Samuel Anthony

Samuel Anthony

  • December 31, 2021

    Politicians Seek to Divide and Conquer

    Does America seem to be more divided today than any other point in time since the Civil War? It would seem so, and it is by design.  Over the years politicians have lost sight of the fact that they are civil servants and not rulers....

  • July 30, 2021

    The power of critical thinking

    Anyone who has studied political science or philosophy has at least heard of The Republic, written by Plato.  Plato was a student of Socrates, and The Republic was one of Plato's best-known works, in which he wrote about what he had lea...

  • July 2, 2021

    A Constitutional Approach to the Border Crisis

    The crisis at the nation's southern border has grown exponentially.  Some states are beginning to take an approach to this crisis that would appear to be more in line with the Founding Fathers' vision of America than what America ha...