Stephen Helgesen

Stephen Helgesen

  • Usha Vance goes to Greenland -- just as the normally polite Danes are getting pretty hostile

    March 24, 2025

    Usha Vance goes to Greenland -- just as the normally polite Danes are getting pretty hostile

    The Danish media is now busy covering the upcoming visit of second lady Usha Vance, the Department of Energy's secretary, and the Security Advisor to Greenland to watch its yearly National Dogsled Race or Avannaata Qimussersua taking place on Mar...

  • Whitewashing the Democrats' Fence

    March 22, 2025

    Whitewashing the Democrats' Fence

    Democrat campaign operative James Carville may not be a modern day Nostradamus, but he does possess more than his fair share of homespun wisdom when it comes to strategizing a way forward for his party. A month or so ago, when he was asked what ki...

  • The Danes and the Greenlanders: How They See Trump's America

    March 13, 2025

    The Danes and the Greenlanders: How They See Trump's America

    I am afraid that the Danes are in danger of losing their good old-fashioned judgment, especially when it comes to the U.S.A. and its people. I am in Denmark, and the other day, I listened to a podcast from a popular Danish radio station where the ...

  • One man's loyalist is another man's sycophant

    February 20, 2025

    One man's loyalist is another man's sycophant

    With just one month in office, Donald Trump is testing a maxim that one man's loyalist is often viewed as a simple-minded sycophant. From my experience working with Washington bureaucrats, hangers-on and wannabe power brokers for more than 20 ...

  • Shaken, Not Stirred: The James Bond Complex

    February 18, 2025

    Shaken, Not Stirred: The James Bond Complex

    Ian Fleming was a masterly writer and he wove a web of intrigue and excitement about something stealthy, the world of the government spy. And the protagonist in that drama was someone we've all come to know well, Bond, James Bond. Twenty-six f...

  • For a European Defense Force to work, the army of one must be the army of all

    February 17, 2025

    For a European Defense Force to work, the army of one must be the army of all

    It is not difficult to understand the hesitancy on the part of many Europeans when it comes to establishing a single, unified pan-European army, talk of which has lately been in the news with some European politicians proposing it. Any army is cos...

  • Trump 2.0: The First Month

    February 7, 2025

    Trump 2.0: The First Month

    Donald Trump is an acquired taste. Donald Trump is a bully. Donald Trump is a breath of fresh air. Donald Trump is an oligarch. Donald Trump is a convicted felon. Donald Trump is the personification of the American Dream. Donald Trump is a spoiled na...

  • The glitter of America's golden era

    February 7, 2025

    The glitter of America's golden era

    It may be trite to say it, but one of the more powerful parts of our body is our feet. Alright, I accept the fact that the brain tells the feet what to do, but that doesn't detract from the fact that our movements and decisions on where we choose ...

  • Greenland: A Reminder of Why Trump was Elected

    January 13, 2025

    Greenland: A Reminder of Why Trump was Elected

    I knew supporting President Trump would be unpopular here in my adopted country of Denmark, but that was before he made his recent Greenland remarks and the public relations visit of his son to Greenland. Since then I have been on full defense mod...

  • Greenland: For sale, for rent or for lease?

    January 5, 2025

    Greenland: For sale, for rent or for lease?

    There is an undeniable fact of life when it comes to the state of nations. It is that they are always in the state of flux and that their cultural, political, economic and actual physical boundaries change over time. The reasons are many, but the ...

  • Making Greenland Great Again?

    December 1, 2024

    Making Greenland Great Again?

    It was the summer of 2019 and President Trump was about to embark on a state visit to the tiny Nordic country of Denmark. Both parties were readying themselves for bilateral talks, but that was before President Trump floated one of his famous spon...

  • Trump has a Full Plate and Limited Time -- So a Charm Offensive Will Help

    November 21, 2024

    Trump has a Full Plate and Limited Time -- So a Charm Offensive Will Help

    If you're a Trump supporter you know that there's no time to waste when it comes to accomplishing your goal of reintroducing Americans to their basic core values and to get the Left to believe the incoming administration when it says that mak...

  • Now that Trump has won, how to talk to your liberal friends

    November 19, 2024

    Now that Trump has won, how to talk to your liberal friends

    For many if not most of your liberal friends (that is if you have any left) the world has just come to an end. Many are either in a state of deep depression, even deeper denial or worse. This is especially true of your older friends who were so...

  • Now is not the time to take one for the team

    September 30, 2024

    Now is not the time to take one for the team

    Four years ago, Americans elected an elitest Washington politician and vastly overrated man to lead the most powerful country in the world … theirs. At the time, many on the Left were convinced that this decision would take care of itself a...

  • Nostalgia Ain’t What It Used to Be

    August 23, 2024

    Nostalgia Ain’t What It Used to Be

    It is now the end of day three of the Democrat party's national convention, beamed straight from the heart of the capital of thuggery. Chicago was the perfect backdrop for the Dems who always seem to be able to ignore the harsh realities of life ...

  • Did Kamala Harris move the needle?

    August 23, 2024

    Did Kamala Harris move the needle?

    Kamala Harris swung for the fences with a speech fit for Obama, and hit a home run in the fourth evening of the Democratic National Convention. Even conservatives like myself must admit it and give her writers and her speech coach their due. While no...

  • Don't pick on Kamala, whines NPR

    July 30, 2024

    Don't pick on Kamala, whines NPR

    Bless their little pointed academic left-wing heads over there at NPR. Just today, I received one of their regular missives on the subject of "attacks" on the Dems' new nominee in waiting, the venerable Kamala Harris. As usual, NPR is o...

  • The Death of the American Salesman

    March 22, 2024

    The Death of the American Salesman

    Time was, when we Americans could sell anything to anybody. We made things, big things and small things, things that worked as advertised and that lasted beyond their warranties. And that goes for us as a nation, too. Admittedly, my frame of refe...

  • Truth or <em>no</em> consequences

    March 20, 2024

    Truth or no consequences

    The little south-central town of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, got its name after selling out to a popular quiz show in 1950. Formerly named "Hot Springs," T or C, as it's now known, changed its name to gain recognition (and a ...

  • The Moment You Started to Like Donald Trump

    March 16, 2024

    The Moment You Started to Like Donald Trump

    Let’s be honest.  You know you like Trump, even if you hate him.  And I know the reason why.  You were brought up to avoid all people who exaggerated or stretched the truth or who portrayed themselves to be winners...

  • Joe Biden and the 'old man defense'

    March 13, 2024

    Joe Biden and the 'old man defense'

    No amount of Internet searching could shed any light on what is now being called, the old man defense. We can all thank Mr. Robert Hur, the Special Counsel assigned to investigate President Joe Biden's retention of classified materials, ...

  • The true cost of everything

    March 12, 2024

    The true cost of everything

    Oscar Wilde said a lot of things. Some were pretty outlandish, but one maxim has stuck with me all my adult life. It is: "A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing." On the surface, it would seem that W...

  • The incredible five-dollar solution

    February 22, 2024

    The incredible five-dollar solution

    After mulling over Trump’s predicament with New York City, I had a Eureka! moment. Since the fight between NYC and Trump is essentially a battle between good and evil, and part of a concerted effort to stop the former president from runnin...

  • Red state dilemma: stand up to incoming progressive residents or flee?

    February 12, 2024

    Red state dilemma: stand up to incoming progressive residents or flee?

    No one can dispute how politically different Red states are from Blue states in our super-polarized country. When a large group of ideologically motivated people (usually leftists) move into a state, county, or neighborhood, things invariably change....

  • UFOs: The view from above … way above

    February 9, 2024

    UFOs: The view from above … way above

    We all know what things look like on our planet at ground level, but what if we are being observed from above -- high above -- from other beings in other worlds? How would they view us? I should say from the outset that you do not have to bel...

  • The mouse that roared ... at the border

    February 9, 2024

    The mouse that roared ... at the border

    Who could forget Peters Sellers' portrayal of three characters in the 1959 satirical film, The Mouse That Roared? If you've never seen the film, you can see a remake of it by taking a trip to our Southern border. There, millions of fa...

  • December 30, 2023

    No Man is a Digital Island

    The conversation about the future of artificial intelligence (AI) has now passed from the halls of nerdism to the House of Representatives and industry and has landed squarely on America's kitchen table. Yes, even digitally-challenged fo...

  • December 29, 2023

    Don’t Underestimate China

    No one would argue that one of our most complex trading relationships — and a totally one-sided one at that — is our relationship with China.  To get a first-person feel for that relationship, I decided to get a reality check wi...

  • December 21, 2023

    America's newest company town

    Welcome back to the 1890s when company towns flourished along the railroad routes, coal mines and lumber camps in the U.S. If you were working in one of those towns back then, your every need was provided by the town's owner which was usually...

  • November 21, 2023

    Joe in the looking glass

    Let's see a show of hands of septuagenarians or octogenarians who haven't experienced a senior moment, tripped on an invisible obstacle, or embellished an old story? Not many, I suspect. Why? Because these things go hand-in-hand with the agin...

  • November 16, 2023

    Democrats finally solved the illegal immigration problem!

    After reading an article about ungrateful illegal aliens leaving the U.S. and heading back home, I suddenly had a eureka moment.  It has all become clear to me now.  The Democrats have found a solution to the illegal immigration p...

  • November 12, 2023

    Eschewing Sisyphus

    It's time we conservatives wake up from our self-induced semi-comatose sleep state and realize that if we are going to win any elections in the future (to say nothing of saving the country from the rack and ruin politics of the progressives), we ...

  • September 2, 2023

    The Self-Mythification of Joe Biden

    Whether we know it or not, we have actually born witness to a phenomenon that symbolizes the quintessential American condition, and to think that we have Joseph Robinette Biden to thank for it! I'm speaking of a cross between a case of inbred chi...

  • June 10, 2023

    How Bad Does It Have to Get?

    Murders, street crime, white-collar crime, shoplifting, trespassing, abuse of power, illegal drugs, legal drugs, illegal immigration and open borders, election-tampering, institutional decay, homelessness, illiteracy, phony racism, real racism, corru...

  • June 5, 2023

    Alternative Sexualities: Cultural Comity or Cultural Coercion?

    There was a time not too long ago when people who went the other way kept it to themselves. Some did so out of fear of reprisals from those vehemently opposed to their lifestyle. Others preferred to keep their bedroom habits in their own bedroom beli...

  • March 28, 2023

    Uncommon Senselessness: Who Are These People?

    I've thought about this for a long time now and I've come to some conclusions about why we allow ourselves to be constantly pushed around by our fellow Americans on the Left. My conclusion is that we bend over backwards, turn the other che...

  • March 14, 2023

    Will the Last One to Leave California Please Turn on the Lights

    Living in the land of denial doesn’t automatically come with a passport. It does, however, require a commitment to suspend reality. Take California… please. If Ronald Reagan's America was a shining city on a hill, then California is ...

  • January 27, 2023

    The Politics of 'Normal'

    Every society is influenced by its culture, just as every society defines what is 'normal' and 'acceptable' in order for it to function optimally and be responsive to the needs of the majority of its citizens. That said, every soc...

  • January 20, 2023

    The dog ate my classified documents

    I suppose it's just a matter of time before we hear that excuse tripping off the tongues of our D.C. officials. It's just as ludicrous as leaving classified documents in a box in your garage by your vintage sports car and expecting ...

  • January 3, 2023

    The thundering herd of impunity

    We're headed into the third year of the Biden administration and, I'm afraid, another year of rampant, unbridled herd impunity, where a few power brokers in Washington, D.C. will be deciding what your life and mine will be like for the n...

  • November 20, 2022

    A send-off for St. San Fran Nan

    "Hello, I must be going.  I cannot stay.  I came to say I must be going.  I'm glad I came, but just the same I must be going."  So sang Groucho Marx in Animal Crackers. Groucho might as well ha...

  • November 10, 2022

    Welcome to Pennsylvania, America's Capital of Stupid

    Students of American history will remember Philadelphia as the first capital of the new United States of America after the ratification of the Constitution. That city was the center of American politics and political life, but ten years later it lost...

  • October 29, 2022

    Life in the fairy tale election lane

    You have to hand it to the Democrats for having Guinness Book of Records–sized chutzpah.  Who but the left could create a Potemkin village out of a seriously troubled economy, rampant crime, and an out-of-control southern border ...

  • October 23, 2022

    The Problem with Fence-sitters

    While it may be fashionable these days to say that "both major parties are corrupted and only independents are the real protectors of our democracy" it is not true and certainly is a flight from responsibility. The candidate season is alway...

  • October 20, 2022

    The day National Public Radio canceled me

    It had to happen sooner or later, and it just happened to me.  After six years of dutiful volunteer unpaid participation as a panelist on a monthly hour-long political roundtable show on an NPR affiliate located in a community college in Sa...

  • October 19, 2022

    The mutual assured destruction of single-issue voters at the polls

    What's worse than an uninformed electorate?  Many political watchers would answer: the single-issue (S.I.) voter.  That goes double for pollsters, as those voters with S.I. tunnel vision have been extraordinarily difficult to ...

  • October 14, 2022

    The Changing (and Perplexing) Nature of Work

    If you’re looking for telltale signs that a new generation of Americans is in control, all you need to do is look to the workplace for indicators. Granted this may be difficult to do for those of us who’ve ceded the rat race to the rats...

  • October 10, 2022

    The Great and Wonderful Oz of Information

    We're now firmly in our fourth decade of the new information age.  Most of us have donated our Encyclopedia Britannicas to Goodwill and shelled out a cool grand or more to buy a lightning-fast computer or smartphone capable of whipping ...

  • October 8, 2022

    One Vote Over the Line

    Congratulations, potheads. Once again, your friends the ultra-liberal Democrats have lived up to their reputation as primo vote-buyers with Joe Biden's in-flight, Air Force One order to liberate you from your previous criminal acts. I'm talki...

  • October 7, 2022

    Trigger Words are Killing American Debate

    When we think of violence we usually associate it with the destructive actions like stripping our law enforcement budgets of badly needed funds or allowing repeat offenders back out on the streets to commit more crimes. Images of pedophiles or hopped...

  • October 5, 2022

    Forget crypto: Welcome to 'techno,' the idea standard

    While the world's abuzz about crypto-currencies and block chain that are challenging the pre-eminence of international currencies, we are missing out on an incredible opportunity to recapture the top spot for FDI (Foreign Direct Investment)....

  • September 19, 2022

    The road to dystopia is getting steeper

    Throughout our long American history, we citizens have been blessed with the right to think anything we wanted about anything and anyone we wanted. We were even allowed to hot wire our thoughts to our larynxes and give voice to those beliefs in publi...

  • September 11, 2022

    177,999 people and one queen

    According to the Kennedy Institute of Ethics, about 178,000 people die each day around the world.  That's 65 million/year, 7,425/hour, or 120/minute.  Those with living friends and relatives are mourned to varying degrees, and...

  • September 8, 2022

    Those Incredible Predictable Republicans

    Every couple years we are privy to a natural political phenomenon. It's a cross between the swallows' return to Capistrano and Rip van Winkle's awakening in the Catskills after a 20-year snooze royal. Simply put, it is a predictable and r...

  • September 6, 2022

    The Not-So-Great American U-turn

    There was a time when the millions of huddled masses yearning to breathe free (thank you, Emma Lazarus for your splendid poem) were grateful for the opportunity to make the month-long, often treacherous ocean voyage to the shores of the New World. Th...

  • September 4, 2022

    The Rise of the Unprincipled Left

    Those holding liberal views and the principles that go with them are very different from those of us who claim to be conservatives or libertarians.  The contrast between the left and right that make up the halves of America has never been m...

  • September 4, 2022

    Did Joe Biden declare war on half of America?

    It was April 19, 1775, and the troops were locked and loaded at the Old North Bridge in Concord, Massachusetts when the first round of the Revolutionary War was fired. Fast-forward to September 1, 1939.  Hitler's troops crossed the P...