Shahriar Kia

Shahriar Kia

  • April 14, 2018

    Iran: Who will blow out the 41st candle?

    Just before its fortieth year of existence, the "Islamic Republic of Iran" encountered a devastating political and social storm.  The grassroots of Iranian society, formerly the base of the ayatollah's support, revolted, telli...

  • January 1, 2018

    Iranian mullahs caught off guard by scale of protests

    On the fourth day of the nationwide uprising of the Iranian people, regime officials are acknowledging popular anger against and abhorrence of the regime and the uprising spreading across the country.  The people are seeking regime cha...

  • December 31, 2017

    More videos from Iran: 'Death to Khamenei' chanted in Isfahan, Shiraz, Qom, Rasht

    On its second day, the "No to high prices" uprising spread across Iran. In Isfahan, the protesters chanted, "Death to Khamenei."  In Rasht, the people rushed to the streets, chanting, "Death to the dictator" and ...

  • November 17, 2017

    Human rights sanctions: The next step against Iran

    As Tehran strives to cope with increasing international isolation, the Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a new resolution condemning human rights violations in Iran.  This is the 64th such condemnation slap...

  • September 30, 2017

    Is the Argument for Regime Change in Iran Well Founded?

    During his first address to the UN General Assembly in September, President Donald Trump offered a perspective on the people and the regime of Iran that starkly differed from that of his predecessors. He accurately attested that “The entire wor...

  • July 28, 2017

    Two years into JCPOA, Iran needs regime change

    ​July 14 marked the second anniversary of the nuclear deal signed between Iran and the P5+1 in Vienna back in 2015. This pact was reached fundamentally by sanctions against Tehran due to continuous revelations made by the Iranian opposition P...

  • July 5, 2017

    Middle East peace hinges on regime change in Iran

    As the Trump administration continues to overhaul and codify a  comprehensive new Iran strategy, the opposition coalition to the mullahs in Tehran held a massive rally on Saturday in the French capital calling for regime change. ...

  • June 22, 2017

    Iran's missile program stepped up after nuclear deal

    Less than a week after the U.S. Senate adopted sweeping new sanctions targeting Iran's Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and two days after Tehran launched a series of missiles at territories inside Syria while claiming to target ISIS, t...

  • June 17, 2017

    Iran's triangle of fear

    There is a Persian proverb saying those fearing the dark scream to overcome their fears.  Iran, considering its domestic and foreign dilemmas, resembles that very individual who is afraid of the dark and is screaming to overcome its fears. On...

  • June 3, 2017

    Iran and Middle East Instability

    The end result of Iran’s presidential election has created further rifts and launched a more intense power struggle amongst the regime’s senior ranks. Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, fearing a repeat of the 2009 scenario of nationwide uprisi...

  • May 9, 2017

    Election debates embarrass the Iran regime

    It appears already that fierce internal disputes among Iranian regime officials have risen to new levels during the first two 2017 presidential debates held on April 28 and May 6.  Iranian president Hassan Rouhani repeated his strong remark...

  • May 3, 2017

    What is the solution for Iran?

    These days, various Trump administration officials are heard making remarks and taking measures regarding Iran.  U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley has time and again spoken about Iran's notorious activities.  "[T]he country t...

  • April 22, 2017

    Exploiting Tehran’s Anxiety over Increasingly Powerful Iranian Opposition

    Last  week, Senator John McCain paid a visit to newly established centers of the Iranian opposition People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Albania, where he met Maryam Rajavi, President of the Paris-based National Council of R...

  • April 12, 2017

    Iran’s Presidential Candidates: Two of the Same

    The presidential election in Iran, scheduled for May 19th, witnessed a major development last Thursday when Ebrahim Raisi, of the “principalists” faction and considered a close confidant of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamen...

  • April 1, 2017

    Iran's Elections: A Breaking Crisis?

    The 12th presidential election in Iran will be held on May 19th. These polls are taking place at a time when the regime in Tehran, and especially Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, are facing three distinct crises. a)  Khamenei, suffering from...

  • March 7, 2017

    Iran: A Leading State in Women’s Oppression

    All dictators are known to oppress their opponents, lie to society about their policies, and resort to any crime necessary to remain in power. Hitler believed a lie should be preposterous to make it believable. As the world marks International Wom...

  • February 25, 2017

    Iran’s Supreme Leader Sees the Beginning of a New Era

    Following a rocky first month in Trump-Iran relations, it’s significant that Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has chosen to maintain a substantially low profile. Comprehending the threat of vast changes in Washington, Khamenei also knows he ...

  • February 16, 2017

    New revelations highlight need to blacklist Iran’s Revolutionary Guards

    Senior U.S. officials are weighing the possibility of labeling Iran's Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) as a foreign terrorist organization.  Members of Congress are introducing legislation calling for such a measure, hallmarking a significant ove...

  • January 26, 2017

    Appeasement of Iran Must End

    A tumultuous year lies ahead. With a new administration taking the helm in Washington, the French elections upcoming, then the sham “elections” in Iran, and unprecedented developments in the making in the Middle East and on the internatio...

  • January 5, 2017

    The main takeaway from Iran’s 'grave sleepers' phenomenon

    Iran, and the entire world, for that matter, was shocked and appalled over images of homeless Iranians resorting to sleeping – and even living – in pre-dug graves to escape freezing winter cold conditions.  As mainstream media correc...

  • December 4, 2016

    Trump and U.S. foreign policy vis-à-vis Iran

    The election of Donald Trump as President of the United States has wreaked havoc among the regime in Iran. Iran’s lobbying groups in Washington are going the distance to influence Trump’s foreign policy vis-à-vis the mullahs in Teh...

  • October 9, 2016

    Hold the Iranian Regime Accountable for Its Atrocities

    October 10th will mark the 14th World Day Against Death Penalty, where people around the world will rally to support the abolition of executions. While we have reason to celebrate progress in seeing more countries abolish the death penalty in 2015, w...

  • August 14, 2016

    Transforming Iran Should Be Core US Policy

    America is gearing up for what is making to be probably the most sensitive and important presidential elections in modern history. Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump will most definitely face major national security challenges very unique in nature. One...

  • July 11, 2016

    Paris rally showcases global unity for change in Iran

    A grand July 9 rally in Paris became a major platform calling on the international community to begin shifting its Iran policy.  The regime of Tehran has no place in the future of Iran and the Middle East, and the West’s flawed appeas...

  • June 29, 2016

    Congress is rightfully concerned over possible Boeing-Iran deal

    Two members of the U.S. House of Representatives from the Republican Party have joined a chorus of colleagues raising major concerns over a provisional agreement between Boeing and Iran involving a multi-billion dollar purchase of a hundred commercia...

  • May 15, 2016

    Iran’s Missile Program and the Perspectives of War

    Operation Decisive Storm, spearheaded by Saudi Arabia, has initiated a major shift in the balance of power across the Middle East. We are entering a very significant period with a long list of complex issues and questions for analysts following regio...

  • March 26, 2016

    Why Can’t Iran’s Economy Revive?

    Political experts and economists alike are discussing how Iran is engulfed in a dire economic crisis paralyzing the country. While actual reports can hardly be obtained about the true status of Iran’s crumbling economy, a brief glance at what i...

  • December 27, 2015

    Change in Iran is the sole solution to resolve Middle East crises, end terrorism

    After the November 13 terrorist attacks in Paris and the ensuing California shooting rampage, democratic societies are anxiously rushing to impose harsh measures and new anti-terrorism laws to erect a defensive shield in the face of terrorists and ex...

  • November 13, 2015

    Iraq: Inhumane Siege of Camp Liberty following Deadly Rocket Barrage

    Days after the lethal October 29th rocket barrage on Camp Liberty in Iraq, home to thousands of Iranian dissidents, which left 24 dead and more than a hundred wounded, living conditions remain drastic and critical. While scores of humanitarian and po...

  • January 10, 2015

    Camp Liberty: 15,000 Dignitaries Call for Action

    More than 15,000 dignitaries from Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries have called for an end to the medical siege exerted on Iranian dissidents in Camp Liberty, north of Baghdad. Camp Liberty, a former desolate abandoned U.S. Army base located...

  • December 17, 2014

    U.S. Cannot Remain Indifferent on Human Rights Violations in Iran

    Intensifying crackdowns and an increasing number of public executions, acid attacks on women’s faces, and the hanging of 26-year old Reyhaneh Jabbari for the sole reason of defending her dignity, have heightened awareness among human ...

  • November 5, 2014

    Iran's Frantic Efforts at Eliminating Camp Liberty Dissidents

    Stuck in a quagmire of internal and international crises, the Iranian regime has resorted to mounting repression both in Iran and against opposition members abroad. Losing Nouri Maliki as a strategic ally in Iraq; recent developments in Syria and the...