Sie An Bradley

Sie An Bradley

  • March 8, 2022

    Here's what we need to ground our country

    Due to growing geopolitical uncertainty, I find myself reflecting on the origins of this great country and the patriotism shown by our fellow Americans during these challenging times. While watching the State of the Union address, I was surprised ...

  • September 2, 2019

    More anti-Israel bias at the Washington Post

    The Washington Post article “Israel accuses Iran of trying to supply Hezbollah with precision missiles,” published August 30, 2019, begins with a biased title shifting the focus and responsibility onto Israel as the aggressor in need of j...

  • June 1, 2019

    Does the WaPo remember who's responsible for stateless Palestinians?

    In The Washington Post's article, "As Netanyahu falters, Israel faces the prospect of a quick election do-over," published May 29, 2019, the author states within the article, "The release of a political plan for peace with the Pale...

  • May 18, 2019

    WaPo leaves out crucial facts to make Israel look bad

    In The Washington Post's article, "Have the Palestinians received 'more aid than any group' in history?," published May 12, 2019, the author "fact-checks" this statement made by Jared Kushner.  Before present...

  • May 12, 2019

    WaPo jumps to Gaza's defense on missile attack story

    The Washington Post article "Gaza's homemade rockets still test Israel's sophisticated defense system," published May 7, 2019, uses biased phrasing in the title to downplay the threat Gaza imposes against Israel, stating that Gaza...

  • May 8, 2019

    Washington Post makes Gaza assault on Israel into Israel's fault

    In the Washington Post article "Israel, militants escalate clashes," published May 6, 2019, the title gives the reader the impression that Israel is escalating clashes with "militants." First, Hamas and (Palestinian) Islamic ...