S. Christopher Michaels

S. Christopher Michaels

  • June 20, 2021

    Baseball’s Mark on Time

    The television screen is filled with screaming men wearing tailored suits and expensive haircuts. What possible topic of such urgency could reduce otherwise stately middle-aged fathers to foaming at the mouth? Insisting that each knows best, the pund...

  • June 19, 2021

    How Do We Regain Trust in the FBI?

    Newsmax released an article this week that gives voice to further distrust of America’s once-premiere law enforcement agency. The column was based on a series of questions and concerns presented by Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) regardin...

  • May 27, 2021

    Amazon Agitprop and American Ambivalence

    Amazon recently released a docuseries by none other than Borat Sagdivev. Of course, Borat is a fictional character, one of many played by English actor Sacha Baron Cohen. The agitprop pushed by Cohen -- his comedic specialty -- offers an ivory tower ...

  • May 18, 2021

    Peace Calm for our time?

    The Biden administration would like Israelis and Palestinians to "calm" down.  That nugget came Monday from Politico foreign affairs correspondent Nahal Toosi.  In case one missed it, she blasted the ...

  • May 5, 2021

    Bill Nye ain't no science guy

    Bill Nye took his act to MSNBC over the weekend.  His latest pseudo-science screed was aimed at anti-vaxxers, Tucker Carlson, and rascally conservatives.  There must have been some package deal to get a three-for-one....

  • May 2, 2021

    Deep state or police state?

    Many Americans were understandably shocked to hear that federal agents executed search warrants on former mayor Rudy Giuliani. In reporting on the event, CNN waffled, offering puzzling justifications while admitting it was unusual for these types of ...

  • April 22, 2021

    Media circus acts sacrifice truth for leftist agendas

    A recent disturbing video trend on the social media platform TikTok turned out to be another hoax.  Newsweek said, "[O]ver the past week, TikTok users have been making videos warning people about an alleged 'national day' ...

  • April 17, 2021

    COVID House Arrest and Mass Shootings

    Deterrence doesn’t work. Numerous studies built on years of research have proven this over generations. The National Institute of Justice published findings in 2016 with five crucial takeaways: The certainty of being caught is a vastly mo...

  • April 14, 2021

    In Pursuit of Happiness

    Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is a well-known phrase to many Americans. Thomas Jefferson famously enshrined it into the Declaration of Independence. What’s interesting about the addition of ‘happiness’ is the historica...

  • March 31, 2021

    Mileage may vary with this administration

    CNBC reported that transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg floated a mileage tax for infrastructure plans under the Biden administration.  It seems par for the course.  Any ideas to reach farther into Americans' pock...

  • March 26, 2021

    A Time to Choose

    Americans sit paralyzed, watching the fabric of a representative republic unravel before their eyes, ignoring this chain reaction while happily checking the bank account to see the latest stimulus check's arrival is but one example of nation...

  • March 13, 2021

    Are conservatives guilty of purity testing?

    In the "Dear Abby" section of the Chicago Sun-Times this week, there was a question from a nanny about having to keep her sexual preference a secret from a conservative family.  The nanny doesn't work for t...

  • March 9, 2021

    The GOPe's exit strategy

    Newsmax speculates on the possibility of Mitch McConnell leaving the Senate.  The premise of its investigation centers on the Kentucky state Legislature moving forward with a bill to strip the commonwealth's governor of the authori...

  • March 3, 2021

    At this rate, nobody will hear a who

    Dr. Seuss is the latest posthumous victim of cancel culture.  It's a sad commentary on American life in the twenty-first century when a man who died thirty years ago is deemed unsuitable for children's eyes and ears. ...

  • February 26, 2021

    CPAC: Will the spaghetti stick to the wall?

    The annual CPAC conference is being held this weekend in Orlando, Florida. This year looks different with the vacuum created by the November election and the fallout that ensued.  It seems likely that conservatives will throw handfuls of...

  • February 17, 2021

    Blame for freezing with no electricity

    The weather has reached record low temperatures across the country.  That's not news for February.  The Wall Street Journal has reported that at least fifteen have died as power outages left homes without h...