Sally Morris

Sally Morris

  • August 18, 2018

    A Crisis in Communication

    French president Emmanuel Macron recently called for a ban of "fake news."  What this would do, effectively, is suppress any news outlet that doesn't adhere to the state's version of the "news," and any non-confo...

  • July 5, 2018

    A uniquely British sense of justice

    On May 25, human rights activist and journalist Tommy Robinson (Stephen Yaxley-Lennon) was arrested while live-streaming at a trial of accused sex-traffickers.  He was literally grabbed off the street by seven police officers; thrown in a v...

  • June 3, 2018

    Tommy Robinson and Our Free Speech Rights

    This Memorial Day, we had a pungent reminder of what we have and why we must cherish our freedom of speech and press, guaranteed by our First Amendment, as our cousins in Britain experienced its loss.  On Friday, May 25, human rights activi...