Scott Sturman

Scott Sturman

  • August 22, 2023

    The Decline and Fall of a Once Great Company

    On August 25, 2023, the United Services Automobile Association (USAA) will convene its annual members meeting to re-elect the CEO and Board of Directors.  For over 100 years, USAA has provided insurance and banking services to the mili...

  • February 9, 2023

    The inherent racism of climate change activism

    Denying the world's poor access to abundant, inexpensive energy consigns them to perpetual poverty, unsustainable population growth, and negligible educational opportunities.  The policy exemplifies blatant racism disguised as altruism ...

  • December 30, 2022

    The Antarctic Ecosystem—Reasons for Optimism

    We’re warned that Antarctica’s adjoining Southern Ocean is caught in an irreversible descending spiral, where life is scarce and on the verge of collapse. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the choice is cl...

  • October 20, 2022

    Activist Generals Are Transforming the Air Force Academy

    In September, the United States Air Force Academy class of 1972 met for its 50th year reunion. Compared to our experience, the Academy of today is virtually unrecognizable. America’s foundational institutions are under assault.  For dec...

  • September 24, 2022

    Has the Air Force Academy Become Just Another Liberal Arts School?

    The Cadet Honor Code; high attrition rates; intense competition in academics, athletics, and military performance; an all-military faculty; the requirement to swear an Oath of Office to the Constitution; and the primary mission to train career milita...

  • September 3, 2022

    Sisyphus shrugs

    As Anthony Fauci's 50-year reign comes to an end, the fawning media will canonize him for masterminding the COVID-19 pandemic response.  In a radical departure from evidence-based medicine, he advocated the imposition of wides...

  • July 21, 2022

    Football and the Honor Code Collide at the Air Force Academy

    Major honor codes scandals at the Air Force Academy have often involved members of the football team, where group loyalty supersedes respect for the code. Football and the Cadet Honor Code at the Air Force Academy (AFA) have been intertwined sin...

  • April 1, 2022

    The 'Religiofication' of Climate Change

    Climate change is the unofficial state religion of the Biden administration.  In his commentaries on mass movements, Eric Hoffer warned of the "religiofication" of practical purposes into holy causes and noted, ...