist. Who knew?

    We live in a small town in eastern Massachusetts, about an hour outside Boston.  Except for the bigger cities like Boston, Springfield, Worcester, Fall River, etc., Massachusetts is pretty evenly split along the liberal/conservative lines....

  • April 11, 2022

    Dig, Baby, Dig!

    There is an absolutely fascinating study that was done in July 2020 by Mark P. Mills, Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, called “Mines, Minerals and Green Energy: A Reality Check.” In it, Mills lays out a very convincing case th...

  • April 1, 2022

    Biden, the Ersatz President

    The United States does not have a real president right now. There is an individual named Joe Biden who shows up occasionally and sits in the Oval Office, but in no way can he be considered to be “President” in the traditional understandin...

  • March 28, 2022

    How Presidents Influence Gas Prices

    The Democrats are nothing if not creative and nervy. They play the political game of influencing public opinion far better than Republicans. Even though their PR efforts are aided by a media that is overwhelmingly liberally biased, the Democrats are ...

  • March 24, 2022

    The Democrats Need COVID to Stay in Power

    There are specific issues that are key to the very existence of the Democrat Party and most liberal/progressive advocacy groups. The Democrat Party trades in multicategory victimhood and creating taxpayer-funded Government programs in order to ...

  • March 10, 2022

    From Massachusetts, 10 talking points to counter Democrat positions

    We run the Republican Town Committee in our town in Massachusetts. As can be imagined in this liberal bastion, it's an uphill climb.  The majority of people here really do fall into the cliché of the snobby, out-of-touch North...

  • March 6, 2022

    Is It Intentional or Simply Ignorance?

    Among a number of things going wrong in America right now, worst of all is our totally unnecessary, self-inflicted end to energy independence. This one is particularly frustrating because it is so unnecessary and arbitrary.  Based purely...

  • February 25, 2022

    Liberals Always React Like Third-Graders

    No one likes it when things don’t go their way. Whether it’s a being passed over for a promotion at work or the dissolution of a long-term personal relationship or a financial reversal, a setback is never welcome.  What defines a per...

  • February 19, 2022

    Why would Russia want to invade Ukraine?

    This is a good question, and the tendency is to over-think things. It's not as complicated as it might seem.  There are several contributing factors, none of which by itself is overwhelmingly convincing, but taken in aggregate, they...

  • February 14, 2022

    Don't Get Sick in a Blue State

    There is no lack of stark contrast between the way conservative/red states and liberal/blue states have handled the COVID crisis over the past two years. I live in Massachusetts, Land o' Warren, home to the biggest destructively phony RINO of ...

  • January 10, 2022

    What to Do with Feckless Republicans?

    It seems as if pretty much all the news these days is bad, doesn't it?  When things aren't good, the one thing the average person wants is to feel that he has some real, dependable representation in D.C., someone who empathizes and ...

  • December 24, 2021

    Kitchen Tables Issues Rule the Day

    Political ideology is a very strong vote-influencing factor. Many—too many—people regard politics and voting (especially for national office) as a matter of affirming one’s allegiance to their “team.” If you are a Northe...

  • December 16, 2021

    Of Heroes, Racists, and Hitler

    The preposterous Rob Reiner (“Meathead” from the famous 1970’s sitcom All in the Family) appeared on a mainstream liberal Sunday talk show recently and droned on and on about conservatives being racists, Jan. 6 being ...

  • December 4, 2021

    How Much Longer for COVID Scare Tactics?

    So, here we are again: A new COVID variant has appeared on the world stage, this one called 'omicron,' supposedly originating in South Africa. It’s already been detected in Europe and Canada, and the inestimable Dr. Anthony Fauci o...

  • November 8, 2021

    Is 'woke' hip?

    "What is hip?"  For anyone older than, say, around 60, that phrase conjures up the memory of that great 1970s R&B group Tower of Power and their signature song of the same title.  Unlike many passing trends and clich...

  • November 1, 2021

    This Can't Be True

    Unbelievable.  That's really the only way to describe the never-ending onslaught of bad news and incredible occurrences that are exploding in our daily lives.  Just when you think it couldn't get any worse, that they can...

  • October 19, 2021

    Why I’m Betting Biden Goes the 4-Year Distance

    Barring infirmity, Joe Biden is likely to serve out his four-year term. For political reasons, despite the manifest failure of his presidency and his party’s terror of what lies ahead, he has a winning hand. Sure, the country is in one hecku...

  • October 9, 2021

    The Challenge of School Committees

    We need to defund the school committees. In this context, “defund” is a term used to denote a lack of respect. “Defund the police” means that Woke progressives do not respect the police and would like to see their involvement ...

  • September 29, 2021

    COVID-19 Is the New Global Warming

    Despite their supposed apolitical nature, some issues develop along hyper-partisan fault lines and become a litmus test in identifying where someone rests along the ideological spectrum.  One might never think topics like patriotism or meri...

  • September 5, 2021

    Ever wonder why woke people hate America so much?

    "No one ever washes a rented car."  This old cliché explains much of what is happening in both politics and society today. The entire CRT/BLM/wokist sentiment in the country — epitomized by what is happening in a s...

  • August 27, 2021

    The Closing of the Progressive Mind

    Most people stick with their initial position regardless of any new information or evidence that subsequently comes to light, evidence that factually undermines their first publicly stated opinion. This is a pretty reliable constant in human emotiona...

  • August 22, 2021

    The new progressive bitter clingers

    Current events often create memorable new clichés and aphorisms. One such well-known occurrence took place in San Francisco during Barack Obama’s first campaign for president in 2008. He made an off-handed remark to his supporters, e...

  • August 8, 2021

    Your papers, please!

    “Show me your papers, please.” That line, spoken in a thick, generic European accent by a sinister-looking middle-aged man in a dark suit and black hat, is a staple of seemingly every spy thriller-oriented movie since 1960. The audience t...

  • August 4, 2021

    The America Second Agenda

    America Second. That’s the current administration’s goal. Almost immediately once “President” Biden was in office, crude oil and retail gasoline pricing went through the roof. In a blatant, reckless, unthinking cave to the env...

  • July 26, 2021

    Hypocrisy, Thy Name is Progressive

    The title may be obvious to the politically aware, the close observers of the news cycle, those who pay rapt attention to world events.  But those qualifiers cut out a substantial portion of voters.  It's not an exaggeration t...

  • July 10, 2021

    It's Official: Patriotism Is Conservative — and Bad

    This has been building for some time now, but it's finally out in the open: To be overtly patriotic and show public support for the American flag is now a sign of conservatism.  Not the longstanding traditional "good" conserva...

  • June 10, 2021

    Biden to Harris: Disaster 1 to Disaster 2

    That “President” Biden is an unmitigated disaster as our chief executive is so painfully apparent to everyone that it hardly seems necessary to point it out.  Nonetheless, just briefly consider: Catastrophic Governance His...

  • May 27, 2021

    In a post-Trump world, absolutely everything is now political

    The Donald J. Trump presidency did indeed send ripples across the American societal and political pond. Actually, more than mere ripples.  They were big, disruptive waves. One big effect of the Trump presidency, something that shook...

  • May 17, 2021

    Our Democrat Rulers Can't Be Serious

    Tennis great John McEnroe was well known for his mercurial personality and unrestrained outbursts when he felt that a close call wrongly hadn't gone his way.  His use of the phrase "you cannot be serious" has become sports lor...

  • May 2, 2021

    How Much Worse Can it Get?

    Things may actually get a little worse than they are now. The Democrats under the “Biden” administration have shed any last vestiges of pretense surrounding their desire to utterly remake the United States into some idealized version of t...

  • April 20, 2021

    The Puppy Dog Media

    This is not going to be the article that one might think it is from the title. This is not yet another article in a long line of articles pointing out that the mainstream media are in the back pocket of the progressive Democrat party. We can point...

  • April 8, 2021

    The Phony 'Woke' Risk Nothing

    Throughout history, the bravest revolutionaries who changed history for the better willingly did so in the face of great personal danger and hardship. Nowhere was this more evident than in our Revolutionary War against Great Britain, from 1775-1783. ...

  • March 29, 2021

    But at Least He's Not Trump!

    The country is well short of three months into "President" Biden's administration, and the degree of change in the country in that short period of time has been nothing short of incredible.  Astonishing, really. Unprecedented....

  • March 15, 2021

    The Military’s Mission is National Security, Not 'Equality'

    President Biden—or whoever is making the actual policy decisions for the country these days—is damaging the national security of the United States by allowing women and transgenders to assume an ever-increasing role in front-line combat o...

  • February 26, 2021

    The Democrats Are Not Governing

    Let’s just state this unequivocally right up front: The Democrats have no interest in governing the country with the aim of enhancing the country’s fortunes for the benefit of the entire population. Instead, the Democrats have two aims an...

  • January 24, 2021

    Joe Biden signs whatever's put in front of him

    M*A*S*H was an American television comedy that ran from 1972 through 1983.  Set in the Korean War, it followed the exploits of a U.S. Army field surgical hospital (the "4077th") as they dealt with the hardships of war, the bureauc...

  • January 16, 2021

    Will fortune favor the Democrats forever?

    In times like these, historical events often serve as a reliable guide to help us interpret what we're experiencing. The events at the Capitol on January 6 were certainly tumultuous and a harbinger of things to come.  The Democrats a...

  • December 29, 2020

    November 2020: The Good Points

    It’s impossible to sugarcoat this: The Presidential election of November 2020 was an unmitigated disaster to any sane-thinking person concerned with the good of America. While unintellectual, style-obsessed political simpletons cheer the outcom...

  • December 1, 2020

    An ‘Enigma’ Theme Runs Through The 2020 Election

    The Democrats have been practicing for this election for a long time but, until this year, they had to keep relatively secret the fact that they had the code to make elections break in their direction. This year, they abandoned secrecy. Their conduct...

  • November 11, 2020

    Trump has Reshaped American Politics Forever

    Donald J. Trump’s improbable presidency has been the most consequential presidency in modern times and his influence on American politics is ongoing and permanent. From the time he rode down that escalator in July 2015 to announce his candid...

  • October 22, 2020

    Biden's Mental Acuity Is Not an Issue

    It seems as if Republicans can't stop talking about Joe Biden's obviously diminished mental state.  At his rallies, President Trump regularly refers to Biden as "Sleepy Joe" and says things like, "He doesn't even ...

  • October 1, 2020

    Why Do Some Republicans Drift Leftward?

    The liberals' worst nightmare has come to pass: Ruth Bader Ginsburg died during the Trump administration.  Many supporters had urged her to retire during Obama's tenure so he could appoint her leftist successor.  But with ...

  • September 18, 2020

    No Rational Person Can Vote Democratic in 2020

    Let’s say this straight out, so there is no chance of any misinterpretation whatsoever: It is impossible for any sane, rational, level-headed person to consciously support the Democratic ticket in 2020. On every single issue, right down the lin...

  • September 9, 2020

    The Democrats Will Wreck Everything

    The cliché currently floating around is, “This is the most important election in the nation’s history.” That was said last time and the time before that, and it will be said next time too. Over the last 20 years or so, they h...

  • August 16, 2020

    Only Reagan and Trump Understand America

    There was a fascinating interview with Soviet KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov in 1984 in which he foretold in unerring detail the exact social and political scenarios that would exist in America in the near future. His contention was that the KGB was invo...

  • July 29, 2020

    Don’t Lecture Me

    Hardcore liberals are far more apt to engage in public criticism and protest to support their views than conservatives. A recent poll has just confirmed what we’ve all known in our gut for a long time: While conservatives are hesitant to expres...

  • June 26, 2020

    Crush Your Enemies

    There's a lifelong maxim that states that only the complete destruction of one's enemies will suffice.  Merely winning a particular battle is not enough.  If they survive the defeat and can come back to fight another day, ...

  • June 4, 2020

    The Magic of the Merlin

    The SpaceX Demo-2/Dragon spacecraft was successfully launched into space on Saturday May 30, 2020, marking the first-ever collaboration between NASA and a private entity, Elon Musk's SpaceX. The Falcon 9 booster was comprised of nine SpaceX Merli...

  • April 26, 2020

    Biden might actually win

    When you think of it, it's nothing short of incredible that Joe Biden is the presumptive nominee for the Democratic Party.  One might have thought 2016 would have been Biden's year (if he was ever going to have a time at bat), since...

  • April 16, 2020

    The Gasoline Price Shell Game

    The Chinese coronavirus has put a huge damper on business activity, consumer spending and transportation, especially recreational/discretionary spending and activity. With the lockdown and stay-at-home orders widespread in the U.S. and many other maj...

  • April 3, 2020

    President Trump Stands Tall

    Amid the confusion, fear, and uncertainty surrounding the outbreak of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic in the United States, one thing is obvious: this country is astonishingly fortunate to have Donald Trump as our president. In predictably trite,...

  • March 15, 2020

    Charlie Baker Is Not the Next Trump

    There is a lot of talk about who the Republicans might field as their candidate in the 2024 presidential race. Aside from some discussion of a Trump offspring (Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump), many conservative pundits think that the Republican Party...

  • March 6, 2020

    Weekend at Bernie's

    How quickly the political winds can shift. A few weeks ago, all the talk was about the “unstoppable” Bernie Sanders, how this time there would be no Clinton machine working illicitly behind the scenes to rig the nomination process against...

  • February 23, 2020

    Why They Hate Trump

    Nearly 50% of the American political world hate President Trump. Truly hate him. This is no mild disregard like it was for President Bush 43 “Dubbya,” he of the cowboy foreign policy. This is not the “He’s a total lightweight ...

  • February 18, 2020

    The Rise of Democratic Idiocracy

    As the 2020 campaign season heats up, the candidates are staking out their respective positions along the political continuum, looking to occupy precisely the right slot, the one that will appeal to a winning swath of voters come November. Preside...

  • February 1, 2020

    Why Are Liberal Cities Such a Mess?

    Many major U.S. cities run by liberal Democrats are in rough shape. They are afflicted by the problems of homelessness, violent crime, gangs, and unemployment to a far greater degree than the country as a whole. Consider the following: Chicago...

  • January 17, 2020

    Election 2020: A Question of 'Style'

    The presidential election in November 2020 will be close, at least from a popular vote standpoint. Even if President Trump handily defeats his Democratic challenger in the Electoral College -- whoever that challenger ends up being -- the popular vote...

  • November 26, 2019

    The Democrats: Identity Politics above All

    If anything has become crystal-clear this year through all the interminable, pointless, never-ending Democratic Free-a-Thons (one can hardly call them "debates"), it's this: The Democrats are totally and absolutely a party focused so...

  • October 19, 2019

    Proving a Negative

    Proving a negative -- proving that the absence of something is definitively due to very specific reasons or circumstances -- is an inexact science at best. There is a hugely significant “negative” that  has occurred recently, one tha...

  • October 2, 2019

    My dad was better than John Kerry

    Former Mass. senator and 2004 Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry is an accurate precursor for today's 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls.  Unbearably self-absorbed and phony, Kerry's military career was rife with con...

  • September 24, 2019

    Like It Never Even Happened

    There is a water/fire restoration company named ServPro and their marketing pitch is, “We’ll make fire and water damage seem like it never even happened.” This is exactly how the Democratic Party operates these days. Whenever one...

  • September 18, 2019

    Presidential Debates Are All About Style

    If there’s one aspect of the presidential nomination/election process that’s become increasingly important through the years, it’s the debates. Whether they’re the debates among the contenders vying for their Party’s nom...

  • September 11, 2019

    Get Off My Grass

    This crop of Democratic presidential contenders is a rare bunch, aren’t they? Has there ever been a more transparently disingenuous, pandering group of politicians more willing to out-promise the most unrealistically outrageous things than this...

  • September 7, 2019

    Politicians as Folk Heroes?

    A few months ago, Charles Blow -- the trite, tiresome, ponderous NY Times columnist who is the poster child for clichéd, predictable liberal talking points -- wrote an article about how President Trump has become something of a folk hero to so...

  • August 28, 2019

    Joe Biden’s Great Disappearing Act

    Remember several months ago when Joe Biden was leading the Democratic polls by huge margins? 40-12%? 37-15%? 25-16%? Ahh… the good old days. The days when Joe would boast about beating up Donald Trump after school, at the athletic field. The d...

  • August 17, 2019

    Do the Democrats Have an Issue?

    The poor Democrats: As the Russia collusion/Mueller investigation issue disappeared into nothingness like so much skywriting wisping away into the winds, so too did the surefire issue with which the Dems thought the White House would automatically be...

  • August 2, 2019

    Timing Is Everything

    Timing is everything, as the old saying goes. Being the recipient of a fortuitous set of circumstances due to the occurrence of random developments over which one had no influence is the very definition of “lucky.” Landing that plum job, ...

  • July 5, 2019

    Heads I Win, Tails You Lose

    There is no winning for President Trump. His detractors in the liberal media and the Democratic Party will never give him the slightest credit for anything, even if he does exactly what his opposition favors. As the joke goes, if President Trump were...

  • June 20, 2019

    Trump: The Direct Representative

    To state the painfully obvious, the job of president is a tough one. There are countless obligations, pressures, influences, and crises that present themselves daily. Discharging all the wildly disparate responsibilities of the office with any sembla...

  • June 14, 2019

    The Vice-President Won-Lost Game

    Most vice-presidents want to be president someday. As a matter of fact, a significant number of vice-presidents -- probably the majority -- are themselves failed presidential aspirants, having been denied their party’s nomination during the pre...

  • June 4, 2019

    It’s the Product, Stupid

    Not many companies in the past several years have generated the amount of attention and controversy as Tesla has. Tesla’s CEO, Elon Musk, is without question one of the more uneven and mercurial company heads to have come along in quite some ti...

  • May 25, 2019

    No Fun in 2020

    There’s a great old saying that goes, “Nothing is as much fun as you think it’s going to be.” That aphorism is particularly fitting for Republicans who are eagerly looking forward to seeing this season’s crop of motle...

  • May 17, 2019

    Income equality: Don't fight the other guy's fight

    There's an old axiom in boxing that says you'll never win if you fight the other guy's fight. If he's a slick boxer, you should try to pressure him, break his rhythm, force him to get into a punch-for-punch shootout.  Con...

  • May 10, 2019

    Not Enough Fraziers

    A lot of conversation these days is concerned with the degradation of American culture and society. There is a widespread feeling that too many people in this country no longer exhibit the enviable traits of hard work and self-sacrifice as a means to...

  • May 1, 2019

    The Dems Don’t Even Believe Themselves

    There are 20 Democratic contenders vying for their party’s 2020 presidential nomination. Or is it 21? It’s tough to keep track. Through the tiresome ranks of the Kamala Harrises, Cory Bookers, Julian Castros, Elizabeth Warrens, Beto O...

  • April 18, 2019

    Democrats Move the Goalposts (Again)

    The ridiculously long, drawn out, overdone "Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election" investigation proves an ages-old political maxim: the benchmark of proof that a political accusation has to satisfy in order to be considered...

  • April 7, 2019

    Trump Says What he Means

    Like him or hate him, President Trump has proven to be extremely adept at doing the one thing that all politicians hope to do: get his message out in a clear and unfettered manner, so that his audience knows exactly how he stands on a given issue or ...

  • March 8, 2019

    Jewish Obstinacy in the Age of Omar

    Let’s be crystal-clear about this right up front: I am both Jewish and conservative. I vote Republican most of the time because Republican candidates usually support the conservative positions and ideals that I favor. As can be expected, my ...

  • February 28, 2019

    The Blurry Line between Party and Country

    The latest summit between President Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un highlights the ever-increasing chasm between Democrats and Republicans. The rivalry and animosity has become so intense between warring political factions that the economy/...

  • February 18, 2019

    Danger Abounds for 2020 Democratic Presidential Contenders

    Conventional wisdom posits that in the presidential primary season, the contenders focus most of their attention and efforts on the more extreme wing of their party, the thought being that these rabid partisans — be they extreme-left or extreme...

  • February 7, 2019

    The Progessives and Your Money

    First things first. They’re no longer Democrats. “Democrats” are so yesterday, so obsolete, so unrepresentative of current liberal thought. JFK was a Democrat and he believed in a strong military, cutting taxes and confronting world...

  • January 27, 2019

    Respectable Enemies

    There is perhaps no category of enemy more universally reviled than the commander of an opposing military fighting force, the individual on the opposing side whose goal it is to destroy the people and things you’re trying to protect. Yet eve...

  • January 14, 2019

    Flip-Flopping: A Brief History

    Flip-flops on contentious issues in politics are commonplace -- a central part of the very fabric of our governing reality. Usually they’re done for vote-getting reasons in the heat of a contentious election campaign. But not this time. Na...

  • January 4, 2019

    What Is It about Massachusetts Politicians?

    Massachusetts Democratic politicians -- past and present alike -- display an unusually high regard for themselves and have an expectation of privilege and consideration that is both perplexing and largely unwarranted. This is as true today as it...

  • December 19, 2018

    It's Been a Good Year

    It’s been a good year for America. It’s been a good year for the people who live in America. A very good year. As a matter of fact, if we could have every year be like this one, we’d take it in a heartbeat. You wouldn’t kno...

  • November 21, 2018

    The Economy and the Voters

    There’s a cliché in economic psychology that goes something like this: “If your neighbor loses their job, it’s a recession. If you lose your job, it’s a depression.” That simple statement neatly sums up ...

  • November 13, 2018

    The Left Favors Global Warming

    Diehard environmentalists -- the fervent, radical Green faction -- want global warming to continue. Whether man-caused warming is real or just a fabrication of anti-capitalist leftists is unimportant. The hardcore environmental lobby wants and nee...

  • November 7, 2018

    Trump Derangement Syndrome Nothing New

    One thing everyone can agree on is that Donald Trump winning the presidency has thrown the left into a tizzy the likes of which hasn’t been seen before in American politics. In past elections, no matter how contentious and divisive the campaign...

  • October 30, 2018

    Democratic Attacks: Who's Paying?

    One thing is for sure: the Democrats never give up trying to pull fast ones on their Republican opponents and force them to defend and explain things the Republicans never in a million years thought they'd have to defend and explain.  R...

  • October 24, 2018

    The Golden Age of Heavyweight Boxing

    The decade of 1970s is widely regarded as the Golden Age of Heavyweight Boxing. More world-class, highly skilled heavyweights were active during this time than at any other decade in boxing history. Names like Ali, Frazier, Foreman, Norton, Quarry, L...

  • October 11, 2018

    There Are RINOs but Never DINOs

    The RINO is an interesting political phenomenon and relatively new.  It stands for Republican in Name Only, meaning that although the office-holder is a registered Republican, his voting record and public statements are too often aligned wi...

  • September 8, 2018

    Ocasio Gets Knocked Out

    In June 2018, young 28-year-old "Socialist Democrat" Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defeated 10-term Democrat Joe Crowley in what was considered a major upset. Crowley – a tried-and-true Democratic congressman with 20 years of loyal party s...

  • August 26, 2018

    FDR's Legacy: Another Fine Mess

    There is no question that the Middle East Arab-Israeli oil situation is one of the world's most enduring and vexing problems. Almost every economically significant country in the world has a major stake in how this scenario plays out, and most co...

  • August 11, 2018

    The Trump Economy and Buyer Psychology

    There was one thing most voters agreed on before the 2016 presidential election, and that was that Donald Trump was a good businessman and would likely do a good job handling the economy.  After eight years of halting, lackluster economic g...

  • July 29, 2018

    There's No Such Thing as 'Democratic Socialism'

    The new darling of the Democratic Party and the liberal mainstream media is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the bright-eyed twenty-something who upended long-time House member Joe Crowley in a New York state Democratic primary a few weeks ago. In thei...

  • July 13, 2018

    Gas Prices Are Still Low

    Gasoline is getting more expensive, but it's not as bad as it could be.  Now that the world's economy is in full recovery mode, with the Trump economy leading the way, the world's demand for oil is rising strongly once again....

  • June 28, 2018

    Donald Trump and the Supreme Court's Future

    The Supreme Court just recently upheld President Trump’s executive order travel/immigration ban from several predominantly Muslim countries. This was the President’s third attempt at a ban to restrict immigration from countries with known...

  • June 19, 2018

    Your Ship Has Just Come In

    Why is it that a country’s most famous ships seem to take on a personality of their own, as if they are living, breathing entities like movie stars, athletes, or entertainers? There’s no question that this is true. Everyone, no matter wha...

  • June 7, 2018

    Senate Dems Offer Some North Korean Summit Advice for President Trump

    The long-anticipated, on-again/off-again/on-again summit with North Korea is fast approaching, this coming Tuesday, June 12th, in Singapore. Here, President Trump and Kim Jong-un of North Korea will sit down and see if they can actually come to some ...

  • May 25, 2018

    It's Not Hanes until I Say

    Remember some years ago, when Hanes underwear had an ad campaign with an older woman doing final Q.C. inspection?  She sternly proclaimed, "It's not Hanes until I say it says Hanes!"  Very definitive, quite final. ...

  • May 11, 2018

    Incivility, Media, and the Left

    Among all the political/cultural double standards that liberals and Leftists get away with, none is greater than the incredible incivility and disrespect they continually show for conservative politicians, celebrities, and traditional institutions wi...

  • March 17, 2018

    In Praise of the Hustler

    Everyone is always looking for the big advantage.  Whether it's a military weapon that a country can use to threaten other countries with in order to get their way or some product or technological superiority that a company can use to f...

  • March 10, 2018

    'You're Fired!': The Key to the Free Market

    "You're fired!"  Those are the sweetest two words in the entire English language.  Those two words make possible everything that's good in our daily lives: our freedom, our safety, the many modes of transportatio...

  • February 18, 2018

    Can't Anyone Take a Joke?

    We have two adult daughters.  Both are married with children of their own.  One of them lives overseas in Italy.  (Don't ask.  It's a long story – but it gives us a great place to visit). ...

  • February 6, 2018

    The ‘Real’ Russia Collusion: Oil

    Russian collusion is indeed a major issue threatening the well-being of our country. It’s just not the Russia collusion that’s been bandied about in the news for over a year. No, it’s Russia colluding with OPEC to intentionally rais...

  • February 2, 2018

    Pieces of the Same Puzzle: SOTU, DACA, FBI

    There are three issues swirling around in the news lately that may appear to be unrelated: the recently-delivered State of the Union (SOTU) address, the ongoing controversy over DACA immigrants, and the about-to-be-released FBI memo regarding the bas...

  • January 18, 2018

    If Democrats Take the House, They'll Impeach Trump

    Historically, the first midterm elections in a new president's first term result in major losses for the president's party.  The most famous recent example was in 1994, following the 1992 election of Bill Clinton.  In spit...

  • January 13, 2018

    Democrats Are All about Winning, Not Governing

    It's been said that we have two major governing parties in this country: the Democrats and the Republicans.  Each party has a different, broad-based approach to managing the country: the Democrats believe that government-created, taxpay...

  • January 10, 2018

    Sometimes Late Is Worse than Never

    It seems like timing is everything in life.  Job opportunities, investments, political initiatives, travel schedules, etc. – things can work out to maximum advantage or with disastrous results depending on a small shift in the timing ...

  • December 11, 2017

    The Good News and the Bad News

    There are lots of important stories in the news every day, but the truly fascinating thing is way that they’re covered and the positive/negative spin that’s assigned to the major political groups. Economic news is certainly a significa...

  • December 3, 2017

    Donald Trump's Crimes

    President Trump is indisputably guilty of many crimes against the societal and political norms of this country. These crimes are profound and grievous, and they shake the very foundations upon which acceptable presidential behaviour has always been b...

  • November 2, 2017

    The Ends Justify the Means...Sometimes

    As the interminable, months-long Robert Mueller investigation on collusion between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia continues to wend its way to some unpredictable, unsatisfying conclusion, one is struck by the notion that there ...

  • October 7, 2017

    Liberal Outrage Is All about Getting Votes

    The Vegas shooting has brought the topic of gun control front and center once again.  Within mere hours after the event took place, countless liberal politicians and celebrities were prattling on in their best sanctimoniously outraged voices abo...

  • September 22, 2017

    Should the Constitution Be a Living Document?

    Although President Kennedy's inaugural speech in January 1961 is more famous ("Ask not what your country can do for you..."), President Eisenhower's farewell speech from January 1961 contained many themes and ideas that could still ...

  • September 8, 2017

    Hurricane Harvey and Progressive Capitalists

    It’s all so neat and tidy. We have our heroes -- the people and entities who consistently do the right thing and uphold the ideals we adhere to so strongly. Then there are the villains, those individuals, politicians, and organizations who will...

  • August 4, 2017

    It's No Longer Business as Usual

    There is a popular phrase being tossed around in business circles these days called the Amazon Effect. This refers, of course, to the impact that Amazon -- and by extension, all on-line sellers -- have had on the traditional brick-and-mortar physical...

  • July 27, 2017

    The Missing Weapon at Dunkirk

    Although most people under 40 are astonishingly ignorant about it, a great worldwide armed conflict known as World War II took place from 1939-1945 in the European and Pacific regions. It is relevant and important to know and understand because the o...

  • July 10, 2017

    Have You Heard? All Republican Presidents Are Stupid

    The media are famously accused of being liberally biased. Whether it’s the traditional network TV nightly newscasts on ABC-CBS-NBC, the few surviving major newspapers like the New York Times and Washington Post, popular TV “infotainment...

  • July 9, 2017

    The One Thing Democrats Are Really Good At

    The Democrats have a good thing going. It’s unclear exactly how they arranged it or why it is that no one has really noticed it before and called them out on it. But they are very clever and they deserve full credit for pulling it off. It...

  • June 16, 2017

    For Democrats, it's come down to 'Just Get Someone'

    The November 2016 election of Donald Trump has so incensed the liberal mainstream media and the Democratic establishment that they've become virtually unhinged emotionally in their zeal to delegitimize and torpedo his presidency.  Far from ...

  • June 14, 2017

    Finishing the Job: Military Action in the Postwar Era

    The destiny of modern civilized society has been shaped more by one single factor in the last 70 or so years than any other: the unwillingness of a warring state to see its military operations to a final, overwhelming, complete conclusion. In fact, t...

  • June 2, 2017

    Perception Is Reality

    “Perception is reality” is a truism in most areas of human experience, but perhaps more so in politics than any other realm. Zealots on all sides know that if they can create an enduring, indelible image -- whether positive or negative --...

  • May 20, 2017

    Partisanship Works – for the Democrats

    Partisanship certainly works well for the Democrats when it comes to shaping public opinion and influencing policy. It’s a discipline the Democrats have developed into an art form. Despite all the talk about reaching “across the aisle,...

  • April 26, 2017

    You Can’t Have It Both Ways

    It’s human nature: when Person A finally takes the action or adopts the position favored by Person B, the inclination is for Person B to continue to be dissatisfied with Person A and not give them any credit for their move. Person B will very o...

  • April 22, 2017

    President Trump: Seriously vs. Literally

    Some politicians are charmers, such as Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and JFK. They have charisma, a personal attractiveness that makes them appealing to a wide swath of voters of all races, genders and ethnicities. Voters of their own party are absolute...

  • April 18, 2017

    Why the Doolittle Raid Still Matters 75 Years Later

    History is always relevant if we’re willing to learn from it. A good example is the Doolittle Raid on Tokyo Japan on April 18, 1942. By way of quick background, the United States was forced into World War II after the surprise Ja...

  • April 6, 2017

    Follow the Votes

    There’s an old cliché that applies to many situations: “Follow the money.” This means, of course, that many actions, statements and rationalizations are best understood when the observer realizes that the initiator has their ...

  • March 30, 2017

    Rare but Important Political Self-Conversions

    It’s been said that the American electorate can be divided into three roughly equal parts: 1/3 that pays virtually no attention to politics and policy, and if they vote, they either vote by habit or by whatever impression happened to catc...

  • March 23, 2017

    Land mines abound for Republicans in Obamacare replacement

    Now that Republicans control of both houses of Congress as well as the presidency, many are expecting Obamacare to be repealed and replaced very soon.  Whether by simple majority vote, employing the Senate "nuclear option," or using th...

  • March 6, 2017

    The Battle of Britain Saved Western Democracy

    It’s been said that winning entities -- whether sports teams, warring countries or business rivals -- share one overriding characteristic: they minimize their serious errors. An occasional misstep along the way perhaps, but they rarely beat the...

  • February 24, 2017

    President Trump Rewrites the Media Playbook

    Irrespective of any policy controversies in his nascent administration, one thing is clear: President Trump’s fearless, effective handling of the liberal media redounds to his benefit in a manner never seen before in Republican politics. He...

  • February 17, 2017

    Farther Left or Farther Right?

    There is a great public debate taking place among the intelligentsia, the political talking heads, and in written media concerning the relative positional/ideological shift of the two main parties. Barely a day goes by when one side or the other does...

  • January 27, 2017

    Why American Jews Are Overwhelmingly Liberal

    Books could be written on the subject of why most American Jews are liberal. In fact books have been written, the best of which is probably Norman Podhoretz’ Why Are Jews Liberals? The answer is more emotional- and “feel...

  • January 14, 2017

    Speakers, Career Fortunes, and ‘What Ifs’

    Let’s talk about speakers -- the speakers in a music system, those boxes that people used to put in their living room and connect to a receiver and a turntable and play records through. Speakers were a very important part of home entertainment,...

  • January 5, 2017

    The War on...Words

    We’re engaged in a destructive, debilitating war, a war that directly drains our resources and inhibits our ability to function as free-thinking, motivated, self-reliant individuals. It’s a conflict that pits arbitrarily-chosen demographi...

  • December 21, 2016

    Trump’s Third Path

    There is usually a raging controversy within the Republican Party as to the nature of its presidential nominee. One train of thought says that it should be a “moderate,” someone whose “reasonable” demeanor can appeal to the in...

  • December 9, 2016

    Playing with House Money

    Everyone’s familiar with the term “house money.” When you’re playing with house money, you’re gambling or spending money that’s not actually yours, so the perceived risk is lower than it would be if it were your mo...

  • November 15, 2016

    An Arrogant and Lazy Presidency

    It's safe to say that there has rarely, if ever, been a president more absolutely sure of the utter and total correctness of his positions than Barack Obama.  While outward humility and the intentional display of human hesitation have long b...

  • November 14, 2016

    Counting absentee votes

    Perhaps it would have been more accurate in my blog post “Hillary wins the popular vote – not” to characterize the inconsistencies in the handling of absentee ballots as a town-by-town situation rather than a blanket statewide scena...

  • November 11, 2016

    Hillary wins the popular vote – not

    Update: See also Counting Absentee Votes Okay, let’s address this “Hillary might win the popular vote, isn’t that Electoral College situation just awful” thing head on. No, it’s not awful.  It’s great, a...

  • November 4, 2016

    Will Oil and Gasoline Prices Stay Low?

    We’ve enjoyed low gasoline and heating oil prices for a few years now, since worldwide crude oil prices plummeted from over $100/bbl in early 2014 to less than half that today. Actually, the current pricing of $45-55/bbl represents a “com...

  • October 26, 2016

    The Ignorance of ‘Cut Military Spending’

    Military spending long has been the preferred target when politicians try to explain where the funds will come from for the vastly increased domestic/social spending programs that they promise.  “We spend far too much on defense; all the m...

  • October 9, 2016

    Choosing between Candidates: Personality or Policy?

    When choosing between candidates, it’s often difficult -- if not impossible -- for people to distinguish between a candidate’s personality, “feel” and aura on the one hand and those candidates’ actual policy stances and ...

  • October 1, 2016

    Will a Republican Ever Again Win the Presidency?

    The chances of a Republican victory in a presidential election are continually diminishing with each succeeding cycle, to the point that a Republican victory from this point forward will have to be regarded as an exceedingly unlikely occurrence. T...

  • September 16, 2016

    The Fallacy of Income Inequality

    There was a delicious ditty in the news a few months ago about how the world’s wealthiest 62 persons own more assets than half of the world’s population: Last year, just 62 individuals held wealth equivalent to the amount owned by 3....

  • August 31, 2016

    Hands of Stone

    Let me cut right to the chase here -- this is a great movie. Hands of Stone is a movie about the great Panamanian boxer Roberto Duran, active from the 1970’s until his retirement in 2002, at age 50. I almost didn’t see this movie, d...

  • August 28, 2016

    Pre-Empting the Liberal Media

    Liberal mainstream media bias for Hillary Clinton is the single biggest factor so far in this election season contributing to her lead in the polls. The nightly news on NBC, ABC, CBS, NPR, the NY Times, Washington Post, the morning and late-night TV ...

  • August 17, 2016

    The Jurassic Park Candidate

    The first Jurassic Park movie was a memorable effort. Great on-screen effects, a compelling and thought-provoking plot that worked on several levels, interesting characters and a tense climactic scene with a satisfyingly concrete resolution. One o...

  • July 26, 2016

    A Knockout of a Presidential Contest

    Boxing aficionados who remember back to the 1970s -- arguably the high-water mark for heavyweight boxing -- know that there were more championship-grade fighters active at the same time in the heavyweight division than at any other time in boxing his...

  • July 21, 2016

    Yes, Elites Have the Power…

    The power of academic and media elites to shape public perceptions is insufficiently understood.  That power can convince the public to accept a fantasy narrative of historic events.  One such example is the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 and...

  • June 23, 2016

    She’s Not Trump

    At first, she was this: The First Woman. Neither she nor her supporters admit that Hillary was initially running solely because she is the First Woman. Instead, she was running on her supposed wealth of experience and competence, her selfless, lif...

  • June 8, 2016

    Reflections on Muhammad Ali

    Former heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali died on June 4, 2016 at the age of 74 from complications related to Parkinson’s Disease. His archrival Joe Frazier died November 7th 2011 at the age of 67 from liver cancer. Their names forever jo...

  • June 4, 2016

    Leftist Lies on the Decision to Bomb Hiroshima

    Historical arguments based on fantasy and a desire to present America as a villain have made the use of nuclear weapons to end World War II into a “controversy.” Ignorance of history is a very dangerous thing. The President recently v...

  • May 14, 2016

    Manufacturing a Crisis

    If there is one thing that Democrats and Republicans always seem to agree on, it’s this: Manufacturing jobs are the key to economic success in this country. We’ve got to “revitalize” the manufacturing sector if the economy is ...

  • April 30, 2016

    Miles Ahead

    Jazz trumpeter Miles Davis (1926-1991) is an American musical icon, whose influence on both jazz and popular music over a span of 40 years could quite legitimately be regarded as unparalleled in the annals of post-World War II Western music. His earl...

  • April 22, 2016

    Equal Pay for Equal Media Bias

    Let’s be as crystal clear as possible here, so no one who is intellectually honest can come back and cry foul:  There should always be equal pay for equal work, regardless of gender, race or anything else. If someone puts two widgets toget...

  • April 12, 2016

    The Tesla 3: A Marketing Success Story

    Tesla Motors recently announced the projected late 2017 availability of their new Tesla Model 3 all-electric car. For the four or so people remaining in the United States who don’t know about this vehicle, the Tesla 3 is an affordably-priced el...

  • April 2, 2016

    Free College Is Too Expensive

    There’s a reason why old clichés tend to hang around for decades. The reason is they’re based on fact. Example: “There’s no such thing as a free lunch.” When someone says that a critically-important product or ...

  • March 18, 2016

    Why Rubio Struck Out

    Marco Rubio’s 2016 Presidential campaign is over. Under-performing from the start, never able to get real traction and command serious attention from either the media or Republican Party insiders, Rubio vacated his Florida Senate seat to embark...

  • November 5, 2009

    It's a Gas

    I've got a proposition for President Obama. How would you like to champion an issue that will do the following:Be important to the general population, impacting virtually everyone, in all walks of lifeDrastically improve our energy independence and s...

  • August 24, 2008

    Style vs. Substance

    A well-educated friend of mine-whose opinion I respect-opined the other day that he was "....encouraged in the short run by having two [Presidential] candidates from which to choose who seem to possess superior intelligence. ...

  • July 26, 2008

    Iran and the Lessons of Dunkirk

    In early May 1940, less than a year after the outbreak of the Second World War in Europe, Germany turned its attention to Western Europe with a vengeance. German armed forces -- utilizing their newly-perfected Blitzkrieg tactics of tank attacks coord...

  • January 1, 2007

    Threats, Real and Imagined

    Mankind's existence is always being threatened, or so it seems. The number of societal-threatening events that have occurred in roughly the last thirty years is nothing short of amazing.In 1976, hundreds of people became sick and dozens died at a con...

  • November 12, 2006

    Intentional Election, Unintended Consequences

    In politics, it seems like nothing goes the way the experts thought it would. Conventional wisdom had it that the Democrats would likely take over the House in the 2006 mid—term elections, but the Republicans would retain a majority—albei...

  • July 7, 2006

    Take One, They're Free

    The Democratic Party probably thinks that this year's November elections will herald their return to Prime Time. Faced with a Republican Party beset by deep divisions over immigration reform, their all—too—well publicized difficulties on ...

  • May 26, 2006

    Long-term Vision, Short-term Blindness

    Conventional wisdom says that the Republicans are in real danger of losing one, if not both Houses of Congress this November. There has been a never—ending stream of bad political news for the President and his party since last year—the L...

  • March 24, 2006

    Fighting the Wrong Fight

    To be successful in the sport of boxing, a fighter must embody every athletic attribute to its maximum—and all at the same time. Speed, strength, power, balance, hand—eye coordination, stamina, strategy, and courage are all required at th...

  • January 31, 2006

    Word on the Street

    There is a lot of talk these days about the 'street.' What's the word on the street? What does the average person think? How do upper—level policies actually translate down to day—to—day reality? The antique media use the 'stre...

  • December 30, 2005

    Top Five 2005 Stories the MSM hated

    Another year has gone into the record books and year—end compilations, re—caps and summaries abound. Why people seem to find such comfort and satisfaction in these lists and round—ups remains a mystery, but nonetheless, it is so. It...

  • October 13, 2005

    Itching for a fight

    Rarely has there been an event as fractious for the GOP as President Bush's nomination of Harriet Miers to be Associate Justice on the Supreme Court. Leading conservative pundits and analysts have been falling over themselves to see who could issue t...

  • September 30, 2005

    Dizzy was right

    Trumpeter John 'Dizzy' Gillespie was one of jazz's all—time great performers. With his colorful on—stage antics and trademark bent—bell horn, Gillespie was widely recognized as a prime architect of the influential be—bop movem...

  • September 16, 2005

    It's all your fault

    The President has certainly had a difficult time of it lately. Hurricane Katrina has brought forth a dizzying array of problems, each one of them, apparently, clearly the fault of President Bush. The city of New Orleans has long been at high risk for...

  • August 19, 2005

    A Future All-Star

    One of the secrets to the long—term fortunes of any successful sports franchise is that they consistently develop new home—grown talent from within their organization. While teams can and do achieve momentary triumph by acquiring a high...

  • July 29, 2005

    Truth in advertising

    Now that John Roberts has been nominated to the Supreme Court by President Bush, attention will focus once again on how this change in the Court's makeup might influence the politically crucial subject of abortion. It's time for honesty here. Despite...

  • July 6, 2005

    Kelo is the key to a new Supreme Court

    Few Supreme Court rulings have resonated with the average person in as chillingly fundamental a manner as has the recent Kelo v New London eminent domain ruling that awarded unprecedented authority to the Government's right to seize private property ...

  • June 25, 2005

    Talking the talk vs. walking the walk

    Misguided blame—America apologists, ranting political partisans and hopelessly myopic media reporters have been having a field day of late with all manner of supposed transgressions committed by Government officials and the U.S. military. First...

  • June 9, 2005

    Lessons old and new

    Winston Churchill once remarked, 'In war, nothing ever goes according to plan except occasionally, and then by accident.' One of history's best examples of this is the near—disastrous USAAF air raid against the German—run oil refinerie...

  • May 20, 2005

    The new status quo

    One of the only good things about a long morning commute is that it affords one the time to listen at length to morning talk radio. The longest—running national morning political/current events talk show may be Imus in the Morning....

  • April 30, 2005

    Wish You Were Here

    On Thursday evening, April 21 in Washington DC, at the posh JW Marriott two blocks from the White House, the Media Research Center (the excellent media watchdog organization run by Brent Bozell) held its annual awards dinner and gala called the 'Dish...

  • April 20, 2005


    Recently, a very amusing Internet piece entitled 'A Message from the Ghost of General Patton' [  or] has been making the rounds. Based on the opening speech delivered by George...

  • April 6, 2005

    Not so well-done Berger

    "Last year, when I was in the Archives reviewing documents, I made an honest mistake. It's one that I deeply regret. I dealt with this issue in October 2003 fully and completely. Everything that I have done all along in this process has been for the ...

  • March 23, 2005

    It's not about the money

    Whenever you hear the phrase, 'It's not about the money,' one thing is absolutely certain: it's about the money. Of all the complicated, convoluted, and heart—wrenching aspects of the Terri Schiavo case, one thing that proponents on both sides ...

  • March 7, 2005

    Running on Fumes?

    In light of the recent run—up in oil prices to more than $50/barrel, and the statement by OPEC Acting Secretary—General Adnan Shihab—Eldin that prices may spike to as high as $80/barrel within two years, it may be instructive to tak...

  • February 11, 2005

    Nice work, if you can...

    Isn't election year politicking fun? It never ceases to amaze experienced observers how things can be so incredibly important during the campaign, and then instantly fade into complete insignificance as soon as the political value of the subject is n...

  • January 28, 2005

    The 'wartime' President

    The Presidential election of 1992 was a watershed event in the history of American politics. It was uniquely significant not because of Ross Perot's 19% third—party vote having fatally diluted President Bush's support, not because of Clinton's ...

  • January 14, 2005

    Stop rationalizing

    The commission tasked with finding WMD's in Iraq has now officially terminated its search, issuing its statement that such weapons will probably never be found. Not that they never existed, but that the likelihood of actually finding stockpiles of WM...

  • December 21, 2004

    What a character

    One of the names recently bandied about to fill the President's last remaining Cabinet position, that of Director of Homeland Security, has been Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman. Among the country's most well—known Senators—even before h...

  • December 8, 2004

    Take two

    With the election season finally over, it's time to turn our collective attention to some of the more pressing domestic matters facing the country. It would be illustrative to look again at the entire drug industry product development/cost structure ...

  • November 18, 2004

    You say tomato...

    The battle over the word "marriage" when applied to relationships between people of the same sex is semantic dispute, but one with enormous importance. Unfortunately, the public debate has been less than clear about the stakes. Herewith a "debate" co...

  • November 15, 2004

    Give me a reason

    In the wake of the Democrats' unexpectedly widespread, far—reaching loss in the recent election, many strategists and operatives in their party have come to the conclusion that what the Democrats need to do in order to regain power is to stress...

  • November 4, 2004

    The Red Sox Effect

    The Butterfly Effect is a well—known anecdote that describes how presumably insignificant occurrences can have a profound influence on seemingly unrelated events. As it's told, a butterfly flapping its wings in one part of the world can set off...

  • October 22, 2004

    The nuisance vote

    In a very revealing interview with the New York Times Magazine recently, John Kerry described the War on Terror as a "nuisance," restating his previous contention that it is mostly a matter of law enforcement and small—scale individual actions....

  • October 5, 2004

    History test

    Managing public perception and the flow of positive and negative information is critical to the success of any political campaign. The Democrats are masters of the quick, pithy soundbite that casts them in a favorable light in the public's mind. Ther...

  • September 20, 2004

    The light bulb economy

    There are certainly many points of contention between Democrats and Republicans, but perhaps none as stark—and misunderstood—as the issue of taxes. Both sides have bombarded the public with their arguments, but the Democrats, aided by the...

  • September 16, 2004

    Who's in and who's out

    Every once in a while, a new word enters the popular American lexicon and enjoys its richly—deserved 15 minutes of fame, before receding into the dark recesses of the public consciousness, never to make an appearance again. We are fortunate to ...

  • September 4, 2004

    Well, isn't that great

    Great is a misunderstood and often misused word. It's bandied about far too casually, and people, places, and events are described as great when in actuality, they are really nothing more than ordinary. The Merriam—Webster dictionary has eleven...