Stephen Bryen

Stephen Bryen

  • October 17, 2020

    Will war start with Quemoy and Matsu?

    No one is asking President Trump or Joe Biden what they think about Quemoy and Matsu, but people ought to, because the Chinese are gearing up to attack Quemoy, and maybe even go as far as trying to do damage to the Taiwan Air Force base on Penghu (th...

  • November 15, 2018

    Google Cloud is Busted by Russians and Chinese

    Perhaps it is a good thing that Google employees convinced their management not to do business with the Pentagon, thereby pulling out of participating in a $10 billion cloud computing contract called JEDI (Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure)....

  • October 4, 2017

    The Time Factor and Active Shooter Incidents

    Terrorists, whether domestic or foreign, organization-based or truly lone wolf and unconnected, all have important advantages favoring the success of their attacks: they can exploit the multiple vulnerabilities that exist in civil society (notwithsta...

  • August 9, 2017

    Just one more threat, and North Korea is history

    Kim Jong-un had better think more than twice about making another threat about incinerating the United States.  As things now stand, one more threat will be fatal for him and for North Korea. This message, loud and clear, has been sent by the...

  • July 22, 2017

    Brennan, Trump, and Russia: Bloody Noses

    Former CIA Director John Brennan has given an interview in which he made three points about the Russians and President Donald Trump. In reverse order:  Mr. Trump is a very selective consumer of U.S. intelligence and rejects what he does no...

  • June 20, 2017

    Is Syria Wagging the Russian Dog?

    The U.S. has shot down a Syrian Su-22 near Ja'Din and close to the strategic dam at Al Tabqa.  The Sukhoi 22M series, the model in the Syrian inventory, is an old and relatively slow aircraft primarily used for bombing targets.  First p...

  • June 8, 2017

    Problems and Pitfalls in Self-Driving Cars

    I love cars, but not as much as lawyers love cars, who especially must dream of loving the emerging class of self-driving cars. Think about it. If you have an accident in a self-driving car, the fault is with the car company, not with any driver. ...

  • May 17, 2017

    The Fallout from WannaCry

    There was a joke going around thirty years ago, a not very good joke but like any two-edged sword it cut either way, that said that Israel was a “one disk” country. The meaning was that everyone copied stuff from their friends and di...

  • May 10, 2017

    Russia’s parade and the United States

    Russia has just marked the 72nd anniversary of the capitulation of Nazi Germany, featuring a victory parade through Moscow showing the latest military equipment.  Because of bad weather this year, a fly-by of around 75 aircraft had to be cancele...

  • March 14, 2017

    The US Government Again Fails to Protect Sensitive Personal Information

    Once again the U.S. government has failed to protect sensitive personal information, this time highly sensitive information on 4,000 Air Force officers. This information, contained in extensive 127-page individual security questionnaires known as SF-...

  • February 28, 2017

    Jewish cemeteries and the soul of America

    In the United States, protection of a cemetery is regulated under municipal and state law.  Not all states have explicit protections against deliberate desecration of burial places, although some, like New York, not only have them, but are in th...

  • January 12, 2017

    'Leaderless Jihad' -- Hardening Targets to Thwart Lone Wolf Attacks

    After the January 8th truck attack by a terrorist in Jerusalem that killed four young soldiers (three of them women) and injured more than 15 others, the Israeli government has started putting in cement barriers to try and head off similar attacks in...

  • November 13, 2016

    Trump Must Change US Defense Policy for Taiwan

    United States defense policy toward Taiwan must change. Now there is a rare opportunity to make that happen with the election of Donald Trump. But everyone knows he lacks experience in foreign affairs, although he is a man with great instincts. ...

  • September 27, 2016

    President Hillary Blacks Out

    The following scenario is what it could look like, and it does raise a few important questions. The confrontation with the Russians has grown.  Russian ships have fired warning shots at an American aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean as the...

  • September 3, 2016

    US Kabul Embassy Buying Chinese Security Cameras

    The U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan has ordered security cameras from a Chinese-owned company,​according to author John Honovich in his blog "To Inform is To Influence."​ In the embassy ​solicitation, bidders are required ...