Steve Apfel

Steve Apfel

  • August 28, 2023

    'Occupied Palestinian Territory': Give Us a Break

    The Australian government is once again playing politics and law games with parcels of land, more disputed than any on Earth.  Its Foreign Affairs minister, Penny Wong, announced that  the government would revert to regarding the ...

  • January 8, 2023

    Scorning Israel and Other Delusions of the Left

    You could say that Israel overdoes democracy. Governments are sworn in with head-spinning alacrity – 37 in 75 years, and elections exceed that number. This ought to be a consolation for   critics outraged by what many call a “fa...

  • December 30, 2021

    Church Leaders Misplace the Blame for Christian Persecution in the Middle East

    Christendom is in dire straits. Historian Tom Holland predicts the unthinkable – a Middle East without any Christian communities. Fr. Francesco Patton, a Catholic leader, Custos of the Holy Land and guardian of Christian holy places in Isr...

  • December 10, 2021

    Brilliant Fools Are Causing Terrible Societal Damage

    How far back must we go to discover something that was never hidden? When did it come to light that Dr. Fauci types, rather than applying the scientific method to medical issues, were foolishly pursuing political ends free from science? Could it be w...

  • November 12, 2021

    Panic, Power, And Profit Were Made For Each Other

    Headlines that prove a point are not so common, but here’s one that proves two points and proclaims a third: “COP26 summit: Focus on how to hit 1.5° C target – and billions in funding.” The word panic means a “sud...

  • November 3, 2021

    Hatred For The Unvaxxed Comes From A Place Of Emotion, Not Reason

    When COVID-braving Dennis Prager said he contracted it purposely in order “to be taken care of by therapeutics,” the public outcry was more life-threatening than the virus. He must be made to pay for any treatment he gets. He should be de...

  • September 21, 2021

    How Smart Are The Vaxxed?

     “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y'all. Stop it.” That’s the FDA demeaning the 28% of adults holding out, who definitely don’t want to get vaxxed. They trust a familiar drug over the jab. By the st...

  • September 10, 2021

    Biden shares Obama’s motive for failing to punish terrorists

    Terrorists either perish doing the deed or seldom get caught. It took a war and a decade to make Osama Bin Laden pay for the 9/11 attacks. So, President Biden’s warning after the Kabul bombing in August 2021 was as lightweight as the promise he...

  • August 25, 2021

    Why We Succumb To Micro Control Over Our Lives

    If you reside in Sydney, your limit of movement is some two miles from home. For outdoor exercise, your limit is one hour a day. Live in the state of Victoria? There are five approved reasons for going beyond your property. The one visitor you’...

  • August 19, 2021

    The Problem with Public Health

    It could be the most diabolical disclosure ever made. The lives of billions were wrecked for nothing. Public health experts have conceded that COVID may be a permanent part of our lives. A pandemic has become endemic. They locked us up, to g...

  • April 30, 2020

    Beware of tyranny more than COVID-19

    To fight a pandemic responsible for fewer deaths than the Asian flu of 1957­–58, we've been schooled to think and behave like the abject oppressed of North Korea. We let bureaucrats decide for us what businesses are more important...

  • September 8, 2019

    Non-Profit Organizations and the Cause Business Model

    In a ‘for profit’ business we determine the success of the business model by its profitability. Success of a non-profit organisation (NPO) is measured differently. The business model of a charity or a medical institute or a human rights w...

  • July 10, 2019

    The New Heretics

    Rome made Galileo a heretic for concluding that the earth was not the center of the universe. It silenced him by house arrest. The day is fast approaching when a bible of correct views will define and silence heretics who argue with it. Debate is clo...

  • March 20, 2019

    Victim Politics: The Game of Loser Takes All

    When life is good, there are people who seek out others to make it worse, to level inequalities. It is hard to get the mind around this, but they do. The players of victim politics speak clearer than mere explanations can do. When Ace Magash...

  • March 12, 2019

    Why President Trump Should Slap Sanctions on South Africa

    To the casual moralist, you don’t slap sanctions on a country on its knees while minding its own business. Never mind the country has a government of looters who campaign on a ticket of lies about Israel and fete Hamas terror leaders and a plan...

  • February 15, 2019

    Immigrants and the Jewish death wish

    A thousand American rabbis sign a petition to bring refugees carrying the Jew-hating gene into America.  Jewish bodies condemn President Trump for enacting a temporary "Muslim ban" (entirely for security reasons) on...

  • January 16, 2019

    Is the New York Times Motto for Real?

    A motto, simply an ideal or a guiding maxim, is never meant to be taken at face value.  The New York Times coined its motto in 1897, and there it is today on the masthead. The public is free to believe in "All the news tha...

  • September 16, 2018

    Trump Pulls Back the Shroud on South Africa

    Loathe or admire the apprentice who became the president, all owe a debt to Donald Trump.  Upon telling his secretary of state to home in on fears that Mandela's legatees had declared open season on white farmers and farmland, the habit...

  • April 9, 2017

    Jewish values gone haywire

    Jews of Cape Town want their government to retake land bought by a Jewish day school and, in place of a new campus, to erect low-cost housing for poor Gentiles – right in a suburb that many Cape Town Jews find unaffordable. American Jews dir...

  • April 17, 2016

    Passover and the Palestinians

    A people liberated from slavery. No wonder Passover is a time when advocates for a State of Palestine feel drawn to play a modern day Moses. Let the people go! Passover, many think, comes around for a melodramatic appeal to the conscience of Israe...

  • November 9, 2015

    The Media is Free, and is Everywhere Chained to a Narrative

    If there ever was a real line between news and opinion, it stopped being real in 1967. That was the year Israel licked belligerent Arab powers and took whole chunks of territory off them. The West marveled, but not for long. Humanity’s imp...

  • August 30, 2015

    'Zionist lobby' - Anti-American bogeyman

    Time has not sapped the clout of the Zionist Lobby. Never the political force of anti-Semitic claims, yet the myth of a lobby powerful enough to bend the will of government to unpatriotic interests -- Jewish interests -- remains a handy cudgel for th...

  • July 13, 2015

    Defeating Israel with funny law

    The time-honored role of the exiled Jew was to be downtrodden, bearded and bookish. Then Zionist dreamers pulled a state out of the hat, and went on to win war after war. Even non-belligerents were bamboozled. The idea of military Jews, even without ...

  • June 28, 2015

    Type B Holocaust denial is the one to fear

    After the snake in the Garden of Eden, Man learnt to do evil’s bidding in tempting and beautiful ways. From then on forbidden fruit was no match for a silvery tongue. On the wings of fine sentiments depraved causes seduce the human mind; empty ...

  • May 16, 2015

    When Professors Turn Foolish They Turn Really Stupid

    It took a George Orwell to point out that higher learning and stupidity make a regular couple. “There are notions so foolish that only an intellectual will believe them,” wrote Orwell, laconic and lucid together. The luminary of that era ...

  • April 27, 2015

    A Dybbuk in the White House

    In Jewish folklore a dead malcontent may return to possess the living.  The troubled soul is known as a “dybbuk,” and it runs amok making mischief.  Writers and people of stage and screen invoked the fiend to aggravate family wr...

  • March 19, 2015

    Obama's Deal with the Devil

    The White House, determined to bring Iran in from the cold, goes headlong into negotiations with the devil. It is from Marlowe’s character Dr Faustus we learn that if you must bargain with the devil then prepare for the worst case scenario. ...

  • April 18, 2013

    John Kerry and the Great Peace Blocker

    US Secretary of State Kerry is about to encounter the most intractible obstacle to peace in the Middle East, one which escapes the attention of most analysts. For the mired Middle East peace process the opposing camps usually blame four things: (1) T...

  • January 3, 2013

    The UN Cop for Israel

    Richard Falk is a one-off type. No other cop in the world polices a whole nation -- even one no bigger than Israel -- or is duty-bound to bring the nation to book, and blow the whistle before he even sets off on his policeman rounds. And what ot...

  • December 16, 2012

    Goldstone and Gaza War II

    War is about stopping the enemy. By the nature of the beast there is a tally of death and, when Israel is involved, hardly have hostilities broken out then claims come thick and fast that the tally of Israeli dead was way too little to justify the wa...

  • December 9, 2012

    The Lie That Broke Israel's Back

    Israel now has a quasi-state to contend with.  "A victory for the values of truth," exclaimed Sudan's U.N. diplomat after the General Assembly voted to admit Palestine as a non-member observer. It's a victory for the Palestinian camp, perhaps,...

  • November 11, 2012

    The Gideon Levys of Israel

    Conjure if you will, a Greek (or a Briton, a Frenchman, a Japanese) who sets out to make his reputation by defaming the Greek people. If that is worth only a bemused chuckle, what to make of the Gideon Levys of Israel? Levy, you may recall, is the jo...

  • October 21, 2012

    One Industry That Will Never Boycott Israel

    The more wholeheartedly one particular industry operates in Israel, and the more profitably, the better the boycott movement thrives.  What possible business could promote and facilitate Israel, boycotting on the one hand while flouting the boyc...