Scott Lazarowitz

Scott Lazarowitz

  • March 19, 2018

    Education and Child Care: Get the Government Out

    Maryland lawmakers are following the lead of hysterical California kooks and are proposing new guidelines for Maryland homeschoolers.  Proposals include intrusive monitoring requirements, compelling homeschoolers to submit to in-home visits...

  • March 24, 2017

    Why do Conservatives Support Socialized Medicine?

    This week on the radio Sean Hannity was talking about the "importance of free markets," at the same time mentioning that Donald Trump would have to "negotiate with pharmaceutical companies" and other interests. This was in re...

  • October 1, 2016

    The Problem Is Conservatives' Acceptance of Progressive Government

    Many conservatives are frustrated with our society's lack of acceptance of conservatism into the mainstream. But it's not because of Republican Party weakness or a failure in political strategy, as some conservatives such as Steve Deace sugge...

  • March 15, 2016

    On Free Trade and 'Making America Great Again'

    We live in a world of control freaks, unfortunately, those who have an insatiable craving to control the world around them, to control people and activities which are really beyond their control. The control freaks use various forms of aggression ...

  • January 2, 2010

    Health Care and Our Inalienable Rights

    With threats from federal officials to seize control over the health care system and further intrude into our private matters, many Americans are trying to find ways to protect their lives and liberty. Given America's dysfunctional economic situation...

  • December 2, 2009

    ObamaCare and the Value of Human Life

    President Obama's push for government-controlled medicine has passed the House, passed an initial hurdle in the Senate, and will now be considered by the latter. Some people are worried that such a government takeover of the medical and insurance ind...

  • November 28, 2009

    Obama's Medical Monopoly

    If there's anything worse than a private-sector monopoly, it's a government-run monopoly. The difference is that in the private sector, everyone is free to compete and remove the monopolist's monopoly status, while a government monopoly forbids compe...