Selwyn Duke

Selwyn Duke

  • On XY in XX’s Sports, Whoopi G. Opens Her Mouth—and Removes All Doubt

    March 14, 2025

    On XY in XX’s Sports, Whoopi G. Opens Her Mouth—and Removes All Doubt

    “It’s better to remain silent and be thought a fool,” goes the amusing saying, “than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” Despite this well known warning, there nonetheless is a show that specializes in removing suc...

  • Without God, There is No TRUE Respect for Human Life

    March 9, 2025

    Without God, There is No TRUE Respect for Human Life

    Since my title is bound to inspire criticism that I’m a “God botherer,” I’ll preface what follows by stating that I wasn’t always the halo-adorned, floating-in-the-ether desert mystic (without the sand or heat) you behol...

  • As a Matter of Fact, I DO Care What People Do in Their Bedroom

    February 25, 2025

    As a Matter of Fact, I DO Care What People Do in Their Bedroom

    Some years ago, during a brief social/political discussion with an older woman I ran into in a store, she said something to the effect of, “I don’t care what people do in their bedroom.” She made the statement reflexively, clearly c...

  • No, Trump Does <em>Not</em> Have to Abide by a Mythical 'Judicial Supremacy'

    February 12, 2025

    No, Trump Does Not Have to Abide by a Mythical 'Judicial Supremacy'

    It’s an old story: When people are allowed to get their way for too long, when they’re never told “No!” they may get too big for their britches. They may develop a sense of entitlement and even become narcissistic. And p...

  • One <em>Billion</em> Americans? When Do We End Immigration?

    January 28, 2025

    One Billion Americans? When Do We End Immigration?

    It’s funny, the discussions we never have, even when they involve that proverbial elephant in the room. Here’s one: Since the U.S.’s population is only increasing because of immigration, when do we decide we have enough people an...

  • Let’s say man <em>is</em> changing the climate. So what?

    November 25, 2024

    Let’s say man is changing the climate. So what?

    “The temperature is rising!” “The temperature is dropping.” “The temperature is staying the same.” We argue the “facts” of climate change (even as parts of New Jersey were just buried under 11 inches...

  • Why I, a Staunch Pro-Lifer, Staunchly Support Trump (and Why You Should, Too)

    October 29, 2024

    Why I, a Staunch Pro-Lifer, Staunchly Support Trump (and Why You Should, Too)

    “The perfect should not be the enemy of good,” the saying goes. This comes to mind when hearing about a lamentable reality: Some pro-life Americans, upset about what many consider President Donald Trump’s “softening” abo...

  • Trump the deep state and adVance toward freedom!

    October 24, 2024

    Trump the deep state and adVance toward freedom!

    “The pen is mightier than the sword,” Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton wrote in 1839. And this power of words is well exemplified by the rallying cry known as the campaign slogan. In fact, “A recent study shows that campaign slogans h...

  • Brit child killer ‘misinfo’: Amid riots, has truth been swept under the rug?

    August 7, 2024

    Brit child killer ‘misinfo’: Amid riots, has truth been swept under the rug?

    One thing riots, such as the ones currently roiling Britain, are good for is serving as a distraction. For example, consider what we know — and are not being told — about what sparked the unrest: The murders of three little girls and inju...

  • 'Scvmlord made me do it'? Screen shots from the strange social media world of one Thomas Matthew Crooks -UPDATED

    July 15, 2024

    'Scvmlord made me do it'? Screen shots from the strange social media world of one Thomas Matthew Crooks -UPDATED

    While seeking evidence last night of the motivations and ideology of President Trump’s would-be assassin, named Thomas Matthew Crooks, I came across what appeared to be his purported Instagram page. It has now been deleted (of course!), but ...

  • Caitlin Clark and the Psychology of Racial Hatred

    June 27, 2024

    Caitlin Clark and the Psychology of Racial Hatred

    It’s not hard to understand why Caitlin Clark, the record-setting white ex-NCAA women’s basketball standout, is enjoying attention and endorsements like no WNBA player before her. And, no, it’s not because of (mythical) “white...

  • Did anti-white, DEI bias steal a state final spot from a white basketball team?

    March 18, 2024

    Did anti-white, DEI bias steal a state final spot from a white basketball team?

    Some say it was the worst call they’ve ever seen in high-school basketball. The scene was the recent NJSIAA Group 2 state semifinal game between New Jersey team Camden — a powerhouse that hadn’t lost to another NJ public-school s...

  • Why Conservatives Need to Stop Saying ‘My Country’s Not Perfect’

    March 12, 2024

    Why Conservatives Need to Stop Saying ‘My Country’s Not Perfect’

    A “Persian flaw” was originally a flaw purposely included in a handmade carpet because, the thinking was, only God could aspire to perfection. ’Tis true, too, that perfection is not a thing of this world. Given this, you may wonder ...

  • Biden’s SOTU: 'Old Ideas' Talk Back to an Old Man

    March 9, 2024

    Biden’s SOTU: 'Old Ideas' Talk Back to an Old Man

    “Nine out of ten of what we call new ideas are simply old mistakes,” noted G.K. Chesterton a century ago. This is brought to mind by the modern obsession with “new ideas,” typified by Joe Biden’s implicit touting of them...

  • Smartfood gets dumb: Bud Lights itself with ‘LGBTQ’ GLAAD bag

    February 29, 2024

    Smartfood gets dumb: Bud Lights itself with ‘LGBTQ’ GLAAD bag

    Move over, Bud Light and Dylan Mulvaney. There’s a new brand in town finding woke ways to reduce its market share. I learned this while shopping in a local supermarket on Wednesday, when I noticed a rack with unusually colorful bags of Smart...

  • There Can’t be a 'Trans Genocide' — Because 'Trans' People Don’t Exist

    February 20, 2024

    There Can’t be a 'Trans Genocide' — Because 'Trans' People Don’t Exist

    Much as our esteemed psychological profession defines “gender dysphoria,” there’s also a phenomenon known as “species dysphoria.” I do understand that among mental-health practitioners it’s known as “Specie...

  • Forget the laughingstock all-female SWAT team. How about one for 70-year-old men?

    February 10, 2024

    Forget the laughingstock all-female SWAT team. How about one for 70-year-old men?

    Too old? That’s ageism, you bigot! Canceled you must be. The idea of a septuagenarian SWAT team comes to mind after watching a viral video of a Chilean all-female team’s grand failure at the recent UAE SWAT Dubai Police Challenge (yes,...

  • January 17, 2024

    ‘Diversity is a strength’ is just something stupid people say

    What has so often struck me, and irked me, about the embrace of “diversity” dogma is how profoundly unintellectual it is. A wiseguy might say it’s really a simple IQ test, though a wise guy understands it’s a soul and sagacity...

  • December 24, 2023

    Constitution Does Not Dictate That Satanic Displays Must Get Equal Time in Public Square

    In the very tiresome battles over whether one religious element can be in the public realm without being accompanied by other “religious” elements that someone, somewhere, claims to value, a simple point is missed: We do have the right...

  • December 20, 2023

    Claudine Gay isn’t the First, or Worst, Example of Black Plagiarism Privilege

    “Why is Harvard giving Claudine Gay ‘plagiarism privilege’?” asked the New York Post editorial board Saturday. It must be a rhetorical question. Professor Carol Swain, who was ripped off by Gay and complains “I feel ...

  • December 4, 2023

    For the West to Live, Immigration(ism) Must Die

    After expelling a large number of illegal aliens approximately 20 to 25 years ago, the Japanese government made a firm statement I’ll never forget. “Japan is for Japanese,” Tokyo unabashedly explained. “Others are welcome to c...

  • November 6, 2023

    The curious case of Caster

    Caster Semenya, the “woman” runner who made waves years ago dusting female competition while appearing very male, is back in the news. The athlete has just written a new book, The Race to Be Myself; the problem is that most media reportin...

  • October 23, 2023

    Hidden Marxism: Treating Immigrants as Robots

    No matter which prominent side wins in our immigration debates, the U.S. loses for a simple reason: the contest pits people who hate the point against people who miss the point. On one side are the large-I Immigrationists, individuals who behave a...

  • September 24, 2023

    Medical Examiner’s Office source: Only 1 to 2 percent of 'COVID deaths' were really COVID

    “Only one to two percent” of deaths officially labeled as caused by COVID actually were induced by the disease. The rest were labeled as COVID but actually had other causes. So said an individual I spoke to recently, who I’ll kee...

  • April 7, 2023

    Charles Barkley Calls WNBA, Which Loses $10 Million Yearly, ‘A Great Product’

    Is basketball great Charles Barkley a socialist? He certainly talked a bit like one recently, though it wouldn’t really be fair to thus label him. It’s more accurate to say he’s not very bright. Complaining recently on somethi...

  • April 4, 2023

    My letter to the Minnesota official who demanded parents respect their kids' identities

    Not long ago, footage surfaced of Minnesota lieutenant governor Peggy Flanagan lecturing kindly instructing parents on how to raise their children.  Seeming very cult-member-like passionate, Flanagan insisted that we "listen" to y...

  • March 28, 2023

    If the mentally ill 'mustn't own guns,' what about 'trans' people?

    The timing of the tragic Nashville shooting, in which a MUSS (Made-Up Sexual Status, AKA "transgender") individual killed six at a Christian school, is a bit odd.  National Public Radio had just recently done a piece on how M...

  • March 22, 2023

    Ben Stein Is Right (Sort of): Black Americans Have 'Never Had It So Good'

    Recently, actor-cum-commentator Ben Stein was condemned in media for touting the "progress" the U.S. has made and saying that black Americans "never had it so good."  One website called his remarks a "racist rant...

  • March 12, 2023

    The ‘Trans’-Fem Debate: The National Version of ‘My Wife is Always Right’

    “A pox on both their houses,” we may say, when wishing both sides in a contest could lose. I surely feel this way, too, with the “transgender” vs. feminist debate over men masquerading as females entering women’s sports ...

  • February 14, 2023

    Our Little Barbarians

    Recently, an establishment called Nettie's House of Spaghetti in New Jersey announced they will no longer allow children under 10 to dine at their restaurant. The move caused controversy, with some respondents applauding the policy and others...

  • January 1, 2023

    Remembering when gun control was at least remotely rational

    A curious mutation in gun control activism occurred during the last few decades, whence began a fixation on something dubbed the “assault rifle.” Never mind that an assault rifle, insofar as the designation was ever at all valid, had ...

  • December 20, 2022

    Do we have to accept transgenderism if it's 'inborn'?

    Question: Is the following a good summation of the argument used, starting decades ago, to normalize homosexuality? "Many researchers [are] taking a different view of homosexuality," a newspaper wrote late last century.  "...

  • December 15, 2022

    Isn’t Drafting Women an Imperative of Equality?

    While I used to quip before the Millennium’s turn that “I’m a real man of the ’90s — the 1890s,” the truth is that I’m more like Mayberry Meets the Middle Ages. It’s not so much that I hate new id...

  • December 9, 2022

    Seared Souls: How We Abuse Our Children

    Since I’m going to be criticizing a now widely accepted phenomenon, this piece may evoke eyerolls from some supporters. So be it, because certain things need to be said. I must confess that with the way many of my fellow adults behave today,...

  • November 29, 2022

    The New Voting System that Gave Democrats a GOP House Seat is Dangerous. Here’s Why

    Alaska’s sole congressional seat, which had been in GOP hands for 49 years, was recently captured by Democrat Mary Peltola. The victory has been touted by liberals as either vindication of their agenda or as portending the end of the career...

  • November 15, 2022

    COVID-shot echoes: I had a most odd experience Saturday

    In "My troubling COVID vaccine story experiences," I wrote last year about how within a short period of time I met three men at the same recreational area who announced to me they'd had heart attacks.  All three had ...

  • November 9, 2022

    COVID Amnesty? How About Unconditional Surrender?

    Brown University professor Emily Oster has created quite a stir with her recent article asking for a “pandemic amnesty.” In it, she calls for “both sides” in the COVID debate to forgive each other so we can focus on solving cu...

  • November 9, 2022

    Circumstantial evidence of vote fraud?

    Yesterday America voted, and there were some rather odd election anomalies -- much as there had been in 2020. As for the latter, a bit of history: The winner of Florida, Iowa, and Ohio had won the presidency for perhaps as long as the three states...

  • October 6, 2022

    As Nuclear War Looms: Does Russia Have a Right to its Own Monroe Doctrine?

    With news that Israeli intelligence has detected an “irregular presence” of nuclear-capable Russian bombers near Finland and retired general David Petraeus casually saying NATO would likely sink Vladimir Putin’s Black Sea fleet if R...

  • September 29, 2022

    How about some real history for a change?

    The video below was in my YouTube suggestions a while back, and it truly is interesting.  It's an audio-book presentation (at 05:20:23) of the testimonial of Fanny Kelly, a woman held captive by American Indians in the 19th century. Title...

  • August 3, 2022

    When Joe caved to Joe: The real Manchin con

    Upset and disappointed, many felt betrayed when Senator Joe Manchin cut a deal with ultra-left-wing colleague Chuck Schumer and created the laughably named "Inflation Reduction Act."  Yet anyone who feels that way should consider ...

  • June 30, 2022

    Roe Woe: Manchin and Collins Violate Their Oaths by Stressing Un-American Stare Decisis

    In the wake of Roe being aborted, some liberal politicians, such as senators Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) and Susan Collins (R-Me.), are crying foul because they claim that SCOTUS justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch deceived them over stare decisis (re...

  • June 28, 2022

    Tucker Carlson’s Misguided Attack on Republicans

    For the record, I believe Fox News host Tucker Carlson is by far the best high-profile TV commentator of our time. I frequently cite him in my news-oriented articles, and his monologues are tours de force. Thus is it notable that I’ve never see...

  • June 24, 2022

    When a conservative is asked, 'What is a woman?'

    A common way to put Made-up Sexual Status (MUSS, aka "transgender") activists on the spot is to ask them "What is a woman?" They'll hem and haw because their current emotion-based creed dictates that the only possible definiti...

  • June 20, 2022

    Why Bill Maher can't kick his Democrat party addiction

    Comedian-cum-commentator Bill Maher has of late been making some new friends and enemies and raising many an eyebrow.  At issue are his Real Time monologues in which he has taken his "side," the left, to task for "w...

  • June 14, 2022

    You really want federal gun control intervention? Well, here's an idea for you

    Word is that the Senate has the necessary votes for federal gun control legislation designed to, among other things, pressure states into instituting "red flag" laws.  These measures are controversial because they involve suspendi...

  • May 6, 2022

    Is the left agitating for war with Russia so it can cement domestic tyranny?

    It has been odd and alarming watching the powers-that-be relentlessly escalate the proxy war our government is waging against Russia.  It's not just that we're sending billions of dollars of weapons into Ukraine, are calling Vladimi...

  • March 14, 2022

    Alas, the Best Outcome in Ukraine Now May be a Relatively Quick Russian Victory

    It’s hard finding an American, anywhere, who believes Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a good thing. I’m no exception. War is ugly, and innocent people suffer as the pseudo-elites play their geopolitical chess games driven by power-l...

  • February 23, 2022

    Gunmaker’s New ‘AR-15 for Kids’ Has Left Shooting Intellectual Blanks

    A good response to the self-righteous exclamation “You let your son play with toy guns!?” might once have been, “Well, yeah, he’s too young to have a real one!” But perhaps not anymore, not with a new addition to the fir...

  • February 18, 2022

    Anyone who'd cancel George Washington is an enemy within

    There are different ways to identify an enemy within, but one is quite simple.  Anybody who'd cancel George Washington should be considered a fifth-column member fit only for scorn and ostracism. We've seen attacks upon Washingto...

  • February 13, 2022

    Killing civilization: Teaching schoolkids ‘the narrative’

    For quite some years now, the term “narrative” has been common in political circles. It generally has a negative connotation as it’s used to reference a storyline — an often largely fictional one — advanced by some ideol...

  • February 2, 2022

    Hit back hard: Here’s how you DEFEAT a racism charge

    "You're a racist!"  We've all heard that often enough.  In fact, as was once said in saner times about opportunistic patriotism, it's now racism charges that are the last refuge of a scoundrel.  But...

  • January 31, 2022

    A Black Female SCOTUS Judge Won’t Do a Darn Thing to Help Blacks

    When Joe Biden’s earpiece expresses, through his mouth, its firm intention to nominate a black female Supreme Court candidate, critics will say that race and sex shouldn’t matter in such things. Well, don’t worry — they won...

  • January 24, 2022

    I Can PROVE ‘Transwomen’ Have an Advantage Over Real Women in Sports

    As most know, there’s a contentious debate over whether it’s fair to let men who claim they’re female compete in women’s sports. It’s a debate driven more by emotion than reason, as so many things are. If a fellow cla...

  • January 21, 2022

    The global warming question that can change people's minds

    Late last year, I got into a discussion with a fellow who was quite sold on the idea that man's activities were warming the Earth.  While not a hardcore ideologue, it was apparent the gentleman had accepted the climate change narrative ...

  • January 13, 2022

    If limiting the unvaxxed is wise, what about limiting fat people?

    For the record, I've nothing against our friendly-fronted friends.  Why, my favorite philosopher, G.K. Chesterton, reportedly weighed in at close to 400 pounds.  Yet the reality is that the horizontally challenged have somethi...

  • January 10, 2022

    SCOTUS Justices’ COVID Ignorance Illustrates Why They Should Stay in Their Lane

    Aside from labeling herself an “affirmative action baby,” Supreme Court Justice Sonya Sotomayor once suggested she was a “wise Latina.” Given this, apropos here is a line from ancient Chinese sage Confucius: “Wis...

  • December 29, 2021

    God and Ego: Trump vs. Obama

    A "great man knows he is not God," observed the great and greater G.K. Chesterton — "and the greater he is the better he knows it."  This came to mind when hearing something President Trump said recently — an...

  • December 27, 2021

    Missing the Point: No, Satanic Christmastime Displays Are NOT Constitutionally Required

    What does it say about a civilization when it feels compelled to place a satanic display next to baby Jesus at Christmastime? As a general question, you can answer that for yourself. But among other things, in our case it means too many Americans ...

  • December 20, 2021

    Hey, UPenn 'Trans' Swimmer 'Lia' Thomas, I’m on YOUR side!

    "Lia" Thomas, the "transgender" University of Pennsylvania swimmer who has become famous, and infamous, for making women in the pool seem like manatees racing a barracuda, recently said that he just tries to tune out the negativit...

  • December 15, 2021

    NATO? If Russia Conquered Europe, It Would be an Improvement

    As we ponder how our day’s Dr. Strangeloves want Ukraine to join NATO so that we’ll be obligated to go to war against Russia if it attacks its western, kleptocratic neighbor, we should consider a certain point. It isn’t just, as som...

  • December 8, 2021

    Are you ready for nuclear war over Ukraine?

    “Do you know we don’t rule out first-use nuclear action?” So said Senator Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) while outlining what measures the U.S. could take against Russia over Ukraine, at whose border Moscow has been massing troops. The sena...

  • December 7, 2021

    Three black men frame white men for a crime

    In case you haven't guessed, my title is another way of characterizing the hoax perpetrated by actor and malefactor Jussie Smollett, currently on trial for falsely claiming he was the victim of a 2019 "hate crime."  It's a...

  • December 5, 2021

    Tucker Carlson is Wrong on Chris Cuomo and Brotherhood

    “Blood is not thicker than morality,” radio host and author Laura Schlessinger once noted. This comes to mind when pondering how Fox News’ normally astute Tucker Carlson, who generally exhibits more philosophical depth than is the t...

  • December 1, 2021

    Video: The COVID con is the '76 swine flu fiasco on steroids

    In a social media feed yesterday, I came across a 1979 60 Minutes segment on the propaganda surrounding the 1976 swine flu scare.  Many of us had already heard about how the event was reminiscent of today's COVID-19 con, ...

  • November 22, 2021

    Unsaid: Joseph Rosenbaum might have committed suicide-by-Rittenhouse

    Why would you chase and lunge at, or otherwise attack, a young man who's carrying a semi-automatic rifle?  This is what happened last August 25 in the Kyle Rittenhouse affair, and it's crazy behavior. With respect to at least one...

  • November 21, 2021

    Kyle Rittenhouse Did NOT Get a Fair Trial

    Many people, even some notable commentators, are hailing the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict as a triumph for American justice. In reality, though, the teen rightly prevailed, being found not guilty on all five charges brought against him. But he did not...

  • November 3, 2021

    Hit the courts and fight hard! Without vote fraud, Ciattarelli wins New Jersey hands down

    It won't be news to many that New Jersey is as crooked as a dog's hind leg.  This extends to its electoral system.  Thus can it be said assuredly that without vote fraud, the remarkably corrupt and fairly stupid Garden Sta...

  • October 20, 2021

    The 'Equality' blues: Feminists cry foul when boys' netball team wins girls' tournament

    Gosh, has anyone ever really believed in Equality™? The Queensland Suns won the Nissan State under-18 netball tournament last month, and the wrath of many, by easily defeating seven other teams.  The issue?  The Suns are ...

  • October 5, 2021

    A record? Twitter has had me ‘under suspension’ for SIX MONTHS

    Maybe they want to see who’ll blink first. But I’ve heard of Twitter suspending people’s accounts (e.g., Nicki Minaj) and banning users (e.g., President Trump), along with the games they routinely play, such as shadow-banning tweets...

  • September 20, 2021

    FDA Panel Member on COVID Vaccines: 'Heart Attacks Happen 71 Times More Often….'

    “I had a heart attack….” A bit more than a month ago I wrote about “My troubling COVID vaccine story experiences.” Aside from citing a friend who developed heart inflammation after taking a coronavirus genetic-therap...

  • September 14, 2021

    When We Were Nation-Building in Afghanistan, Did We Remember the Mandatory Pig Roasts?

    For the record, I’ve not only opposed our Mideast military adventures but also, in 2007, wrote an article warning about the folly of “nation-building.” Yet I also know that if you are going to overthrow a tyrannical regime and r...

  • August 24, 2021

    The Deep State and Afghanistan

    The level of incompetence apparent in the Afghanistan withdrawal has been breathtaking. Even a smart 12-year-old, after all, would know that you have to evacuate American civilians and vulnerable allies before removing your military personnel. This r...

  • August 12, 2021

    My troubling COVID vaccine story experiences

    Along with many other commentators, I've reported on side-effects associated with the coronavirus vaccines.  Of particular concern are heart problems and, specifically, myocarditis, which is inflammation of the heart muscle.  No...

  • August 8, 2021

    Why Every Functional Society Needs Fear of God

    To use a twist on an Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen line, millions of people hate what they think Christianity is.  Far fewer people hate what Christianity actually is. Bringing this to mind, again, is a comment I recently came across from a...

  • August 4, 2021

    Can We Stop with the ‘Indigenous’ Bit Already?

    It’s amazing how many people are trying to tear down present glories in the name of a past none of them have any interest in going back to. Bringing this to mind is the underreported story of the Canadian church burnings, acts inspired by the c...

  • June 21, 2021

    The Truth: Biden is supposed to DENY HIMSELF Communion

    Years ago, because my best friend had some Polish connections, I'd sometimes attend a "Polish" Catholic church in Brooklyn, New York City.  Attendance was great enough that some parishioners had to participate in Mass on the s...

  • May 12, 2021

    How the Left Plans To Put Boots on the Ground to Subdue Middle America

    It was said during our Mideast military adventures, and has been considered a truism of war, that you can’t really win a conflict without “boots on the ground.” For it’s difficult to completely subdue a people from afar. It ma...

  • March 19, 2021

    Twitter suspends me for criticizing Cardi B

    Politicians such as Maxine Waters can praise and encourage BLM/Antifa violence via Twitter, and they still have access.  Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamanei can send anti-Jewish and anti-Israel tweets, and he's still on the platform....

  • February 22, 2021

    Conservatives Need to Start Taking No Prisoners and Claiming Scalps

    One reason conservatives never saw a culture war they couldn’t lose is that they insist on using Queensberry rules, even as the Left fights no-holds-barred. Consider, for example, two scenarios. When leftists discover someone “committi...

  • February 2, 2021

    The Fight That Lies Between Status Quo and Secession

    With a stolen election, stolen culture, stolen courts and stolen dreams, many Americans are realizing that rule by the Left, absolutely corrupt even without absolute power, is unthinkable. Talk of secession, something continually entertained in vario...

  • December 10, 2020

    The Time for Talking with the Left is Long, Long Past

    “People who cannot be reasoned with can only be fought.” It’s an age-old truth, one good people ignore at their own peril. It too often is ignored, though, since good people are mostly reasonable and, in accordance with man’s ...

  • November 28, 2020

    The unknown reason politicians break their own lockdown rules

    There's hypocrisy, damned hypocrisy, and the actions of statist politicians. Most of us have seen the pictures or heard the stories.  Governor Gavin Newsom, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, and other leftists have been caugh...

  • November 8, 2020

    With Locally-run Elections, a Handful of Big Dem Cities Now Can Control Entire U.S.

    Democrats have lamented how the Electoral College gives smaller states outsized influence over presidential elections. But consider what they’ve done via illegal means: given a handful of Democrat-run, major cities far greater influence over th...

  • November 3, 2020

    NPC: Joe Biden, the non-player character candidate

    As with 2016, the 2020 election year is giving us the unprecedented — in this case, our first non-player character candidate.  If this reference escapes you, know that an NPC is technically a gaming character that's controlled by ...

  • October 25, 2020

    Unseen and Unsaid: The most telling character difference between Trump and Biden

    Something occurred to me recently while watching a post-debate Frank Luntz focus group. Comprising undecided voters who liked neither Trump nor Biden, the participants nonetheless believed the president won the debate and most said they’d proba...

  • October 22, 2020

    Is this the real reason they've been hidin' Biden before the debate?

    Joe Biden's tendency to now go into seclusion before presidential debates has raised many an eyebrow.  His handlers say that, as far as tonight's event goes, they were simply preparing him to face President Trump, while some observe...

  • October 19, 2020

    Trump MUST Up His Game for the Next Debate

    President Trump is masterful at his rallies. I’ve never seen anyone work a crowd better. Able to control the microphone, he’s loose, conversational, fluent, interesting, funny and even sometimes charming. He connects with people. That...

  • October 18, 2020

    Is this another reason the FBI hid the Hunter Biden Laptop?

    See also: Hold on to your hat: Hunter’s hard drive rollout this week is going to unleash a whirlwind It didn’t surprise the informed, and understandably a bit cynical, to hear that the FBI sat on Hunter Biden’s laptop instead of ...

  • October 9, 2020

    Mike Pence got the debate buzz, but Obama is the real Lord of the Flies

    The leftist community is all abuzz about a fly landing on Vice President Mike Pence's head, and remaining there for a few minutes, during Wednesday's debate with Senator Kamala Harris.  Dubbed #flygate on the internet, the uninvited...

  • October 8, 2020

    Shameful moderator bias at the vice presidential debate

    One tragedy of this election season, and all modern election seasons, is that the Democrats' radicalism is being hidden from the American people by a complicit media establishment. It would have been nice, then, if Wednesday's vice preside...

  • October 1, 2020

    White radicals? still goes to 'Biden for President' website

    If or redirected to the Trump/Pence campaign website, it would be a major story that the media would use, mercilessly, to tar the president.  Why, Trump was asked at Tuesday night's debate, again, to disavow whit...

  • September 28, 2020

    Amy Coney Barrett and the Zealots

     Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett is in the grip of “dogmas.” So goes a criticism made by, ironically, the most dogmatic of people. In fact, the gripe reflects a certain dogma-born prejudice. Oh, I don’t speak of the ant...

  • September 16, 2020

    The Democrats’ War on Blacks

    When hearing talk of Democrats’ war on blacks, some may think of the 92 percent of black homicide victims murdered by other blacks mainly in Democrat-run cities. Others may ponder the 300,000 black babies killed yearly in the womb with the appr...

  • August 20, 2020

    Hillary Clinton, malevolent child

    Donald Trump is "denigrating" our "democracy," said Hillary Clinton in the October 19, 2016 presidential debate, responding to Trump's statement that he may not accept a possibly fraudulent election's outcome.  S...

  • July 2, 2020

    The Coming Collapse of the Republic

     “We’re just one election away from full-blown socialism,” a man recently said to me during a short conversation. This sentiment has become increasingly common lately, even, notably, among the previously apolitical. Yet somethi...

  • June 23, 2020

    Gorsuch the Pharisee and Textualist Tomfoolery

    The Supreme Court’s recent opinion that the 1964 Civil Rights Act’s prohibition against “sex” discrimination offers protections for LGBT identity groups has raised eyebrows and ire. But it’s not surprising: The decision...

  • June 17, 2020

    Our Forefathers Condemned as Immoral by the Worst Among Us

    As statues again come down as our culture is further torn up, something goes unsaid and often unnoticed: Notable Western historical figures are being condemned as immoral — by the most immoral, decadent, depraved people among us. The cult...

  • June 12, 2020

    Devolution to Revolution: An Already Demoralized U.S. is Now Being Destabilized

    The two destabilizing events recently occurring back-to-back, the response to the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic, and the George Floyd rioting, illustrate well how America is now institutionally incapable of making decisions in her own best interests. Th...

  • June 7, 2020

    'Defund the police'? The method to the Left’s madness

    Dismantling the police, a measure already proposed in Minneapolis, makes about as much sense as eliminating doctors or farmers, and would likewise lead to pain and death. But if there is method to the madness, and I suspect there is in some Machiavel...

  • June 1, 2020

    On George Floyd: There is NOTHING to protest

    With the mayhem following the last Monday death of arrestee George Floyd, many have pointed out that protesting is fine, but rioting is not.  While obviously true, something equally so is left unsaid: There is nothing to protest. It...

  • May 3, 2020

    A Wizard of Oz Virus: The COVID-19 Hoax

     When I speak of a hoax and The Virus, I don’t mean there isn’t in our population a pathogen identified loosely as COVID-19 or, as the “unwoke” might say, the Wuhan Flu. As with past respiratory diseases, it’s also ...

  • April 5, 2020

    Why Accepting Two Million COVID-19 Deaths May be Better Than a National Lockdown

    We’ve heard much during the Wuhan flu crisis about a “worst case scenario” of two million dead Americans, a staggering number. But missing from the national conversation is something equally important: What’s the worst case...

  • March 18, 2020

    Joe Biden, the Manchurian Virus Candidate

    If one didn’t know better, he could think that China unleashed the Wuhan virus upon the world purposely to get their man, Joe Biden, elected president. Jumblin’ Joe is their man, too. It’s not just that the disease will assuredl...

  • March 9, 2020

    Would a victorious Joe Biden be removed for mental incapacitation?

    The Democratic Party is now confronted with a dilemma.  Its two possible presidential nominees are perhaps equally unpalatable, though for different reasons.  Socialist Bernie Sanders is, the establishment believes from a pra...

  • March 4, 2020

    Big Tech’s Civilization-Busting Bias

    If you could transport yourself back to the Middle Ages and tell people that living things too small to see can cause disease, they'd think you were crazy.  Seeing is believing, and, quite often, not seeing is not believing.  ...

  • February 22, 2020

    'Trans Women' vs. 'Cis-Women': Feminists Created the Monster Now Devouring Women's Sports

    Here’s a question to ponder: If people think the male-female athletics performance gap is very slight, will they be more or less likely to oppose having men claiming womanhood enter women’s sports? Remember when answering that such men ge...

  • February 19, 2020

    The Myth of Bernie Sanders’s Honesty

    Love him or hate him, and avowed socialist Bernie Sanders does evoke extremes in feeling, even conservatives often credit him with being honest. They shouldn’t. Not only has the Vermont senator and presidential contender changed positions to ca...

  • January 27, 2020

    Dems' impeachment strategy isn't to win over the Senate, but defeat the Senate

    A common belief among conservatives is that Democrats have blundered in their impeachment trial argumentation, that they've shot themselves in the foot.  Perhaps so.  But we should remember that their goal cannot, logical...

  • January 11, 2020

    Is Pelosi timing the impeachment articles' release so as to damage Bernie?

    The conventional belief regarding Nancy Pelosi's holding of the impeachment articles is that, as someone put it, she'd pulled the pin on the grenade and then didn't know what to do.  Yet even if she has bumbled into her current ...

  • January 10, 2020

    Killing Civilization: The Great Equality Farce

     For the West to live, equality must die. By the latter, I mean equality dogma, and a recent video I stumbled across again brought this issue to mind. It was part of an intersex wage-gap discussion that took place in Australia last year among re...

  • December 23, 2019

    On how evangelicals can support Trump, both libs and conservatives get it wrong

    With both the Russia and Ukraine hoaxes having fizzled and the "legal" means for President Trump's removal perhaps exhausted, at least for now, the Left appears to have moved on to a "moral" argument designed to influence the ...

  • December 20, 2019

    How Democrats Could Undo Trump’s Lasting Legacy in the Courts

    To the delight of conservatives and dismay of liberals, President Trump is doing more to reshape the American judiciary than any president in recent memory.  It's viewed as a "lasting legacy" that will ensure more "conser...

  • December 18, 2019

    The Democrats' one-night stand with the founders

    "I'll respect you in the morning" is what I half expect to hear.  Of course, the Democrats now invoking the Founding Fathers' memory in their effort to impeach President Trump won't respect our colonial progenitors at ...

  • November 26, 2019

    The Danger of Elizabeth Warren

    Senator Elizabeth Warren, one-time Indian and beer drinker, would make a very dangerous president. This isn’t just because of her policies, which include ending the Electoral College, banning fracking everywhere, regulating a naturally occurrin...

  • November 21, 2019

    Lieutenant Colonel Vindman as Ukrainian asset?

    The Army's answer to Seinfeld's George Costanza, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman, made quite the statement Tuesday when admitting under oath that he was offered the position of minister of defense of Ukraine — three times...

  • November 4, 2019

    Katie Hill Affair and its Aftermath are Signs of America’s Decline

    It’s truly not shocking that a political leader would be a reprobate behind closed doors. From Caligula to the Marquis de Sade to Bill Clinton, the depraved have always been overrepresented among the ruling classes. It is for this reason that w...

  • October 28, 2019

    Was Hillary’s Attack on Tulsi Gabbard Part of a Plot to Destroy Trump?

    On the surface, Hillary Clinton’s “Russian asset” attack last week on Rep. Tulsi Gabbard appeared the rambling of a bitter, perhaps unhinged woman. One observer suggested that Clinton was holding a grudge because the Hawaii Democrat...

  • October 1, 2019

    Bill de Blasio's Great White Lie

    When peddling left-wing equality policy, there’s no selling point quite like claiming there are too many whiteys about. So, when there aren’t, you simply dissemble. A case in point is the effort by Mayor Bill de Blasio to “diversify...

  • September 14, 2019

    How AR-15s Became the Plastic Straws of the Gun World

    How did AR-15s become the plastic straws of the gun world? It’s simple: Demagogues need scapegoats. Yet just as banning plastic straws won’t make a dent in the ocean-polluting plastics problem, banning “assault rifles” (which ...

  • August 15, 2019

    Millennial becomes unhinged after boss corrects her spelling of ‘hamster’

    Being simultaneously comical and tragic, perhaps nothing reflects our descent into Idiocracy more than millennials who’ll insist their misspellings of words are correct. Just yesterday I read an eyebrow-raising story about this that was quite t...

  • August 12, 2019

    What Kind of Rhetoric Causes the Shooting of Whites?

    Ever since the El Paso shooting, talk of racist rhetoric inspiring murderous attacks has been ratcheted up. Racism certainly is a problem, too, one accompanied by another problem: Those talking most about it appear to know least what it actually...

  • August 7, 2019

    Murder: It's a Democrat thing

    With leftists seeking to blame the El Paso shooting on President Trump, guns, white people, and whatever other boogieman will help score political points, a simple fact should be understood: Murder is a Democrat thing. We can start with the...

  • August 5, 2019

    El Paso: The Real Root Causes of Mass Shootings

    In the El Paso shooting’s wake, evident is the same wash-rinse-repeat pattern. There are the inevitable calls for gun control by demagogues concerned only about people control, those who put the onus on whites when most mass shooters are non-wh...

  • July 18, 2019

    The Left is following Communism's playbook for revolution

    .We Americans are currently in a civilizational state historians William Strauss and Neil Howe would call the "Third Turning": an unraveling.  The so-called Left is making it happen, too, with conservatives enabling it by conservi...

  • June 30, 2019

    Dead end at Bernie's: Sanders will never, ever be president

    For those still feeling the Bern, I've some bad news: Bernie Sanders will never be president.  This is first and foremost because he'll never, ever be the Democrat nominee.  The man who never really was yesterday's can...

  • June 24, 2019

    Hey, ‘Trans’ Men in Women’s Sports: Good Luck, Fellas — Go for the Gold!

    “Equality” cries were cherished by feminists when they gave females entry into military academies, boardrooms and the ranks of police; prize-money parity in some sporting events; and access to boys’ athletics. But with these appeals...

  • June 5, 2019

    You've already lost the immigration battle if you say this

    Conditioned responses are funny things.  One of them, the statement that they're "probably all nice people" — oft used when discussing illegal migrants — is also a dangerous thing. That very line was uttered, re...

  • May 17, 2019

    Taming the Bench: MAGA Means Ending Judicial Precedent

    “It is a maxim among these lawyers, that whatever hath been done before may legally be done again: and therefore they take special care to record all the decisions formerly made against common justice and the general reason of mankind. These, u...

  • April 9, 2019

    Man claims NYC officials are abetting neighbor's theft of his property

    A man's home is supposed to be his castle.  But this is no longer the case in New York City, according to a Brooklyn man who says the Big Apple officials are aiding and abetting a next-door neighbor's attempt to steal his property. ...

  • February 22, 2019

    Feminists Screaming about 'Transgenderism,' Their Own Demon Child

    Say, "Be careful what you wish for" or call it the law of unintended consequences.  For decades, feminists screamed, "I am woman, hear me roar" — now it's "Hear me squeal — a man just walked through ...

  • February 2, 2019

    Gov. Northam and the Guy Who Said: Kill People in Mixed-race Relationships

    It’s certainly a sign of the times that Governor Ralph Northam’s resignation has been demanded not because of an apparent endorsement of infanticide, but because of a 1984 yearbook photo. Yet another sign is how, while Virginia’s No...

  • January 23, 2019

    The Ultimate Irony of the 'Native American Elder' and the MAGA Hat Kids

    This past weekend’s big news was a big media frame-up of kids and the beating of a leftist drum by a little Indian. There’s no need now to elaborate on how the Covington Catholic High School students may end up being 2019’s most unf...

  • December 23, 2018

    Restoring Civilization

    They can sense it. They can feel it. Something is seriously wrong in our civilization, and many people know it. This is why despite the relatively good economic times, most Americans polled say our country is on the “wrong track.” Yet man...

  • December 18, 2018

    Is Michael Savage the latest victim of TDS and the left's 'pacification effort'?

    There's a rather odd story that, as with everything concerning the man at its center, hasn't gotten much media attention.  Or, at least, it would be odd if we didn't live in a time of fascistic corporate activism.  Mic...

  • December 4, 2018

    For the West to Live, ‘Equality’ Must Die

    Equality is the chief faux virtue of our time. Our obsession with it brings to mind the great G.K. Chesterton’s observation, “The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes f...

  • November 19, 2018

    American’t: From Midterms to End Times

    Truly great disasters come like a thief in the night. How many foresaw Rome’s sacking in 410 A.D., her collapse 66 years later, WWI or WWII? As for today, how many see that the United States is at what some call a tipping point, what others may...

  • November 14, 2018

    A Glimpse Into a World Without Men

    Ah, to have an all-female workplace, full of sugar and spice and everything nice and absent #MeToo turpitude and transgressions. Are you in, ladies? Well, before signing on that dotted line, you may want to consider the experiences of the sugar-and-s...

  • November 9, 2018

    Women Empowered Democrats in Midterms

    Well, ladies, you did it again. No, not all of you. But here’s the reality: If only men had voted this election, the GOP would have held the House and picked up some seats. The Senate’s Republican majority would be even greater (than plus...

  • October 31, 2018

    Other than the Shooter, Who Is Responsible for Synagogue Carnage?

    After the tragic Saturday shooting that claimed 11 lives at a Pittsburgh synagogue, there has been, lamentably, a predictable response.  Seizing upon the incident, leftists are blaming President Trump and his supporters for creating a ...

  • October 22, 2018

    Is 'statistics shadowbanning' the latest Big Tech salvo against conservatives?

    With perhaps the most significant midterm election in decades nigh, big tech's censorship of conservatives has kicked into high gear.  While Facebook's recent purge of right-leaning pages is obvious and has made news, perh...

  • October 16, 2018

    It's time to end women's sports

    It's time to end women's sports – especially since they're not just "women's" sports anymore.  A case in point is "Rachel" McKinnon, Ph.D., a man masquerading as a woman (MMW), or a "transgende...

  • October 10, 2018

    How to Fight the Left Effectively

    If you're a conned-servative who gets sand thrown in your eyes and your kneecaps kicked off and slashed with a broken bottle and then still fights the next time by Queensberry rules, this article isn't for you.  But if you'...

  • October 1, 2018

    Blasey Ford's Curious Omission

    There was something curiously missing from Christine Blasey Ford’s Thursday Senate testimony, something quite relevant to her basic claims. Consider the following segment from her testimony about the alleged (circa) 1982 sexual assault by SCOTU...

  • September 17, 2018

    Professor accusing Kavanaugh is radical SJW (see correction)

    CORRECTION: An earlier version of this article confused two different California professors named Christine Ford and featured student evaluations of the other Professor Christine Ford.  American Thinker apologizes to Professor Christine ...

  • August 30, 2018

    Stupid media and the claim that women are better drivers than men

    There are the Stupid Media and the Smart Media.  Part of the job of the Smart Media (yours truly, among others), though it does get tiresome, is to debunk the stupidity of the Stupid Media.  Such two-brain-cell reportage was on fu...

  • July 2, 2018

    Time to Put the Democratic Party on Suicide Watch?

    There perhaps has never been a time when the Democrats did a better job of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. After being well ahead in the generic congressional polls, those numbers collapsed early this year along with the Trump/Russia/Collu...

  • May 22, 2018

    Dem gun-confiscator tacitly admits gun control wouldn't work

    One of the more despicable Congress-critters is Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), a man with utter contempt for Truth.  He was on Tucker Carlson Tonight last evening pushing for confiscation of AR-type rifles and spinning like a derv...

  • May 19, 2018

    If liberals were animals, it would be an improvement

    If liberals were animals, it would be a marked improvement.  For one thing, animals don't lie. Ever since President Trump characterized MS-13 gang members as "animals," Democrats have been playing dumb (when they haven'...

  • April 17, 2018

    Why Should Whites Be Happy about Becoming a Minority?

    White people are finding it "difficult to adjust" to becoming a minority, goes the premise of a new AP history textbook – with the implication that this reflects some kind of character defect.  Responding to this, conservati...

  • February 28, 2018

    Parkland Kids: The Return of the Grieving Activist

    According to many gun control advocates, 18-year-olds are too immature to handle guns – but are mature enough to advise us on gun policy.  Thus, we're told we must "listen to the voices" of the young Parkland shooting su...

  • February 23, 2018

    Hilarious: Justin Trudeau dresses like Indian stereotype in India and gets slammed

    This is too funny.  Justin Trudeau, the eye-candy, two-brain-cell wonder of a Canadian prime minister, is on an eight-day visit to India with his family.  So Justin, being the good little virtue-signaling leftist he is, decided th...

  • February 22, 2018

    Are Democrat midterm ambitions the real reason Parkland is still in news?

    Unlike after other mass school shootings, the movement from Parkland to propaganda has had tremendous lasting power.  The tragedy's wake has seen sustained news coverage and energized anti-Second Amendment protests, ostensibly due to or...

  • February 14, 2018

    Race and IQ: A High School Science Fair Project Ignites a Storm

    We don’t know the student’s name, but we do know that he hit a nerve — in fact, he hit a whole bunch of them. Identified only as a boy of Asian descent at C.K. McClatchy High School in California, the teen’s recent scienc...

  • February 2, 2018

    Time to remove socialist 'huddled masses' plaque from Statue of Liberty

    With storied statues having come down from sea to shining sea the past year, it’s time for the same to happen with something somewhat newer: the socialist-born plaque in the Statue of Liberty’s pedestal.   Yeah, it’s the ...

  • January 15, 2018

    Time to Repeal the Disastrous 1965 Immigration Act

    Question: If someone sells you on something with false advertising and it does the exact opposite of what was promised, are you not entitled to return the product and get a refund?  In fact, if the product caused you harm, should you not in addi...

  • January 14, 2018

    Leftist Toilet-Mouths Condemn Trump as They Corrupt Nation

    President Trump denies having used a vulgar term last Thursday to describe dysfunctional third-world countries.  Yet there's no denying that the leftist media, believing he did, responded by repeatedly disgorging the term in a childish ...

  • January 11, 2018

    Killing Trump Is Deep State's 'Plan C,' Warns Adviser Roger Stone

    It's a shocking claim made by a political insider: the Deep State is so opposed to draining the swamp that it will, if necessary, kill President Trump to prevent it. Roger Stone, a longtime Trump adviser and confidant, certainly knows his way ...

  • January 9, 2018

    Why Liberals Need to Look Down on Conservatives

    A common theme among progressives is that conservatives aren't just wrong; they're dumb.  Reagan was dumb.  G.W. Bush was dumb.  Trump is dumb.  "Knuckle-dragger," "mouth-breather," ...

  • January 8, 2018

    The Lib-Con Utah School Porn War Rages On

    Recently, I reported on the firing of Mateo Rueda, now an ex-art teacher after showing ten- and eleven-year-olds nude "artwork" at Lincoln Elementary School in Hyrum, Utah on Dec. 4, 2017.  Normally I would have let this story go ...

  • January 8, 2018

    Truth on DACA: We've already granted amnesty to these illegals

    In our through-the-looking-glass world, we so often view matters backwards without even realizing it.  Take DACA (actually, leave it), where even many conservatives consider it a given that the individuals covered under it must somehow be g...

  • January 5, 2018

    People Mag scrubs pornographic image to hide hypocrisy

    Like most media reporting on the story, People magazine presented disgraced teacher Mateo Rueda in a flattering light.  He was recently fired from Lincoln Elementary School in Hyrum, Utah for showing young children nude "artwork."...

  • December 18, 2017

    The Decline and Fall of American Nationhood

    It’s a sad fact of man’s nature that we tend to operate based on emotion more than reason. This comes to mind when considering how illegal migration, a.k.a. invasion, has now again surged back to almost Obama-era levels. Some are theorizi...

  • December 13, 2017

    Misandry Rises: In Defense of Men

    “Don’t vote for men!” is the message of a recent campaign ad. Issued by Dana Nessel, Democratic attorney general contender in Michigan, what she literally says is, “Who can you trust most not to show you their [sic] penis in a...

  • December 2, 2017

    We can thank a flawed jury system for the Steinle verdict

    Much has been said about the acquittal of felonious invader José Inés García Zarate, the killer of young Kate Steinle, who died in her father's arms.  While most of the focus has been on "sanctuary cities...

  • November 26, 2017

    Ex-Cop Making Roy Moore Harassment Claim Is Leftist, Anti-Moore Opponent

    Few witnesses could be more damning against a purported sexual abuser of four decades ago than an ex-cop from that era. That is, unless the ex-cop has a hidden agenda. Like the former Gadsden, Alabama cop who claims police were told in the 1970s to e...

  • November 13, 2017

    The Real Scandal in the Alabama Senate Race

    Scandals take many forms. If you could be transported back to antebellum times, for example, would you not find scandalous the desire to perpetuate the legal institution of slavery? This brings us to the Alabama special election to fill Jeff Sessions...

  • November 12, 2017

    Atheism and the Texas Church Shooter

    “If God does not exist, everything is permitted,” wrote Fyodor Dostoevsky in The Brothers Karamazov.  Mentioning this in association with Devin Patrick Kelley, the militant atheist who last Sunday perpetrated the worst church shootin...

  • October 13, 2017

    Why I Oppose Banning Bump Stocks

    The latest firearm-equipment boogeyman is the “bump stock,” a device allowing one to fire a semi-automatic rifle more rapidly. Liberals learned of bump stocks because Las Vegas murderer Stephen Paddock had modified 12 of his rifles with t...

  • October 11, 2017

    Now, We Know My Mother Has Flaws, But...

    There’s a disclaimer many of us have been conditioned to utter, quite reflexively, and it’s something that has got to stop. When preparing a defense of the United States (against, lamentably, other “Americans”), we may preface...

  • October 4, 2017

    Democrats Politicize Las Vegas before Blood Even Dry

    Before the blood was even dry in Las Vegas, Democrats from coast to coast were pushing gun control. Hillary Clinton led the charge, finding time between fainting spells to tweet “Our grief isn't enough. We can and must put politics aside, s...

  • July 24, 2017

    Would Baby Charlie have gotten a death sentence if not a white male?

    Would baby Charlie have gotten his death sentence were he not a white boy? It may seem an odd question, but there's a good reason to pose it. The poor child at issue is Charlie Gard, a British infant thus far denied medical treatment by t...

  • July 14, 2017

    Trump Jr.'s Email: Want to Talk about Treason? Okay...

    The obsession with Donald Trump Jr.’s “Russian” email chain is just the latest example of what the Media/Democrat Party/Establishment Axis does best: engage in misdirection to confuse people about who America’s real enemies ar...

  • July 5, 2017

    Wimbledon tennis: Women preach equality while enjoying inequality

    Could you imagine lightweight boxers complaining they don't get the money and exposure of the heavyweights, calling the different treatment "staturism"? This is essentially the situation at the Wimbledon tennis championships this wee...

  • July 3, 2017

    Muslim 'refugee' called integration success – then slit his boss's throat

    You can't make this stuff up.  In a news article, migrant hairstylist Mohammad Hussain Rashwani was hailed as a shining example of integration in Germany.  Ten months later, which was just a few days ago, an article bore the headline ...

  • June 30, 2017

    John McEnroe is right: Serena Williams couldn't beat eggs on men's tour

    It's a sad time when simple truths cause serious trouble.  That time is now, and a good example is how former number-one tennis player John McEnroe is being excoriated for stating that Serena Williams, widely regarded as history's best w...

  • June 13, 2017

    Was Mohammed a 'True Muslim'?

    In the wake of every terrorist act, there is the same argument. The voices-in-the-wilderness on the right will say, insofar as they’re not muzzled by hate-speech laws, that Islam is the problem. In contrast, a leftist drumbeat of media and main...

  • June 12, 2017

    Ten transgender truths for legislators and concerned citizens

    Whether you're a lawmaker considering a "bathroom bill" or some other "transgender"-oriented legislation or a citizen pondering a vote influencing the matter, you need the facts.  The following are ten "transgender...

  • March 29, 2017

    The Great ‘Christian Terrorist’ Unicorn Hunt

    It’s amazing how stupid smart people can seem when intent on putting a square peg in a round hole. This is seen continually when certain apologists try to dig Islam out of its hole — the one dug deeper every time there’s another ter...

  • March 21, 2017

    Trigger-Warning Tyrants

    People like thinking the best of themselves, which is partially why we have “trigger warnings,” “microaggressions” and claims of “taking offense” -- so these complainers don’t have to come to terms with the f...

  • February 8, 2017

    Trump could just ignore court’s order halting travel ban

    Does our current status quo make our Constitution a suicide pact?  Thomas Jefferson certainly thought it could be, warning that accepting judicial supremacy would make our founding document just that, a felo de se, as he put it in...

  • February 4, 2017

    Comedian Alison Becker: As a white male, your opinion on inequality is irrelevant

      It's yet another example of Trump-era celebrity derangement.  Comedian and actress Alison Becker attacked me via Twitter recently, saying I "have absolutely no authority on inequality as a white, cis male." Becker, a h...

  • February 3, 2017

    Draining the judicial swamp

      It's no surprise the Democrats plan to fight the nomination of President Trump's Supreme Court pick, 10th Circuit Court of Appeals judge Neil Gorsuch.  There are no confirmation battles like Supreme Court confirmation battles b...

  • February 3, 2017

    Neil Gorsuch and the living Constitution lie

    While leftists are outraged at the idea of banning immigrants who may spit on our Constitution, banning judges who would actually uphold it is a different matter.  This brings us to the opposition to President Trump's Supreme Court pick, Jud...

  • January 30, 2017

    Trump vs. ‘The Soft Islamic Conquest of the West’

    The irrational left, which means virtually all the left, is apoplectic over President Trump’s executive order halting immigration from terrorist-spawning countries. Its minions are complaining that the move is “un-American,” which i...

  • January 24, 2017

    The Women’s March and the real deplorables

    In a recent viral Facebook post, a conservative woman found it necessary to point out that she wasn’t a “disgrace to women” for not supporting the Women’s March on Washington.  Of course not.  Saying otherwise is a b...

  • January 4, 2017

    Let’s stop with the carbon con already

    The side that defines the vocabulary of a debate wins the debate.  So we could ask: as we fight the global warming scam, why are we using the language of the scammers?  It’s harder to combat “carbon” taxes, “car...

  • December 22, 2016

    Islam Is the Problem

    “Islam is not the problem,” proclaims the Left. And if you say otherwise, you’re a “racist,” even though “Muslim” is not a race. Yet a fact remains: virtually all the world’s terrorists today claim Isla...

  • December 21, 2016

    Even if the Russians did hack the emails, so what?

    “The Russians hacked the election!” say Democrats trying to discredit Donald Trump’s presidency.  Of course, their statement is deceptive, referring only to the theory that the Russians provided WikiLeaks with the campaign seas...

  • December 20, 2016

    Conservatives like ‘Merry Christmas; liberals like ‘Happy Holidays’

    Ah, liberals.  They really are a breed apart (mostly from sanity).  And a timely example of how we’re a divided nation concerns the conservative/liberal dispute over how to greet people at Christmastime.  As the Star-Telegram rep...

  • December 20, 2016

    Petulant children whining about electoral college shouldn’t have the vote

    There’s a reason we don’t let nine-year-olds vote. But what about those overgrown children who are nine between the ears? It wasn’t long ago that Hillary Clinton condemned Donald Trump for refusing “to say he would respe...

  • December 17, 2016

    Time for a Complete Halt on All Immigration

    Immigration today, immigration tomorrow, immigration forever? In recent times there has been much controversy over President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign-trail suggestion that we temporarily halt immigration from Muslim nations (which has been...

  • November 14, 2016

    George Orwell is stealing my work

    We already know that dead people can vote, but here’s a new one for you: they can plagiarize, too.  A few years ago, I read a “George Orwell” quotation that had begun to gain some currency: “The further a society drifts f...

  • November 1, 2016

    The Terrorism Threat: Trump is Right – Profile, Profile, Profile

    You do it. I do it. He does it. She does it. The guy down the block does it. Everyone engages in profiling — continually. For example, if you see a bunch of rough-hewn young men walking down the block and you move to the other side; if you p...

  • October 30, 2016

    Kowtowing to Kaepernick may have permanently damaged the NFL

    There’s a price to be paid for everything — even for being politically correct in a “politically correct time.” A new poll shows that the main cause of the National Football League’s much discussed ratings drop is, in fa...

  • October 25, 2016

    Another reason why Trump is right: No conceding a rigged election

    “Hey, lie just like Hillary Clinton and the rest of the establishment” is the message.  After Donald Trump said he’d accept the results of the November 8 contest only if they were fair, pundits and politicians disgorged a new n...

  • October 20, 2016

    No, Trump should not accept the results of a possibly stolen election

    Crooks on the left, cowards on the right.  Where do we go to find integrity? One of the most talked about parts of last night’s final presidential debate was Donald Trump’s statement that he’d let us know on election night i...

  • October 3, 2016

    More anthem hypocrisy: Kneeling, yes; Confederate flag, no

    In today’s politically correct schools, all types of divisive expression are equal, but some are more equal than others.  A case in point is Wiregrass Ranch High School in Wesley Chapel, Fla., where showing disrespect for the National...

  • September 21, 2016

    A stain that would be on Obama's conscience...if he had one

    While speaking at the United Nations Tuesday and advocating more Muslim migration into the West, Barack Obama likened a refusal to accept the Muslims to the "turning away [of] Jews fleeing Nazi Germany," which he called "a stain on our...

  • September 20, 2016

    Liberal Mother Pushes Her Little Son into Masquerading as a Girl

    One of the characteristics of our declining civilization is that, more and more, reality seems like satire. A good example is a recent New York Times article titled “From He to She in First Grade.” Yeah, you guessed it, this is about anot...

  • September 3, 2016

    Say what?! Alabama ACLU sues government for anti-Christian, pro-Muslim discrimination

    That Muslims are receiving preferential treatment in the U.S. probably won't shock astute cultural observers.  But it may shock them to learn that, at least in a current case in Alabama, the ACLU is taking exception to it and is suing. He...

  • September 1, 2016

    Islam and the West’s Death by ‘Freedom’

    It can be a good thing to be idealistic. But you’d better make sure you have the right ideals. As to this, the modern West is quickly becoming something non-Western -- precisely because our ideals are now far less than ideal. It has often be...

  • August 18, 2016

    Why Do Women’s Sports Even Exist?

    My, my, there those feminists go, complaining again. This time the whining concerns supposedly “sexist” Olympics coverage. Their problem? Many journalists are, we’re told, using different language when talking about female athlet...

  • August 6, 2016

    Athlete with No Womb or Ovaries but Internal Testes Will Compete with Women in Rio

    With reports of dead bodies and excrement floating in the water, the threat of Zika and the Russian doping scandal, the Rio Olympics appears the Frankenstein of athletic events. And now Rio seems dopey in another way: owing to political correctness, ...

  • August 2, 2016

    Why the Establishment Can’t Grasp the Nature of Islam

    The media and effete powers-that-be have been twisting themselves into Halal pretzels Islamsplainin’, rationalizing how a given Muslim terrorist attack isn’t really “Islamic” or isn’t significant. These contortions can b...

  • July 31, 2016

    That weird Hillary laugh...

    I don't think Hillary's crazy, wide-open-mouth laugh is hard to explain. If I remember correctly, she was known as the "Ice Maiden" in high school. And, certainly, smiling never came naturally to her, as footage of her from the 90s ...

  • July 6, 2016

    BBQ Bushwa: When Liberals Drive Other Liberals More Batty Than They Already Are

    It’s funny that liberals try to advance the caricature of the stuffed-shirt conservative. It’s projection, actually, because “killjoy” could be synonymous with “progressive.” From demonizing toy guns to banning dod...

  • June 14, 2016

    Ignorant Judge Lets ‘Trans’ Man Legally Change His ‘Sex’

    In an unprecedented move, an Oregon judge has allowed a so-called “transgender” man to legally change his sex from female (he had previously been allowed to choose female) to “non-binary.” It’s newsworthy enough to ...

  • June 10, 2016

    Missing the point on the ‘transgender’ bathroom wars

    “You fundamentally can't change sex. ... Transsexualism was invented by psychiatrists,” said former “transsexual” Alan Finch in 2004.  This is a truth; however, it has not stopped the advocates of an invented sta...

  • May 29, 2016

    Why Morality is the Only Thing We Should Legislate

    “You can’t legislate morality!” is a common battle cry today. It’s thought to be a quintessentially American idea, even though the Founding Fathers never expressed such a sentiment. Nor did the early Americans who would unabas...

  • May 24, 2016

    Glenn Beck: Fooled by Facebook?

    In the wake of reports that Facebook censors conservative voices, media figure Glenn Beck met with company chairman Mark Zuckerberg and emerged from the meeting, as he put it, “convinced that Facebook is behaving appropriately and trying to do ...

  • May 23, 2016

    Venezuela Needs a Military Coup

    With Venezuela spinning toward chaos, it’s said that U.S. officials fear a military coup. We ought to ask “Why?” Democracy on the brain can be a dangerous condition. George W. Bush pursued his unwise “nation-building”...

  • May 16, 2016

    Drafting Women: Do We Believe in Equality or Don’t We?

    With Congress poised to possibly order women to register for the draft, reaction from the conservative pundit class has been swift and severe. WND’s Jane Chastain calls it “worse than cowardly,” while radio host Mark Levin ferocious...

  • May 10, 2016

    I Identify as Barack Obama

    It’s always hard coming out. But it’s even harder not being true to yourself. So, inspired by Bruce Jenner and other intrepid souls, I’ve decided to finally start living the life I was meant to: I identify as Barack Obama. Oh,...

  • April 29, 2016

    Boxing Barbara Boxer: Is ‘Inequality the Root of All Evil’?

    “Inequality is the root of all evil,” said left-wing senator Barbara Boxer recently, while lecturing a Catholic priest about Catholicism. Boxer claimed to be quoting Pope Francis, referencing a tweet he sent in April 2014. Yet despite the...

  • April 3, 2016

    If Bakers Can be Forced to Service Faux Weddings, so Can Churches

    As our Great Sexual Heresy continues its march onwards and downwards, state governments have forced bakers, wedding planners, florists and other businesses to service faux weddings. This is unprecedented, as never before were Americans governmentally...

  • March 18, 2016

    Death of America: Why This Presidential Election isn’t as Important as People Think

    It’s easy to get wrapped up in men and moments. In the current election season, for instance, we may see a candidate appearing to embody all our hopes and dreams (or at least many) and come to assign him country-savior status. Even the great Th...

  • February 26, 2016

    Cupcake Kasich is a (rather dull) tyrant enabler

    When Governor John Kasich recently said that he probably should be running in the Democratic Party, he wasn’t kidding.  Although seeking office in Cuba might be even more fitting. Taking a break from lecturing us on how we must accept a...

  • February 16, 2016

    Did Justice Scalia Already Give Us the Solution to the Problem of Filling His Seat?

    The death of the intrepid Justice Antonin Scalia has shaken the political world. If his successor’s appointment cannot be delayed until the next presidency, it’s assured that an unassailable hard-left majority will control the Supreme Cou...

  • February 3, 2016

    NAACP Head Can Use Bad Language When Complaining about Language because He’s ‘One of the Best Guys’

    Perhaps NAACP now stands for the National Association for the Advancement of Cursing and Profanity. Don Harris is the white head (yes, he really is white, and reminiscent of a pustule, and, unlike Rachel Dolezal, even identifies as white) of the Mari...

  • February 3, 2016

    Finnish fantasy and the rape epidemic

    As they circle the drain, Western societies increasingly start to seem like parodies of real civilizations.  It’s as if, to twist Shakespeare’s famous line, all the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players in a...

  • January 30, 2016

    GOP Debate: Trump Was the Winner

    Perhaps it was a first: a man winning a debate by not showing up. That’s my take, anyway, that Donald Trump prevailed at last night’s GOP debate. Although, something curious did happen after the event that gives me pause for thought, but ...

  • January 27, 2016

    Is Trump the First ‘European-conservative’ American Presidential Candidate?

    Ever since Donald Trump’s rise to 2016-contender prominence, the rap on him, and perhaps part of his broad appeal, has been that he’s not a conservative. And he’s not -- he’s a nationalistic populist. Yet there’s another...

  • January 25, 2016

    The Voters’ Trump Love Affair Explained in Terms Even Beltway Pundits Can Understand

    Donald Trump’s rise this election season has been historic, amounting to something heretofore unseen in the annals of American politics. Given this, it’s perhaps not surprising that many are still befuddled by the phenomenon. Pundit Charl...

  • January 25, 2016

    Man's ego and Michael Bloomberg

    The presidency had LBJ – now meet LBG.  That’s another presidential aspirant, known to this writer as Little Big Gulp.  You probably know him as ex-mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg. Little Big Gulp is a very small man...

  • January 19, 2016

    Trump, Cruz and New York Values

    New York City values are going through the roof. And it’s not just real estate. A prime story the last many days has been the GOP debate dustup between Donald Trump and Senator Ted Cruz. After the senator impugned “New York values” ...

  • January 5, 2016

    What the cultural and political establishments can't grasp about Donald Trump

    Perhaps it’s not surprising that Time magazine named Angela Merkel its “Person of the Year.” With her flooding of Europe with Muslim migrants, the German chancellor may, after all, go down in history as a primary destroyer of Wester...

  • December 15, 2015

    Hiding Malik's face: To be or not to be a Muslim - that is the question

    “You ain’t no Muslim, bruv!”  As you may know, this statement was uttered by a bystander after a non-Muslim Muslim™ slit the throat of a man in the Leytonstone subway station in east London last weekend.  It was, app...

  • December 14, 2015

    Where Trump is Wrong on Muslim Immigration

    Donald Trump proved again why he’s the man the Establishment loves to hate, suggesting last week that we ban Muslim immigration “until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.” In response, the p...

  • December 9, 2015

    'Racial' and 'Religious' Profiling Now - or Death Later

    “If You See Something, Say Something™” the DHS slogan goes (yes, it is trademarked). “It takes a community to protect a community,” the feds continue. “Informed, alert communities play a critical role in keepi...

  • December 9, 2015

    Stay out of the Bushes: The best reason not to vote for an establishment candidate

    Would you hire someone for an important job if he admitted right off the bat he couldn’t perform one of the basic functions of the job? Our federal-government behemoth is involved in countless things not within its constitutional purview, fr...

  • December 6, 2015

    Mizzou Crew: The Liars Who Hate the Lie of Academic Freedom

    The difference between “safe spaces” in today’s U.S. and yesterday’s U.S.S.R., other than the name, is the size. Here they’re tiny areas on some college campuses. In the Soviet Union they were every place apart from the ...

  • December 4, 2015

    San Bernardino Shooting: Political Correctness Kills

    There was a tragic incident of climate change this week, or so Barack Obama might say. As I was driving home last evening listening to the still sparse details on the San Bernardino shooting, the news report informed that there were two dead suspects...

  • December 2, 2015

    Hulu Running Homosexual-themed Ad during Family/Kids Programming

    What’s worse for a business’s bottom line than wading into controversial, divisive issues? Wading into controversial, divisive issues with the very demographic likely to be divided from your business by your actions. I recently disc...

  • December 1, 2015

    Turkey: Why Muslim Nations Shouldn't be Part of NATO

    With NATO member Turkey’s recent downing of a Russian aircraft sparking fears of WWIII, a rather politically incorrect question needs to be asked: should a Muslim nation have NATO membership? Having a country as part of the NATO alliance is ...

  • November 24, 2015

    Feminist Teacher's Lesson Plan: Discriminate against Boys

    War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength.  And inequality is equality – at least in the mind of Karen Keller, the Bainbridge Island Review, and their enablers. Reported recently was that Keller, a kindergarten "teach...

  • November 23, 2015

    Put 'Refugees' in FEMA Camps

    Roanoke, Virginia, mayor David Bowers has just created a stir by suggesting that Syrian migrants be placed in internment camps. I found his comments interesting because, if we are going to have the Muslim so-called “refugees,” I also cons...

  • November 20, 2015

    Islamic influx: Why a Religious Test for Immigrants is Moral and Wise

    With the Paris terror attack and flooding of Western nations with Muslim migrants, Senator Ted Cruz and others have proposed limiting Muslim immigration into the U.S. In response, Barack Obama and John McCain have said that having a “religious ...

  • November 18, 2015

    Why Muslim Migrants <em>Always</em> = Terrorism

    What’s the point in the West sending troops to the Middle East if we bring the Middle East to the West? The preceding is a money line, one that should be used by Islam realists from Germany to Georgia. The Paris terror attack has inspired m...

  • November 13, 2015

    The GOP Debate: Missing the Banana Boat on Immigration

    It’s a tragic fact of man’s nature that people prescribe an ounce of prevention when a pound of cure is needed -- and a pound of cure when times call for a ton of desperate measures. Immigration, rightly and largely thanks to Donald Tr...

  • November 9, 2015

    When 'Civility' Really Means 'Political Correctness'

    When leftists start talking about “civility,” watch out for your freedom of speech. This again comes to mind with reports that some media outlets are eliminating online comments sections in civility’s name. And while it’s not ...

  • October 31, 2015

    GOP Media Takedown: A Recipe for Victory

    It’s long been known that a leader can gain power by rallying the people against a boogeyman. And it helps when that boogeyman is real. When CNBC’s GOP debate moderators couldn’t help but be sanctimonious, supercilious, and se...

  • October 22, 2015

    Crock Boy: When the Media Gets Owned by a 14-year-old

    Take the money and run. With the huge windfall enjoyed by the Mohamed family -- of clock-bomb-arrest fame -- in “Islamophobic” America, one might think that little clock-maker extraordinaire Ahmed would head to Switzerland for an internsh...

  • October 19, 2015

    The Evil of Gun-free Zones

    One thing worse than supporting bad policy is knowingly supporting bad policy. Worse still is knowingly supporting bad policy and shielding yourself from its destructive effects -- while visiting that policy on children. There has been much deb...

  • October 13, 2015

    Trump and the Chumps: What's a Serious Candidate, Anyway?

    Ever since Donald Trump rose to front-runner status in the 2016 GOP presidential field, we’ve heard dismissive talk about how he’s not a “serious” candidate. Pundits and political-party leaders have made this claim, in efforts...

  • October 8, 2015

    What Really Drives Obama's Destructive Mideast Policy?

    It’s not a stretch to say that what ex-president Jimmy Carter did for Iran, Barack Obama is doing for the whole Middle East and beyond. Islamic State is on the move; jihadism in general is raging and all the rage; and with the Iran deal, the ma...

  • September 7, 2015

    Of Gender-Neutral Bathrooms and Homosexual Dads

    The big news out of San Francisco last week was that it would register another first: a city elementary school is going to switch to all "gender-neutral" bathrooms.  The idea is, as the Daily Mail put it, to "accommodate young stu...

  • August 30, 2015

    Liberalism Created the WDBJ Killer

    Barack Obama won’t be saying, “If I had a psycho son, he’d look like Vester Lee.” But he might as well. Because Vester Lee Flanagan II, the bigoted maniac who murdered the WDBJ reporter and cameraman Wednesday on live TV, was ...

  • August 27, 2015

    Immigration: The Refugee Scam

    Jeb Bush has called illegal migration “an act of love.” And all over the West we see nations being loved to death, with endless human waves from Third World countries washing ashore. The results were predictable and are now plain: balkani...

  • August 3, 2015

    Surrender Like a Boy Scout

    There has been much written about the Boy Scouts of America’s recent acceptance of openly homosexual scout masters. The organization has been raked over the coals by the right and accused of offering only a half-measure by the left. But few app...

  • July 5, 2015

    They're Just Committing the Crimes Americans Won't Commit

    With the San Francisco woman murdered by one of Barack Obama’s “new Americans,” we should ask: how much innocent blood will be spilled on the altar of the Left’s “fundamental transformation” of America? While callo...

  • June 24, 2015

    Keep the Confederate Flag Flying

    See also: Take down the Confederate flag “Take it down! That symbol must go!” We hear these cries in the wake of the Charleston church shooting in reference to the Confederate flag, which still flies above the South Carolina Capitol. A...

  • June 16, 2015

    Cultural Marxism: Nobel Scientist Sacked for Making Innocent Joke about Women

    We just heard about the Miami high-school principal fired for soberly disagreeing on social media with the McKinney narrative. Now comes an even more outrageous story involving what’s usually called political correctness, but should really be l...

  • June 15, 2015

    Colonization and Cultural Genocide -- and They Call it 'Immigration'

    Have you heard about the millions of Chinese flooding into the Tibet? With their displacement of the native peoples and the supplanting of Tibetan with Chinese culture, anthropologists and human rights activists have labeled the colonization “c...

  • May 31, 2015

    God and Evil: My Answer for Michael Savage

    Torture, pain, beheadings, the murder of children…. If God exists and is all good, how could He allow such suffering and evil? This is a common question, and a lament often an impediment to faith. It also was addressed recently on the Savage N...

  • May 26, 2015

    Biker Shootout: Libs Going Wacko over Race in Waco

    Leftists are upset about what they view as a double standard with respect to the Baltimore/Ferguson affair and the recent Waco gang shootout.  They’re right, too – there sure is a double standard. And, as usual, it’s their o...

  • March 5, 2015

    Obama Amnesty Plan: Legalize Foreigners, 'Take Over the Host,' 'Push Citizens into the Shadows'

    It was supposed to be a phone call for Obama administration ears only. But hear it the radio host did, she says. And what she heard should make your blood run cold — and perhaps your rage hot. Obama’s amnesty plan is to use illegal aliens...

  • March 4, 2015

    Bill Nye on Muslim Terrorism: Jews Need to Get to Know Their Neighbors Better

    It was a solution right up there with “Let them eat cake.” Addressing the issue of Jews fleeing Europe due to increasing Islamic terrorism and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s call for them to seek safety in Israel, Bill Nye ...

  • February 22, 2015

    How to Win the Christian Baker/Same-Sex Wedding Cake Debate

    A homosexual couple goes into a known Christian bakery and asks for a wedding cake for a same-sex “marriage,” is refused and then files a government complaint or sues. “Intolerance! Bigotry! Equal access!” is the cry. Many Ame...

  • February 19, 2015

    Why Not One Governor is Qualified to be President

    Our Constitution has become a suicide pact. That’s the view of Thomas Jefferson, expressed in an 1819 letter to jurist Spencer Roane, when he said “If this opinion be sound, then indeed is our constitution a complete felo de se” ...

  • February 5, 2015

    The Real White Privilege and My Radio Race War

    If you look for the worst in a group, you’re sure to find it. Using a twist on an Abraham Lincoln line, I made that statement on the Mildred Gaddis Show (Radio One Detroit WCHB AM) last Wednesday during a debate on “White Privilege: Myth ...

  • January 29, 2015

    My Problem with Sarah Palin

    See also: Sarah Palin is Right: Go on Offense, Tout Conservatism With Sarah Palin once again hinting at a presidential run, pundits and politics wonks are all the more aflutter with 2016 talk. The predictable slings and arrows of the surly left ar...

  • January 28, 2015

    The Northeast Nanny-Staters Who Are and the Blizzard That Never Was

    Call it the Blizzard of Oz.  The "Snowstorm of the Century" Monday was supposed to be historic. All we got was histrionics. It turned out that the real blustery wind was hot air – and the worst accumulation of knee-deep nan...

  • January 12, 2015

    Je ne Suis pas Charlie (I'm Sane)

    It’s so often the case that the best thing a person can do to improve his reputation is die. John F. Kennedy is now a legendary president, but would he be estimated so highly if he’d been able to end his political career as a man and not ...

  • January 10, 2015

    Muslims and the Left's Death by Tolerance

    Aside from the three Muslim men who perpetrated the deadliest terror attack in France since 1961, there are some other individuals complicit in the Wednesday massacre. They have names such as Hollande, Merkel, Löfven and Obama. Their connection ...

  • January 9, 2015

    The Deadly Paris Terror Attack and the Myth of Religion

    “Another attack in the name of religion,” I heard someone say after the vicious and vile Wednesday assault on the offices of French magazine Charlie Hebdo. And there is a huge problem with “religion.” But it’s not what y...

  • January 4, 2015

    The Bad Christian and the Good Secularist

    “If not for my faith, I would be barely human.” That was the answer English writer Evelyn Waugh gave when asked, as all Christians will be at some point, how he could call himself a Christian given his behavior. Often rhetorical, the ques...

  • December 23, 2014

    Liberal Lies Killed the Two NYC Cops

    “They have blood on their hands,” said former NYC police commissioner Bernard Kerik, of Mayor Bill de Blasio, Al Sharpton and “all those who encouraged this anti-cop, racist mentality.” He was, of course, referring to the hein...

  • December 7, 2014

    When Liberal Preferences Meet Islamic Principles

    There was a recent scandal that, as much as anything else, illustrates the intellectual emptiness and moral ennui of the modern liberal man. It occurred in Britain but reflects a wider phenomenon; what can be said about it can be said about happening...

  • November 18, 2014

    The Bright Side to Amnesty

    See also: Immigration and American Strength To many, the above title may seem much like speaking of the bright side to malignant cancer. And did it really come out of this writer’s pen? Long a staunch immigration critic, I’ve written m...

  • November 14, 2014

    Welcome to EbolaCare -- but the Website is Down

    A well known phenomenon in the animal kingdom is that when taking over a new pride, a lion will sometimes kill all the cubs. We don’t know exactly what kind of feeling drives him in this bloody act, but there’s obviously a lack of attachm...

  • November 14, 2014

    Ultimate in Schadenfreude: Democrat is Twice Bitten, Not Shy

    There’s stupid. There’s really stupid. There’s really, really stupid. Then there’s Democrat stupid. A prime example is a Wall Street Journal article last evening titled “This Democrat Is Giving Up on ObamaCare....

  • November 13, 2014

    2014 Election: Blacks, Hispanics, Young and Women Still Reliably Liberal

    The best predictor of future voting patterns is past voting patterns, to use a twist on a famous maxim. This is probably even truer of groups than individuals, and, despite some wishful thinking to the contrary, this election cycle was no exception. ...

  • November 12, 2014

    It's Almost Official: The Democrats Are the Party of the Devil

    Perhaps the first clue, or the ten thousandth, was when many Democrats opposed the reinsertion of God into their party’s platform in 2012 and booed the judgment that the measure to do so had passed.  But now it’s all but official: ...

  • November 3, 2014

    Does Barack Obama Have Blood on His Hands?

    Little Eli Waller will never grow up to be president.  The four-year-old New Jersey boy will never grow up to be anything, because enterovirus D68 took his life – quite possibly because a boy who did grow up to be president, but not really...

  • October 26, 2014

    The Special Treatment Homosexuals Demand

    There is one particular thing that illustrates better than anything else the unreasonableness — and some would say gall — of homosexuality activists. It’s not demanding that bakers, shirt printers and wedding planners be party to ev...

  • October 10, 2014

    The Rise of the Professional Slut

    “There was a time when you knew who the bad girls were,” someone close to me once said. “Now you know who the good girls are.” And I hear that all three of them are beside themselves over today’s state of affairs. ...

  • September 30, 2014

    Equal Work? Government Has No Idea What That is

    “Equal pay for equal work!” the mantra goes. “Women get only 73 cents on a man’s dollar!” These are oft-heard slogans, and we may well hear them again during the fall campaign with the War on Women afoot. Now, going beyo...

  • September 21, 2014

    Liberal BBC Asks, 'Is Sport Sexist?' While Promoting Inequality

    It long ago became clear to me that, despite all the pretense, protesting and politicking, no one who has ever seriously thought about equality actually believes in it. When making this case, one could point to how Eric Holder’s DOJ is currentl...

  • September 12, 2014

    If You Want to Get into a Really Big War, Elect a Liberal

    If I pointed out that involvement in every major 20th-century conflict the US was part of occurred on liberals’ watch, it might not be entirely fair. True, there was WWI under Wilson, WWII under FDR, Korea under Truman, and Vietnam under Kenned...

  • August 9, 2014

    Immigration: The Ultimate Get-out-the-vote Drive

    One reason predictions of a Mitt Romney victory in 2012 were inaccurate, say analysts, is that the turnout among certain Democrat constituencies — in particular blacks and Hispanics -- was greater than expected. And what a significant fact...

  • August 7, 2014

    Libertarian Folly: Why Everybody is a Social-issues Voter

    There is this notion, one we hear more and more, that the Republican Party has to shed the social issues to seize the future. “Social issues are not the business of government!” says thoroughly modern millennial. It’s a seductive cr...

  • July 7, 2014

    French 'Mother' Kills Teacher in Front of Class

    It was headlining AOL on Friday: a story about a woman stabbing a schoolteacher to death in front of a class of five and six-year-olds.  The gruesome and bloody crime occurred in the southern French town of Albi; the victim was a 34-year-old mot...

  • June 20, 2014

    Iraq and the Bloody Price of Lies

    Western civilization lied and people died. It lied, that is, to itself. I am referring to Iraq, but not to the hapless George W. Bush and the claim of WMDs’ existence, which, at worst, was not a lie but the result of faulty intelligence. ...

  • June 16, 2014

    Benedict Obama's Invasion of America

    If millions of soldiers from south of the border were flooding our nation for the purposes of colonizing our land, we would easily recognize the threat. And if some amongst us were aiding and abetting this invasion -- purposely lowering border securi...

  • June 14, 2014

    Why I Hate Soccer

    This article will be a departure from my usual fare. I will not claim there is some Absolute Truth deeming soccer the bane of humanity’s sports. I do not contend that some objective, divine standard places it in Dante’s ninth circle of at...

  • June 10, 2014

    Are Most Mass Murderers Really White?

    Aside from attacks on the Second Amendment, there is a certain theme that’s now repeated after every massacre committed by an unhinged individual: that most all mass killers are white. After the recent Elliot Rodger murders, for instance, Micha...

  • June 6, 2014

    How Covering up Minority Crime Leads to Gun Control

    Commenting recently on the Elliot Rodger killings, arch-leftist Michael Moore wrote that while “other countries have more violent pasts…more guns per capita in their homes…and the kids in most other countries watch the same violen...

  • May 21, 2014

    Leftists Cancel School Honors Night - Too 'Exclusive'

    It’s increasingly the case in America that the nail that sticks up gets hammered down. A case in point is Archie R. Cole Middle School in East Greenwich, Rhode Island. Writes East Greenwich Patch: Citing concerns about the "exclusive na...

  • May 20, 2014

    Michelle Obama's racially skewed version of history

    Tony Bennett left his heart in San Francisco — and Michelle Obama left her common sense in 1954. Addressing graduating high-school students the other day in the Topeka, Kansas, school district, the federal lunch lady said, referring to the B...

  • May 19, 2014

    A Question for those Who Believe in Homosexual Scouts

    Not satisfied with having pressured the Boy Scouts of America into lifting their prohibition against openly homosexual scouts, activists now want homosexual scoutmasters to be allowed as well. Equality, you know, is the order of the day. Yet the trut...

  • May 11, 2014

    How Demagogues Win Arguments

    How do you know you’re being had by a slick politician? Writing in Mein Kampf about how to manipulate people and win power, Adolf Hitler said that since the average person had a very limited memory and a “slowness of understanding,”...

  • May 8, 2014

    Where is the Rehabilitation for 'Racists'?

    For decades liberals have lobbied against punishment and for rehabilitation. The argument was that a mugger or murderer was just a victim of his environment, someone caught in the crosshairs of bad nurturing and neighborhood. Accountability is unwarr...

  • May 2, 2014

    The Race-baiting Liberal Media's Self Congratulation

    Never let a racial crisis go to waste is, I suppose, the credo of the Machiavellian mainstream media. Since the release of the Donald Sterling audio, liberals haven’t missed a chance to play the race card for all its worth. One of the worst off...

  • May 1, 2014

    The Sin of 'Racism'

    I’m perfectly willing to demonize “racists,” provided we give other sinners equal time.  I just want equality. For the record, I don’t believe Cliven Bundy is a “racist.”  For the record, I don’t...

  • April 28, 2014

    The New York Times Discovers the Rule of Law

    Leave it to The Gray Lady to be a day late and a few brain cells short. The New York Times recently published an article by some journalism-school retread about the Cliven Bundy situation, a piece containing all the usual talking points about how the...

  • April 25, 2014

    Vladimir Putin Caesar and Our Great Geo-political Turning Point

    We are witnessing, I believe, a turning point in geopolitical history, one future historians may analyze as we have the Roman Empire’s fall. Vladimir Putin is making a move -- and it’s not just against Ukraine. It may not be merely a move...

  • April 18, 2014

    Breaking: Liberals Must Believe Racial Bias is Natural and Good

    If you were wondering where liberals’ world view was going to take them, would you believe it was to the conclusion that racial bias is natural and good? As CBS News reports: According to a recent study, babies tend to play with other...

  • April 16, 2014

    University Wants Fewer Whites: Fears 'Mediocrity'

    If you thought the “educator” who saw “racist” intent behind offering someone a peanut-butter sandwich was a loon, consider Western Washington University (WWU) president Bruce Shepard. Always on the lookout for ways to improve...

  • April 3, 2014

    Equality Fever: Turning the Tables on the Left

    If a famine befell us and you couldn’t save everyone, would you withhold the food you had and let every citizen starve rather than endure the inequality of just saving some? If recent history is any guide, certain leftists just might say yes. ...

  • March 29, 2014

    Top Ten Things Putin Said to Obama about Ukraine

    Satire While Barack Obama’s recent telephone conversation with Russian president Vladimir Putin about the Crimean standoff has been widely reported, the exact substance of the discussion has remained a mystery. That is, until now. Owin...

  • March 26, 2014

    The Plan for Police Nullification

    “I [sic] give my left n** to bang down your door and come for your gun,” said the cop. This statement, made by Branford, Ct., police officer Joseph Peterson in a Facebook conversation earlier this month, created quite a news-cycle firesto...

  • March 12, 2014

    Cop: I'd Love to 'Bang down Your Door and Come for Your Gun'

    How would you feel if a police officer you knew for 20 years told you that if an order were issued to confiscate your guns, he wouldn’t hesitate to “kick your door in”? This was the precisely the experience Connecticut resident, Nav...

  • February 27, 2014

    Razing Arizona: Conservatives Succeed at Failing Again

    See also: Governor Brewer vetoes SB 1062 Perhaps Arizona governor Jan Brewer was sincere when saying that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (SB 1062) she vetoed yesterday could “create more problems than it purports to solve.”...

  • February 25, 2014

    Why Obama is Uneducated

    A few years ago I participated in a radio debate on "white privilege" with a certain man, whose name is unimportant, who had a Ph.D. in "ethnic studies." At one point he introduced an argument by saying, "If whites are 80 percent of the population......

  • February 20, 2014

    Suing Americans under International Law - in American Courts

    Imagine you go overseas and give a speech advocating a cause, only to come home and find you're being sued for "crimes against humanity." No, what you did wasn't illegal under American law or under the laws of the nation in which you expressed your w...

  • February 12, 2014

    Immigration and National Survival

    When pondering our obsession with immigration, I'm reminded of how people in the ridiculous dystopian film Idiocracy were watering their crops with an energy drink called Brawndo. And even though the crops weren't growing, the suggestion to try water...

  • February 6, 2014

    America Has Lost Her Will to Live

    America long ago lost her will to live. Historically, trespassing into another people's territory could bring violence. And nations the world over secure their borders, sometimes at the end of a gun fondled by an itchy finger. But not the US. We plac...

  • January 29, 2014

    Why Is the Southern Poverty Law Center Trying to Crush a Small Jewish Organization?

    It almost seems as if certain purported civil-rights activists think homosexuals are like some organized-crime groups: you can join the gang, but the only way you can leave is feet first. A case in point is a lawsuit filed in the Superior Court o...

  • January 13, 2014

    Thus Spake the Potheads

    It's starting to appear as if marijuana users have become the homosexual lobby of the chemically dependent. What do I mean? Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson could mention one sexual behavior (adultery) as disqualifying someone from the "kingdom of God,"...

  • January 12, 2014

    Forget Christie; Let's Talk about Big Fat Traffic Jams

    One unmentioned irony of the Chris Christie road-revenge scandal is that the powers-that-be finally found a traffic jam they didn't like. Now, don't get me wrong, having always lived in the NY metropolitan area and often having wanted to split a vein...

  • December 19, 2013

    Homosexuals Get Duck Dy-Nasty

    When I saw the headline yesterday about how "Duck Dynasty" patriarch Phil Robertson had commented on a certain sexuality-defined group, I wondered how long it would be before he got the "treatment." I saw the next headline no more than a few hours l...

  • December 18, 2013

    Britain Savages Itself

    England's prestigious Oxford Union recently invited famed raconteur and talk-radio host Michael Savage to a debate on whether or not NSA leaker Edward Snowden is a hero. And that is certainly a matter for debate. Whatever Snowden is, though, he is de...

  • December 16, 2013

    White-washing Mandela's Memory

    See also: The Road to Genocide is Paved with Liberal Intentions After his mother was raped, and then murdered along with his father, sobbing 12-year-old Amaro was gagged and drowned in scalding bathwater. And that's how the youngest member of the Via...

  • December 14, 2013

    The Road to Genocide is Paved with Liberal Intentions

    With all the recent talk about Nelson Mandela the myth and the modicum of talk about Mandela the man, it's a good opportunity to discuss another myth: that of apartheid. Oh, I know, modernist dogma dictates we behave not just as if the South African ...

  • December 14, 2013

    Get over it: Jesus and Santa are White

    Some people want to give Fox News's Megyn Kelly a lump of coal for Christmas after she remarked on Wednesday that Jesus and Santa Claus were white and that those who had a problem with it should just get over it. Well, I'm making a list and checking ...

  • November 20, 2013

    Black Supremacist Who Wants Whites Dead Still Employed by Obama DHS

    Chalk up another victory for the post-racial president's agenda. No, it's not Barack Obama falsely claiming that white society denied black Hurricane Katrina victims monetary assistance. Or having a bigoted reverend ask at his inauguration when "whi...

  • November 19, 2013

    ObamaCare Lawbreaker in Chief: Barack Obama

    "The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly," said Abraham Lincoln. It's ironic that Barack Obama has claimed to pattern himself after Lincoln, because his modus operandi is just the opposite: perpetuate a bad law by enforcing i...

  • November 11, 2013

    The Obama Purchase

    Many years ago I knew a couple who adopted the habit of being gratuitously defensive about one another. If you made even the slightest comment questioning one of them in the other's presence, that party would say something such as "Watch it!" The adm...

  • November 8, 2013

    The Last Word on the Cuccinelli Race

    There has been much analysis of the Virginia governor's race, in which Clinton crony Terry McAuliffe edged out Republican Ken Cuccinelli by two points.  Liberals have portrayed the outcome as heralding the death of the Tea Party, while cons...

  • November 6, 2013

    Marvel Rolls out Muslim Girl Superheroine

    It must be really exciting being a kid today. Denied the strength that "lies in our diversity," youngsters languishing in the unenlightened 1960s had to content themselves with banal white male superheroes such as Superman, Spiderman and Ironman. But...

  • October 30, 2013

    There are Lies, Damned Lies and Democrats

    Steny Hoyer certainly is a creative man. Asked about Barack Obama's promise that everyone would be able to keep his health coverage if he liked it and the recent revelation that the Democrats knew all along that millions of Americans would lose their...

  • October 14, 2013

    Is Obama Creating a Martial-law-ready Military?

    See also: Bad Conduct -- or Cover for Bad Morale? What kind of leader wants a military more loyal to himself than to the rule of law? And why? These are two questions to ponder when considering the strange happenings in the armed forces since Barack...

  • October 13, 2013

    'Racist' L.A. Police Dogs Think Whites Taste Bad

    Will the slights and salt-in-wound exacerbations ever end? It's not enough that white people are cast as the source of all the world's woes as people find that we, increasingly, leave a bad taste in their mouths. Now we hear that even man's best frie...

  • October 2, 2013

    Why 'Equality' Must Die

    Take a look at the following list and tell me if anything strikes you: Prudence Justice Temperance Courage Faith Hope Charity Viewing these, the Seven Cardinal Virtues, anything make an impression? Okay, now try the Seven Heavenly Virtu...

  • September 27, 2013

    Pope Francis Said What?! Actually, No, He didn't

    That NBC had doctored a 911 call for the purposes of making George Zimmerman look like a bigot was a shocking revelation. Yet cut-and-paste propaganda is a common media tactic, and I'm not sure anyone is victimized by it more than Pope Francis. You'v...

  • September 25, 2013

    How to Enrich or Impoverish a Nation

    What has lifted more people out of poverty, charity or economic freedom? It's not even close. Charity is wonderful, and I'll be the first to say we have an obligation to share our gifts, be they material, intellectual, or talent oriented. Yet whether...

  • September 12, 2013

    Why Millennials Won't Turn 'Conservative'

    Every so often the wonks of wishful thinking give us an article about how blacks are becoming Republicans, how Hispanics are supposedly a natural GOP constituency, or, as is the subject here today, how the millennial generation is turning "conservati...

  • August 15, 2013

    Correction on the Andy Vidak Election

    A while back I wrote about the state senate win in California's 16th District by Republican cherry farmer Andy Vidak. The GOP establishment and others made big news hailing the victory as evidence that Republicans could win in a majority Hispanic dis...

  • August 10, 2013

    The Naïve Cynic

    A certain very erudite and always entertaining social critic remarked the other day that he always thought the worst of people. He went on to say -- perhaps, at most, half jokingly -- that he was always right about them, too. He then revealed that he...

  • August 2, 2013

    The GOP Hispanic Victory that Wasn't

    It was big news that Republican Andy Vidak won a California state senate seat over a Hispanic candidate in a majority Hispanic district. Yes, he beat Leticia Perez, and she was a Democrat in a district that's 60 percent Hispanic and which offers a 22...

  • July 24, 2013

    The Post-racial President's Profiling

    What would it have taken for the jury that acquitted George Zimmerman to find him guilty? Well, try this on for size: imagine that instead of emerging from his encounter with Trayvon Martin bloodied with a broken nose, he didn't have a scratch on him...

  • July 23, 2013

    Obama's Dangerous Racial Hang-ups

    When Barack Obama said that if he had a son, "he'd look like Trayvon," it perhaps didn't say much for him as a parent. And when the president now says that Martin could have been him "35 years ago," it doesn't say much for him as a youth. Of course, ...

  • July 20, 2013

    Total Recall

    Should recall elections be reserved only for politicians who break the law? Columnist Rick Moran thinks so. Writing about an impending recall election in Colorado, he writes: The recall device should be reserved for politicians who either break the ...

  • July 15, 2013

    Blackness Trumps Fairness

    While George Zimmerman has been acquitted, his troubles are hardly behind him. It's not just that no small number of thugs want his head on a platter, but that the baddest of them all is the highest law-enforcement official in the land. The question ...

  • July 14, 2013

    Women vs. Men: Who Governs Better?

    Every so often there's that obligatory article asking, "Are Women Superior at_____?" or "Do Women Make Better ______?," with politicians often being the focus. Of course, the question is always asked rhetorically.  No matter the facts of the c...

  • July 9, 2013

    Forcing Christians to Eat Pork

    While Barack Obama has often been compared to leaders of the past, it's unlikely anyone has yet associated him with Antiochus IV Epiphanes. Ruler of the Seleucid Empire between 175 and 164 B.C., King Antiochus is best known for the persecution of Jew...

  • July 1, 2013

    Trayvon, Rachel and White Privilege

    Perhaps I'm just a creepy-a** cracka' who doesn't get it. But it always seems that when it comes to standards, the left gives you two for the price of one. And the idea that white people "can't" understand black folks -- a similar point to which was ...

  • June 28, 2013

    Immigrationists and the Death of America

    Let's do a little thought exercise here.  Imagine that some force was flooding an indigenous people's lands with millions of unassimilable foreigners, and it was understood that this influx would irretrievably change that land's culture and repl...

  • June 23, 2013

    Socially engineering racial conflict

    Addressing a large panel of black conservatives on Hannity Friday night, host Sean Hannity asked whether "African-American" was the correct label for black people. Thankfully, a vast majority of the panelists quite passionately agreed it was not, mai...

  • June 21, 2013

    Why Liberals Kill

    "Liberal institutions straightaway cease from being liberal the moment they are soundly established: once this is attained no more grievous and more thorough enemies of freedom exist than liberal institutions." This quotation's author, Friedrich Niet...

  • June 21, 2013

    Where Serena Williams is Right about Rape

    If you want to know why lies seem increasingly common, it's because we persecute people for honesty. A good example is the recent statements tennis star Serena Williams made about the Steubenville rape case. Commenting on the matter in a Rolling Sto...

  • June 18, 2013

    ESPN's random act of feminism?

    It's really hard to know today where the stupidity ends and the propaganda begins. MSNBC recently made news by labeling infamous segregationist George Wallace a Republican during a recent television broadcast. Now ESPN has followed suit, with a rando...

  • June 18, 2013

    The Bright Side of Amnesty

    Saying there's a bright side to amnesty may seem much like talk of the advantages of malignant cancer. But this won't be a pie-in-the-sky article about the "economic benefits" of new workers, expanding the tax base or the wonders of "diversity." Ther...

  • June 11, 2013

    Rise in Female Breadwinners Means America Is a Loser

    When women start doing what men have traditionally done, yours is a civilization of the setting sun.  This is brought to mind when pondering a recent Pew Research Center study showing that women are now the primary or sole breadwinners in 40 per...

  • June 11, 2013

    Marco Rubio is Dead to Me

    Young, handsome and Hispanic, Marco Rubio was once hailed as one of the new faces of the Republican Party. But now we learn that he actually brings two new faces to the GOP. One that says one thing one moment and another that says a different thing ...

  • June 8, 2013

    Schoolteacher Responds to 'Schools' Sinister War on Guns' (Updated)

    A high-school teacher sent me the correspondence below in response to my piece, "The Schools' Sinister War on Guns." It provides some valuable feedback from the front lines, so I urge you to read it. Anonymous Teacher wrote (edited for style): I am...

  • June 7, 2013

    The Schools' Sinister War on Guns

    Call it living in Upside-down Land or the realization of the Bible's prediction of a time when bad will be called good and good, bad, but once again innocent schoolchildren have been persecuted for, well, just being children. This time the offender w...

  • May 9, 2013

    The Difference between Mark Sanford and Bill Clinton

    With the victory of disgraced former governor Mark Sanford in the recent South Carolina congressional race, there are bound to be those who would equate his supporters with Bill Clinton's. After all, both men were unfaithful to their wives. Both men ...

  • May 6, 2013

    Selective Constitutional Deafness

    Often a phenomenon of bad marriages, "selective deafness" is when one hears only what is convenient. The same failing manifests itself in government when politicians and judges hear the Constitution talk only when it sings their tune. Worse still, so...

  • April 30, 2013

    Airline Passenger Detained for Being a Jerk

    The bigger the government, the greater the opportunity to seek revenge by state action. This has been demonstrated throughout history, and now current events are teaching the same lesson. The latest example involves 52-year-old California businessman...

  • April 29, 2013

    Cultural Affirmative Action and Golf

    Whatever happened to that 14-year-old Asian golf phenom who aspired to play the PGA Tour? She made tens of millions of dollars based on hype, and he became the youngest player to every make a tour cut. No, that's not a typo. He is Guan Tianlang, the ...

  • April 20, 2013

    Boston Bombers: Salon Writer Sirota Gets His Wish...Sort of

    It must be tough being a liberal and having to constantly lock horns with that thing called reality. Shortly before Chechen brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokar Tsarnaev were found to be the Boston terrorists, Salon writer David Sirota penned a piece titled...

  • April 17, 2013

    Blowing up America

    Sometimes a reaction can be worse than an action, even when that action is very, very diabolical. Some would argue that this was the case with 9/11, with the resultant long-term loss of freedom, misguided military ventures, and no serious effort what...

  • April 5, 2013

    Marriage and the Court: La Cage Aux Fools

    It often seems as if clever lawyers become rich, careless lawyers become inmates, and confused lawyers become judges. And one certainly could get this impression when assessing the oral-arguments phase of the Proposition 8 case currently before the S...

  • April 3, 2013

    American Arrested for Anti-homosexual Statements

    What do the Islamic world and Europe have in common? There are actually many similarities, but one is this: in neither place are Christians always allowed to express their beliefs without fear of persecution. As for Eurasia, its Ministry of Truth's ...

  • March 29, 2013

    Bill O'Reilly vs. the Bible Thumpers

    If an argument falls in a forest of confusion and nobody hears it, does it make an impact? In a segment with Megyn Kelly on the Wednesday edition of the O'Reilly Factor, host Bill O'Reilly lamented how traditionalists don't have a "compelling argum...

  • March 28, 2013

    The Supreme Court and Faux-marriage Fallacies

    The Supreme Court is behaving as a reluctant agent of social engineering and not an ardent guardian of constitutional integrity in its approach to the last two days of oral argument on marriage. Furthermore, the pro-marriage (conservative) contingent...

  • March 27, 2013

    If I Were a Governor....

    If I were a governor, the first thing I'd do is scrutinize the school curriculum in my state. For the teachings in the schools today will be the ideology of tomorrow, to paraphrase Abraham Lincoln. I'd review as much of the material as I could mysel...

  • March 25, 2013

    In Defense of Racial Humor

    If laughter really is the best medicine, it's no wonder race relations are in a state of ill health. Many years ago I spent quite a bit of time with a Zambian friend.  He remarked one day that he found America's hang-up with racial humor a bit...

  • March 22, 2013

    Treasonous Obama Strikes Again

    The world is laughing at us. It has come to light that the Obama administration has allowed hundreds of Chinese nationals -- who are closely associated with the Chinese Liberation Army -- to work in a sensitive area of NASA's Langley Research Center....

  • March 21, 2013

    White and Wrong in Philly

    When your article inspires a big-city mayor to refer your case to a "human-relations commission," you know you've hit a nerve. And when that article is the recent "Being White in Philly" piece by liberal Robert Huber, you know it doesn't take much tr...

  • March 19, 2013

    Why the NRA is Right about Hollywood

    Upstate New York's Catskill Mountain Range is a bucolic place near and dear to my heart. It's where storybook character Rip Van Winkle enjoyed his legendary slumber, and its scenery hasn't changed much since he was born of Washington Irving's fertile...

  • March 18, 2013

    Is Pope Francis Liberal or Conservative?

    With the election of Pope Francis, there has been an almost "catholic" attempt to determine if he is liberal or conservative. CBS claims he is a "staunch conservative" based on the fact that, as correspondent Allen Pizzey put it, he "opposes abortion...

  • March 17, 2013

    Senator Portman's Homosexual Descent

    In another case in the annals of conservative "adaptation" to yesterday's liberal innovation, Ohio Republican senator Rob Portman has just announced that he now supports faux marriage. The change was motivated, he said, by his son having come out to ...

  • March 14, 2013

    Mississippi Bloomberg Burning

    While I'm generally no fan of new laws, a law that prohibits stupid laws is a definite exception. And that's just what the great state of Mississippi is giving us by passing legislation that would prohibit localities from limiting food portion sizes,...

  • March 14, 2013

    What the Greatest Catholic Thinker Says about the Latest Catholic Pope

    With the election of Pope Francis, there are the usual complaints about how the Catholic Church has got to get with the times. The Huffington Post ran the headline, "Pope Francis Against [sic] Gay Marriage, Gay Adoption," which is much like thinking ...

  • March 12, 2013

    Beppe Grillo, Just the Wacko We Don't Know

    When I see the hand-wringing over the rise of Italian politician Beppe Grillo, I can't help but think of a man complaining about cigarette smoke while his own derriere is on fire. Oh, don't get me wrong, Grillo is a wacko, for sure. I can't even take...

  • March 8, 2013

    We Might be Muslim Today if....

    The year is 632 A.D., and Muslim hordes have set their sights on the Mideast and North Africa -- the old Christian world. And the Caliphate, as the Islamic realm is called, will not be denied. Syria and Iraq fall in 636. Palestine is next in 638. And...

  • March 3, 2013

    The Great Gun Debate: New Laws?

    It's easy to fall into the trap that ensnares liberals, that of thinking we can legislate ourselves to utopia. This occurs to me when pondering Mr. Brett Joshpe's response to my last debate piece. In his response he very graciously states that my art...

  • March 1, 2013

    Unmasking the Grim Reaper's Foot Soldiers

    One day back in high school, a very interesting English teacher asked our class a moral question: if you could press a button and get a million dollars, but a little old man -- with no family, friends, or ties of any kind -- in the backwood...

  • February 18, 2013

    Liberal CNN Panelists Defend Murderer Dorner

    "Modern liberalism is moral dysfunction." When I recently made that statement after citing leftist social-media support for murderer Christopher Dorner, some readers thought I'd gone overboard. Surely, the twisted rooting for a paranoid killer on Fac...

  • February 10, 2013

    Killer Dorner's Supporters Are Par for the Left's Course

    While I was a conservative by age 12, for some time thereafter I viewed liberalism as most do -- as just another ideology.  Sure, it was an irritating ideology, but an ideology nonetheless.  But then something happened.  I don't quite ...

  • February 5, 2013

    John McCain's 'Racist' Joke that Wasn't

    Being a conservative just ain't what it used to be. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) was recently accused of tweeting a "racist" joke -- by another Republican. The issue arose when McCain, responding to Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's remark that...

  • February 3, 2013

    Women in Combat: Battling Nature, Battering Reality

    Senseless advice and nothing nice; that's what little-girls-in-combat policy is made of. The obvious has already been said about placing women in front-line combat positions. Their presence will reduce unit cohesiveness; male soldiers' natural instin...

  • February 3, 2013

    The Most Interesting Career: Housewife

    On the heels of my recent article on women in combat, in which I defend traditionalism, it's perhaps a good time to also take up the cudgels for that bugaboo of women's studies classes: the housewife. Thus do I provide you with the quotation below fr...

  • January 27, 2013

    The Great Gun Debate: Selwyn Duke vs. Brett Joshpe

    A few weeks ago, author and Manhattan-based lawyer Brett Joshpe penned a pro-gun-control piece whose thrust was that conservatives need to be sensible with respect to firearms legislation. It's not sensible, said he, to oppose any and all further res...

  • January 27, 2013

    Joe Biden: No Reason to Ban AR-15s

    Okay, half-slow laughin' Joe didn't actually say that, but he might as well have. While defending his position this past Thursday that banning the rifles incorrectly called "assault weapons" won't negatively impact upon Americans' safety, he pointed ...

  • January 23, 2013

    The Ignorance of Anti-human David Attenborough

    Liberal icon Daniel Patrick Moynihan once said, "You're entitled to your own opinions, but you're not entitled to your own facts." But that was decades ago, and today more leftists than ever have graduated from confusion to delusion and believe they'...

  • January 11, 2013

    When Kids and Guns Mix

    We all know what can happen when kids and guns mix. And today I will tell you some stories about that very thing. The kids' names were Kendra and Alyssa, and then there was the 11-year-old boy whose name we just don't know. What we do know is that th...

  • January 9, 2013

    School Shootings Solution: Not Gun Control or Guard Patrol, but Door Control

    In the wake of tragic Sandy Hook, many Americans are desperate to prevent further school shootings.  Thus do we find ourselves debating two very divisive ideas: gun control and armed guards in schools.  But there is another idea, one both s...

  • January 9, 2013

    When Teachers aren't Smarter than a Fifth-grader

    When I've written about our listing mis-education system, my focus has mainly been on rampant political correctness, on how students learn few of the right things partially because of emphasis on teaching the wrong things. Yet there's another problem...

  • January 8, 2013

    Bank of America Reportedly Freezing Gun Manufacturer's Accounts

    You might think that a professional outfit such as Bank of America operated based on stated policy and not caprice. But not according to owner of American Spirit Arms Joe Sirochman.   On his Facebook page, Sirochman tells of his adventures with ...

  • January 7, 2013

    Obama Supporters Are Shocked, Shocked, I Tell You....

    My mother always used to say, "Life is the best teacher."  Sure is -- and sometimes it smacks you right upside the head.  It appears that this has happened with Barack Obama supporters now witnessing their paychecks shrink in the wake of ta...

  • January 4, 2013

    Vote Stealing Dem Pleads Guilty to Beating up Girlfriend

    If you're a Democrat operative forced to resign for facilitating vote fraud, what do you do for a follow-up? If you said "brutally attack your girlfriend, cracking her skull," your name just might be Patrick Moran. And if you've skated on both counts...

  • January 3, 2013

    Six-year-old Suspended for Firing Assault Finger

    If you want to know why we're breeding some crazy youngsters nowadays, you only have to look at the adults surrounding them. A case in point is a Maryland elementary school that recently suspended a little child for using an assault finger. Writes th...

  • December 31, 2012

    Piers Morgan Takes Aim at the Bible

    You've got to hand it to bloviating Brit Piers Morgan. While he got most of the facts wrong in his recent targeting of the Second Amendment, it hasn't stopped him from moving on to even more formidable targets. Such as the Bible. He says the book is...

  • December 31, 2012

    Hey, Libs, What about the Employer's Body?

    If a leftist expressed new-age spirituality and uttered the Zen idea that he was one with the Universe, I'd certainly believe him. What else could explain liberals' seeming inability to know where their body ends and someone else's begins? For instan...

  • December 27, 2012

    What Would Jesus Shoot?

    A co-religionist friend of mine asked some years ago, "What is the [Catholic] Church's teaching on firearms...? Does it recommend an assault rifle or a shotgun?" He was kidding, of course, but not so funny are some recent attempts by liberal "Christi...

  • December 27, 2012

    Revealing Gun-owners Names Reveals Truth

    A birdcage liner in my county of Westchester, NY, The Journal News, has made national headlines by releasing the addresses of county residents licensed to own a handgun. The paper claims that in the wake of the Newtown shooting, citizens want to know...

  • December 22, 2012

    It's Official: Mayor Bloomberg Needs Mental Help

    Since removing constitutional rights is all the rage now, I have to ask: when does dislocation from reality become severe enough to justify involuntary commitment? A good study case is NYC's Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who recently uttered a real gem on...

  • December 21, 2012

    Reports of the End of the World Greatly Exaggerated

    This is the piece that will never be published. Haven't you heard? The world's going to end on December 21. End-of-the-world hysteria is rather interesting. The Argentine government has restricted access to a mountain over a mass "spiritual suicide" ...

  • December 21, 2012

    The Chinese Want Gun Control -- in America

    Who'd have guessed it? When the Chinese aren't busy effecting forced abortions, persecuting political dissidents, sending contaminated products to our shores, or shipping us other junk that malfunctions a month after you buy it, they concern themselv...

  • December 20, 2012

    Proof the Left Wants All Guns Outlawed

    It has been said that to identify a liar, look for contradiction, because it's hard keeping lies straight. It's no revelation that leftists would like to effect gun confiscation (except for themselves and their bodyguards, of course), but they gene...

  • December 19, 2012

    Conservatives Rationalize as America Circles the Drain

    It's often hard to accept the truth, especially when that truth is scary -- when reality seems to offer you no solutions, only poison from which to pick. It's as with a man I once knew who insisted that it couldn't be proven that smoking is bad for y...

  • December 16, 2012

    Time for Schools to be Gun-free Free

    If there's anything the Newtown massacre has proven, it's that school zones billed as "gun-free" cannot be guaranteed to thus be. They're only virtually certain to be good-guy-gun-free. And it's time for this symbolism-over-substance policy to en...

  • December 11, 2012

    "Choose Life" Out in North Carolina

    Providing another example of why judicial review needs to be reviewed is U.S. District Court Judge James C. Fox, who just ruled that North Carolina may not offer its "Choose Life" license plates. And wait till you hear his reasoning (if you can call ...

  • December 6, 2012

    Students Forced to Stand for 'Black National Anthem'

    Students at Capital High School (CHS) in Charleston, West Virginia have been regularly forced to stand during the playing of a song known as "The Black National Anthem." The song, "Lift Every Voice and Sing," was played in the morning right after the...

  • December 3, 2012

    I'll See Your Economic Collapse and Raise You National Demise

    Being just weeks away from reaching our debt ceiling and with frightening talk about a fiscal cliff, there's much sympathy in Washington for tax increases.  Even conservatives are wavering.  A few Republicans have dumped their anti-tax pled...

  • December 2, 2012

    Another Victory for the Anti-Christian Grinches

    The Salvation Army has long been a holy-day season fixture in front of my local supermarket, providing some Christmas sounds and cheer as it raises money to serve the poor. But when I went grocery shopping a couple of days ago, a difference was appar...

  • November 29, 2012

    Target: Old White Men

    While modern society prides itself on being unbiased, it's no exception to the rule that every age has its fashionable prejudices -- and unfashionable people. Among the latter today are white men, and the closer they are to "dead white male" sta...

  • November 22, 2012

    What do We Have to be Thankful For?

    Among the beautiful messages in the 1937 film Captains Courageous is one relating to thankfulness. When spoiled rich kid Harvey says to Portuguese fisherman Manuel about Manuel's father, [H]e didn't do much for you; I mean, he didn't leave you anythi...

  • November 20, 2012

    Invasion of the Liberal Body Snatchers

    When I was a younger and more naïve man, I sometimes thought to myself, "Boy, if I could just get a forum in which to express my ideas, I could really change people's minds." This was before I realized that, more often than not, it wasn't a matter of...

  • November 20, 2012

    Maine's Mysterious Black Voters

    There are endless "anecdotes" from the last election "that prove nothing about vote fraud," as the critics put it. And one that would be comical, were this not a tragic topic, involve reports of dozens of black voters showing up to cast ballots in sm...

  • November 15, 2012

    Useful Liberal Idiots and Vote Fraud

    Among the responses to my recent article on Democrat vote fraud were those of liberals who were happy to hear no evil, see no evil, and be the evil.  Their rationalization-aided attitudes ranged from accusing traditionalists of being sore winner...

  • November 13, 2012

    Was the 2012 Election Stolen?

    As the 2012 election approached, conservative enthusiasm grew. Mitt Romney was drawing huge crowds while Barack Obama spoke in half-filled stadiums. All the passion lay on the right while the left was discouraged with a promised messiah who proved me...

  • November 10, 2012

    Winning the Future: The Fiscal-Conservative Fantasy

    With the loss of the 2012 election, there is much talk of how the Republican Party must do some soul-searching.  How will the GOP wage successful campaigns when demographic and cultural changes favor the opposition?  Increasingly, the answe...

  • November 10, 2012

    Death by Woman

    During the latter part of the 2012 campaign, we heard a lot of talk about how Mitt Romney was closing the sex gap and capturing women's support. "Mitt is on the move - a poll shows he's pulled even with women!" My attitude about this was that if Bara...

  • November 9, 2012

    Ebony vs. Ivory: When Obama is 99 and 44/100% Pure

    Perhaps we've discovered the real cherished "99 percent."  Writing that "[s]ome Philadelphia neighborhoods outdid themselves in Tuesday's presidential election," reports that 13 of the city's wards recorded a victory margin for Barack...

  • November 7, 2012

    Where We Go From Here

    I have never been so unhappy to be right. I've long said that Barack Obama would win re-election, and two weeks ago I stated as much in print. In making this prediction, I was almost alone among traditionalist pundits, with some, such as Dick Morris ...

  • November 6, 2012

    Third World Corruption and the 2012 Election

    One characteristic of Third World nations is corruption is woven into the system. When I was in India many years ago, for instance, I learned you had to offer bribes to get anything done, even just to obtain a driver's license. It was pay to play. Th...

  • November 4, 2012

    On Angels and Demons

    When actor and director Mel Gibson was asked some years ago about certain difficulties he had when making his film The Passion of the Christ, he registered a countenance of unease and said (I'm paraphrasing), "Something doesn't want this to happen." ...

  • November 3, 2012

    If You're Not Reading This, Please Don't Vote

    "I'm guessing that as soon as I walk into the voting booth, I'll probably make up my mind then." So said undecided voter Kerry Ladka, appearing on Greta Van Susteren's program after the second presidential debate. He had just compared and contrasted ...

  • November 2, 2012

    Can Democrat-leaning Voting Machines Win Election for Obama?

    Imagine you go to the polls and choose Mitt Romney on an electronic machine, but your vote comes up Barack Obama. So you re-enter your choice, but the president's name still stubbornly appears. Then a third try. Ditto. Innocent malfunction...or some...

  • November 2, 2012

    Can Democrat-leaning Voting Machines Win Election for Obama?

    Imagine you go to the polls and choose Mitt Romney on an electronic machine, but your vote comes up 'Barack Obama.' So you re-enter your choice, but the president's name still stubbornly appears. Then a third try. Ditto. Innocent malfunction... or so...

  • October 30, 2012

    Why Accept Contraception as a Women's Issue?

    While many points have been made about this campaign's contraception controversy, there's one that I haven't yet heard anyone mention. Why do we accept contraception as a women's issue? After all, there is a prophylactic designed for use by men, and ...

  • October 30, 2012

    When Feminists Criminalize "Sexist" Speech

    If you want to know what Barack Obama and his fellow travelers have planned for us, you need look only at what their cutting-edge cousins have already implemented overseas. For example, hate-speech laws have long been used in Europe and other parts o...

  • October 25, 2012

    Barack Obama is a Liar

    Calling someone a liar is a serious accusation. This is why, aside from the unwritten contract allowing for mutual prevarication, politicians are so reluctant to do it. And not just anyone is a liar. Legend has it that our first president said, "I ca...

  • October 24, 2012

    Democrat Boss Caught on Video Planning Vote Fraud

    In a shocking display of lawlessness and contempt for our electoral system, a Democrat Party boss was caught on videotape planning vote fraud. Art Moore of reports on the story: The son of Rep. Jim Moran, D-Va. -- who serves as the field...

  • October 23, 2012

    Michael Savage Back on Radio Tonight

    After a legal win that allowed him to leave his former employer last month, award-winning talk-show host Michael Savage will return to the airwaves tonight. Savage will have not just a new syndicator, Cumulus Media Networks, but also a new time slot,...

  • October 22, 2012

    Petulant, Perturbed Obama Just Can't Help Himself

    As with the vice-presidential debate and Joe Biden, Barack Obama's attitude in Monday night's debate spoke more clearly than anything he said. No, he didn't laugh like Bozo the Clown, giggle like a schoolgirl, shake his head, and roll his eyes like J...

  • October 17, 2012

    Candy Crowley Plays Biggest Loser with Obama

    You might think that with all the recent focus on media bias in debate moderation, Candy Crowley would have minded her p's and q's in last night's presidential debate. But clearly, she doesn't even know the ABC's of her job. Her most obvious transgre...

  • October 15, 2012

    Biden's Abortion Blarney

    When Joe Biden was asked about abortion in the vice-presidential debate last Thursday, he replied with what, in part, has become boilerplate. "I accept my church's position on abortion..." he said. "Life begins at conception; that's the church's judg...

  • October 15, 2012

    Politicians, Catholicism and the False Equivalence

    You've got to hand it to that Joe Biden. He certainly has chutzpah. After all, what do you call it when a man who was banned from receiving Communion diocese-wide by a bishop chastises an apparently more faithful Catholic for a lack of doctrinal puri...

  • October 12, 2012

    Biden's Strategy: Be a Jerk

    Is there a human being on this Earth more obnoxious than Joe Biden?  It appears that the following was his strategy in the vice-presidential debate: "Okay, I'll smile wide like a used-car salesman, shake my head, and laugh while Paul Ryan is tal...

  • October 11, 2012

    Bus Driver to Conservative Child: 'Your Mother Should Have Chosen Abortion for You'

    Actress Stacey Dash was attacked viciously on Twitter after she expressed support for Mitt Romney, with several people telling her "Kill yourself," another calling her a "hag," and yet others hurling racial slurs. But even this pales in comparison to...

  • October 8, 2012

    My Answer for Lloyd Marcus

    "Everything I heard today is true. But, because of racism I suffered in my youth, I cannot turn against Obama." According to conservative writer Lloyd Marcus, the preceding sentiment was uttered by his father, a black man, after the elder Marcus atte...

  • October 5, 2012

    Do We Want Mr. Nice Guy as President?

    Watching the debate on Wednesday, I truly can't imagine Barack Obama having come off as the more likeable candidate.  Continuously glancing downwards, perhaps looking for inspiration (I glance upwards, myself), and often displaying an angry coun...

  • August 24, 2012

    The Sideshow at the DOJ

    Step right up, folks!  We have here behind these mysterious walls curiosities to amaze and astound.  See the lawyer with anger issues who'll scream at the court like Sam Kinison and then put a take-down move on the bailiff.  See the at...

  • August 12, 2012

    Hey, Fareed, You've Got a Paragraph; You Didn't Write That

    He really didn't. In penning his recent piece "The Case for Gun Control," Time editor and CNN host Fareed Zakaria actually made the case that he needs to focus on pen control.  Because he plagiarized part of his work from a New Yorker article wr...

  • August 2, 2012

    The Olympics and Feminist-Style Reporting

    It's difficult to say if the greatest drama of the 2012 Olympics has occurred inside or outside the athletic arena, but it's hard for anything to compare to the controversy that recently surrounded 16-year-old Chinese swim sensation Ye Shiwen.  ...

  • July 29, 2012

    Grand Mufti Emanuel's Chicago Values

    When Rahm Emanuel ascended to the top of Chicago's political heap last year, it was thought to have been the result of a citywide election that won him the mayorship.  I had no idea he was appointed the city's first Grand Mufti. But thus it must...

  • July 26, 2012

    What Everyone Forgets When Debating Gun Control

    In the wake of the Aurora mass shooting, the usual pattern is playing out with respect to gun control.  People such as Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Piers Morgan, and Bill Moyers are beating the drum to restrict firearm ownership, as others try to be...

  • July 26, 2012

    And the Aurora Propaganda Award Goes to...

    The New York Daily News.  Hands down. The winning entry is an anti-Second Amendment Rights piece written in the wake of the Colorado tragedy -- one in which virtually every line contains a callow, melodramatic appeal to emotion or an outright fa...

  • July 22, 2012

    Tea Party Targeted by 'All the Bolsheviks' Children' (ABC)

    It wasn't just that ABC's Brian Ross was wrong in suggesting that the "Jim Holmes" he found on a Tea Party website was the same man who committed the heinous crime in Aurora, Colorado.  It's that it was indicative of stupidity and corruption. If...

  • July 15, 2012

    Please, No Rice with That Romney

    With the rumor that Condoleezza Rice is a frontrunner to be Mitt Romney's vice-presidential pick, she's the talk of the town.  She's so intelligent, so sophisticated, so statesmanlike and so scholarly that she could make you wonder if Hillary Cl...

  • July 10, 2012

    The Real Reason John Roberts Upheld ObamaCare?

    It's now well-established that Chief Justice John Roberts had ulterior motives for upholding ObamaCare.  The usual theories involve his being concerned about the Court's, or maybe even his own, losing respect by seeming to operate in a partisan ...

  • July 2, 2012

    Arrest Eric Holder

    The House has voted overwhelmingly to hold Eric Holder in contempt of Congress for withholding documents on the Fast and Furious scandal, but where do we go from here?  Not surprisingly, the Justice Department won't prosecute Holder on the charg...

  • June 12, 2012

    North Dakota Votes on abolishing property taxes

    When North Dakotans go to the polls today, they'll have a chance to strike a blow for freedom. They can make their state the first in the nation to ban all property taxes.    With such levies having become a fixture on the American landscap...

  • June 9, 2012

    Obama Administration: Cory Booker is 'Dead to Us'

    Newark mayor Cory Booker made the mistake of deviating from the Marxocrat Party line, and now he's learning the hard way that illiberal modern liberals don't tolerate dissent.  In fact, zey have vays of making you not talk.  And, it seems, ...

  • June 7, 2012

    What Liberals Really Respect

    "I think he did the right thing," said the man, emphatically, in reference to Bill Clinton's 1990s infidelity with Monica Lewinsky.  The sentiment, expressed during a conversation I had some years ago, was really no surprise.  You see, the ...

  • May 27, 2012

    Is This Obama's Brain on Drugs?

    We all know the difference between normal mistakes and those that hint at a deeper, more frightening problem, such as Alzheimer's or other brain conditions.  In light of this, how do you interpret a shocking mistake recently made by Barack Obama...

  • May 19, 2012

    Demographic Tipping Point: Whites Now Less than Half of US Births

    Bill Clinton once said that he looked forward to the day when whites were a minority in America.  While he won't live to see such a time, a demographic milestone that should send a tingle up Slick Willie's leg was just reached.  Writes The ...

  • May 10, 2012

    Why the Health Nazis Are on the March

    They say "Jolly is the fat man," but perhaps not when he's being chased (and, I'm sure, caught) like a Frankenstein monster by the Body Cult crazies.  And that is the case today, as it has become fashionable to affront the friendly-fronted. It s...

  • May 10, 2012

    The Real News Today: Obama Was Always for Faux Marriage

    So another mask has dropped.  Barack Obama made history today in becoming the first president to announce support for faux marriage. And on January 20th, 2009 he made history in becoming the first president who supports faux marriage. Obama reve...

  • May 4, 2012

    Hocumhontas Warren's Stupid Horse Moment

    Many critics have called Massachusetts Senate hopeful Elizabeth Warren a "racist" for relating a family story about how her grandfather had "high cheekbones like all Indians do."  But they're wrong.  The comment wasn't "racist." It was stup...

  • April 11, 2012

    Obama's America: Why Black Grievance Will Never End

    When I was 12 years old, I used to play tennis at a certain public park in the Bronx.  One day it got back to me that a black fellow at the courts, whose name I forget, said, "Selwyn doesn't like black people."  This raised my eyebrows....

  • April 11, 2012

    Birmingham News Drops the Ball on Black-on-white Crime

    Yesterday I reported on the stabbing of white truck driver Nick Stokes by members of a black motorcycle gang called the Outcasts of Alabama.  It's not merely a scary story but also an unusual one, mostly because of the behavior of law enforcemen...

  • April 10, 2012

    Police to White Victim: We 'Don't Mess' with Black Gang

    See also: Birmingham News Drops the Ball on Black-on-white Crime Most of us have heard about how the media won't report on black-on-white crime.  We also may know that authorities sometimes sweep it under the rug due to political pressure, usual...

  • March 14, 2012

    Why Obama's Birth Certificate Matters, Especially Now

    There was a time when someone could perhaps justify sitting on the fence on the matter of Barack Obama's birth certificate.  There were those on the left who could chalk doubts about its authenticity up to conspiratorial internet paranoia. ...

  • March 7, 2012

    Was Boy in K.C. Fire Attack a Victim of His School's Racist Teaching?

    The boy raised his hand, eager to answer the question.  "What would you know about it?" exclaimed the teacher dismissively.  "You're not our race." This was not dialogue from a Hollywood movie.  According to a woman named Melissa Coon,...

  • March 5, 2012

    Is the Word 'Slut' Still Relevant?

    A woman close to me once characterized the sea change in our society well. "Years ago you knew who the bad girls were," said she. "Now you know who the good girls are." And the good boys get condemned for not pretending the bad girls are good. I am, ...

  • February 19, 2012

    When Conservatives Wax Liberal: Is Sex a Qualification?

    Is it a conservative position that only women are qualified to comment on abortion?  A writer named Leann Horrocks certainly seems to think so. In a piece titled, "Contraception, the New Useful Passion," Horrocks does make some good points about...

  • February 18, 2012

    Are Conservatives with Ginsburg or the Founders on the Constitution?

    When Ruth Bader Ginsburg said in Egypt recently that she "would not look to the U.S. Constitution if [she] were drafting a constitution in the year 2012," it was no surprise.  In that the Constitution militates against a nanny state and preserve...

  • February 12, 2012

    Samuel L. Jackson Drops the Act: Admits He Only Voted for Obama because of Race

    Hey, Jackson, is it Samuel L. or Jesse?  Actually, it's more likely that the actor was channeling Jeremiah Wright. In a racial-epithet-laced interview with Ebony magazine, the Pulp Fiction star proved that his politics is a fiction and his head ...

  • February 8, 2012

    How to Win the Marriage Debate

    The big news on the culture-war front is a federal court's striking down of Proposition 8, California's constitutional amendment protecting marriage.  In a two-to-one ruling, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit wrote, "The p...

  • February 4, 2012

    A Beating and Racial Slurs But No Hate-crime Charges

    Ah, the left-wing capacity for rationalization knows no bounds. While we're told that even substantive criticism of Barack Obama is driven by the hatefulness the left has dubbed "racism," a racial attack by three black teenagers on two white men in P...

  • January 22, 2012

    In Praise of a Do-nothing Congress

    Here's a question: how can we expect to have small government if we condemn Congress for not growing it? It's always a disturbing experience when you're accosted with a picture of Harry Reid, as I was upon logging on to Drudge Monday afternoon. ...

  • January 18, 2012

    If Republicans Want to Win, They Must Stop Talking about Capitalism

    One of the simplest rhetorical truths is that the side that defines the vocabulary of a debate wins the debate.  Yet, amazingly, we still see experienced conservative politicians with access to advanced polling operations and an array of advisor...

  • January 11, 2012

    The Myth of Bad Republican Candidates

    Repeat a big Democrat talking point often enough, and it becomes the truth.  There is a certain liberal narrative that has recently filtered down to many independents and even some conservatives: the idea that the current crop of Republican cand...

  • December 30, 2011

    Upset about Big Brother's Ban on Incandescent Bulbs? Buy a Heatball!

    This is just too good. Many of you know that in a few days the federal ban on conventional incandescent light bulbs will go into effect. And while House Republicans included a provision in a recent spending bill that will block funding for the ban's ...

  • November 6, 2011

    Is Herman Cain Experienced Enough to be President?

    People use many words today without fully knowing what they mean -- or should mean.  "Tolerance," "gender" and "truth" come to mind.  But then there is one that rears its head every campaign season: "experience." We've heard this word a lot...

  • November 5, 2011

    Will Newt Gingrich Win the Republican Nomination?

    If slow and steady really does win the race, Newt Gingrich could well end up being the Republican nominee for president. Thus far, this campaign season has been defined by flash-in-the-pan fortunes. Michele Bachmann was first out of the blocks and wo...

  • October 22, 2011

    Clinton's Cackling at Cain Takes the Cake

    Upon watching footage of Hillary Clinton mocking Herman Cain in Afghan president Hamid Karzai's presence, one could wonder: would she really want to stack her accomplishments up against Cain's? I mean real accomplishment -- not being the poster girl ...

  • October 12, 2011

    Corruption in Maricopa County

    When we think of political persecution, places such as Tiananmen Square may come to mind.  Increasingly, however, this tool of tyranny is coming to our shores -- and it is not made in China.  It is, in the case I'll discuss today, made in M...

  • October 5, 2011

    How Conservative Candidates Can Give Us a RINO Nominee

    While I certainly understand the frustration of those who complain of RINO primary rise, it's important to accept the reality of how it happens.  It is not, as some would say, a matter of the "Republican Party giving us another John McCain." ...

  • October 5, 2011

    'The Black US Attorney Has Common Cause with the Black Criminal'

    According to Department of Justice whistleblower J. Christian Adams, AG Eric Holder has a certain something in his wallet.  It is a quotation -- and he has carried it for decades.  It essentially says, to quote Adams, "Blackness is more imp...

  • September 27, 2011

    Morgan Freeman is a Prejudiced Man

    When someone insists on making negative judgments about a group, in the face of numerous facts saying otherwise, what do you call it? As most already know, actor Morgan Freeman recently made headlines by claiming that Republican opposition to Barack ...

  • September 25, 2011

    'Why do Women always...?': Generalizations and the Building Blocks of Reality

    Recently I wrote an article about women's tendency to support statist candidates.  As my emails attest, it was met with quite a positive response.  Yet, not surprisingly, there was also a very predictable one: complaints about generalizatio...

  • September 15, 2011

    The Security Sex

    We have all heard about the sex gap in voting patterns.  This is the phenomenon whereby, in every election, women are far more likely to support liberal candidates than men are.  For instance, in 1996, Bill Clinton captured 54 percent of th...

  • September 12, 2011

    That Presidential Look: The Bad, the Beautiful, and Voting-Booth Realities

    While there was more than one reason why John McCain was a long shot to win the 2008 general election, a big one was something almost no one talked seriously about: appearance. That is to say, when was the last time an old-looking, white-haired, half...

  • September 12, 2011

    When Happiness Was a Warm Toy Gun

    In a way, commercials can tell you more about how we've changed than history books.  The other day I came across the above 1960s TV commercial on YouTube; it's for a toy set called the "Gung Ho Commando Outfit" by Marx.  And it's a perfect ...

  • August 10, 2011

    President Downgrade

    When Barack Obama promised change that would transform America, most never suspected that he would make history by presiding over the nation's first-ever credit downgrade.  But, well, yes -- he can. And he did. Of course, the blame cannot be lai...

  • July 28, 2011

    The Myth of White Privilege

    Something must be wrong.  My finances are in shambles; mainstream newspapers won't publish my pieces; and, no matter how much I try to convince Fox News that they need male eye candy as well, they just won't give me a show.  Then I gaze int...

  • July 18, 2011

    Three-monkey Authorities Ignoring another Black-on-white 'Hate Crime'

    Like the three monkeys who see, hear and speak no evil, our authorities seem intent on ignoring the true nature of yet another black-on-white racial attack. In the New York City subway this past Sunday, 29-year-old Jason Fordell was attacked by a gr...

  • July 13, 2011

    MediaMatters Takes another Shot at Stirring Up Anti-Truth Outrage

    It really is a shame when a media watchdog has a twisted nose that mistakes putrescence for floral aroma -- and vice versa.  In a piece published Monday, self-proclaimed media watcher MediaMatters (MM) criticizes Fox News for running the suppose...

  • July 5, 2011

    Noam Chomsky Gets Half a Clue

    Of all idiots, none is so useful as he who can masquerade as a genius. MIT linguistics professor Noam Chomsky recently denounced Hugo Chavez, accusing the Venezuelan strongman of making an "assault" on his nation's democracy and of cruelty with respe...

  • June 17, 2011

    Cowardly British Cops Cover Up Muslim Crime

    Much like a caterpillar, the West has grown more self-destructive with age.  And the moth it has become cannot resist being drawn toward the flame of liberalism.  This results in continual forays into the heat of cultural indifference, and ...

  • June 11, 2011

    Politically Correct Washington Supreme Court Overturns Murder Conviction

    In 2007, Kevin L. Monday Jr. was convicted for the murder of Francisco Green and received 64 years in prison.  The incident was caught on a 3-minute video recording shot by a street performer, and the footage clearly shows Monday coolly and calc...

  • June 10, 2011

    Dalai Lama: 'I am a Marxist'

    There is no better way to proclaim your lack of spiritual and philosophical depth than by, two decades after the fall of communism, disclosing that you're a Marxist.  Yet this is precisely what Buddhist spiritual leader the Dalai Lama did during...

  • May 16, 2011

    The American Flag Is 'Offensive' in Schools Now

    Increasingly, it seems that the American flag is joining toy guns and dodgeball on the banned-from-school list.  And the latest story on this front involves The Butterfield Elementary in Orange, Massachusetts, where a teacher told an eleven-year...

  • April 25, 2011

    Importing Disaster: Demographic Changes Mean Democrat Future

    At a gathering some years ago, I had a political conversation with a man who had recently arrived here from Denmark.  He was advocating his home country's socialist system, which, of course, led to profound disagreement.  He was good nature...

  • April 19, 2011

    No, Beauty is Not in the Eye of the Beholder

    American Thinker's Rick Moran recently wrote a blog piece about the destruction of Andres Serrano's creations, excreta that some euphemistically refer to as art.  Rick opened by saying that his topic would make for lively debate among commenters...

  • March 23, 2011

    Yes, Violence Can be the Answer

    It was the body slam heard around the world.  When some Australian schoolboys decided to videotape themselves bullying 15-year old Casey Heynes, one of them got more than he bargained for.  Casey, who had been pushed around and humiliated f...

  • February 27, 2011

    Wrestling with Morality: Boys vs. Girls on the Mat

    Imagine that you're a young adolescent boy.  Like many your age, you're shy around girls, perhaps to the point at which even talking to one might make your heart race.  You also like sports, so you go out for your school's wrestling team....

  • February 22, 2011

    Journalist in France Convicted for Anti-Muslim Hate Speech

    We've heard a lot about Geert Wilders, the Dutch parliamentarian whose warnings about Muslim influence in his nation place him in the crosshairs of the powers-that-be.  But while the tow-headed modern-day Templar has thus far dodged the hangman ...

  • February 21, 2011

    What Justin Bieber and General McChrystal Have in Common

    Well, Justin Bieber has lost his political virginity.  And it was taken by, of all people, the stoners at Rolling Stone magazine.Excerpts released from an upcoming interview with the teen star included political statements that, as some reading ...

  • February 16, 2011

    Dallas Politician: 'All of you are white. Go to hell!'

    Most of you won't know the name John Wiley Price, but he's obviously a man well qualified to hold a position at the Eric Holder Justice Department.  What has Price, a Dallas County Commissioner, done to distinguish himself?  He told a group...

  • February 11, 2011

    Democrazy: Egypt and the Eternal Constitution

    A little less than a century ago, the West entertained the notion that WWI would be "the war to end all wars."  Insofar as this was seriousness and not just selling point, it was naiveté.  Obviously, a military solution can...

  • February 7, 2011

    The Independent's Over-the-top Anti-Catholic Bias

    Except for those still caught in the web of the media matrix, it's no secret that the Fossil Press seeks to destroy conservatism, tradition and Christianity.  It's also plain that central to this are unrelenting attacks on the Catholic Church....

  • February 6, 2011

    The Brit PM's Limp Attack on Multiculturalism

    A sad testimonial as to the effete state of Western culture is that even ineffectual, feminized defenses of it are applauded as brave.  Case in point: British Prime Minister David Cameron has made news by giving a speech in which he said that ...

  • February 2, 2011

    That South Dakota Gun Mandate

    The recent bill that would compel every South Dakota resident to buy a firearm has created quite a stir.  And since the piece I recently wrote on the subject evoked some fairly strong emotional responses, I want to clarify a few matters. Some re...

  • February 1, 2011

    South Dakota's Proposed Gun Ownership Mandate and Constitutional Ignorance

    There's no doubt that conservatives' understanding of the Constitution surpasses that of liberals -- unfortunately, though, sometimes not by much.  And a recent South Dakota bill brings this to light.To drive home the point about the unconstitut...

  • January 30, 2011

    The Nanny-Staters at Life's Dangerous Intersections

    Increasingly, our government reminds me of a certain old Star Trek episode.  It was titled "I, Mudd," and in it, the Enterprise explorers find themselves in the grip of seemingly perfect androids determined to serve man.  The auto...

  • January 8, 2011

    Attacking the Family: Making the Terms 'Father' and 'Mother' Passé

    It seems that our neutered, post-Christian culture just can't do enough to vindicate Muslims' accusation of Western decadence.  And the latest affront to common sense and Truth is an attack upon the family: The State Department will remove the t...

  • December 28, 2010

    The Missing Link in the Evolution of Barack Obama

    One of the problems with the idea of "American exceptionalism" is that it exacerbates a kind of complacency common to man.  This is the phenomenon whereby people often view themselves as exceptions -- saying, after some tragedy, for in...

  • December 17, 2010

    Federal Reserve Orders Private Bank to Remove Crosses and Bible Verse

    While the Injustice Department is suing an Illinois school district on behalf of a Muslim teacher and a federal judge has issued an injunction against an Oklahoma measure prohibiting the use of Sharia law in court decisions, a private business in the...

  • December 16, 2010

    Citizen, Class Warrior, Florida School Board Gunman...and Good Humanist

    In the film The Devil's Advocate, Satan poses as a powerful attorney bent on undermining man through the law.  When he finally reveals himself to the main character toward the movie's end, he delivers a self-adulatory monologue during which he p...

  • December 11, 2010

    Ending the TSA Madness: Listen Up, Folks, Here's How You Win the Profiling Debate

    One thing that saddens me about the TSA security controversy is that we're missing a great opportunity.  Sure, the insanity of patting down three-year-old, blonde-haired lasses and octogenarian grandmothers with prostheses has caused a great bac...

  • November 25, 2010

    Whoopi Goldberg's Ignorance

    Since I'm well aware of how leftists' claims of erudition are as empty as their ideology, not many of their failures surprise me.  But an exception came last night when Whoopi Goldberg was interviewed by Bill O'Reilly.  The two were discuss...

  • November 24, 2010

    You Can Touch My Junk, but Nothing Else

    Now that "Don't touch my junk!" has become a rallying cry, I must ask a question: What's with this youth-culture tendency to refer to male genitalia as "junk"? Since I keep my nose to the ground, I noticed this slang innovation lo...

  • November 18, 2010

    Profile Muslims or Pat Down the Masses?

    With all the bad press the TSA has received recently, we can't be sure if the acronym stands for Transportation Security Administration, Touches Sensitive Areas or Truly Scandalous Attention.  But, for sure, its pat downs and sci-fi radiation sc...

  • November 1, 2010

    Caught Red-handed: CBS Reporters' Scheme to Undermine Republican Joe Miller

    In a case of JournoList redux, mainstream media reporters have again shown that their business is propaganda, not news.  In a shocking voicemail accidentally left on the cell phone of Alaska GOP senatorial candidate Joe Miller's spokesman, Randy...

  • November 1, 2010

    When the Democratic Party Left You Behind

    Many years ago, a very nice lady with whom I was having a political discussion announced to me, "I'm a Democrat." My immediate response was, "By birth or by choice?"  It's a relevant question for many Americans, as some treat...

  • October 28, 2010

    The Democrats' Final Recourse: Massive Vote Fraud

    The reports are rolling in from all over the country. A Craven County, NC resident attempts to vote a straight Republican ticket, but his choices come up straight Democrat four times, despite receiving assistance from poll workers. In NC's Lenoir Cou...

  • October 21, 2010

    Don't Vote if You Didn't Do Your Homework

    It has become apparent that most Americans simply don't take voting very seriously. This is especially true of those who encourage voting. They'll tell us that walking into a polling place and pulling a lever is our civic duty, but this isn't true. O...

  • October 17, 2010

    Yes, Folks, We All Would Legislate Morality (Psst, Even You Libertarians)

    Really, I must be a glutton for punishment. Over the past couple of weeks, I wrote two articles on libertarianism and made the point that for a law to be just, it must have a basis in morality. These commentaries evoked quite a response, ranging from...

  • October 10, 2010

    What Libertarians Misunderstand

    Recently, in a piece about the dangers inherent in libertarianism, I pointed out that libertarians, by applying their live-and-let-live philosophy to the moral sphere as well as the governmental, do nothing to maintain the societal moral framework th...

  • October 3, 2010

    Libertarianism's Folly: When 'Live and Let Live' Fails

    While there was a time when I might have described myself as a libertarian, those days are long gone. In fact, I don't even call myself a conservative anymore. Oh, don't get me wrong -- I agree with libertarians on many issues, and their governmental...

  • September 20, 2010

    O'Donnell vs. Coons: Analyzing Extremism

    Unlike for most Americans, the Delaware senatorial primary was not my first introduction to Christine O'Donnell. I remembered her from as far back as approximately fifteen years ago, making appearances on shows such as "Politically Incorrect....

  • September 19, 2010

    Barack Obama: The Man Who Would be God?

    When writing about Barack Obama's religious orientation recently, I pointed out that while I do believe he favors Muslim over Western culture, bowing before another -- even God -- is above Obama's humility grade. I further mentioned that in keeping w...

  • September 16, 2010

    Bill Clinton Helps the Republicans Run against Bush

    You've probably heard that joke concerning what's actually happening when Bill Clinton's lips are moving, but sometimes the truth does manage to negotiate his tongue.  And his recent trip to Minnesota to campaign for Democrat gubernatorial candi...

  • August 31, 2010

    The Envious Feminists

    People are emotional beings, often governed more by feelings than reason. And this is never truer than with leftist people.If you want to understand liberals, know that most of their ideology is simply a pseudo-intellectual justification for what fee...

  • August 27, 2010

    Muslim Soldier Refuses Deployment

    Twenty-year-old Naser Abdo joined the U.S. Army more than a year ago.  Now that it's time to be sent to Afghanistan, however, he's having second thoughts.  He is refusing deployment, claiming conscientious-objector status.Has Pfc. Abdo sudd...

  • August 23, 2010

    The Truth about Obama's Muslim 'Faith'

    Now that Barack Obama has decided to be for the Ground Zero mosque before being implicitly against it (perhaps), discussion about his faith has once again reached a fever pitch. To many, his stance proves he's a Muslim, with a recent poll showing tha...

  • August 12, 2010

    Lack of Intellectualism Is Losing the Marriage Debate

    Judge Vaughn Walker's legal ruling striking down California's Proposition 8 certainly was no triumph of intellectualism. But while it's easy to thus dismiss it, what's usually forgotten is that reasoning such as his flies only in a certain cultural m...

  • July 22, 2010

    Hello, I'm a Racist, Pleased to Meet You

    There is such a thing as a conditioned response. Here's an example: Leftists call conservatives "racists." Conservatives cower and stutter some defense. Leftists call conservatives "racists" some more. Conservatives cower some mor...

  • July 14, 2010

    Immigration, Reconsidered

    While the Obama administration has chosen the southern side in the Mexican-Arizonan border war, most Americans stand with their countrymen. They are troubled by the strain illegals place on services, the drugs and thugs moving north, and blue-collar ...

  • July 2, 2010

    Why Kagan Is Unqualified -- and Dangerous

    Despite being thoroughly unqualified to occupy the bench, Elena Kagan will most likely be confirmed to the Supreme Court. This is because most of our hundred senators are almost as unqualified to judge a judge as she is to be one. What is the proper ...

  • June 30, 2010

    Barack Obama's Attention Deficit Disorder

    While I'm no fan of the Attention Deficit Disorder diagnosis, I think it may be applicable to Barack Obama. After all, the man seems to suffer from a case of it that mainlining Ritalin wouldn't remedy.Just consider Obama's relationship with Jeremiah ...

  • June 26, 2010

    Would You Rather Have Obama Golf or Govern?

    After seeing Barack Obama's golf swing, I'm confronted with the staggering possibility that he might actually be better at governing than golfing. And this is despite the fact that he seems to devote more time to the latter, an impression that has wo...

  • June 24, 2010

    Online Society, Offline Civilization

    When people discuss the overall effects of the internet, they will weigh the good and the bad.  On one side, they may mention how the web, along with talk radio, has broken the stranglehold over public opinion the mainstream media once enjoyed; ...

  • June 17, 2010

    Goodbye to One Man, One Vote

    If you thought that "one man, one vote" reflected the full flowering of representative democracy, think again. In the village of Port Chester, N.Y., just a few towns north of my locality in Westchester County, there is a new system. It's ...

  • May 14, 2010

    Cinco to Midnight: The Great Mexican End Game

    Recently, columnist Charles Krauthammer expressed support for amnesty for illegals, while Newt Gingrich advocated a path to what he called "legality." The two men stipulated that border control must come first, but still, what makes two con...

  • April 15, 2010

    Media Blinders on the Church Abuse Cases

    Contradiction is no stranger to the mainstream media, and it is on full display in their treatment of the Catholic priest sexual abuse story. Normally, the media take pains to point out that transgressors should not be used to typify the group with w...

  • April 1, 2010

    The Scandal Driving the Church Sex Scandal

    We've all heard the story. Hundreds of young sexual abuse victims long afraid to come forward for fear of embarrassment and scorn, abusers escaping prosecution and quietly moving to different jurisdictions, authorities covering up the crimes to avoid...

  • March 24, 2010

    Our Problem Is a Lack of Health Care -- the Moral Variety

    There was, of course, nothing unpredictable about Sunday's health care vote. It was fairly obvious that the Chicago mobsters would, using the Escobarian silver-or-lead principle, scare up the votes needed to pass Obama's baby. It was plain that ...

  • February 28, 2010

    American Christians and Moral Relativism

    In this age of media insolvency and newsroom job cuts, I sometimes think that restaurant reviewers are doubling as religion writers. After all, both today seem to treat their subjects as matters of taste. In fact, I expect to soon open a modern newsp...

  • February 21, 2010

    Time to Turn Up the Heat on the Warmists

    At one time, some would call them "deniers." The more generous called them "skeptics." But now, increasingly, it appears that they can be called something else: sane. Yes, the climate has certainly changed.Even in the mainstream m...

  • February 18, 2010

    Is 'Journalist' Another Job Americans Won't Do?

    Whenever criticizing grammar and punctuation, you run the risk of being labeled punctilious.  Worse still, since even many good writers involved in Internet journalism disgorge the odd typo, there's the chance you will come to be regarded as an ...

  • February 1, 2010

    Culture in the Rye

    Many years ago, I was told a story by a woman I knew whose son had been diagnosed with "ADD." She said that she finally had to take from her boy a book a therapist had given him about how an ADD child acts. The problem? Her son was imitatin...

  • January 19, 2010

    Obama's Health Care Discrimination

    One thing we get with our mother's milk today is revulsion for what civil-rights lawyers call "invidious" discrimination. For the civil-rights lawyers who attained their status through the invidious discrimination known as affirmative actio...

  • January 17, 2010

    The Quayled Lady: Why You Should Forget Sarah Palin

    Really, there's precious little fairness in the world. People tend to be slaves to emotion, and prejudices often reign supreme, even (in fact, especially) in those who rail against prejudice. This is why we'll see millions of Americans reflexively di...

  • January 11, 2010

    Bravo to Brit Hume: Why Faith Is Not a Private Matter

    Not too many things raise my eyebrows in these days of through-the-looking-glass America, where I fully expect up to be down, left to be right, and right to be wrong. It's not that I'm a pessimist -- just a realist. And this is why hearing mainstream...

  • January 4, 2010

    'Youths' in France torch cars to welcome New Year

    We really should start to wonder if the automobile has the same status in Islamic teaching as pigs and dogs - and as that of truthful language in journalism.  In an event that was largely ignored by the Lamestream Media, Reuters reports that ...

  • December 24, 2009

    Pagan Propaganda: The Other Attack on Christmas

    Ah, Christmastime. Manger scenes and mistletoe, trees and tinsel, Santa and celebration, gift-giving and gratitude...and the ACLU roasting traditions on an open fire. Sadly, the last thing has become as much a seasonal expectation as the others, and ...

  • December 20, 2009

    The Childish Constitution and the Mature Constitution

    It's ironic that the more we describe our Constitution as a "living document," the more we turn it into a dead letter. As to this terminal state, consider the current debate over health care reform. How many politicians give the constitutio...

  • December 13, 2009

    The Pathology of the Rich Socialist

    People such as George Soros and Michael Moore certainly talk a good game, but the next Mother Teresa they are not. Mother Teresa never criticized the free-market system; wealth just wasn't for her. Soros and Moore are quite the opposite. They will ne...

  • November 9, 2009

    Jihad and America: The Land that Cried Sheep

    People were shocked when Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan brutally targeted fellow servicemen at Texas' Fort Hood with pistol fire, murdering 12 and wounding 31. Yet there is an aspect of this story that is far more shocking -- or at least, one that would...

  • October 15, 2009

    Is Obama Turning Us into the Next Evil Empire?

    When Ronald Reagan called the Soviet Union an "evil empire" in 1983, he was articulating in the boldest terms what had always been an American understanding. The Kremlin had long been fomenting communist revolution the world over, and we ha...

  • October 7, 2009

    Obamas' Self-Centeredness on Display

    It's a humbling realization, but anybody aspiring to grow in wisdom must understand that he is but one of six and a half billion people on this blue orb, no more important than anybody else.  Yet this is something that eludes many in a modern cu...

  • October 4, 2009

    Do Not Blame Barack

    Contrary to what my title indicates, I probably judge Barack Obama more harshly than most reading this page.  I don't think he is just a misguided ideologue or merely a creature of expediency.  I believe, practically speaking, he is an evil...

  • September 28, 2009

    Our Sexual Identity Crisis

    Perhaps you've heard the tragic story of David Reimer.  Born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada in 1966, David was the victim of a botched circumcision that left his penis charred beyond surgical repair.  His parents Ron and Janet, no doubt besi...

  • August 23, 2009

    The Race Idiots

    With relativistic people, there is no such thing as a true axiom, yet you'd never know it listening to our modern mantras.  We hear things such as "Our strength lies in our diversity," "Religion has caused all the wars in history,...

  • August 15, 2009

    All the President's Bigoted Men

    When Barack Obama said that the Henry Louis Gates affair was a teachable moment, he spoke truly.  But the key is ensuring that the right things are taught and the right people learn. Unfortunately, this is unlikely to happen.There is no need to ...

  • August 12, 2009

    Empty Cradles, Demographic Destiny and the Death of the West

    While the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding was good cinema, it was also a big fat Hollywood fiction.  With Greece's fertility rate of 1.36 children per woman  -- well below the replacement level of 2.1 -- "big" is not a modifier dem...

  • August 4, 2009

    Liberating the Third World with the Chains of Liberalism

    I would like to comment on the August 4 piece titled "Avoiding the Next Obama" and commend the author, L.E. Ikenga, for a job well-done.  She articulated nicely something I've long lamented: the virulence of the virus of liberalism....

  • July 3, 2009

    Mark Sanford and the Left's Romper Room Commentary

    There is probably nothing that pleases our libertine left more than a social conservative's fall from grace.  Just witness the predictable feeding frenzy that ensued when South Carolina governor Mark Sanford confessed to marital infidelity....

  • July 1, 2009

    The ugly face of liberalism

    It has been interesting watching the response to the Honduran military's recent ousting its nation's president, Manuel Zelaya.  Barack Obama called the action "not legal" and Hillary Clinton said that the arrest of Zelaya should be con...

  • June 21, 2009

    Who Really Inspires Violence, the Right or Left?

    Is the right responsible for inspiring murder, such as that of late-term abortionist George Tiller by Kansas native Scott Roeder?  Some certainly seem to think so.  For instance, the Friday before last Bill O'Reilly had as a guest on his sh...

  • April 26, 2009

    Why the Law is Foreign to Ginsberg

    There is an old saying, "A man who is capable of deceiving only others is not nearly as dangerous as a man who is capable of deceiving himself."  Truer words were never spoken.  When a person lies, he is deceiving others about rea...

  • April 5, 2009

    Notre Dame's Betrayal of Faith

    When John the Baptist said to King Herod, "It is not lawful for thee to have thy brother's wife," the price he paid was his head on a platter.  He had spoken Absolute Truth to power in a time when power was absolute.  It was the b...

  • March 25, 2009

    It's Time for a Greed Czar

    With the recent passage of the "TARP bonus" bill, it's obvious that our politicians are finally serious about tackling the problem of greed.  It's about time, too.  We've long had "hate crime" laws, so one had to wonder ...

  • March 18, 2009

    We Need Something Stronger than Steele

    Most of us place politicians down at the level of used-car salesmen, personal injury lawyers and Hollywood actors.  In fact, they're much like actors, only their acting is generally a bit better.  But we tend to miss the point about our lea...

  • February 22, 2009

    Hating Whitey

    While many believe that prejudice has diminished over time, it's not really true.  Prejudice is much like the wind: Its direction changes, and the sheltered and well-situated may not sense it, but it's always blowing on some people somewhere....

  • February 18, 2009

    Giving Obama a Chance

    Being a cerebral sort, when I ponder President Obama's seduction of America, I think of the story of the snake and the duck.  To be brief, the snake wants the duck to take him to the other side of a creek, but the duck is reluctant.  He say...

  • January 31, 2009

    I hope Obama Fails, too

    Ever since President Obama (PBUH) dropped Rush Limbaugh's name recently, the talk-show host has figured prominently in the news.  And now he is being attacked by the mainstream press -- and truly odious entities such as MoveOn.borg -- for saying...

  • January 15, 2009

    The Artificial Reality of the Matrix Media

    A common defense of error today is to say, with due indignation, "I have a right to my opinion!"  Legally this is true, given that our First Amendment is extant.  But as G.K. Chesterton once said, "Having the right to do some...

  • December 17, 2008

    Our Bailout Culture and the Beauty of Bankruptcy

    The story of the Prodigal Son teaches a beautiful lesson about repentance and forgiveness.  As you may know, it involves a lazy, irresponsible young man who insists upon taking his share of the family inheritance immediately and striking out on ...

  • November 23, 2008

    Race in the Third Millennium

    Although the show was propaganda produced by leftist Norman Lear, no one could accuse "All in the Family" of not being funny.  Its protagonist, blue-collar bigot Archie Bunker, is one of those legendary television characters, and one o...

  • November 15, 2008

    Obama: Fear and the Security Force

    In all my life I have never seen such intense emotion surrounding a leader as that evoked by Barack Obama.  Even Ronald Reagan, the Gipper himself, didn't enjoy the kind of prostration of the will offered to the president-elect by hordes of foll...

  • November 12, 2008

    How Barack Obama Will Ensure His Victory in 2012

    Even before the election, with the realization that a Barack Obama presidency lay on the horizon, many saw a silver lining in the cloud that drifted into Washington, DC, from the left coast.  "The right will be re-energized," many thou...

  • October 31, 2008

    Obama the Justifier

    Election reportage is reaching a fever pitch, and one of the hottest stories concerns a recently revealed interview Barack Obama gave to Chicago Public Radio in 2001.  In it, then Illinois state senator Obama talked about whether his desire to s...

  • October 15, 2008

    Barack Obama's Campaign of the Lie

    Absent the ability to read minds and hearts, I can't really tell you if Barack Obama is uniquely dishonest.  What is for certain, though, is that his campaign is uniquely deceitful.  These two things are not synonymous. Politicians are...

  • September 23, 2008

    Does Pro-life Now Mean Pro-libertinism?

    At, journalist David Frum has a piece in which he discusses what he perceives to be the transformation of the pro-life movement.  His thesis is that the widespread acceptance of unwed motherhood -- including by pro-lifers -- has...

  • September 17, 2008

    Political Elections, Cultural Elections, and the Votes that Really Matter

    To be honest, treating politics isn't my favorite pastime.  Sure, like other commentators I do it, but it's not something I can truly sink my teeth into.  I'll explain why momentarily.This election season, my pen has directed many slings an...

  • August 29, 2008

    Was Sarah Palin Really the Right Choice for Vice-president?

    Surprising many a political prognosticator, John McCain has announced that his running mate will be 44-year-old Sarah Palin, Alaska's first female governor.  Honestly, I can't say I'm surprised, as I told someone just a week ago that she could b...

  • August 24, 2008

    Is the Presidency above Obama's Pay Grade?

      It's interesting to hear the euphemisms bandied about in campaigns.  After Barack Obama's and John McCain's appearance a week ago at Saddleback Church, for instance, the former's ardent supporters were as effusive in their praise as ever....

  • August 1, 2008

    Barack Obama and Defining Anti-Americanism Downwards

    If Barack Obama sought to win the votes of Germans, he need seek no more.  Of course, his new image was all the rage in the Old World long before he gave his July 24 speech in Berlin. Senator Sweetness and Light is the man the Europeans want as ...

  • July 6, 2008

    Barack Obama and Equal Pay for Women

    What do you call a man who sermonizes about the evils of paying women less than men but allows that very practice in his own office?  While a certain unflattering noun would leap to the mind of most, we can now apply a proper one: Barack Obama.A...

  • May 25, 2008

    The Crime of Being White

    Recently I wrote a piece about Keith John Sampson, a college student who was charged with "racial harassment" for reading an anti-Ku Klux Klan book.  Not surprisingly, the article evoked a great response, including emails from those wi...

  • May 12, 2008

    Read a Book, Get Charged with Racial Harassment

    The May 9 edition of the New York Post carries a short article by an Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis student named Keith John Sampson. He tells a story of how he was charged with "racial harassment" simply because he was ...

  • April 27, 2008

    Psychology: The Hard Truth about a Soft Science

    In his book The Future of an Illusion, Sigmund Freud said of religion and morality, "It would be an undoubted advantage if we were to leave God out altogether and admit the purely human origins of all the precepts and regulations of civilization...

  • April 24, 2008

    When Will We Admit the Truth About Barack Obama?

    If you interview someone for a job, you'll expect him to tell you what you want to hear.  There'll be a façade, and his darker side will remain well-hidden.  Now, let's say a requirement for the job is that the applicant likes childr...

  • March 28, 2008

    When Others Pray for Your Conversion

    What should our reaction be when others pray for our conversion?  There recently was a story about a German Jewish leader, Charlotte Knobloch, who criticized Pope Benedict XVI for allowing a traditional Easter prayer that calls for the conversio...

  • March 25, 2008

    Cultural Affirmative Action

    In a way, I prefer the old, overt affirmative action.  While it was government-sanctioned discrimination, at least it was, in some measure, more honest than our cultural affirmative action.  There is such a thing.  It's when people in ...

  • March 10, 2008

    Global warming and Galileo

    I'm writing in reference to James Lewis' piece on global warming epicycles.First, I will say that it's very well done; it's well-written and I could not agree with its thesis more.  However, I must take exception to his use of the Galileo myth, ...

  • March 4, 2008

    Why Most Voters Shouldn't Vote

    Often the most fanciful ideas become the least questioned assumptions.  In this election season a few have made themselves apparent, such as the notion that "change" is good by definition and "experience" is definitely good....

  • February 14, 2008

    Conservatism is Dead; Long Live Conservatism?

    It seems like just yesterday that many were reading liberalism's epitaph.  After the Reagan years, Republican Revolution of 1994, retreat of the gun-control hordes after Al Gore's 2000 defeat and George W. Bush's two successful presidential runs...

  • January 31, 2008

    The Clintons, Race, and the 50-year-old Calculation

    Since I think the Clintons would probably sell their souls and firstborn for another White House tenure, the idea they would play the race card raises no eyebrow here.  They are political creatures first, everything else second and statesmen las...

  • January 20, 2008

    Election Year Nonsense

    To use a play on Winston Churchill's cynical words, the best argument against democracy is a five-minute perusal of election coverage.  Another way to put it - at risk of sounding trite - is if it weren't for nonsense, it wouldn't make any sense...

  • January 15, 2008

    MSM Trying to Kill the Immigration Card

    With the victories of Mike Huckabee and John McCain in the first two primary contests and Mitt Romney's recently falling star, a fiction is being bandied about: The anti-amnesty position wasn't playing well in Peoria.  A good example is this San...

  • January 13, 2008

    The Race for the American Mind

    Last year's scamnesty bill had widespread support among the powers-that-be, with the president, the Democrat majority and mainstream media all singing its praises.  Yet it went down to defeat, slain by a new-media coalition of talk radio and blo...

  • January 9, 2008

    The Plastic Lady (a poem)

    The pundits were writing Plastic Lady's epitaph,Pointing to lines going down on a graph.She had a bad finish out west a little ways;To socialist Utopians, it was the end of days.All the acting lessons were to no avail,And it reached a point where she...

  • December 24, 2007

    The Church of Huck: Growing Government in the Name of Religion

    There is a candidate in the presidential race who has a serious religion problem.  No, it's not Mormon Mitt or recently-religious Rudy.  It is  Mike Huckabee.  Just for the record, I share Huck's faith in Jesus Christ.  Not o...

  • December 17, 2007

    The Huckabee Hustle

    When evangelicals embraced Jimmy Carter during the 1976 presidential campaign, they didn't know he would repudiate the Southern Baptist Convention a generation later.  Today the very same constituency has glommed onto Mike Huckabee, and I can't ...

  • November 20, 2007

    Because She's a Woman

    It's very easy to fall behind the times.  It is for this reason that you find parents who never seem to really know what the younger generation is involved in, older folks who still act as if a hot dog should be 10 cents, and people who fight ye...

  • November 13, 2007

    Stereotyping 101

    In a racial profiling lawsuit against the Maryland State Police (MSP), a plaintiff's attorney named Eliza Leighton said that some training documents contain "startling examples of racial stereotypes about Hispanics."  According to the ...

  • October 25, 2007

    The Folly of Deifying Democracy in Iraq

    We hear lots of criticism about the Iraq venture from the left, right and center.  There is everything from silly notions about presidential prevarication to how "it is only about oil" to one-world government conspiracy theories. Yet, ...

  • October 20, 2007

    Can We Please Define 'Racism'?

    James Watson, the geneticist who helped unravel the structure of DNA, came under fire for saying that Africans are not as intelligent as Westerners.  Aside from his remarks being deemed baseless and unscientific, he has quite predictably been la...

  • October 16, 2007

    About Evil

    Man has long asked how a loving God could allow evil to exist in the world.  It's an age-old philosophical question that can cause those who want faith to doubt and those who want to doubt to mock faith.  A Christian's answer to this q...

  • September 26, 2007

    Banning Boyhood

    Huck Finn must be spinning in his literary grave.  Just recently a Colorado Springs, Co., elementary school banned tag during recess, joining other schools that have prohibited this childhood pastime.  Upon hearing this, I thought about the...

  • September 18, 2007

    When Hypocrisy is a Good Thing

    Many leftist partisans are licking their chops over the revelation that Idaho Republican Senator Larry Craig solicited sex from a male undercover detective in a Minneapolis airport bathroom.  This scandal is reminiscent of that involving Ted Hag...

  • July 13, 2007

    The Anti-Islamist Manifesto

    Perhaps some of you have seen the document titled, "Manifesto: Together facing a new totalitarianism," which is being disseminated widely on the Web.  Originally published in the Dutch newspaper Jyllands-Posten, of Mohammed cartoon fam...

  • June 28, 2007

    Free Speech From the Mouths of Babes?

    On Monday the Supreme court handed down three free speech rulings that find favor with conservatives.  One of them is Morse et al. v. Frederick, a case involving the free speech rights of students.  At issue is a five year old incident wher...

  • May 30, 2007

    Getting the Government the Third World Deserves

    When Thomas Jefferson said that "people get the government they deserve," it was more than just a clever turn of phrase.  It also was not an isolated insight but a timeless truth, one expressed by many.  William Cowper said, ...

  • May 24, 2007

    Immigration: Solutions, Not Excuses

    One frailty of man is that he is very adept at finding excuses to justify laziness and irresponsibility. There's no point helping people because everyone is just out for himself anyway.  Why study or work?  I mean, no one is going to g...

  • May 21, 2007

    Why They Won't Assimilate

    Today's immigrants are not assimilating into our culture.  Ted Kennedy's Immigration Reform Act of 1965 has created a situation in which 85 percent of our immigrants hail from the Third World and Asia. This portends the destruction of the wester...

  • April 17, 2007

    The New Lynching: Why I Must Defend Don Imus

    So Don Imus has been fired from his radio show, and all is well in the world.  We all know about the maelstrom that developed around the aging shock jock, who has found out how loose lips sink ships, in this case his own.  But even though h...

  • April 15, 2007

    God, Golf and Gratitude

    Major issues can rise from minor things, and so it is with last weekend's Masters golf tournament.  The winner, unheralded Zach Johnson, stood down blustery winds, benumbing temperatures and the closest thing to a force of nature in golf, T...

  • April 6, 2007

    Does Violence Have to be Taught?

    It seems that the more we come to believe that "Violence has to be taught," the more our children learn to be violent.  It's a strange, Jean-Jacques Rousseau-like fantasy, this fancy that a child sports a halo until some neanderthal ad...

  • February 21, 2007

    Rudolph Giuliani?

    Rudolph Giuliani for president?  Please.  There's more chance I'll simultaneously be made head of NOW and the NAACP and be invited to George Soros' next soiree.  I know a little something about Giuliani.  Although my politics, fai...

  • February 6, 2007

    The Temperature Also Rises

    With the issuing of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report on February 2, waxing climactic about the climatic is the order of the day.  The esteemed, government-funded scientists with no agenda who rendered the study inform us that...

  • January 29, 2007

    The Offensiveness of Taking Offense

    "The voicing of the unpopular being the very soul of free speech, the right to give and take offense shall not be infringed."Sometimes I think it is time to insert the above into our First Amendment.  Whether it's an off-color joke or ...

  • January 24, 2007

    The Barker and the Shill: The Fraud of the Fairness Doctrine

    If you're old enough to remember the days when freak shows were in carnivals and not daytime television, you may know about the barker and the shill.  These were carnival employees who both worked to entice customers into entering the mysterious...

  • January 22, 2007

    Let's Talk About the Butterflies and the Bees

    Last week, many commemorated Muhammad Ali's sixty-fifth birthday with a zeal reminiscent of Roman pagans cheering a triumphant Caesar.  And as I ponder this, I'm reminded of how people are as quick to forget as they are to condemn.Don't get me w...

  • January 18, 2007

    Soft People, Hard People

    If the 1976 western The Last Hard Men has it right, we Occidentals metamorphosed into jellyfish sometime around the early twentieth century.  Although this title is more movie marketing than historical statement, there may be something to it....

  • January 9, 2007

    Mitt Romney: A Massachusetts Liberal for President

    With the 2008 presidential campaign looming just on the horizon, speculation about political fortunes abounds.  On the Democrat side, Lady Hillary is waiting in the wings, and the media's profilers have found their fair-haired boy in Barack Obam...

  • December 30, 2006

    A Lump of Coal for Kwanzaa

    For you religio-centric clods who haven't yet expanded your celebratory horizons - and you know who you are - I bring a message of tolerance and inclusiveness: December 26 marks the start of Kwanzaa.  As some know, this High Holy Week saw its bi...

  • December 17, 2006

    Extolling the Female Tongue

    A long time ago I read a short online piece about how women could get their men to put the toilet seat down.  Inherent in it was the idea that this was an example of men’s lack of consideration and that the task at hand was one of discipli...

  • December 6, 2006

    Hate Crime to Hate Speech: The Road to Perdition

    SEQ CHAPTER h r 1 The precedents you set really do matter.  In my recent piece, How We Will Lose Our Freedom of Speech, I mentioned that the concept of "hate speech" is a corollary of that of "hate crime."  The b...

  • November 30, 2006

    How We Will Lose Our Freedom of Speech

    If people were asked about actor Michael Richards' epithet-laced outburst at a Los Angeles nightclub, there would be a lot of focus on the verbal assault but very little on an assault on freedom of speech.  In truth, however, if there's anything...

  • November 4, 2006

    Times Echoes

    A distinct subculture, a belief system if not a religion, exists in the United States. Its members draw their instruction on what to believe and how to live from the New York Times. I call them the Times Echoes. They exist in urban social ecosystems ...

  • October 31, 2006

    It's Your Party, and You'll Cry If You Want to

    To still the siren of the heart and defer to the head is to seldom be wrongly led. So many wrong things feel so right.  'You know, I really told my brother—in—law off the other day and, boy, did it feel good.'  Of course, what h...

  • October 17, 2006

    The Fascists Among Us

    It's no secret that hurling names about is as common in the political world as it is in a grammar school playground.а One oft—used pejorative is 'fascist,' which, along with racist, sexist, homophobe and others, tends to be least understood by ...

  • March 25, 2006

    Do Bratty Kids Turn into Conservatives or Liberals?

    Are conservative leanings the fruits of intellectual inquiry or the fault of psychological frailty?  If psychologist Jack Block is to be believed, it's the latter. Publishing his findings in the Journal of Research into Personality (a page...

  • March 21, 2006

    From Here to Insanity

    While art imitates life, it's also true that life imitates art.  It's with this in mind that my eyebrows were raised upon hearing about Big Love, a series with which HBO breaks new, albeit not hallowed, ground.  It stars Bill Paxton as Salt...

  • March 16, 2006

    Abortion, Authority, and Responsibility

    We hear a lot about women's 'reproductive rights.'  In fact, some liberal politicians — Barbara Boxer comes to mind — seem to be able to segue from any conceivable topic to a discussion of them with ease.  But do men have reprod...

  • March 6, 2006

    The Equivalency Fiction

    No, Not All Cultures and Religions are Equal If anything renders people sheep among wolves, it's when they convince themselves that every creature is a sheep.  We live in an age in which one of the few sins is giving offense, one of the only vi...

  • February 22, 2006

    Clinton and Schumer are Profiling Muslims

    It really is true that lies have short legs.  One way or another, liberals always end up contradicting themselves, tacitly acknowledging that their pronouncements are more political artifice than statesmanlike artistry, more incitive than insigh...

  • February 21, 2006

    Any Storm in a Port?

    There's a gathering political storm centered around ports, one that has united a motley crew from across the political spectrum, from Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer to Rick Santorum and Michael Savage.  At issue is a deal that would allow DP ...

  • February 9, 2006

    When Hatred Burns Unseen

    When is a hate—crime not a hate—crime?  Answer: when the powers—that—be say it isn't.  One problem with hate—crime laws is that they're more the result of bad ideology than good criminology, and nothing illust...

  • February 3, 2006

    Making the Minions into Marionettes

    If a new application of the Global Positioning System (GPS) passes muster and finds favor with the Big Siblings of Western democracies, speeding may become a thing of the past.  Being tested in Canada and at least contemplated in Britain, t...

  • January 14, 2006

    Modern Man and the Wrath of God

    Whether or not you believe in the wrath of God, there is no question that the wrath of the ungodly left is often on full display.  As for the latter, evangelist Pat Robertson got quite a liberal dose of it most recently.  The founder of the...

  • January 5, 2006

    The New Chivalry

    When one hears the word chivalry, thoughts of both the fanciful and practical are evoked.  There are the quaint images of a valiant hero rescuing a damsel in distress from train tracks or of a man throwing his coat over a puddle for an ench...

  • December 24, 2005

    What Christians Can Do

    While many are still oblivious to it and the effluent—stream media deny it's happening, there is an attack on Christmas.  Like others, I would say 'war,' but that would be inaccurate.  A conflict in its totality could be called a war;...

  • December 6, 2005

    The Dehumanizing of Men

    While flying on Qantas Airlines, New Zealander Mark Worsley was asked to change his seat.  You see, the airline viewed him as a threat to the child seated next to him.  What was Mr. Worsley's crime?  Was he on a sex—offenders dat...

  • November 29, 2005

    Of Price and Men

    It has long been said that money can come between friends.  But as the recent hysteria over rising oil prices reminds me, it can also come between the human mind and sound economic principles.  There has been much talk about 'price gouging...

  • November 15, 2005

    The tragedy of Natalee Holloway

    Perhaps the only thing that bores me more than hearing incessant murder—mystery reportage is writing about it.  And although I'm not sure which I find less tolerable, watching a washed—up ex—jock lead police on a low—spee...

  • October 27, 2005

    Exterminating White People

    I've long believed that there's only one difference between Adolf Hitler and some of the misbegotten souls who lurk among us: means.  I don't know that I subscribe to the notion that power corrupts, but I do know that it releases inhibitions, ca...

  • October 25, 2005

    Hate crime laws and the path to tyranny

    The insidious thing about evolutionary tyranny is that it's gradual progression. It doesn't beat you over the head with the iron fist of a despot or sweep you aside with a wave of revolution, but, rather, is a death by a thousand doses of b...

  • October 4, 2005

    As a matter of fact, no, I'm not happy it's a woman

    Well, we knew it was coming.  After having the unmitigated gall to appoint to the High Court that odious creature known as a white man, President Bush has redeemed himself before the altar of baal with an affirmative—action nominee.  ...

  • October 3, 2005

    Using human beings

    Confucius must be spinning in his grave.  Out of China comes a truly outrageous story, largely ignored by the effluent—stream media.  It is the stomach—turning revelation that a Chinese cosmetics company is using, imagine this, ...

  • September 23, 2005


    'Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us....'  Few topics are as misunderstood as forgiveness.  Bits and pieces about it are imbibed during sermons as wandering minds vacillate between spiritual prescriptions...

  • August 23, 2005

    Democrats and Deep Vote fraud

    I was contacted recently by a source (who wishes to remain anonymous) who is a local Washington, D.C. community leader and who has 'done some computer work for several candidates over the years in DC.'  He is also a man who has conducted his own...

  • August 11, 2005

    The Grieving Activist

    Cindy Sheehan's son fought under our Commander—in—Chief.  Cindy Sheehan fights against him.  Cindy Sheehan's son was killed on the front lines. Cindy Sheehan is pushed to the front because she toes the liberal line.  W...

  • August 9, 2005

    Who's really stealing elections?

    As you may know, those big, bad, wascally Republicans have long been stealing elections with a sleight—of—hand that would do Boss Tweed proud.  It has gotten so bad that George Bush actually vanquished profoundly intellectual, eminen...

  • July 28, 2005

    Closing the loop on reparations

    There's sweet irony; there's delicious irony; and then there's irony that a spoonful of which would just make medicine go down. As you may know, slavery reparations shakedown thugs have been beating their drum for quite some time now, but have thus f...

  • July 13, 2005

    Judging judges: the Supreme Court tutorial

    The long—awaited moment has come.  After years of speculation about Supreme Court retirements, it was announced recently that Sandra Day O'Connor will be stepping down from the bench.  Now the speculation has ended and the consternati...

  • July 1, 2005

    When politeness becomes vice

    In New York for what has been billed as his last crusade in America, evangelist Billy Graham shared a stage with Bill Clinton this past Sunday.  It was a dichotomous scene, the preacher and the lecher. Although, judging from Graham's praise of t...

  • June 28, 2005

    A man's home is Uncle Sam's castle

    Possession may be nine—tenths of the law, but not when the law wants your possessions.  This past Thursday was a dark day for freedom in America, as the Supreme Court once again proved that its contempt for the Constitution is only matched...

  • May 12, 2005

    Laura Bush's Coming Out Party

    Sometimes news stories share a common thread that's invisible to most, one that's invisible because it's common to most.  Last week there were a few such stories in the news, stories about events whose motivating spirits were kindred ones. ...

  • February 14, 2005

    Losing freedom

    Howard Weyers, President of Weyco Corporation, is worried about his employees' health and his company's health insurance premiums.  So worried, in fact, that he has instituted a policy mandating that his employees may not puff on the vilest of v...

  • February 3, 2005

    Ward Churchill, liberals and free speech

    There's a saying, 'Don't spit down my back and tell me it's rainin'' [sanitized a bit].а This comes to mind when I ponder the maelstrom that surrounded the now cancelled speaking—appearance of one Professor Ward Churchill, at Hamilton College i...

  • January 19, 2005

    Less defiling, more profiling, please

    We've all probably had experiences that made us wonder if we were the butt of a joke on Candid Camera.  The last such event in my life occurred while waiting on a security line in a quasi—backwater Mexican airport a couple of years ago....

  • January 9, 2005

    The Genesis of respect for life

    The book of Genesis tells us that God made the heavens and the earth, and that on the sixth day He made man.  Christians believe that God infuses man with a soul, making him singular among creatures.  For he is not just flesh, but spirit....

  • January 7, 2005

    She's blinding me with science

    What Happens When Science and Feminism Become Bedfellows One curious thing about scientific pronouncements is that they often seem to accord more with the spirit of the age than fact and reason.  Thus, a Nazi researcher in 1930's Germany would ...

  • January 1, 2005

    The wanting soul (a poem)

    If I had faith just the size of a mustard seed,Mountains would move at my command,And my walk with God would be as on concrete,And not the unsure footing of sand. But where there's flesh and fallen nature,Doubt is never far behind;Fed by the seductio...

  • December 29, 2004

    A space alien's view of the separation of church and state

    When Logos came to our solar system from a galaxy far, far away to study the decline of American Civilization, he found our tendency to make life or death political decisions based on emotion to be profoundly fascinating.  He analyzed many aspec...

  • December 24, 2004

    Happy Birthday, Jesus!

    In this maelstrom of crass commercialization and acrimony surrounding the day on which we celebrate your nativity, Jesus, I want to wish you a Happy Birthday.  How remiss we are.  The family of man is a distracted and rancorous lot, and a...

  • December 15, 2004

    And the children will rule over them

    When Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot ascended to power in Cambodia in 1975, one of the first things he did was to follow in the bloody footsteps of his precursors and attack tradition. Among other things, this communist disrupted time—tested hi...

  • December 9, 2004

    Juicing up the argument

    The big story in baseball right now is not home—runs but drug runs, with the revelations about steroid use by Barry Bonds, Jason Giambi and Gary Sheffield.  It was not a story that interested me too much, since my assumption was that every...

  • December 2, 2004

    Re-whitewashing Alfred Kinsey

    Hollywood has long been a purveyor of cultural poison, and a magnet for individuals to whom shame is a foreign concept.  The trap of letting the facts get in the way of the weaving of a yarn that serves their ends is one they have always dodged ...

  • November 18, 2004

    A.D., B.C. - not P.C.

    Our civilization is suffering what could be called a cultural death by a thousand cuts. The open sores are ubiquitous, but what happens to irk me at this moment is that quite some time ago I learned that my birth date is not what my parents always to...

  • November 12, 2004

    It's the liberalism, stupid

    Now the dust has settled and all is quiet on the election front, save wailing and the gnashing of teeth in regions that are now blue in more ways than one.  Yes, in many respects, life has resumed its usual rhythms.  The Hollywood left can ...

  • September 14, 2004

    Assault on the weapons ban

    The so—called assault weapons ban expired on Monday, ending with a fizzle, not a bang.  The Republicans did not let the proposal to extend the ban come to a vote and, if I'm correct, the Democrats will not be reloading.  While there w...

  • September 6, 2004

    Let's apply tolerance to the pocketbook

    One day when I was just a wee lad, I and the rest of my grade school class received some very sage advice about how to balance our rights against those of our fellow man.  Our teacher stood with arms outstretched and said, 'You have a right to ...

  • September 2, 2004

    The defense against tyranny amendment

    If I asked some of my countrymen what the most pressing issues facing the America of the twenty—first century were, I would get a multitude of different answers.  Terrorism might be number one on the list and, indeed, it certainly deserves...

  • August 26, 2004

    Little boy sue: legalized theft and John Edwards

    Ah, that bright perpetual smile and dashing good looks.  That smooth delivery and good ol' boy, yuckin' it up style.  That's John Edwards, the beauty to John Kerry's beast.  Kerry may look like he just emerged from cryogenic suspension...

  • August 19, 2004

    The young opportunist's handbook

    The big story currently in the media (those that aren't in the practice of turning big stories that aren't their stories into little stories and then dead stories) is the controversy surrounding presidential nominee John Kerry and the group Swift Boa...

  • August 12, 2004

    Get-out-the-dopes drives

    Winston Churchill said that 'the best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.'  This little quip came to mind as I was watching a famous contemporary comedian conduct an interview with an average Josephin...