Scot Wolf

Scot Wolf

  • October 19, 2019

    Minnesota persecutes Christian couple

    Carl and Angel Larsen live in St. Cloud, Minnesota.  They are an openly Christian couple who operate Telescope Media Group, a video production company.  Their website proclaims:  "Telescope Media Group exists t...

  • August 27, 2015

    Ted Cruz on birthright citizenship

    I believe Ted Cruz to be the most Reaganesque candidate. .By that I mean the most articulate on conservative principles, and the one most likely to rebuild the Reagan voting coalition that won two landslide presidential victories. But his position...

  • July 21, 2015

    Homosexual marriage: Will a state stand up for the Constitution?

    What to do when a Supreme Court ruling violates the Constitution?  This question should never have to be asked, because judges swear an oath to perform their duties “under the Constitution and laws of the United States, so help me God....