Sean Ross Callaghan

Sean Ross Callaghan

  • The Trump Verdict Indicts an Angry Elite

    June 6, 2024

    The Trump Verdict Indicts an Angry Elite

    A Manhattan court and a Democrat prosecutor convicted President Donald Trump. Our elite celebrate justice while Trump regrets it -- or so goes the story. That confection is the latest episode in a...

  • Jack Smith Will Annoy the Supreme Court

    February 23, 2024

    Jack Smith Will Annoy the Supreme Court

    Imagine a crime committed right on the floor of the United States Senate. “Will my colleague from New York agree,” asks the senator from California, “that at five o’clock next Saturday, we will shoot the president in the middl...

  • Joe Biden Will Lose Running on Abortion

    February 11, 2024

    Joe Biden Will Lose Running on Abortion

    The last politician to stare at the sun was President Donald Trump. When he peered at a solar eclipse from the Truman balcony of the White House in 2017, he was mocked. But Trump’s sunward gaze is his signal virtue. He faces head on what v...

  • October 12, 2023

    The Savagery of Hamas

    The difference between man and beast is in the eyes. The glassy stare of a wild deer betrays no malice. It discloses only ignorance. Take three steps toward a deer that’s spied you and the deer dashes away. Should the deer be rabid enough to ta...

  • August 19, 2023

    The Corrupt DoJ has Charged Trump with a Fake Crime

    “It’s like murdering babies!” So said one lawyer defending the latest federal indictment of President Trump against the charge that it seeks to throw Trump in jail for exercising his First Amendment rights. Many legal experts arg...

  • August 1, 2022

    The DoJ's Brazen Corruption

    The ideal of justice is a blindfolded woman poised and still and holding slowly balancing scales. At the Department of Justice over the last several years, the practice of justice is more like an inflatable flailing tube man.   In the le...

  • July 10, 2022

    New York Republicans Crumple on Abortion

    To model “principled loserdom” while indulging in a “kink for losing”: this is the establishment Republican’s beating heart. And on July 1, Republicans in the New York Senate wore their hearts on their sleeves.  ...