Saul Goldman

Saul Goldman

  • December 2, 2018

    The Mass Hysteria of American Jewry

    I have no problem with people being anti-Trump or believing that he is wrong for America. But, when rabbis and other assorted Jewish intellectuals willfully mis-interpret classic Biblical texts in order to validate a leftist agenda, we should all be ...

  • August 25, 2018

    The 'Science' of Islamophobia

    The neologism "Islamophobia" seems to be a quasi-scientific effort to suggest that suspicion of Islam is simultaneously irrational and racist.  Even more of a concern is the attempt to employ science in the service of politics. ...

  • August 5, 2018

    Individual Rights and the Nation-State Law

    Accepting sensible differences of opinion is essential in a democracy.  People living in a democracy often do not get their way.  For example, many became incensed over the fact that the Israeli Parliament passed the Nation-State ...

  • July 23, 2018

    Israel’s New Nation-State Law

    Israel recently reiterated, in law, its identity as the nation state of the Jews. While a great deal of controversy has erupted as a result this legislation, it simply states that Israel is the fulfillment of a national dream that began over 2500 yea...

  • July 4, 2018

    Fourth of July: What Americans Can Learn from Israel

    There are patterns in human events that disclose a unity of consciousness or spirit.  These patterns connect people of diverse languages and customs.  Accordingly, we realize that the American Revolution was not simply a war again...

  • June 6, 2018

    Gaza and Palestinian nihilism

    Gaza is a case study in obfuscation.  Ostensibly, the ruckus is all about a march to reclaim property in Israel.  But unless one sees the background, one does not apprehend the entire picture. Do the Palestinians really want a ...

  • May 20, 2018

    Manners, Morals, and Political Correctness

    Are manners and morals essentially the same?  Are manners merely "small morals," as Thomas Hobbes defines them?  Or is there a fundamental distinction? Moral philosophy is about our understanding of virtue or righteou...

  • April 18, 2018

    Anti-Semitism and the Politics of Hate

    There is a link between what Lucy Dawidowicz called the "war against the Jews" in Europe and its new front lines along Israel's borders.  That link can be traced to antiquity.  Anti-Semitism has been around as long a...

  • March 30, 2018

    Passover and the American Zion

    The Passover narrative is a political treatise on liberty and a theological reflection upon the sanctity of freedom. The Hebrews are commanded to worship God as free men. Further, the Law that was revealed by God to Israel required that the Hebrews e...

  • February 11, 2007

    Code Name: Esther

    The Biblical narrative of Purim is a tightly-knit story of political intrigue which is set during the reign of Ahashveros (Xerxes).  Ahashveros is a weak and insecure individual who is incapable of making decisions on his own. Because he se...