Salim Mansur

Salim Mansur

  • September 22, 2020

    Ginsburg and Providence in American Politics

    There is a verse in the Qur’an which says that the evildoers plot, but God plots best. This is one meaning of “providential” in Christian theology. It is also the meaning or subtext of God “plotting” or “directi...

  • April 12, 2020

    Communist China’s War for Global Dominance and the Wuhan-Virus Pandemic

    On May 8 the West, led by the United States, Britain and France would have been publicly commemorating the 75th anniversary of the V-E day, the victorious end of the war in Europe against Nazi Germany. But the Wuhan-virus pandemic has put the West in...

  • May 27, 2019

    How Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity Was Proven Correct a Century Ago This Week

    Some six months after the Great War of 1914-18 ended, Arthur Eddington travelled at the head of a team on a scientific expedition to the island of Principe off the coast of Equatorial Guinea in West Africa. He headed one of the two teams of astronome...

  • December 6, 2018

    Justin Trudeau’s Canada Embraces a World Without Borders

    The Liberal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is set to sign the UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration at an intergovernmental meeting in Marrakech, Morocco, on December 10, 2018. Few Canadians are aware of what this ...

  • November 29, 2018

    Canada under the Trudeaus

    While most Americans quite understandably are preoccupied with politics at home, there is restlessness in America’s backyards both south and north. Canada is more or less taken for granted by Americans as a generally calm and orderly country...

  • July 20, 2018

    For Democrats, History Is Bunk

    For Democrats and their flunkies, history is all bunk unless it is self-serving. The reason history is bunk to the Democrats is because history is a ledger of their perennial infatuation with monsters of the left – Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Fi...

  • August 14, 2016

    Khizr Khan Shills for Hillary

    As Gold Star parents, Khizr Khan and his wife, Ghazala Khan, were deserving of every respect from Americans for the loss of their son, Captain Humayun Khan (US Army, 1st Infantry Division), killed while on a tour of duty in Iraq in June 2004. But the...

  • July 28, 2016

    Donald Trump and Noblesse Oblige in Politics

    For an outsider striving to make sense of American politics watching the choreographed conventions in Cleveland and Philadelphia, the best short introduction to the subject is Angelo M. Codevilla’s The Ruling Class: How They Corrupted America a...

  • July 17, 2016

    Recalling the 1976 Republican Convention and Its Unintended Consequences

    History is paradoxical. This is because it is riddled with unintended consequences that are unavoidable, as they are part of the warp-and-woof of history. History is also paradoxical, it might be said, because the gods of history keep reminding us...

  • June 26, 2016

    Brexit and Multiculturalism

    The people of Britain made their decision by a slim majority of 52 per cent to 48 percent to Leave the EU. After months of heart-wrenching debates and all the leverage that the Remain side with the Prime Minister David Cameron and his opposite, ...

  • June 15, 2016

    A Ramadan Reflection: Trump, Muslims and American Islam

    The month of Ramadan just begun for Muslims is not merely about the rigors of fasting and prayers, it is also about meditating on man’s responsibility in this world and accountability in the next. One of the most urgent issues for Muslims at th...