Slater Bakhtavar

Slater Bakhtavar

  • July 16, 2016

    Can Iran Become a True US Ally Again?

    In light of the multitude and severity of troubles being caused in the Middle East by ISIS, particularly in Iraq and Syria, where that group is based, it is only natural for the United States to consider Iran as a potential ally in confronting the th...

  • June 7, 2016

    Middle Eastern Americans Should Reconsider Trump

    With Trump having a serious shot at becoming the next President of the United States, it is important for Americans of Middle Eastern descent to evaluate the impact his theoretical administration would have on their community – just as they sho...

  • May 11, 2015

    Obama's Failed Foreign Policy

    The Obama administration's foreign policy in the Middle East and parts of North Africa has been a series of disasters – at times spectacular disasters – almost since day one.  It is ironic that a man who claims to respect the dig...

  • May 27, 2014

    Iran's Green Movement: 5 years later

    Iran's presidential election on June 12, 2009 was as fateful as it was controversial.  In no uncertain terms, the official results showed incumbent candidate Mahmoud Ahmadinejad winning in a landslide, but a great many people – promine...

  • August 7, 2011

    The Road to Freedom Leads through Tehran

    Today, many question the role that Americans should play in the future of Iran.  It is generally accepted that it is in Americans' best interests not to support the resistance there through war or sanctions, but rather to educate the Iranian peo...

  • June 27, 2009

    Iran: Green Hits the Streets

    To All Humanity:My freedom is yours. You won't be free unless you help me to get my freedom. Don't remain silent while in the dark of night you hear screams of mothers for the lives of their kids. Don't cover your ears when you hear the cries of the ...

  • November 9, 2007

    Assassinating Pervez Musharraf

    "This was an assassination attempt, no question. An extremist group was clearly responsible. There are a lot of suspects. A great number of extremist groups have been inside the establishment for a long time."  - Iqbal Haider, former P...

  • August 26, 2007

    Jimmy Carter's Human Rights Disaster in Iran

    In the mid twentieth century, US-Iran relations prospered.  Many Americans celebrated Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi as a model king. President Lyndon B. Johnson pronounced in 1964: "What is going on in Iran is about the best thing going on any...

  • September 1, 2006

    The March of 'God's Army'

    '[Hezb'allah] is a military force funded, trained by and answerable to the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Iran that is pledged — as it has been since the Khomeini revolution of 1979 — to the destruction of Israel and the genocide of the J...

  • July 13, 2006

    Battle Hymns of the Madmen in Tehran

    After the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran, a little—known clandestine Islamist group remerged from the ashes.  Formed in 1953 with a radically anti—Bahai and anti—Sunni ideology, the Hojjatiehs  flourished during the Revol...

  • June 3, 2005

    Democracy spreads: It's Bush's fault

    'When the people realize they have the power to expose the deceit underlying a government prone to repression, it is the beginning of that regime's end,' — Peter Ackerman, The Boston Globe A resilient, yet experimental venture by the Bush...