Sean Parr

Sean Parr

  • February 9, 2013

    Keith Ellison Redefines 'American'

    Recently, as guest host on "Your World with Neil Cavuto, " Stuart Varney interviewed Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison on the appropriateness of "soak the rich" tax policies. Particularly, Varney was particularly interested in whether or not the co...

  • October 20, 2012

    Libertarianism, Absolutism, and Christianity

    It may come as a surprise that libertarianism does not require one to hold liberal views on social issues.  By requiring only adherence to the non-aggression principle (NAP), the free market, and the institution of private property, the libertar...

  • September 30, 2012

    Libertarianism Does Not Preclude Conservatism

    This article has two purposes.  The first is to define what exactly is entailed by libertarianism, broadly defined.  The second is to make the point that conservatism need not adopt an antagonistic opinion toward libertarianism -- as the la...

  • May 16, 2010

    The Ugly Side of Social Justice

    Behind the social justice banner lurks an ugly choice.  Nineteenth-century French thinker Frédéric Bastiat's summation of free will is quite succinct: "Society has for its element man, who is a free agent; and since man is fre...

  • April 27, 2010

    Obama's Tea Party Straw Man

    Why does it seem that the public is being told that the only demand the Tea Party activists have is that their taxes be lowered? Though the activists would doubtless welcome such an outcome, it is by no means the sole impetus of their objections. In ...

  • April 27, 2010

    Equal treatment vs. equal results.

    There has been, for some time in this country, a polarizing political discussion. The debate has hinged on people's idea of the term "fairness" and how this idea is to be applied. The result of the exchange has been the widening ideological...

  • April 20, 2010

    The Walrus and Mr. Clinton

    There is a special type of idiocy that finds its hiding right out in the open. It's the smartest type of idiocy in existence. For the most part, it's not even recognized for what it is due to its being smuggled into ire-filled diatribes; blasted over...