Sam Younnokis

Sam Younnokis

  • March 24, 2022

    The first black woman...or is she?

    Ketanji Brown Jackson is now best known for being unable to define "woman."  Yet she has not accused anyone of misgendering her when he refers to her as a woman.  Apparently, she considers herself a woman.  ...

  • October 16, 2021

    No, there won't be a national divorce

    It isn't surprising that people are getting fed up with their political partners.  There is sufficient divergence of opinion on how to handle most national problems that we are unable to reach a consensus.  We have trouble fin...

  • February 14, 2021

    What if the leftists want a civil war?

    Any sensible person would welcome the opportunity to reassure doubters that everything is fine.  Governments, alas, march to a different beat, asserting that a person's eyes are lying to him. Try reporting a UFO sighting, for example...

  • February 8, 2021

    'LearnToCode' alternatives

    It seems as though whenever some group experiences job loss, politicians and journalists toss off a flip "learn to code" admonition.  Without knowing anything about the skills involved in jobs being lost, nor of the skills require...

  • January 25, 2021

    How Big Tech censorship can get more personal, and hairier

    I don't worry much about tech deplatforming.  I don't and never have relied on social media for news stories.  I don't find it onerous to type in the URL for a website rather than download an app.  Part of th...

  • December 3, 2020

    Why I mask

    Masks are useless as well as uncomfortable.  I believe they actually increase the odds of the wearer coming down with a case of COVID infection.  They make it hard to have intelligible conversations and hide what few smiles people...

  • November 21, 2020

    Do masks work at all?

    Coronaviruses seem to be everywhere.  They are on both sides of your mask and even (likely) in your body already.  I'm not an expert on masks or filters, but it seems to me there are four basic possibilities. 1. The mask ke...

  • April 15, 2020

    If it saves one life...

    An AT article mentioned that Streisand is blaming Trump for the COVID-19 deaths. I couldn’t help wondering whether the logical conclusion isn’t that Trump is also responsible for the survival of everyone who didn’t die. After all, i...

  • April 12, 2020

    Amazon must love coronavirus

    With the guidance from our elitist betters to stay home and order everything in, corporations like Amazon must be making a mint.  I can't speak for others, but I'm so disappointed with Amazon that I'm well on my way to remaining...

  • April 8, 2020

    The best way to calm liberals down about guns?

    One can find a lot of useful information on the internet, though determining its veracity is about like deciding when to trust a stopped clock to have the correct time.  I was reading some articles online, and I remembered hearing years ago...

  • April 7, 2020

    The merry month of May

    Like many people, I am looking forward to the end of April.  My attitude is similar to the feeling I had when living in Minnesota and winter showed signs of ending.  I will be able to leave the house for non-essential activities, ...

  • March 26, 2020

    Government has made us all Typhoid Mary

    Typhoid Mary was an asymptomatic carrier of typhoid in the early 1900s who didn't believe she was infected.  She also failed to practice what would now be considered basic hygiene (e.g., hand-washing) and worked as a cook.  Sh...

  • March 25, 2020

    Shut down the shutdown already!

    After all the times that Democrats have clutched their pearls about a possible government shutdown, it's ironic that they have no qualms about shutting everything except government down.  Hopefully, Martha McSally's bill will get pa...

  • March 22, 2020

    The government can’t save you

    If you are hoarding anything that in normal times would be considered a daily staple, you are demonstrating the simple truth that government cannot save you. Even trivial conveniences like toilet paper are beyond its capabilities to provide. If it co...

  • March 15, 2020

    It's ridiculous that everyone's buying up all the toilet paper

    This makes the second week that I have been unable to purchase toilet paper.  At first, I was mind-boggled that anyone thought it was necessary to buy every roll in sight, then that so many people think it is essential to buy out the shelve...

  • December 23, 2019

    The purity test and the impure

    There may always be people determined to tell other people how to live, but ultimately, no one knows another person well enough to make decisions for them.  The best they can do is try to make or support decisions they think you would make....

  • July 29, 2019

    Reparations: A flawed stratagem

    Life in general is a competition for resources.  Reparations, for example, aren't really about punishing white people for the imagined sin of slavery.  It's about getting control of resources without any danger of physical...

  • July 19, 2019

    Try this alternative to the BDS movement against Israel

    As I read this AT article, regarding Ilhan Omar's resolution to affirm citizen rights to boycott foreign countries — namely, for her purposes, Israel — I couldn't help thinking she's opening a Pandora's box of litigable ap...

  • July 18, 2019

    Global warming fanatics keep missing this elephant in the room

    Imagine, if you will, that the sun quit radiating energy, completely, for all wavelengths.  How long would it take the world to freeze to the point of being uninhabitable at the surface? Our planet also has a molten core.  Imag...

  • June 29, 2019

    Illegals voting is abridgment (of our votes) too far

    The Fourteenth Amendment, which spells out the basic qualifications for being eligible to vote in U.S. elections, contains references to both citizens and persons in the United States.  This provides adequate justification for determining w...

  • June 27, 2019

    We must warn illegal aliens

    I think Elizabeth Warren and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have an excellent point about how badly the illegal aliens in detention centers are being treated.  They aren't being given everything they want or need, and the accommodations are w...

  • June 25, 2019

    Steal this essay!

    Nancy Pelosi sees no point to enforcing immigration laws.  These laws were made by Congress, mind you, wherein she holds the title of speaker of the House.  To be fair, she refers to "interior" enforcement of the immigra...

  • June 18, 2019

    The immigration solution: Thank the Canadians

    The invasion of illegal aliens across America's southern border has a solution I haven't seen discussed anywhere, involving no violence and no walls.  I thank the Border Patrol and Justin Trudeau for the inspiration. After taking...

  • June 10, 2019

    The Right to donuts?

    I think we can all agree in a bipartisan fit of collegiality that each of us has the right to consume as many donuts as we want. "My body, my choice" isn't specific to women's health, so called. And the right to donuts is inarguably...

  • May 25, 2019

    Liberals' privilege and power are slipping, and they can't stand it

    Those appalling liberal outbursts we have witnessed since Trump's election can be explained by realizing that they believe they have the right to speak to and be listened to by the president.  The rest of us are too deplorable to be wor...

  • May 22, 2019

    Illegal aliens are not 'fine' or 'great' people

    I don't know what definition others may use for describing people as fine or great, but illegal aliens by definition do not meet my standards for those adjectives. Fine/great people (FGP) do not break laws just because those laws are inconveni...

  • May 18, 2019

    Give life a chance

    The lefty women who are tweeting that men shouldn't be allowed opinions on abortion because they don't have uteruses and thus cannot become pregnant are insulting "transwomen" as well as expressing ill-informed opinions of their own...

  • May 9, 2019

    Dems' downfall: People care more about the economy than social-justice wokeness

    The Democrats running for president in 2020 seem to be all in on their devotion to social justice, which is at best an ill defined topic but seems mostly to consist of redistributing the wealth of white males.  I have yet to hear of anyone ...

  • April 16, 2019

    Flawed souls, flawed choices

    So Mayor Pete is running for president.  Perhaps now he'll stop attacking Vice President Mike Pence for allegedly having a "problem" with him because Buttigieg is gay.  V.P. Pence, to his credit, didn't...

  • April 11, 2019

    Socialists and strongmen

    Socialists know that one way they can get their preferred candidate into office is to frighten people until they will do anything in order to feel safe.  It is human nature to prefer a stable and predictable environment so that plans can be...

  • April 9, 2019

    Reparations are just a way to weaponize guilt

    If paying reparations would buy racial amity, then the descendants of slaves would be complaining only because they didn't receive a cut of their ancestors' sale price.  Reparations can't change the past. Wouldn't accepta...

  • April 6, 2019

    Democrat policy: No lives matter

    The truth is that the elites do not value any lives, not even those of their fellow elitists or their own offspring.  Power matters — their power, at an individual level, and power for their group when necessary to preserve their pers...

  • April 3, 2019

    An assault on reason, brought to you by law dictionaries

    This article in the American Thinker, regarding a man being prosecuted for assault because he had a BB gun, stunned me. I am not a lawyer.  I had always thought "assault" involved actual physical contact.  That is not...

  • March 27, 2019

    Democrats can't handle the truth

    There is a logical fallacy known as "argument from ignorance," which, briefly stated, is that the absence of evidence is not the same as evidence of absence.  This phrase is being used by Adam Schiff, for example, in reference to ...

  • March 22, 2019

    My American Dream is not a universal basic income. It's a job.

    The "American Dream" is the opportunity to achieve success and fulfillment through hard work.  Some definitions, such as here, focus on the pursuit of happiness.  There is an underlying idea that "anyone" can a...

  • March 20, 2019

    Reparations would repair nothing

    A lot of questions have been asked about the implementation of any scheme to pay descendants of slaves for the enslavement of their ancestors.  Last night on Tucker Carlson's show, Carlson spoke with Jason Nichols, who suggested that it...

  • March 18, 2019

    How is illegal immigration not an emergency?

    Congress has voted against President Trump's declaration of a national emergency regarding illegal immigration, and Nancy Pelosi is among many claiming that this is a "fake emergency."  She doesn't seem interested in conde...

  • March 16, 2019

    A simple judicial plan

    We need faster adjudication of asylum claims, to avoid internally releasing illegal aliens who may not qualify for asylum.  I have come up with a plan that can help: temporary judges to hear the asylum claims.  Requirements for such...

  • March 15, 2019

    Sanctuary city policies make your neighborhood into a hunting ground

    The murder of Bambi Larson didn't have to happen. Liberals don't seem to understand this.  While every murder is a tragedy, including abortions and black-on-black homicides, we don't have legal grounds for kicking citizens out of ...

  • March 13, 2019

    Enough with boycotts already

    Tucker Carlson is finding that advertisers are abandoning his show because he spoke politically incorrectly about several different groups.  I wish he would publish who is dumping him so I can avoid those products if I want to.  I...

  • March 12, 2019

    Perfect: A robot to fill Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's job in Congress

    By now, you'll have read that Sandy O thinks people whose jobs are taken over by robots should be excited to be unemployed and have more time for creating art or whatever.  I would like her to have the same opportunities as the rest of ...

  • February 27, 2019

    Too smart to vote Democrat

    Bill Maher gave a recent soliloquy on people who live in Middle America, in which he alleged that the liberals are like (British) royalty and "red state voters" want to "be us."  He doesn't think red-stater...

  • February 23, 2019

    Rich politicians who take going green seriously do these things

    One thing positive I'll say for Cory Booker: He has the courage of his vegan convictions.  Being vegan probably gets him some "green" points, too, and he has done it without government forcing him to make this choice. ...

  • February 21, 2019

    Don't learn to code

    Enough with "learn to code."  As this article points out, that's terrible advice.  Coding isn't beanbag, and if you don't have a problem-solving mindset, you won't be good at it.  It...

  • February 20, 2019

    Another take on Jussie Smollett

    One of the things that has perplexed me about the alleged Jussie Smollett hate crime, from the beginning, was how relatively nonviolent it was.  A fractured rib was the worst of it — not pleasant, but not severe. I grew up in the S...

  • February 15, 2019

    Should Trump avoid declaring a national emergency because a future Dem president might also do it?

    So we have a budget deal, and President Trump plans to sign it, even though it doesn't have as much money usable for barrier-building as he wanted.  Reports are that he will also declare a national emergency with regard to the border an...

  • February 14, 2019

    Doomed by reality

    I sigh when I read of the policy endorsements of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez . I find her hard to listen to, with her tweenage speech patterns (e.g., "tippy top"), no matter what she says, but I try to listen.  After all, sometimes w...

  • February 8, 2019

    Can America Swallow Socialism?

    When is it just "socialism", and when is it "democratic socialism"? According to this site, which was the first one found by Google, the "democratic socialism" brand advocates a government based on "democratic proce...

  • February 4, 2019

    The lyin' of Islam

    Islam is a religion of lies.  According to Mohammed himself, Allah is the "Best of Deceivers," which doesn't improve much if you translate it as "schemers" instead.  There is doctrine for when lie...

  • January 28, 2019

    Do not abandon Trump

    The alleged "cave" by Donald Trump over the shutdown caused some disappointment.  However, he's the dealmaker, so we can assume that he has an alternate route to building barriers along the southern border. The air tra...

  • January 24, 2019

    They are not who we are

    The refrain from leftists about this or that being "not who we are" is the only thing they say that you can take to the bank.  They are not speaking for American values, or even beneficial values.  They are virtue-signal...

  • January 19, 2019

    James Watson and the Rewards of Intelligence

    Critics of Nobel laureate James Watson are missing the point. If you've never heard of the Eve hypothesis or “out of Africa” thesis of human origins, the theory is that all modern humans contain DNA from a woman who lived in A...

  • January 17, 2019

    Who guards the Google guardians?

    Recently, realizing that my 7" and 10" tablets were over five years old and that the Android O.S. was no longer updating, I decide to replace them both.  They still work, and I am hoping to donate them, but I won't be using th...

  • January 3, 2019

    Oh, you beautiful wall, you great big beautiful wall!

    I want a wall – a big, beautiful wall that cannot be climbed.  I have heard objections, and I don't care.  A wall is "due diligence" in border security, not an infallible guarantee.  Home security sta...

  • December 10, 2018

    Desperately seeking perfection

    If the USA is a terrible, horrible place, what country do the (Millennial and elitist) critics think we should try to be like? Have the critics spent a year in whatever country that is?  It seems reasonable that they should, to be sure t...

  • October 12, 2018

    Divided we stand?

    There are many articles on how politically polarized our country is and much speculation over why it is happening.  Liberals and conservatives are "not that into you" with regard to each other.  I suppose we could try to...

  • October 4, 2018

    Toxic diversity

    If there can be such a concept as "toxic masculinity," then surely there can be "toxic femininity" and "toxic __."  Or can there? Take this article on the false equivalence between toxic femininity and ...

  • September 27, 2018

    We must believe survivors...right?

    Recently, after reading about Christine Blasey Ford's alleged sexual assault by Brett Kavanaugh, I have recovered some memories of my own.  I had to do it without the help of Democrat activist lawyers, but that makes the memories no les...

  • January 21, 2018

    Math as white privilege doesn't add up

    I took the time to read an article about a professor who thinks math promotes white privilege.  Her theory boils down to all of the noteworthy accomplishments in math seem to have been done by white people, therefore it encourages non-white...