Sally Zelikovsky

Sally Zelikovsky

  • The Grim Specter Haunting America

    September 24, 2024

    The Grim Specter Haunting America

    A specter is haunting America. A collective melancholy that all is not okay at home. The solutions Trump offers for our national malaise are only a short-term fix. The problems (e.g., economy, immigration, national security) can all be addressed a...

  • Tucker Carlson’s Embrace Of Holocaust Revisionism Is A Huge Trump And GOP Problem

    September 7, 2024

    Tucker Carlson’s Embrace Of Holocaust Revisionism Is A Huge Trump And GOP Problem

    Tucker Carlson’s latest podcast embraced what can only be described as Holocaust revisionism. The only way to deal with this problem is for the Trump faction, the GOP, and MAGA voters to disavow him, lest all of us get tarred with the antisemit...

  • Science Brings Nuance To The Problem Of Bio-Male Athletes

    August 10, 2024

    Science Brings Nuance To The Problem Of Bio-Male Athletes

    The Olympic controversy in Paris surrounding biological men competing in women’s boxing brought the Gender Wars to the attention of millions around the world, as two medals in women’s boxing are poised to land around the necks of two bio-...

  • Putin just released American prisoners to help Harris’s campaign

    August 1, 2024

    Putin just released American prisoners to help Harris’s campaign

    Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and former US Marine Paul Whelen, both of whom have been languishing in the Soviet, I mean, Russian prisons for years on trumped-up espionage charges, have been released. It appears that their release is ...

  • Hell Hath No Fury Like A Voter Scorned

    July 8, 2024

    Hell Hath No Fury Like A Voter Scorned

    All is not as it seems in America, and after the presidential debate, millions of voters must wonder if they have been living in the Bizarro World.  It turns out that the media colluded with the Biden team to create a fictional Joe Biden who has...

  • Trump made intelligent strategic choices regarding tonight’s debate

    June 27, 2024

    Trump made intelligent strategic choices regarding tonight’s debate

    A good number of people are asking why the Trump campaign has not insisted that Biden be drug tested, and, along with that concern, they are also questioning why the Trump Team consented so readily to having CNN carry the debate using their hosts. Ot...

  • A Desperate Democrat Party Once Again Tries To Call Trump A Jew-Hating Nazi

    June 26, 2024

    A Desperate Democrat Party Once Again Tries To Call Trump A Jew-Hating Nazi

    Once upon a time, The Drudge Report was the go-to news aggregator for conservatives, but it fell into disrepute sometime during the Trump Administration, leaving conservatives in the dust as the site’s new caretakers sought “bluer” ...

  • To Oust Or Not To Oust?

    May 2, 2024

    To Oust Or Not To Oust?

    Conservatives are haunted by House Republicans who make all manner of campaign promises but, once in office, forget their obligations to voters or justify why they reneged on their word to support or reject a particular piece of legislation. Our bigg...

  • November 2, 2023

    We Can All Display A Powerful Symbol Against Hamas’s Planned Holocaust

    Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan and his team caused quite a stir this week when they appeared before the Security Council wearing yellow Stars of David reminiscent of the patch the Nazis forced Jews to wear beginning in November 1938. There ...

  • October 29, 2023

    The Death of Democrat Jewish Innocence

    Jewish conservatives, while considered a bit of an oddity despite growing numbers, are commonly asked Why are so many Jews liberals? From conservative luminaries like Norman Podhoretz and Dennis Prager to B-team influencers like me, Jewish conserv...

  • October 22, 2023

    The Timelessness of Ecclesiastes

    Ecclesiastes is typically read on the shabbat (sabbath) of the weeklong holiday of Sukkot. This means that, as Jews in Israel were being slaughtered by Hamas terrorists hopped up on poor man’s cocaine (Captagon), synagogues around the world wer...

  • October 13, 2023

    In The Terrorist Attack, The Jewish Future And The Jewish Past Come Together

    Let me tell you about the Jews of today. It’s taken thousands of years, but we are no longer a meek and timid people who will obediently board a train, be separated from our loved ones, and walk into a gas chamber believing we’ll have a n...

  • October 9, 2023

    Leftists and NeverTrumpers are trying to shape McCarthy’s ouster to their benefit

    There was an awful lot of (fake) hand-wringing on the Sunday shows this weekend about the “chaos” in the House caused by Matt Gaetz’s successful coup in ousting Majority Speaker Kevin McCarthy. What’s even more despicable (pre...

  • September 30, 2023

    The Republican Debate Was Edifying But Still Bad For The Debaters

    I’m a political junkie and have been involved in politics for over two decades. I’m not a big fan of the debate format, in general, but, in the past, I’ve always looked forward to them. Now, I dread them. It’s one thing if it...

  • May 17, 2022

    On abortion, a softer approach to changing hearts and minds

    Years ago, I visited a privately-funded facility in Marin County that counseled pregnant women about their choices and offered emotional and financial support as well as prenatal and postpartum care to those who chose life over abortion. The individu...

  • May 5, 2022

    What a post-Roe America will look like

    I don't believe that as many red states will outright ban abortion as left-wing pundits, politicians, and activists suggest.  More likely, a handful will enact blanket bans; a majority will permit abortion to some limited extent; and mo...

  • April 7, 2022

    How the Schools Got Queered

    Years back, when I lived in Northern California, a huge controversy erupted in a town called Novato about implementing a pro-LGB curriculum and movie called That's a Family in the elementary schools.  Parents were outraged, including li...

  • March 10, 2022

    Brittney Griner's plight

    WNBA standout Brittney Griner was detained on March 5 at Sheremetyevo Airport in Moscow after authorities searched her carry-on baggage and discovered hash oil vape cartridges.  We pray for her swift release and return. Was Gri...

  • March 2, 2022

    The Case for Admitting Ukraine to NATO, Right Now

    Although national security decisions should not be driven by emotional events, we cannot help but be moved by what we are bearing witness to the slaughter of innocent Ukrainian civilians under the pretext that Ukraine is a puppet state of NATO threat...

  • February 25, 2022

    Yes, Tucker, There Is a US Security Interest in Ukraine

    In an ideal world, maybe we could ignore what's happening in Ukraine but we have to see the world as it is, not how we want it to be: Russia is calling and wants its Ukraine back. I generally appreciate Tucker Carlson, but every time he discus...

  • February 12, 2022

    We Are All Truckers Now

    As momentum from the Freedom Convoy in Canada mounts and works its way into the US, and similar convoys spring up in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, people are collectively standing up to two years of COVID restrictions, lies, misery, and abuse a...

  • January 31, 2022

    RFK, Jr. -- Crackpot or Cassandra?

    Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. recently came under fire for referencing the Holocaust in a speech he gave on January 23rd at the Defeat the Mandates March in D.C.  After being slammed and shamed by his fellow travelers on the left -- including his liber...

  • January 16, 2022

    What's Next for OSHA on COVID Vaccine Mandates?

    Well, it didn't take long for the bloom to come off the rose with regard to the Supreme Court's OSHA decision when Circle Back Jen and the president broadcast their intention to ignore the Court's ruling by encouraging businesses to imple...

  • January 10, 2022

    Will SCOTUS stop the vax mandates? What if it doesn't?

    With the Supreme Court on the verge of deciding one of its most consequential decisions ever with regard to OSHA and CMS vaccines mandates, Americans are fast approaching a tipping point that might require us all to make some difficult decisions....

  • January 10, 2022

    Supreme disgrace

    January 7, 2022, saw panic porn–riddled disinformation peddled by Supreme Court justices Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan during the OSHA and CMS vaccine mandate arguments.  You can read about it here and here.  I...

  • November 9, 2021

    You can and should protest the OSHA mandate about workplace vaccines

    With virtually every aspect of life under assault from progressives, Republican successes on Election Day were a much-needed shot in the arm. Let’s capitalize on that energy. Instead of sitting idly by waiting for lawsuits to make vaccine manda...

  • October 22, 2021

    How to Win the Vaccine Wars

    As more corporate enforcers do Biden’s dirty work coercing employees to get COVID vaccines, Republicans need to do more than twiddle their thumbs as struggling Americans make the excruciating decision between jab or job.    ...

  • October 10, 2021

    The True Merrick Garland

    Conservatives generally don’t respect Mitch McConnell and for good reason, but he sure did this country a favor blocking Merrick Garland’s Supreme Court nomination. It turns out, the soft-spoken Attorney General carries a huge stick label...

  • August 31, 2021

    The Case for a Military Return to Afghanistan

    What I’m about to say is highly controversial, but I think it’s the elephant in the room even for many who support ending the Forever War.  With this mess in Afghanistan, things look grim for the U.S.  We’ve lost our digni...

  • August 27, 2021

    Scapegoating the Unvaxxed

    In his National Review articles, Kevin D. Williamson has a long history of denigrating conservatives—especially Trump supporters -- and he doesn’t disappoint with “Get Stuck, Dummy.”  The title speaks for itself but his t...

  • August 22, 2021

    Taking Action

    Political action comes in various forms: from nonviolent direct action (protests, rallies, sit-ins, boycotts, marches, the Tea Party) to its ugly step-sister violent direct action (everything BLM and Antifa do).  Civil disobedience is generally ...

  • August 21, 2021

    A Call to Action

    Probably the most truthful thing Nancy Pelosi has ever uttered is “We [Democrats] don’t agonize.  We organize.”  For decades, Democrats have been strategically honing extensive networks that coordinate action and funding b...

  • May 7, 2021

    What's Behind Vaccine Hysteria?

    If you are reluctant to get the COVID vaccine and beginning to feel overrun by forces pressuring you to get vaccinated, you aren’t alone and you aren’t crazy.  There’s a reason you feel the way you do. You are being manipulated...

  • April 21, 2021

    Why Maxine Waters Wanted a Mistrial for Derek Chauvin

    When Maxine Waters called for people in the streets of Minnesota to be more active and confrontational if Derek Chauvin were to be acquitted, like many, I thought she had handed a gift to the defense on appeal.   In some ways, she did....

  • April 9, 2021

    Who Needs Vaccination Passports?

    It should come as no surprise that the Biden administration is promoting vaccine passports.  In his March address to the nation, Biden announced “in the coming weeks, we will issue further guidance on what you can and cannot do once fully ...

  • March 10, 2021

    The Bennie Thompson Affair

    Sometimes, the greatest gifts arrive in the most innocuous packaging.  Late into the night of March 3rd on a partisan vote of 220-210, the Democrats passed the Orwellian-designated “For the People Act” (or H.R. 1) -- with all Repu...

  • March 5, 2021

    Joe's Long Decline

    In their desperation for a president they could manipulate and in her zeal to be FLOTUS, the Democrat Party and Jill Biden offered Joe Biden as a sacrificial lamb to gain power -- forcing the rest of us to watch, in real time, the disintegration of a...

  • February 9, 2021

    Destroying Democracy in Order to Save It

    Time magazine’s “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign that Saved the 2020 Election” by Molly Ball is supposed to come off as an epic tale of left-wing institutions swooping in to save democracy from untold chaos in the aftermat...

  • February 3, 2021

    What to do about Marjorie Taylor Greene?

    Along with Democrats, many Republicans are calling for newly elected Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s expulsion from Congress because of her controversial comments about school shootings and Jews starting forest fires with space lasers.  Dani...

  • January 20, 2021

    It's Time for Republicans to Stop Lamenting and Start Moving Forward

    It's Potemkin Inauguration Day, and I hope 74 million Trump voters are boycotting the farce.  But it's also time to stop wringing your hands and reading emails that the shoe is about to drop and Trump will remain POTUS.  N...

  • January 18, 2021

    Not the America of MLK’s Dreams

    It’s a shame that as we celebrate Martin Luther King Day, it is increasingly apparent that his dream for “all of God’s children, black men and white men… to join hands and sing… ‘Free at last, free at last. Thank...

  • January 13, 2021

    We can't just let the Tech Tyrants destroy us

    Chairman Mao Zuckerberg strikes again!  Without any warning, Facebook goons "canceled" conservative Facebook group StopTheScalpings (STS), co-founded by longstanding San Francisco radio personality Melanie Morgan and Brian Maloney...

  • January 11, 2021

    What is the GOP's Problem?

    Scores of Republicans are jumping ship like rats as pressure mounts for Trump’s ouster amidst patently absurd accusations he incited the January 6th Capitol riot.  The list of defections grows as GOP senators and representatives denounce t...

  • November 21, 2020

    The Trump Team's Real Strategy

    To endure the Democrat-Media Complex’s blackout of any discussion of credible allegations of voter fraud or election rigging is tough enough. But watching the conservative media grapple with the Trump team’s claims of election fraud as pr...

  • November 12, 2020

    Biden Beholden to Radicals

    Joe Biden’s call for a time to heal is as laughable as it is dangerous and, frankly, I’m not buying it.  On its face, it appears to be leftwing kumbaya feel-good rhetoric, but it’s really a fake olive branch designed to seduce ...

  • November 8, 2020

    Now's the Time to Really Fight for Trump

    Now that the media have proclaimed Joe Biden our 46th president, many conservatives are devastated, angry, some even shocked.  But this is not the time to give up.  It's not the time to retreat.  It's not the time to turn on ea...

  • November 4, 2020

    The True Battle for the Soul of America

    I write this on the eve of the election but, as you read it, the election will either be over -- decisive and legitimate and we know who our president is -- or close and contested with an agonizing wait of unknown duration.  But I wanted to reco...

  • October 16, 2020

    Chris Coons, the voice of desperation

    Speaking against the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett, Delaware senator Chris Coons argued that the hearing shouldn't be taking place in the middle of a pandemic, especially after an outbreak of COVID-19 in the Senate. An outbreak in the Sena...

  • October 14, 2020

    Suspicious Dem questions for Amy Coney Barrett suggest a set-up

    For those who have watched the Senate confirmation hearing of Amy Coney Barrett for Supreme Court justice, we know one thing:  facing the inevitability of her confirmation, the Democrats are using this entire hearing as a big, fat campaign ...

  • October 12, 2020

    Déjà Vu for the Jews of New York

    New York's Orthodox Jews are taking civil disobedience to new heights as they burn their masks in protest against state crackdowns on religious gatherings — just as the Jewish New Year and Day of Atonement wind down and the harvest celebrat...

  • October 6, 2020

    Who targeted the president?

    I always trust my gut. Litigators and trial attorneys tend to do that.  When things don't make sense or add up but you don't have a smoking gun, you start nosing around with questioning and investigating to see if your hunch pans ou...

  • October 5, 2020

    When Citizens Must Move Mountains to Vote in Person

    To combat the fraud risks associated with mail-in voting, politicians are asking us to vote in person on November 3.  But that's a tall order in New Jersey.  Those who are disabled, blind, or illiterate can  vote in ...

  • September 23, 2020

    Don't Let Democrats Hijack Trump's Next Supreme Court Pick

    RBG's parting message that her "most fervent wish is that [she] will not be replaced until a new president is installed," while dramatic, is meaningless.  This "jurist of historic stature" might have had complet...

  • September 14, 2020

    The Enemy is Within

    Watching Democrat-aligned radicals raze our cities over the past three months has felt like a thousand mini-Pearl Harbors -- only the enemy is within and the damage is in our backyards.  While beleaguered Democrats dig their own graves as they p...

  • August 15, 2020

    The Real Problem with Joe's Dementia

    Many Americans seem to have understandably concluded that Joe Biden has dementia based on his very public displays of confusion, aphasia, and incoherence.  But the question we should actually be asking is What is going on with Joe out of public ...

  • August 15, 2020

    Will California go pedo?

    California state senator and radical gay activist from San Francisco Scott Wiener introduced a bill (SB 145) that would decriminalize men having sex with young boys and no one blinked. If this passes, California parents will have no legal recourse ag...

  • June 9, 2020

    The dark night rises

    Most Americans believe we are all G-d's children and want to solve racial issues lovingly, peacefully, and constructively — not with hate, violence, and destruction.  However, for Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and most peaceful protester...

  • June 8, 2020

    White America's Alleged Inner Racist

    Any conversation about race these days seems fraught with landmines.  No matter how sensitive, open-minded, and respectful we try to be, we never know if what we say will cause an explosive reaction.  Once uttered, we are permanen...

  • May 24, 2020

    Hundreds of boats in Florida flotilla for Trump COVID reopening

    If you've been feeling down because of the shutdown and the left-wing power-grabs ruining our lives using COVID-19 as the excuse, then these photos should leave you feeling happy, empowered, and hopeful. On Saturday, May 23, hundreds of pro-Tr...

  • April 13, 2020

    What the Return to Normalcy Will Look Like

    Are you growing weary of admonitions from the chattering class that we'll "never go back to normal" after the Coronavirus Shutdown-Shakedown, because these seismic changes will create a "new normal" that will displace what was...

  • April 8, 2020

    Coronavirus and elderly death rates

    Amid this week’s dire predictions of a Chinese Flu bloodbath, Julie Kelly at American Greatness details her skepticism about the accuracy of reported deaths to date:  “[T]here is little information available as to what qualifies as a...

  • February 10, 2020

    Trump's Supporters Are Not Cult Members. We're Americans.

    Former one-term Republican congressman and radio host Joe Walsh recently withdrew from running against Trump in the Republican primary.  He apparently got the message that his candidacy was dead when the Iowa caucus crowd responded with rau...

  • February 5, 2020

    If Ruth Bader Ginsburg Can Beat Cancer, So Must Rush

    I have never met Rush Limbaugh, and I am fairly certain he has no idea who I am.  I haven’t been a lifelong fan of his, either, but I remember exactly where I was when I first heard him on the radio.  As a reco...

  • January 26, 2020

    Trump's defense team needs work: A look at Saturday's performance

    I don't mean to be hyper-critical of Saturday morning's presentation by the president's defense counsel, but we get only one crack at the whip, and we have to be as close to perfection as possible.  Pat Cipollone's opening rem...

  • January 24, 2020

    Why the Dems might want Trump to subpoena Joe and Hunter Biden

    House manager Sylvia Garcia gave a extremely organized and effective presentation on the 2nd day of the Senate trial, when she unexpectedly confronted head-on the arguments the president's counsel is sure to make regarding Burisma, corruptio...

  • January 21, 2020

    The Secret Sauce of the Democrats’ Impeachment Strategy

    What is it about this impeachment that is so valuable to Democrats that they feel justified risking a flimsy impeachment strategy today, knowing that it could be used against them tomorrow?  Legal scholars and political pundits are justifiab...

  • January 16, 2020

    For Pelosi's Impeachment Democrats, It's All about the Disruption

    Years ago I attended an intimate gathering with Speaker John Boehner when he was fundraising for the NRCC.  While we all knew what appeal and strengths the Democrats had, I asked him: What did he identify as their Achilles’ Heel and w...

  • December 20, 2019

    Dingell is not immune

    At Trump's rally in Battle Creek, Michigan on the eve of his impeachment, the president made a comment suggesting that former Michigan representative John Dingell did not go to heaven when he died.  His widow, Representative Debbie Ding...

  • December 16, 2019

    Alternate Realities and Impeachment

    After bingewatching The Man in the High Castle, I was stuck in a post-binge stupor with Nazis and Japanese Kempetei swirling through my brain, coups and resistance invading my every thought, and master races competing for absolute rule.  I could...

  • November 7, 2019

    Kentucky's Real Lesson for Conservatives

    The lesson Republicans and conservatives should take from the Kentucky gubernatorial race is not whether Trump showing up is a net positive or negative or whether the GOP put enough money or effort into the race or whether Bevin should have been the ...

  • October 30, 2019

    How the Senate Should Handle Impeachment

    When Senate Republicans drafted a resolution condemning the House for hearing witness testimony behind closed doors while excluding Republicans in violation of the President’s Due Process rights, beyond the scrutiny of cross examination and the...

  • October 30, 2019

    The elephants rally

    For years now, many conservatives and Republicans have withheld contributions to the RNC, NRCC, and NRSC because of exasperation with their incompetence and general unwillingness to fight hard against the Democrats.  All too often, the Sena...

  • September 23, 2019

    Why Breasts Matter

    There is a movement afoot to liberate female breasts and it goes by the name “Free the Nipples.”  Apparently, our breasts want out.  Out of our clothing, that is.  That’s right.  There is a spectre haunting Ameri...

  • August 6, 2019

    Dialing Back the Bloodshed

    Like the Democrats, who think they have a monopoly on compassion and mourning, conservatives are heartbroken and disturbed by the recent mass shootings.  Unlike the Democrats, conservatives wait for families to mourn and law enforcement to piece...

  • August 3, 2019

    When the Left Snatches our Kids

    I am skeptical that our efforts as conservative parents to produce conservative offspring will materialize.  Even with the best of intentions, the odds are not in our favor to successfully counter the Democrat-Media Complex, the educational syst...

  • July 18, 2019

    Polls, 2020 and Beyond

    After polls completely missed the mark on Trump’s victory in 2016, polling data has been in the doghouse, but does that mean we should ignore all of it?  Probably not, although that’s not to say we shouldn’t take many polls wit...

  • July 7, 2019

    A World Without America

    As reported in the Washington Examiner, the Communist Party activists who burned two American flags outside the White House on July 4th also called for a “world without America.”  This is nothing new.  America’s enemies, f...

  • March 15, 2019

    The Principled Five vs. America

    Once again, Republicans are acting like complete dingbats -- especially senators Lee, Paul, Murkowski, Collins, and Tillis, all of whom announced their decision to vote “yes” for the disapproval resolution on the President’s declara...

  • March 15, 2019

    Know thine enemy

    It’s no secret that left-wing media overlords have had Fox News commentators and journalists in their crosshairs for some time, with Tucker Carlson being the most recent target.  The title of Michael Anton’s “Tucker Carlson Mus...

  • March 14, 2019

    The Democratic Schism: A Tactical Ploy?

    It seems that all we hear about these days in both Democrat and Republican circles is the colossal rift unfolding in plain view between the radical socialists and moderate Democrats in Nancy Pelosi's House and party.  The concern among ...

  • March 7, 2019

    Transgender Madness

    Has anyone rationally analyzed the direction we are heading along the gender-fluid turnpike?  If we don't set some guidelines soon, we'll be cruising headlong into a nasty multi-car pile-up.  It might already be too late. ...

  • February 27, 2019

    Now we know: The Ruling Class hates us

    On his HBO show, Real Time, last Friday, Bill Maher viciously took down red cities, red counties, red states, and red MAGA hat–wearing Americans in his shtick criticizing Amazon for telling New York State to take the 20,000-plus ...

  • February 19, 2019

    Some ammo for Rush Limbaugh

    On Chris Wallace's Sunday morning show on Fox News, the anchor was fixated asking his guests — in particular, Rush Limbaugh — why Republicans were so quick to criticize Obama's executive actions with regard to DREAMers and DACA bu...

  • December 15, 2018

    The Miracle Season

    With Hanukkah just concluding and Christmas around the corner, we are in the midst of miracle season.  I realize that many are unfamiliar with the story of Hanukkah and Jewish traditions, so I’d like to share my Hanukkah miracle with you....

  • November 15, 2018

    The Enemy of the People

    I have yet to hear anyone explain what Donald Trump means by "fake news" being the "enemy of the people."  I have this dream that Trump will punch back at the media by explaining – maybe in a fireside chat or directl...

  • November 14, 2018

    Unhappy and unappeased about McSally

    Are you disgusted like I am that Martha McSally capitulated -- smiling on her couch with her dog, conceding the election to a lying, cheating code-pink pinko who deceived the voters into thinking she was a moderate when, in fact, she is about as far ...

  • November 12, 2018

    Mourning in America

    My father owned a small linens business that was destroyed by NAFTA, despite his appeals to several presidents about the deleterious effects it would have on businesses like his.  It was ironic, then, that he died on the day Trump announced the ...

  • November 8, 2018

    The Midterms Were a Wake-up Call for Republicans

    While conservatives are celebrating Tuesday’s election, caught up in the fantasy of “Whew, we really dodged a bullet with this midterm,” I’m a bit more somber.  Well, downright disgusted and depressed, actually. It...

  • October 31, 2018

    Real Anti-Semitism

    Although Jewish, I am not one to loosely throw around the term "anti-Semitism," and the type of anti-Semitism I, like many American Jews, have personally experienced has been mostly what I'd call "soft" anti-Semitism. ...

  • October 24, 2018

    The Face of the Resistance

    High-profile Republicans in restaurants.  County Republican HQs.  Participants at rallies and protests.  And now… innocent individuals in their cars. This incident recorded on a phone, took place on October 18th getting off t...

  • October 4, 2018

    In Praise of Rachel Mitchell

    Many people , including Alan Dershowitz, have heavily criticized Rachel Mitchell for failing to aggressively cross-examine Dr. Ford at the Senate hearing.  As a former litigator, I believed during the hearing, and still maintain, that she t...

  • October 2, 2018

    Punching Back

    As John Fund reported in the National Review, the two women who assaulted Quisling Extraordinaire Jeff Flake in the Senate elevator Friday morning, are both activists with the far left Center for Popular Democracy.  It should come as no surprise...

  • September 13, 2018

    David French Contradicts Himself

    National Review’s David French penned an article in which he calls on the New York Times op-ed author, Anonymous, to reveal himself and present evidence that the nation’s security is at stake, the president is unhinged, and the minions in...

  • August 30, 2018

    The Rise of the Tech Geeks

    Who says resistance is futile?  Add Brian Amerige at Facebook to the extremely short list of young tech heroes for creating quite a brouhaha in Silicon Valley when he penned an internal memo entitled "We Have a Problem with Political D...

  • August 28, 2018

    Of Death and Politics

    How far does a president have to go in acknowledging the death of a political luminary?  Does the deceased deserve the same level of condolence if he was a bona fide political enemy of the president versus an ally?  We know that w...

  • August 25, 2018

    Dealing with Democrats' Swarm Tactics

    Chris Collins, Jim Jordan, Duncan Hunter.  Remember these names.  They are just three of the most recent victims targeted by the Democrats and their embedded goons in the administration, with accusations of misconduct in the hopes o...

  • July 22, 2018

    Soviets, Democrats, and the Captive Soul

    Years ago, we flew into Newark airport in New Jersey after almost three years living abroad as expats -- mostly in St. Petersburg, Russia.  (I realize that in today’s McCarthyesque environment with Robert Mueller at the head of the new Una...

  • March 18, 2018

    My Theory of Everything

    Stephen Hawking certainly was right about one thing, even if he was wrong about others.  "Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet," Hawking said.  "And however difficult life may seem, there is al...

  • August 15, 2017

    Time to Drop 'The Right'

    There is something we conservatives do all the time that has to stop, because it is causing us great harm.  We can no longer refer to ourselves or allow ourselves to be characterized as people of the "right." I personally don't ...

  • August 3, 2017

    Cooler Heads and Chaos

    It is no news that some Republicans have opposed Trump all along and do not support him as President. Anyone with a pulse knows that their opposition is budding into an insurrection, and some even make the case for a full blown putsch, as does Hoover...

  • August 1, 2017

    Trump's Game of Stones

    "I think Joffrey is now the king in America," "Game of Thrones" creator George R.R. Martin told Esquire magazine. "And he's grown up just as petulant and irrational as he was when he was thirteen in the books" -- har...

  • February 7, 2017

    The Blood Libels of the Left

    Contrary to assertions by useful idiots like Robert Reich that the Berkeley riots were the work of paramilitary right-wingers, it has become increasingly evident that black-clad Antifa anarchists  coordinated with Bay Area community activists an...

  • February 4, 2017

    Milo scares Robert Reich

    It doesn't get more absurd than Robert Reich's claims that Milo Yiannopoulos and his bawdy band of right-wingers were behind the Berkeley riots.  According to Cal's Professor Reich when he was interviewed by CNN's Don Lemon,...

  • November 9, 2016

    The View from Election Day

    I wanted to write this on Election Day to capture what I believe are the most important takeaways from these topsy-turvy months of campaigning -- and to do so free of the giddiness that accompanies victory or the pain that comes with defeat. I wanted...

  • October 18, 2016

    National Review and Pooh

    It seems that National Review’s editors, for whom I used to have the utmost respect, have shown themselves to be “of very little brain” when it comes to understanding the conservative base and the machinations of the Clinton-Democra...

  • October 18, 2016

    Trump’s Invisible Shield

    It already seems like a lifetime ago that MachadoGate and Lewd-Comments-on-the-Bus-Gate appeared on the political scene and, according to all news sources, derailed the Trump candidacy.  Little did we know that a few days later, the Trump campai...

  • September 15, 2016

    Greg Hicks on Fox

    Greg Hicks – the former deputy chief of mission for Libya turned whistleblower who was stationed in Tripoli at the time of the 9-11 terrorist attack in Benghazi – appeared on Megyn Kelly’s show on Fox News to lay out the case that M...

  • August 27, 2016

    Making Trump Great Again

    Many Republicans and conservatives are supporting Trump now that he enlisted input from The Federalist Society and The Heritage Foundation to craft a list of potential Supreme Court justices. Reluctant Trump supporters take comfort knowing they can v...

  • August 22, 2016

    Is it time for Jonah Goldberg to reconsider Trump?

    In his August 13 "Pivot? What Pivot?" G-letter at, Jonah Goldberg offered to reconsider his #NeverTrump position: Do you think Trump is lying when he says he could be presidential if he wanted to? If so, isn...

  • August 17, 2016

    What’s a Conservative to Do?

    It has become part of my morning routine to groan when I see the litany of negative articles about Donald Trump at Not that I’m a huge fan of his, but he did win fair and square and is the nominee. Every day I receive ema...

  • June 23, 2016

    A Mantra from Fauxcahontas

    I recently stumbled upon Mark Levin lambasting Elizabeth Warren on the radio for her latest comment and tweet that “the Senate GOP have decided to sell weapons to ISIS” after four gun control measures were rejected by the deliberative bra...

  • June 23, 2016

    Democrat sit-in: Aged hippies violate House rules, perform gun-control PR stunt

    On Wednesday, June 22, 2016, the Democrats staged a sit-in on the House floor to force a vote on the gun control measures that failed in the Senate.  In a throwback to the kumbaya past of many House members, such as John Lewis, Democrats see gun...

  • June 23, 2016

    'Gun nuts' arrested outside Holland Tunnel were on a mission to rescue girl from heroin den

    Not one to cry, I bawled when I read this article about a trio of "gun nuts" arrested outside the Holland Tunnel early on June 22.  I don't know why, but I have tremendous difficulty dealing with stories about drug overdoses in you...

  • June 22, 2016

    A situation where Obama is comfortable publishing gun holders' names

    Three people were arrested Tuesday on the New Jersey side of the Holland Tunnel when police found a cache of seven guns, some 2,000 rounds of ammo, and ballistic vests in their souped up vehicle.  Police allegedly pulled the car over because of ...

  • June 16, 2016

    Evolution of a Trump Supporter

    I’m not a wishy-washy or indecisive person but jumping aboard the Trump Train has, at times, felt more like riding an emotional roller coaster than an iron horse. One day I’m the person talking others into voting for Donald Trump and then...

  • June 16, 2016

    Does it change anything if Omar Mateen was gay?

    The media is abuzz with claims that Mateen was gay or at least closeted.  Reports are circulating that his ex-wife of three months said he might have had gay tendencies, but the New York Daily News reported that when asked if he was homosex...

  • June 11, 2016

    Paul Ryan reveals who he really is

    Extra, extra!  Republican Paul Ryan is an advocate for political correctness!  That’s right.  In commenting about Trump’s remarks concerning Judge Curiel, Ryan told George Stephanopoulos:    That comment is b...

  • June 10, 2016

    Trump Gets It. The GOP Doesn't

    Once again Republicans have proven just how stupid they can be with Paul Ryan publicly corroborating that Trump’s comments about Judge Curiel are racist. Maybe Ryan should have read attorney Alberto Gonzalez’s Washington Post article defe...

  • May 8, 2016

    Disrupting MoveOn's actions against Trump

    Have you recently been asked to sign a petition, boycott a company or show support for a business, or send letters to a politician in support of a conservative cause you believe in?  Did you do it? The greatest lesson of the Tea Party movemen...

  • April 14, 2016

    Swarming the Enemy

    By now, the pattern should be clear: Republican governors sign legislation taking a stand on an issue and the left mounts a rabid attack with the tactics and fervor of the Boycott, Divest, and Sanction (BDS) movement. They sucker punch Republican gov...

  • March 10, 2016

    Is Love for Trump Blind?

    I am a conservative, a Republican, a Tea Partier, and a political commentator who has fought in the trenches with the GOP and on the streets of San Francisco with the Tea Party.  Like many of you, I have been furious with the GOP and the politic...

  • November 7, 2015

    What conservatives can learn from the death of the Keystone pipeline

    This just in from in celebration of President Obama's rejection of TransCanada's application to build the Keystone XL Pipeline.  Sure, there's a great deal of propaganda in this 3-minute video, and crowds and efforts ar...

  • November 7, 2015

    The media mafia has had it with Ben Carson

    It was the news item that eclipsed all others: Ben Carson lied. He didn't walk it back.  He didn't correct the record.  He didn't make excuses about misspeaking, misrepresenting, misremembering, or misunderstanding.  He ...

  • November 5, 2015

    Of GOP Slogans and Strategy

    We all know about the power of words and the effectiveness of a snappy slogan, so how do Republican primary slogans rate so far? Not very well. Not one has hit the sweet spot. Are we such inept communicators that not one candidate has managed to craf...

  • October 15, 2015

    The GOP Establishment's War with its Base

    In discussing the House speakership mess on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, Karl Rove enthusiastically pointed out that the 40-member Freedom Caucus represents a mere fraction of the House, with only 1 out of 6 House Republicans as members. ...

  • July 23, 2015

    The Cold Civil War

    In the same-sex marriage battle, the left’s heroes have consistently been portrayed as committed gay couples whose only desire is to be accorded the same legal status and recognition for their families that straights have enjoyed for centuries ...

  • July 9, 2015

    The Aftermath of <em>Obergefell</em>

    For every person jubilant about the Supreme Court’s recent usurpation of power at the hands of the people in Obergefell, there is another person who is equally, if not more, despondent. Obergefell and its predecessor Windsor highlight the clash...

  • May 21, 2015

    MoveOn defaces the dollar for political gain

    Ever since the Supreme Court correctly ruled in Citizens United that a corporation has a First Amendment right to make campaign contributions – leveling the playing field previously dominated by left-wing unions – progressive organization...

  • May 17, 2015

    Liberalism and Jewish Values

    How often have you heard liberals croon this all too familiar refrain: I agree with Republicans on economic and national security issues but I could never vote for one because of the social issues.  A similar comment was sent to me by an...

  • April 17, 2015

    Explaining Jewish Liberalism

    Whenever I spend time with fellow conservatives at an event, I always come away inspired and optimistic about the future. If you don't periodically take the time to mingle with like-mindeds, I suggest you give it a whirl. You will emerg...

  • February 22, 2015

    Nothing but the Truth

    Truth-telling is a scarce commodity these days -- and probably has been since man was first given the gift of gab. For some reason, it is not in our nature to tell the truth, something our Creator must have known or at least observed in the earthly b...

  • February 21, 2015

    An extremism parable

    Do you remember when right-wing extremists gathered on April 15th along the Embarcadero in San Francisco to protest high taxes and big, bloated government?  It was all simple enough at first. Just a small crowd of people calling themselves Tea P...

  • February 3, 2015

    Republicans blow it on response to Obama budget

    Once again, Republicans blew another opportunity to speak directly to voters.  This time, it happened in response to the president's new budget proposal.  "The president is advocating more spending, more taxes, and more debt,"...

  • January 28, 2015

    Rubio's Use of Language

    In my ongoing commentary about language -- how Republicans should use it, how they neglect to use it, and how they use it successfully -- the next spotlight is on Marco Rubio.  I am no more endorsing him for president than I did Romney or Kasich...

  • January 28, 2015


    Once again, Mother Nature has proven that she doesn’t like to be fooled by mankind – not by his weather forecasts or computer models.  Juno, the monster storm projected to hit the New York Metropolitan Area, turned out to be a big, f...

  • January 27, 2015

    How Kerry spells 'hypocrisy'

    Secretary of State John Kerry is meeting with Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan in Lagos, just three weeks out from what is likely to be a highly contentious general election.  Concerned that violence will erupt from either side depending on ...

  • January 26, 2015

    What the Grassroots Is Really Thinking about the Candidates

    I know it’s early and the roster of potential Republican nominees for the 2016 presidential race is hardly set.  But I’m already fed up with pundits and party operatives telling me what I think of the candidates, as if they had perfo...

  • January 24, 2015

    A promising potential GOP nominee

    After I wrote "Republicans Are Our Own Worst Enemy," Bret Baier interviewed Ohio governor and possible presidential candidate John Kasich, a man who seems to be familiar with Republican shortcomings when it comes using language as an effect...

  • January 23, 2015

    Republicans are our own Worst Enemy

    Instead of being applauded for recognizing that words matter, Mitt Romney is being lambasted by Republicans who just don’t get it.  Speaking to a full house of RNC members in San Diego, Romney committed the conservative crime of using ...

  • December 13, 2014

    The 'Torture Report' and the Usual Suspects

    By far the best and boldest response to the Feinstein Report has come from Professor John Yoo in his National Review article. An attorney for the Office of Legal Counsel during the Bush Administration, Yoo explains how Obama Administration polic...

  • December 6, 2014

    White America Asks: Where Is the Animus?

    From the Great Beer Summit with Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. to Trayvon Martin and now the Ferguson and Garner cases, white America has once again been taken to the wood shed for not doing enough to eliminate the racial discrimination tha...

  • November 11, 2014

    OFA: We're not going away

    Just in case you weren’t exactly sure exactly where Obama stands, given his somewhat conflicting post-election statements – first in his press conference and then in his interview with Bob Schieffer – the e-mail reproduced below wil...

  • October 30, 2014

    'Vote-Shaming': An Effective Leftist Strategy

    While campaigns nationwide are hysterically ramping up their “get out the vote” (GOTV) efforts, Democrats are banking on a strategy that worked for them in 2012, hoping it will give them an edge and allow them to eke out some victories....

  • October 29, 2014

    Ebola Spreading, or No Problem?

    Dr. Kent Brantly is the Samaritan’s Purse doctor who was transported to Emory hospital in early August 2014 after contracting Ebola in Liberia.  He recently told Greta Van Susteren that he contracted the virus from evaluating patients in t...

  • October 29, 2014

    Obama's Ebola statement a logical and public health travesty

    The following question was put to President Obama after he delivered his Ebola statement on October 28: Are you concerned, sir, that there might be some confusion between the quarantine rules used by the military and used by health care workers ...

  • October 24, 2014

    Ebola Strikes Again

    On October 17, Doctors Without Borders physician Craig Spencer arrived at JFK airport after a stint working with Ebola patients in Guinea.  His temperature was normal: 98.7 degrees.  (Some accounts say he returned on October 14). ...

  • October 24, 2014

    Health officials offer misleading reassurances on Ebola in wake of patient #4

    Just minutes before it was announced that Dr. Craig Spencer had tested positive for Ebola in New York City, Kaiser Permanente members in California were treated to an email assuring them that Kaiser is prepared to respond to any Ebola cases that migh...

  • October 17, 2014

    Ebola: First, do no Harm

    In response to repeated inquiries about travel bans to and from Ebola-riddled nations, Dr. Tom Frieden has said from his very first appearances onward, that our highest moral obligation is “to first, do no harm.” He claims that implementi...

  • October 17, 2014

    Obama vs. Ebola

    In light of his press conference Thursday, Obama is making the same mistake in dealing with the question of travel bans as he did in Iraq and Afghanistan: he places far too much reliance on his experts in the Ivory Tower than he does t...

  • October 14, 2014

    Experts Defy the CDC on Ebola

    Apparently, as far back as September 17, two experts on the transmission of infectious diseases published a commentary at the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota that flies in the face of wha...

  • October 10, 2014

    Ebola entry screening won't work

    The Obama Administration has finally announced that it will implement entry screening procedures for Ebola in the five US airports that receive 94% of travelers from Ebola-afflicted Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.  JFK Airport begins tomorrow....

  • October 6, 2014

    Still no travel ban from Ebola-ravaged countries

    The Daily Caller reports this conversation between reporters and White House spokesman, Josh Earnest responding to questions about a federal restriction on travel from countries plagued by Ebola: “These are the experts, they have a keen un...

  • October 2, 2014

    Ebola and Chaos Theory

    Editor's note: The New York Times has confirmed that Thomas Eric Duncan "had direct contact with a woman stricken by Ebola on Sept. 15, just four days before he left Liberia for the United States[.]" * * * But we have soothed ours...

  • October 1, 2014

    Ebola Case Found in Texas

    I’m not a doctor or a public health administrator, but I could play one better than that guy did on TV.  I’m talking about Dr. Thomas Frieden from the CDC. So Ebola has come to America.  I don’t think any of us is reall...

  • September 30, 2014

    The Best-Laid Plans of Moderates and Mavens

    Karl Rove spells out in the Wall Street Journal two factors that might hamper GOP efforts to take the Senate this November, despite a political climate favorable to Republicans: Democrats have raised more money than Republicans and have purchased mor...

  • June 18, 2014

    Obama Throws a Khattalah Bone

    In response to the announcement about the apprehension of Ahmed Abu Khatallah in Libya, President Obama boasted:   With this operation, the United States has once again demonstrated that we will do whatever it takes to see that justice is don...

  • May 18, 2014

    California GOP Debate a Microcosm for Establishment vs. Grassroots

    Even though California is as blue as blue can be, and the upcoming gubernatorial election in November is considered a fait accompli in Governor Jerry Brown’s favor, it’s worth listening to the lively primary debate that took place on May ...

  • May 16, 2014

    MoveOn and 2014

    It appears that is afflicted with the same obsessive-compulsive disorder as Harry Reid, fixating on the Koch Brothers as big, evil, corporate donors who pull the strings in elections and virtually every aspect of our daily lives....

  • May 12, 2014

    The Left Embraces Blacklisting

    My fate is sealed:  I will never get my own TV show and will probably never be hired again in my life.   One google search of my name reveals that I have spent the last 6 years involved with conservative and Republican politics, have o...

  • May 10, 2014

    The Pelosi Presser and the Benghazi Select Committee

    At the end of her press conference regarding the Benghazi Select Committee, Nancy Pelosi had the nerve to ask: “We’ve been there… done that…why are we doing this again”? Her question echoes the laments of ...

  • April 5, 2014

    Does Brendan Eich Have a Case Against Mozilla?

    Many of the comments at various blogs addressing the forced resignation of Brendan Eich emphasize the fact that Mozilla is a private company and can hire or fire whomever they want for any reason.  This is partially true.  In at-will sta...

  • April 4, 2014

    Brendan Eich and the New American Totalitarian State

    Imagine going to work one day only to be, in effect, fired -- not because of anything you did or didn’t do at your job, but because of something you did in your personal life.  Something religious.  Or maybe, something political. I...

  • March 8, 2014

    Call to Black Americans

    It’s time for all black Americans -- regardless of their political views -- to condemn members of the press and Democrat Party for spinning every confrontation, crime or disagreement that a white person has with a black person, into an accusati...

  • March 7, 2014

    A Response to AT's Comment Threads

    When I first started writing political pieces, an experienced pundit told me “Don’t waste your time reading the comments.  At the very minimum, if you do read them, don’t respond.” At times I have reluctantly followed tha...

  • March 6, 2014

    Palin's Mistake

    Sarah Palin made a major error in her comments on Hannity regarding Putin’s aggression against the Ukraine and it is a misstatement that cannot be allowed to stand uncorrected.   Well, anyone who carries the common sense gene wou...

  • February 26, 2014

    The other shoe drops for gay marriage

    It should come as no surprise that attorneys general in six states, have refused to enforce state laws upholding traditional marriage or that federal judges in Utah, Oklahoma and Virginia have overturned voter-approved laws defining traditional marri...

  • February 20, 2014

    Our Incredibly Shrinking Freedom

    As Venezuelans take to the streets protesting Maduro's socialist government and its excessive control over the media, and Ukrainians protest Viktor Yanukovych's decision to officially align with Putin's USSR-2.0 rather than the EU, Americans must beg...

  • February 14, 2014

    They Call Me Hater

    Some of the content in this piece is not appropriate for children. An old man reflects on his life. He was born in a communist country but had the good fortune to immigrate legally to the United States where he worked tirelessly, rising up from penni...

  • January 22, 2014

    Free Speech in Northern Cal

    Actress Maria Conchita Alonso -- born in Cuba and raised in Venezuela -- was forced to resign from her role in The Vagina Monologues at the Brava Theater Center in San Francisco's Mission District because of her support for Tim Donnelly for Governor ...

  • January 21, 2014

    New York about to become conservative-free?

    New York's Governor Cuomo really stepped in it this weekend when discussing his views on the state of the GOP: "Their problem is not me and the Democrats; their problem is themselves," he said. "Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives w...

  • January 15, 2014

    An Honest Look at the 'Right' War

    As our presence in Afghanistan dwindles, Lone Survivor, the movie, couldn't have premiered at a better time. It's been a little too easy to retreat from the "right" war for a commander-in-chief who is responsible for 74% of the 2153 American fatalit...

  • January 12, 2014

    Asking the Right Questions about Pot

    He was in high school and quite brilliant. The kind of kid who didn't pick up a book all year and aced all of his honors and AP tests -- in complex subjects like Physics. He was also musically gifted. But he couldn't stop smoking weed. The school and...

  • January 10, 2014

    Lessons for Obama and Conservatives from Chris Christie

    President Obama could learn a thing or two from Governor Chris Christie, who took charge in a press conference on Thursday about "revenge traffic" at the George Washington Bridge -- a new one for seasoned New Jerseyans, who have spent the b...

  • December 8, 2013

    California Republicans Speak Truth to Power

    Well, well, well. It's always a glorious day in a socialist paradise when the lefties show their tyrannical hand and try to suppress speech. They want Americans to have accessibility to healthcare, but not to any information about the insurance they ...

  • December 4, 2013

    Why Zombies?

    As the mid-season finale of The Walking Dead drew to a close last weekend, millions of fans were stunned and saddened as Hershel, the comic book-turned-TV-phenomenon's most endearing character, was slaughtered by the show's monocular psychopath, the ...

  • November 24, 2013

    Where We Stand on ObamaCare

    The disastrous ObamaCare rollout and accompanying lies have forced many Americans to confront the harsh realities of the president's signature legislation.  While this is something to be grateful for this Thanksgiving, conservatives must be...

  • November 20, 2013

    The left is now eating its own is not happy that ObamaCare has become a "political nightmare" so they are blaming their cronies in the "mainstream media" (yes, they actually use that term) for failing to present balanced coverage of ObamaCare's successes.  [See the...

  • November 19, 2013

    'Healthcare for the Holidays': Obama's New Campaign

    Obama concluded a telephone call last night with 200,000 soldiers in his Organizing for America (OFA) army -- the outfit that got him re-elected in 2012.  After listening in, conservatives might want to tone down on the schadenfreude and ho...

  • November 15, 2013

    Rules for all Republicans

    Yes, Virginia. There really is a split in the Republican Party. There always has been and always will be. But the acrimony is spinning out of control and the only people benefitting are the Democrats. It disturbs me when I'm labeled a sellout if I sa...

  • November 10, 2013

    Republicans in the Wake of Christie and Cuccinelli

    It's time to ponder some of the "insight" from the punditry now that we've had a good week  -- a lifetime in political years -- to mull over the Cuccinelli-McAuliffe gubernatorial race in Virginia.  According to the political cogn...

  • October 23, 2013

    The Predators Walk Among Us

    When discussing whether or not people could actually keep their healthcare coverage under ObamaCare, Mark Hannah commented to Fox News' Megan Kelly that the health insurance plans we have from our employers or privately purchased, are "predatory" pla...

  • October 22, 2013

    Talking Politics around the Dinner Table Has Become Blood Sport

    Years ago, my father gave me some advice as I prepared to spend the summer between my second and third year of law school working in a law firm in Washington, D.C.  "Despite the division you see between Republicans and Democrats in the news...

  • October 21, 2013

    Rolling the Hard Six

    A majority of Tea Partiers support Republican candidates and comprise a large percentage of the Republican base. But many have been disappointed with the GOP and feel frustrated, as well as marginalized by the party. They feel unappreciated and used ...

  • October 21, 2013

    George Will Bails Out

    Just when you thought the blowback from the defund-shutdown effort couldn't get worse, along comes conservative columnist George Will, claiming that the Tea Party and Obama "have something important in common -- disdain for the practice of politics w...

  • October 2, 2013

    Whacko Birds? Damn Few

    Holy Much Ado About Nothing, Batman, the government has shut down! Wham! Pow! Splat! But the reality is, the roller coaster ride America has been on for the last few months is finally over and, so far, we aren't picking up the Republican bodies every...

  • July 30, 2013

    Marin GOP: Tilting at Windmills

    I always thought Republicans were sensible until the Marin Republican Central Committee ("MRCC") in Northern California issued a press release on July 26th boasting that it is "the first official Republican Central Committee... to endorse same-sex ma...

  • July 20, 2013

    Birth of a Racist

    When I awoke this morning and looked at myself in the mirror, I realized that I had undergone a fundamental transformation -- a  Kafkaesque metamorphosis.  I was no longer myself.  I had become...a racist. I didn't do it to myself. ...

  • May 23, 2013

    Why was the Department of Homeland Security monitoring Tea Party IRS demonstrations?

    What's so interesting about 60 tea partiers protesting the IRS in San Jose, California on Tuesday, May 21st?  The fact that this bit of information was conveyed to the protesters by a Department of Homeland Security officer who was also in atten...

  • May 14, 2013

    Obama thinks liberals are stupid

    Hey, liberals!  Obama thinks you are stupid.  Yeah, he really does.  He knew Benghazi was terrorism before he didn't know it was terrorism. Addressing a question about Benghazi in his press conference Monday, May 13, 2013, Obama's "log...

  • March 1, 2013

    When the Obama Administration Goes After a Journalist for Reporting the Truth

    Bob Woodward isn't the first journalist to be thrown under the proverbial bus by the Obama Administration.  Back in April 2011, veteran San Francisco Chronicle journalist Carla Marinucci, was banned from the presidential press pool in San Franci...

  • February 13, 2013

    Tragedy and Comedy at the SOTU

    I couldn't help but think of the "tragedy and comedy" Janus masks as I watched Joe Biden and John Boehner dutifully sit behind President Obama as he delivered his painfully long State of the Union speech.    Biden's comedic goofy grins were...

  • January 30, 2013

    Whatever Happened to Private Sex?

    "I heart female orgasm" is a public event taking place at the University of Minnesota to teach young women and girls enrolled in the school how to achieve and improve their orgasms. Yes, you heard me right. "Sex Week" at Yale and now this. There is o...

  • January 23, 2013

    The Tea Party: Still Coming into Its Own

    While the usual wishful thinking about the Tea Party's demise is being bantered about in the left-wing blogosphere, one of our own -- California Republican political consultant Tony Quinn -- recently joined the chorus of prognosticators.  His pr...

  • January 22, 2013

    Eating our own

    Whoa!  Some of the comments to Mike Razar's "Lessons from the NRA Ad" were way out of line.  Sometimes, I can see the conservative movement disintegrating right before my very eyes-to the great delight of lefties the world over. Conservat...

  • January 19, 2013

    Now Is the Time to Ban...

    Not long after President Obama's recent speech on gun control, I received several e-mails from Jim Messina (at and Joe Biden from  These two repeatedly quoted the president: "If we can save the life of even one c...

  • January 16, 2013

    What's in a Name?

    According to, the South Florida Tea Party is changing its name to the "National Liberty Foundation" in an effort to rebrand its image and distance itself from any negative association with the Tea Party movement. Some might think there is ...

  • November 11, 2012

    What Conservatives Need

    It's been a lousy few days for conservatism. I have been inundated with emails from brokenhearted conservatives. It reminds me of the time period between the 2008 election and the inauguration, when people needed to talk. They were out of their minds...

  • October 18, 2012

    Romney trapped Obama in the Second Debate

    Many in the punditry need to re-visit the section of the debate last night between Romney and Obama addressing the Libya question.  Too many are saying Romney flubbed it, his answer was flustered and a lost opportunity to strike back.  This...

  • October 13, 2012

    The Media's Law of Silent Protests

    If 150 members of the Tea Party protest at an Obama fundraiser and the press fail to report it, was the Tea Party ever really there? Back in April 2009, when the Tea Party was just a fledgling movement, the press barely took notice.  I sent out ...

  • September 7, 2012

    Obama's plea for a second chance (Updated)

    I know they are just words and there were some huge flaws in the speech but Obama --for all of his negatives and boy, he has them--can write and deliver a great address when he wants to. He revved up his base and probably reassured a good number of I...

  • September 6, 2012

    The Unvarnished Truth about the Left's 'Racist Sexist Homophobe' Mantra

    About two hundred members of the San Francisco Tea Party were stationed next to a mix of disgruntled Democrats, Code Pinkers, Occupiers in training, and dope-heads at an anti-Obama rally in San Francisco long before the 2012 campaign was underway....

  • September 4, 2012

    A Delegate's-Eye-View of the RNC Convention

    Up until the 2012 GOP Convention, I was concerned about the ability of Romney-Ryan to win -- not because of their candidacy, but because of the dirty game their opponents were certain to play and the skyrocketing ignorance and apathy of the voters. T...

  • August 10, 2012

    Neighbor Spying on Neighbor in Obama's America

    Obama's at it again -- asking neighbor to turn in neighbor in a manner reminiscent of Pavlik Morosov in the USSR (that's the Soviet Union for those born after the Berlin Wall was torn down by those hungry for freedom). Legend has it that Pavlik Moros...

  • July 30, 2012

    How to Fight Democrat Intimidation

    Last week, I wrote an article for a local newspaper about the lack of civility displayed over the years towards Republicans when manning their booth at the Marin County Fair.  Because the paper now requires comments to go through the reader's pe...

  • June 12, 2012

    Top Ten Reasons to Vote for Obama

    Oh, the things people particular, those who support President Obama.  At the recent "ATM Withdrawal Fest" for Obama in California on June 6th, hundreds voiced their support for the President.  Here -- in their own words -- are the ...

  • June 7, 2012

    Shocker: Press in SF sympathetic to tea party protesters at Obama fundraiser

    Maybe it was because of D Day.  Or maybe it was because the weather was perfect.  Perhaps, it was the Venus Transit.  But the stars were aligned for the San Francisco Tea Party when Obama blew into town on Wednesday, June 6, 2012 for t...

  • April 14, 2012

    In Defense of Stay-at-Home Moms

    That's it.  I've had it.  I'm coming out swinging for the so-called (and sorely misnamed) "stay-at-home" moms, of whom I am one. Every woman on this planet should stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Ann Romney for the attack on her for having n...

  • March 30, 2012

    The Tea Party Call to Duty

    At the time of America's founding, the notion of civic duty was commonplace.  Our entire system was predicated on the idea that citizens would take an active role in the governance of their towns, states, and country.  Little was asked of A...

  • March 21, 2012

    Santorum's Money Doubletalk

    Santorum has a money problem but it took several successful primaries followed by his loss in Illinois for it to all add up. Let's stipulate that Romney outspends Santorum in virtually every state in which they have thus far campaigned. When Santorum...

  • March 20, 2012

    Conservative Class Warriors?

    One of the most disappointing aspects of this primary contest has been the class warfare attacks leveled against Mitt Romney -- not by the president, but by fellow Republicans.  Historically falling within the jurisdiction of the left wing, Pand...

  • March 6, 2012

    Hey Mr. President. Where's my phone call?

    In his press conference today, President Obama said he called Sandra Fluke because he thought about his daughters and wanted them to be able to take on issues as they grow up, as private citizens, and to engage in civil discourse without being attack...

  • February 21, 2012

    Reports of the Tea Party's Death are Greatly Exaggerated

    According to some in the press, the Tea Party is all but dead.  Or is that just wishful thinking? On February 16, 2012, approximately two hundred San Francisco Tea Party members stood outside of the Nob Hill Masonic Center in San Francisco to pr...

  • January 30, 2012

    Sarah, Newt, and the GOP Establishment

    In her Facebook post of January 27, Sarah Palin characterizes this week's rash of articles attacking Newt Gingrich as employing "tactics of the left" and using "the politics of personal destruction to attack an opponent."  She claims this "oppos...

  • January 24, 2012

    Newt and the base

    It looks the angry mob mentality, so forcefully laid out by Ann Coulter in her last book, has come to the party of conservatives.  The overwhelming majority of the comments I have read over the weekend about Newt -- his win and his flaws -- have...

  • January 23, 2012

    The GOP's strange new forgiveness

    The forgiveness factor appears to have become a major issue in the GOP nomination race.  And the attitudes of social conservatives who support Newt puzzles me. I think I understand forgiveness and forgive Newt.  He has publicly stated that ...

  • January 21, 2012

    Puzzling support for Newt

    I'm seeing that Newt has taken the lead in South Carolina and, frankly, I just saw a statistic I found most shocking.  First, in the interest of full disclosure, I admit I have had a hard time stomaching Newt since he attacked Bain and Romney wi...

  • November 19, 2011

    Occupiers aim for West Coast port shutdowns

    On Friday night, November 18th, Occupy Oakland approved a coordinated West Coast port shut down in solidarity with Occupy L.A. and the Longview, Washington longshoremen, and against the EGT grain company. (From Live stream of the g...

  • November 13, 2011

    The Occupation Devolution

    Much has transpired with Occupy Oakland since the grass was green in Frank Ogawa Plaza: businesses have been vandalized, banks terrorized, buildings occupied, commerce obstructed, and a man murdered, all to the tune of millions in damages the taxpayi...

  • November 11, 2011

    Bialik and 'sexual harassment'

    Sexual harassment refers to activity in the workplace.  Since Bialik wasn't working for him, how is Herman Cain's alleged behavior harassment?  How is it any different, if it actually occurred, from an unwelcome and conceivably unpleasant p...

  • October 17, 2011

    The Revolutionaries' Revenge

    The media are mistakenly characterizing the Occupy Wall Street movement as unemployed Millennials with a legitimate gripe against Wall Street consistent with the Tea Party, or as a rag-tag group of unemployed stoners with no coherent message, not to ...

  • August 27, 2011

    Our Daughters

    It doesn't take much to conjure up memories of Natalee Holloway and Joran van der Sloot as we contemplate the fate of Robyn Gardner at the hands of Gary Giordano in Aruba.  Although the facts are still being collected in Gardner's case, it's wor...

  • January 10, 2011

    The Tucson Massacre Witch Hunt

    It's 4:40 pm on Saturday, January 8, and I'm in the car, waiting for my son.  It was a relaxing Saturday oriented around sports and family.  My cell phone rings, and it's an unfamiliar number, so I let it go into voice mail, as I usually do...

  • October 27, 2010

    California Nightmare-in'

    It's November 3, 2010. You think you are waking up to a sunny California morning only to realize it's a dark, dark day. Jerry Brown is governor, Gavin Newsom is lieutenant governor, Kamala Harris is attorney general, and the rest of the Democrat tick...

  • August 30, 2010

    Dr. King and the Tea Partiers

    Forty-seven years ago on August 28th, Martin Luther King wrote his seminal "I Have A Dream" speech which influenced the course of the civil rights movement in this country.  What many might not know, is that on April 16, 1963, he wrote...

  • August 2, 2010

    The Stark Reality

    At the end of June, the nation witnessed firsthand the behavior of California Congressman, Fortney "Pete" Stark, towards what he clearly regards as the commoners in his district. This video received over 259,000 hits from a populace tired o...

  • July 22, 2010

    Goading the tea parties

    As the coordinator of the San Francisco Tea Party, I have considerable experience dealing with the conservative grassroots (yes, there are really conservatives in the Bay Area) and with a perpetually angry and emotionally driven leftwing.  ...

  • March 1, 2010

    'Seditious' Conservatives Attacked in Marin County

    "I don't agree with what you say, but I'll defend your right to say it" is no longer in vogue for some Mill Valley (Marin County, California) residents.  Ryan White recently wrote an excellent piece in the Mill Valley Herald about the ...

  • February 22, 2010

    CPAC and San Francisco

    San Francisco and CPAC may seem an odd combination, but at the just-concluded CPAC event, they made beautiful music together.I walked the halls of CPAC this weekend with my RESET 2010TM button on my lapel.  It's this big, bright red reset button...

  • December 4, 2009

    Karzai offers to negotiate with Taliban

    Hamid Karzai offered to participate in negotiations with the Taliban, an offer that was seconded this week by our President and Richard Holbrooke.According to the AP report , Karzai emphasized that his "overtures stood little chance of success w...

  • October 29, 2009

    Things that don't annoy Obama

    President Obama said only once since he took office has White House life annoyed him: when he was criticized for taking his wife out for date night... to New York on the taxpayer's dime during supposedly the worst economic crisis since the Great Depr...

  • October 20, 2009

    Confessions of a San Francisco Tea Party Mobstress

    When I first donned my mobster's hat last April, clinging to it as I do my guns and Bible, I was embarking on a journey not only into the unknown but also into the unknowable:  unknown because, like most of my fellow mobsters, I had never attend...

  • August 9, 2009

    The Chutzpah of the Town Hall Libel

    Democrat bigwigs and their media shills have concocted a libelous narrative of the town hall phenomenon that has shaken up the party's health care plans. They meet the classic definition of Chutzpah, as explained by Leo Rosten in the Joy of Yiddish:G...

  • June 28, 2009

    Unjustly Imprisoned Sailor Denied Parole for At Least Five More Years

    There is a young man imprisoned in the California State Prison system whose story has to be told again and again until he is pardoned or otherwise released from his sentence.  His story really boils down to one question:  Should not our son...

  • May 27, 2009

    Supreme Contortions

    With the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor comes yet another democrat sleight of hand--ignoring one reality and twisting another.Obama calls for a Supreme Court justice who "understands that justice isn't about some abstract legal theory or footnote...

  • January 22, 2009

    Marin County Surrenders to Patriotism

    When I drove home at the end of Inauguration Day, my very liberal Marin County neighborhood was awash in American flags.  I was dumbstruck.  People in Marin don't put up flags (unless they are conservatives) not even on federal holidays....

  • January 15, 2009

    January 20th, Indoctrination Day

    While we are all familiar with the indoctrination that takes place in our schools at all levels of education, I want to share a few letters friends have received from their children's elementary schools regarding planned inauguration festivities....

  • November 12, 2008

    It's How You Play The Game

    Heartfelt congratulations on a truly historic election to all my Democrat friends and family members. Having endured what you believe were 8 excruciating years of poverty and devastation, I know that those of you who voted for Obama must all be relie...