Sherkoh Abbas and Robert Sklaroff

Sherkoh Abbas and Robert Sklaroff

  • March 22, 2019

    First the Golan, next Kurdistan

    On the day Kurds celebrated Nowruz (the Persian new year) and Jews celebrated Purim (the defeat of the Persian who wanted to exterminate them), President Trump recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heig...

  • November 15, 2017

    Kurdistan Needs a Berlin-Style Emergency Airlift

    The Trump administration had better work fast to rescue our Kurdish allies – who are being attacked on all sides – if anything tangible is to be salvaged from the super-expensive American military involvement in the Middle East during thi...

  • April 21, 2017

    The Road to Defeating the Islamic State Runs through Kurdistan

    Now that President Trump concluded that the Syrian gas attack "crossed many, many lines" and reacted accordingly, he must formulate a battle-plan to convert dynamic "talk" into ongoing "walk." In the process, he shoul...