Steve Chambers

Steve Chambers

  • July 31, 2016

    The Munich Shooter Is Driving the Mainstream Media Nuts

    Ali David Sonboly, the young man who shot up Munich last week, killing 9 mostly young people and wounding dozens of others, is driving the mainstream media nuts.  It’s so bad, they can’t even decide what they want to call him.  ...

  • June 21, 2016

    Thank Ailes for Trump?

    Since early in the primary season, I’ve been wondering where the articles were criticizing Trump for his innumerable bad deeds in business dealings.  Sure, there was a rather gentle New York Times article back in January describing his tra...

  • December 6, 2015

    Is the Microaggression Movement Stoking the Jihad?

    The microaggression movement is a serious problem threatening the foundation of our academy and the mental health of our youth, opine many people such as Michael Auslin and Jonathan Haidt, respectively.  Meanwhile, it should be self-evident that...

  • October 15, 2015

    Russia and Iran Moving to Corner the Mideast Oil Supply

    It looks like Vladimir Putin and the ayatollahs are preparing to corner the world’s oil supply – literally. Last May I wrote on this site that Iran was in the process of surrounding the Saudi/Wahhabi oil reserves, along with those of t...

  • October 12, 2015

    Bill Maher and Richard Dawkins criticize other leftists over Islam

    Lord help me, but I’m beginning to like, or at least respect, Bill Maher.  I’m no fan of snark, but I have to respect someone who is willing to think clearly about such important issues as women’s rights in Islam. An excelle...

  • July 28, 2015

    Who ya gonna call? Dealbusters!

    Feeling stressed out about the terrible deal that Obama and Kerry agreed to with ayatollahs?  Want at least to blow off some steam (even if it won’t do much good in light of the U.N. Security Council’s vote to approve it and hence re...

  • June 9, 2015

    Where are Those Moderate Muslims -- and How Should We Deal with Them?

    Eleven months before 9/11, I heard a series of lectures from a Muslim doctor to a Protestant congregation, in which he contradicted much of what I had learned about the religion’s history and foundation when I had studied it and lived abroad am...

  • June 6, 2015

    Mainstream media mocks Perry

    Rick Perry rolled out his campaign Thursday, and the mainstream media rolled its eyes.  The Los Angeles Times and its sister Tribune publications probably deserve the prize for mocking bias with their article headlined “Rick Perry, humble ...

  • May 18, 2015

    Obama Should Heed His Own Call For Oil Exploration

    I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard him say it, so went a-googling.  Sure enough, on May 14, 2105, President Obama said “we are going to continue to be using fossil fuels,” adding for good measure, “U.S. production of...

  • May 18, 2015

    Is Obama Calling for Media Control?

    President Obama launched an extraordinary, gratuitous attack on Fox News at a panel discussion on poverty at Georgetown University on May 12, 2015.  That portion of his remarks has received considerable media attention, particularly from Fox its...

  • May 16, 2015

    An AT rookie author and the commenters

    I was pleased and a bit surprised that my very first American Thinker article, “Don't Draw Mohammed, Debate the Origins of Islam,” published on May 11, drew 382 comments (and counting).  I understand from more knowledgeable peopl...

  • May 11, 2015

    Don't Draw Mohammed, Debate the Origins of Islam

    Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer organized a cartoon contest in Garland, Texas to demonstrate the need to exert the right to free speech against Islamic threats.  This event in actuality, and predictably, provoked a violent response from two rad...