Shama Tobin

Shama Tobin

  • Rapid-fire measures to secure 2024

    October 31, 2024

    Rapid-fire measures to secure 2024

    It’s becoming increasingly clear that Democrats will go to any lengths to win this election.  If reports of voting irregularities in Pennsylvania and Michigan are any indication, this election could be mired in massive shady activitie...

  • Could black voters win Trump the presidency?

    October 25, 2024

    Could black voters win Trump the presidency?

    Kamala Harris is facing significant challenges with black voters. A New York Times/Siena College poll from early October showed 15% of Black voters supporting Trump, while 78% back Harris. A more recent report by USA Today paints an even bleaker pict...

  • Why the Polls Merit Skepticism

    October 18, 2024

    Why the Polls Merit Skepticism

    The mainstream media, which leans heavily Democratic, would have us believe the presidential race is neck and neck. An NBC poll from October 4-8 reports a 48%-48% tie, while ABC News/Ipsos shows Harris narrowly leading with 5...

  • January 24, 2021

    Democrats' Version of Unity Means 'Us against Them'

    Crooked politicians like to divide people, because they thrive on division.  Even when they try hard to utter "unity," it is as fake as the mainstream media.  When they have two propositions in a sentence, you need only ...

  • January 15, 2021

    Soul-searching before the storm

    A storm is coming, and it's going to be devastating.  We have seen and just experienced a taste of it.  The attacks on the First Amendment have already begun.  The president and millions of his supporters are deprive...

  • January 6, 2021

    What should Trump do with the time he has left?

    Given the latest dynamic development with respect to the role of Mike Pence as the president of the Senate, the outcome of the today's joint session of Congress may look uncertain now.  What is certain, however is that if the meeting go...

  • December 11, 2020

    Can the Supreme Court solve our fundamental problem?

    Now the ball is finally at the Supreme Court.  At the heart of the issue is whether the election, at least in the states in question, violated the constitutional rights of the voters — or whether the election generally violated the Co...

  • November 24, 2020

    Are the Republicans Writing Their Own Political Obituaries?

    The Republican establishment is trying hard to convince President Trump to concede. Some of the so-called conservative pundits are eager to assure their viewers and readers that now is the time to look forward to 2022 and 2024. There is only one perf...

  • November 18, 2020

    The Trump team must treat the recount like a war

    The mainstream media claims the election is over. Biden is the president-elect and the official one. Meanwhile, some pundits on the right either sincerely believe that Trump’s situation is hopeless or just want to jump to the liberal bandwagon ...

  • November 13, 2020

    Did Fox News's premature Arizona call for Biden trigger the massive cheating operation?

    At around 10.30 P.M. E.T. on Election Night, a friend who lives on the East Coast sent me a WhatsApp message: "You can see that Trump now leads in N.C., and the margin is growing.  Same thing happened in Ohio.  I switch back ...

  • November 8, 2020

    Time for an Election 2020 do-over, and here's how

    As we expect, Joe Biden has announced himself a president-elect, and the media, his most faithful propaganda arm, ecstatically celebrate.  However, we do not need to panic.  We must combine a defensive and offensive strategy....

  • November 7, 2020

    The fight is now, not later

    Let us put this election fiasco in a simple context.  Since Trump won the election in 2016, the left has one and only one mission: to remove or defeat him at any cost and at any means.  Leftists tried every trick on the book....

  • November 5, 2020

    Count and Recount Every 'Vote' Until You Win

    First, they tried to bring him down with a sex "scandal" that almost elevated a creepy lawyer to a Democratic presidential contender.  Then they cooked up a baseless impeachment.  A virus came from China to later derail ...

  • November 3, 2020

    Will Trump win Florida? An update on the numbers

    Florida is critically important for President Trump.  Losing it is not the end of his re-election bid, but it will make the chance of winning the race reasonably lower (Trump can still get re-elected if he wins the remaining states he carri...

  • November 1, 2020

    Gloom vs Optimism: A Tale of Presidential Candidates

    I have seen this movie before. Crime and violent crime were on the rise. Unemployment was high. Many Americans were concerned about their future. A presidential candidate was running with a character platform. He basically said, “Vote for m...

  • October 29, 2020

    If a Joe Biden administration passes another amnesty for illegals, it's all over

    An election can bring change.  No, an election can bring a radical change. In December 1998, Venezuela turned toward socialism by electing Hugo Chávez president.  Captivated by his anti-corruption and anti-poverty populi...

  • October 28, 2020

    Who Will Win Florida -- and the White House?

    Bill Nelson, former Florida senator, once said “So goes Florida, so goes the country.” He wasn’t just referring to the 2000 election. Or to Florida’s 29 electorate votes, the third largest after California and Texas. He was re...

  • October 13, 2020

    Black Votes Matter

    One of the untold stories of the 2016 election (buried or ignored because the media was busy with the fake Russian conspiracy) is how Hillary Clinton lost black votes -- and the presidency. Let us take a look at the election results in two states, Fl...