Stephen Sherman

Stephen Sherman

  • The Fall of the Universities Began in Vietnam

    May 16, 2024

    The Fall of the Universities Began in Vietnam

    Forty-nine years ago, a kind of ideological “Fifth Column” comprising members of America’s “New Left” hailed the triumph of their comrades in Hanoi over the embattled Republic of [South] Vietnam.  After over a ...

  • September 29, 2017

    The tragedy of the PBS-Ken Burns version of the Vietnam War

    Ken Burns, in his new PBS series, correctly points to the Vietnam War as a source of the polarization in our society today.  And he correctly urges us to revisit, understand, and come to grips with details making up that history through civil (a...

  • July 17, 2017

    Are PBS and Ken Burns about to Rewrite History Again?

    PBS is planning to run a new documentary series this September on the Vietnam War, produced and written by Ken Burns.  Burns is a left-wing "historian" and documentary film producer with a history of having his politics shape the narra...