Steve Campbell

Steve Campbell

  • May 3, 2020

    The perfect movie moment to express the coronavirus situation right now

    What most freedom-loving Americans would like to do now is to get back to the business of earning a living and shut out all the corrupt media and Democrat hate-mongers to screech at nobody while we go to work.  I have a "blessing and a c...

  • December 16, 2018

    Clint Eastwood beats the comic-book superheroes...again

    My Millennial sons wanted to see a movie about comic book superheroes – just about every one of them from the Marvel Universe.  For the sake of precious family togetherness, I endured the excessive CGI special effects and overcooked, ...

  • September 1, 2018

    Want to feed the world? Stop burning ethanol

    Mixing ethanol with gasoline is a bad idea – for many reasons.  But there is one reason in particular that should worry you. A recent AT blog post by S. Fred Singer titled "Trump and the end of the 'Oil Crisis'" r...

  • March 15, 2018

    The Grim Lessons of Charles Whitman

    The era of mass public shootings began with Charles Whitman in 1966.  He taught us all we need to know to prevent or minimize such events.  We ignored his lessons. On August first of that year,Whitman rode the elevator to the t...

  • December 10, 2017

    Venezuela's Final Chapter

    Venezuela is rapidly collapsing under its dictator’s extreme folly and malevolence. Changing market conditions will accelerate the demise. What next? Some further research confirms that sanctions are unnecessary.   Shortage...

  • October 7, 2017

    The Great Hurricane Absence

    You will see story after story in the news about how hurricanes are stronger and more frequent. They will tell you that Harvey and Irma are the worst-ever storms and are unprecedented. They will scare up the looming threat of “Global Warmi...

  • August 1, 2011

    Using the Military for Politics

    The despicable use of our military for political purposes has got to stop.  Last night, Adm. Mullen, an Obama lackey, has warned the military members under his command that they might not get paid.  This statement is patently false, unless ...