Sol Schindler

Sol Schindler

  • April 6, 2017

    Father to Son: Why Democrats act the way they do

    Dad, are all Democrats fools? Of course, all those who take a position opposed to mine are fools. Seriously, Dad, I’ve been watching the confirmation hearings concerning Neil Gorsuch and I don’t know what the Democrats are up to....

  • March 14, 2017

    Speak Russian?

    Back in the days when the world was hale and hearty (and the U.S. won every war it entered), I was a member of the Second Battalion, 273rd Infantry Regiment.  We met the Russian army at the Elbe River, effectively cutting Germany in two and brin...

  • September 25, 2016

    Why I will vote for Donald Trump

    Yes, I know.  He's a braggart, egotistical (same meaning but more scientific-sounding), loud-mouthed.  He lacks polish and tact.  He's not the type I would like my daughter to marry, although she could use the money.  He w...

  • September 5, 2015

    Great Generations.... and Others

    I am a member of the greatest generation and am a decorated veteran of World War II. I have the Bronze Star, the Combat Infantryman’s Badge, the appropriate campaign ribbons, and assorted medals of lesser significance. For most of my adult...

  • November 9, 2014

    My Jewish Upbringing

    When I was 12 Years old, back in 1936, my family moved from a small acreage on the western edge of Sioux City, Iowa to an in-town residence on the north side.  Our old acreage had a large barn filled with animals, all of whom I missed.  But the new h...

  • October 15, 2014

    The Battle of Kobani

    When General Grant assumed control of federal forces during the Civil War, he told President Lincoln that the quickest way to end the war was to win it.  When General Sheridan conquered the breadbasket of the Confederacy, the Shenandoah Valley, ...