Sharon Tosi Moore

Sharon Tosi Moore

  • November 30, 2006

    Fanning the flames

    Our contributor Sharon Tosi Moore is an officer in the United States Army Reserves, currently serving in Iraq. Today, she writes about the disputed report of Sunnis burned alive by Shiites."Sunnis Burned Alive in Revenge Attacks"This h...

  • August 19, 2006

    Santayana Was Wrong

    ''Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.'  — George Santanya, 1905* At long last Jimmy Carter has discovered the answer to securing lasting world peace and has finally earned his Nobel Peace Prize. During an intervi...

  • April 5, 2006

    Feminists versus the Band of Sisters

    With the release of the report that sexual assaults in the Army are up, the usual feminist suspects have showed up to condemn the military and bewail the plight of the women forced to work with such barbarians.а No matter what the incident, feminists...

  • March 31, 2006

    Women and the New Face of Strategy

    Harvey Mansfield's new book Manliness has sparked new and vigorous debate about male vs. female qualities.  His unapologetic claim that manliness involves risk taking and direct confrontation, and should be encouraged, has drawn the expected how...

  • March 22, 2006

    Terrorists Fight Like Girls

    Anyone who has ever been in a schoolyard can see that boys and girls deal with conflict in diametrically different ways.  When boys have a problem with each other, the cause of the feud is usually well known to both parties, and they tend to con...