Steve Bigler

Steve Bigler

  • October 7, 2021

    The Left hates self-sufficiency

    Classical Marxist socialism was based upon a presumed revolt of the working class.  Interestingly enough, in the more than 100 years since Marx, there has never been a single revolt of the working class in a capitalist country -- not one.  ...

  • September 25, 2021

    Why not a flat tax?

    The U.S. tax code is gargantuan and convoluted beyond all human comprehension.  According to the Tax Foundation, if you count the actual tax laws, you end up with over 2,600 pages.  But if you add the IRS regulations and clar...

  • September 20, 2021

    Joe Biden is in way over his head

    The number, variety, magnitude, and speed of recent national and global crises have all clearly and without any doubt demonstrated that Joe Biden and his administration are simply in way over their heads and way beyond their abilities to understand a...

  • March 17, 2021

    Will immigrants save the Republican Party?

    For some time now, I have had the delicious thought that the open borders immigration policies of the Democrats just might be the very salvation of the Republican Party —which would be rich irony.  Conventional wisdom has long held th...

  • March 13, 2021

    Cancel culture is a zero-sum approach to purported sins

    Cancel culture's effects are more pernicious than destroying individuals and forcing self-censorship on Americans — bad as those things are.  Because it allows no room for forgiveness, it creates desolation that can lead to violen...

  • March 7, 2021

    The cancer of cancel culture

    Allow me to present four simple observations regarding cancel culture for your consideration: 1. Where does it end? What or when is the stopping point? If we can cancel historical figures from our nation’s past, why stop there? Why not go ba...

  • December 12, 2020

    The piercing injustice of loan 'forgiveness'

    According to Yahoo Finance, Biden is already being pressured to forgive $50,000 per person in student loan debt by executive order.  According to the Yahoo article, Chuck Schumer assures Biden that he doesn't need Congress; all he needs...

  • December 6, 2020

    10 traits to tell good from evil

    Lately I've been thinking about defining characteristics of good and evil.  I am a person of faith, so initially I might have been tempted to say simply that good adheres to the commandments of God, or at least to the tenets of a religi...

  • September 20, 2020

    A tool to check out how polarized the US has become

    Virtually everyone has noticed that we're becoming more and more politically polarized in the U.S.  Many are quite concerned about this movement toward the two extremes.  The mainstream media certainly harp on the dangers of r...

  • June 23, 2020

    A retired physician's take on epidemiologists

    I am a retired physician.  Over my career, I've had some contact with epidemiology.  I'll be blunt here: I came away unimpressed with that field.  Here's why: 1. When a pandemic strikes, I've never onc...

  • April 11, 2020

    A way to earlier economic recovery

    ...or at least partial economic recovery.   As a physician, it has long been my humble opinion that a reasonable response to COVID-19 would be for our government to strongly urge anyone over 65 with medical co-morbidities to strictly s...

  • April 9, 2020

    Chloroquine may never get the perfect study proving it's good. Use it anyway

    Most folks have read tantalizing reports of patients who have received a combination drug cocktail of chloroquine (or hydroxychloroquine), azithromycin (commonly known as a Z-pack), and sometimes zinc for treatment of COVID-19.  These repor...

  • March 30, 2020

    A salute to the real heroes

    The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 is something we'll remember for many years.  For all of the anxiety, fear, disease, and disruption of life that a pandemic brings, it also provides the opportunity for sober reflection.  In turn, ...

  • March 16, 2020

    Presidents and pandemics

    Let me offer a little perspective on COVID-19 from a physician's viewpoint.  Allow me to first state that the perfect governmental balance in handling a pandemic is virtually impossible to achieve.  To illustrate that, let...

  • March 5, 2020

    When you take liberalism to its logical conclusion...

    You find there isn't one! In Liberal-land, the social interaction between men and women is becoming ever more perilous.  As liberal political correctness continues its inexorable march, many men will become so gun-shy about even maki...

  • February 5, 2020

    The Dems are in an existential mess

    The dumpster fire that is the Iowa Democratic caucus is entertaining in the short run, but the party of the left confronts a much deeper and more serious reality: it is currently facing a truly existential crisis, and it all revolves around...