Soeren Kern

Soeren Kern

  • March 29, 2009

    Spanish court weighs charging Bush Administration officials

    Heedless of the concept of national sovereignty, a Spanish court considers charges against Bush Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. The New York Times reports: A Spanish court has taken the first steps toward opening a criminal investigation into...

  • November 13, 2008

    Europe Is Obama's First 'Global Test'

    President-elect Barack Obama is already facing his first global test. And it's not coming from the usual suspects like Iran or North Korea, but from America's "allies" in Europe.European leaders have congratulated Obama on his election vict...

  • September 13, 2008

    What Europeans are Saying about Sarah Palin

    Europeans have greeted the news of Sarah Palin's nomination for Vice President of the United States with a predictable mixture of anger, frustration, resentment and resignation. After more than a year of uncritically praising Barack Obama as a supern...

  • July 25, 2008

    Obama's European Love Parade

    More than 200,000 Germans turned out in Berlin on July 24 to hear a carefully stage-managed Barack Obama tell them exactly what they wanted to hear: If he becomes US president, America will become a whole lot more like Europe.Amid roaring applause, O...

  • June 15, 2008

    Why Irish Voters Rejected the Lisbon Treaty

    Irish voters on June 12 said ‘No' to the superpower ambitions of European political elites, who want all 27 member-states of the European Union to ratify the 269-page (about 3000 pages with annexes) Lisbon Treaty that would turn the EU into a b...

  • January 29, 2008

    European Press and the Presidential Election

    The outcome of the US presidential election affects the lives of millions of people around the world. So it's probably not surprising that many Europeans are resentful that only Americans will have a say in it. European media are saturated with elect...

  • December 19, 2007

    Anti-Americanism: It's About American Power, Not Policy

    Bill Clinton has promised that President Hillary will dispatch him and George H.W. Bush abroad to repair the supposed damage to our foreign relations allegedly wrought by George W. Bush. Hillary Clinton herself says she would "send a message hea...

  • October 24, 2007

    America Wake Up! Europe Wants to Be a Superpower

    European Union leaders have reached agreement on a new treaty that many Europeans hope will transform the 27-nation bloc into a superpower capable of counter-balancing the United States in global affairs.The 250-plus page Reform Treaty, which EU lead...

  • August 23, 2007

    Who Is Allah?

    Europeans love to mock the salience of religion in American society, but they won't be laughing for very long. The de-Christianization of Europe in the name of "tolerance" is rapidly driving the spiritually shiftless continent into the...

  • August 16, 2007

    Spain's Bluster Masks an Immigration Crisis

    Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero deserves a special award for transatlantic chutzpah. During his recent visit to Mexico, he ended the state dinner held in his honor by toasting Mexican President Felipe Calderón...

  • April 30, 2007

    Transatlantic Summitry and the Cult of Global Warming

    It's time for another transatlantic summit, and this one, set for Washington on April 30, will have a lot in common with previous EU-US bilaterals: It will be rather short on substance. Indeed, transatlantic summits rarely meet their potential, large...

  • April 22, 2007

    Spain's Feminized War on Terror

    In what has been called the best book on Spanish bullfighting in the English language, Ernest Hemingway's Death in the Afternoon (1932) analyzes the metaphysics of the sport that Spaniards call tauromaquia. And what he tells us is that bullfighting i...

  • February 26, 2007

    Why Europe Won't Be Running the 21st Century

    For a number of years now the European think tank world has been busy churning out report after report with ever more grandiose proposals for turning the European Union into a global superpower.One of the more provocative essays in this genre is titl...