Seth Ian

Seth Ian

  • September 6, 2018

    Naomi Levin takes on the NY Democratic cartel

    Entrenched Democrat establishment career politician Jerrold Nadler may have met his match in Naomi Levin.  Her campaign website sums it up well: "growing up[,] she was keenly aware that entitlement is not an American value[;] hard work...

  • December 26, 2017

    Winning again

    On the campaign trail, then-candidate Donald Trump promised to help Make America Great Again.  In contrast to the Obama years, America would start winning again.  Almost one full year into the Trump presidency, there is strong evidence Amer...

  • October 24, 2017

    Trump and Bannon populism vs. the establishment

    A new political wave has swept the nation, a conservative brand of populism.  Championed by President Trump, Steven Bannon, and Stephan Miller, this populism has caught on.  It helped propel President Trump to office. Before addressing t...

  • September 26, 2017

    Time to expand the Trump travel ban (again)

    It was recently announced that new countries were added to President Trump's list of travel-restricted nations.  Contrary to the anti-Trump narrative, this list is far from a Muslim ban.  It was wise to add Chad to the list, already inc...

  • September 6, 2017

    An end to lawlessness

    The election of Donald Trump signaled the end of an era of lawlessness and a return to law and order.  While leftists and the GOP establishment wing revolt against repeal, the decision to end DACA sends a clear message that illegal immigration i...

  • June 15, 2017

    The left's war on patriots and traditional America

    Yesterday, the left's war on the Western world, the USA, and our democracy claimed casualties.  What 'til now had been confined to leaks aimed at undermining our government, shutting down freedom of speech on college campuses, and violen...

  • June 7, 2017

    Time to end political correctness...on the right

    Over the past few days, the Western world has witnessed a serious of deadly terrorist attacks, most of which were carried out by Muslim refugees.  Whether in London, Paris, or Sydney, the attacks focused on soft targets and were carried out duri...