Articles & Blog Posts by S. Fred Singer
- Effects of air traffic on climate
- Remembering Climategate
- The global warming pause
- Temperature in year 2100
- The question of sea level rise
- The 1978–1997 warming trend is an artifact of instrumentation
- Two decades of the 'hockey stick'
- Push-pull: A decent explanation for how we got the Moon
- Calculating life on Mars
- Explaining the Twin Paradox
- Where did the Moon come from?
- Peak Oil: A Lesson in False Prophecy
- The F-35 Stealth Fighter vs Russia's S-300 Anti-Aircraft System
- Trump and the end of the 'Oil Crisis'
- The Supreme Court, 'Clean' Energy, and the Clean Air Act
- A carbon tax: A useless solution to a nonexistent problem
- The Next Ice Age
- Remember Nuclear Winter?
- Israel versus Iran
- Does the Greenhouse Gas CO2 cool the climate?
- Global warming and peer review
- A Global Warming Surprise
- To Mars by Economy Class: A Perfect Project For Trump
- Dee-Oh-Tee and me
- Is the Antarctic Ozone Hole Really Mending?
- Paris Climate Accord: Hope, Change -- and Collapse
- The Goldilocks Approach to Global Warming
- Climate Change: The Burden of Proof
- The Burden of Proof on Climate Change
- Surviving an imminent ice age
- Einstein, Your GPS (and Me)
- Paris Climate Conference is likely to fail
- For Sustainable Energy, Choose Nuclear
- Methane Regulation: Some Personal Recollections
- Methane Madness: Science Does Not Support White House Policy
- Obama's House of Cards
- Iran Nuclear Deal: what now?
- Peer Review Is Not What It's Cracked Up To Be
- A Paradigm Change: Re-directing public concern from Global Warming to Global Cooling
- Editor of <em>Science</em> Magazine Should Resign!
- Protecting Humanity from Ice Ages
- Commenters excoriate a <em>Science</em> paper that denies global warming 'pause'
- The climate warming pause goes AWOL (or not)
- Saving Humanity from Catastrophic Global Cooling: A Task for Geo-Engineering
- Preventing a Coming Ice Age
- Obama Expected to Bind US to CO2 Reduction at Paris Climate Meeting This Year
- Into the Brave New World of Geo-engineering
- Global Warming Pause: Is the End Near?
- World price of oil -- where is OPEC now?
- White House Methane Madness
- Cause of Pause in Global Warming
- The China Climate Accord: A bad deal for the US
- A Suicidal Collapse of Western Civilization?
- The Climate Sensitivity Controversy
- Just Say NO to a Carbon Tax
- Does Business Risk Facing a 'Climate Crash'?
- Climate Science Does Not Support IPCC Conclusions
- The National Climate Assessment (NCA) Doubles Down on Doom
- The Coming Paradigm Shift on Climate
- The Kerry Climate Capers
- Climate Consensus Con Game
- The Stealth Carbon Tax
- The Inventor of the Global Warming Hockey Stick Doubles Down
- Iran's Arak Plutonium Reactor
- IPCC 's Bogus Evidence for Global Warming
- SCOTUS Revisits EPA Regulation of CO2
- Non-governmental climate scientists slam the UN's IPCC
- Report from the 'War on Coal'
- The UN Climate Panel's 'Hot Spot' is Missing in Action
- A Tale of Two Climate HockeySticks
- Sea Level Rise Surprise
- China Questions Climate Consensus
- Could Global Warming Slow Sea Level Rise?
- To Mars -- in three easy steps
- NASA Adrift in Interplanetary Space
- The Oil Price Enigma
- Climate Change Conversation Aborted
- Impoverishing Climate Alarmism at the New York Times
- Another Hockey Stick?
- The Anatomy of Climate Science Hype
- Climate Science vs Politics: The Road Ahead
- Environmental Protection Lessons from Ronald Reagan: 'Trust but Verify'
- Bloomberg's November Surprise
- Obama's EPA Plans for 2013
- Climate Realism
- Winning the AGW Science Debate: Here's How
- Paul Ryan, the Perfect Anti-Gore
- 'Cap and Trade' For CO2 Needs a Stake through the Heart
- Romney's Historic Opportunity: Low-Cost Energy Fuels Economic Recovery
- Cheap Natural Gas Heralds an Energy Revolution
- Climategate Heads to Court
- The Gas Price Kerfuffle: Obama's Achilles Heel?
- EPA Endangers Human Health and Welfare
- Europe's Airline Tax Lacks Science Support
- Climate Deniers Are Giving Us Skeptics a Bad Name
- Obama Skins the Cat
- The Heartland Institute Flap
- Hormuz Hysteria
- Fake! Fake! Fake! Fake!
- Durban Climate Conference: The Dream Fades
- Why BEST Will Not Settle the Climate Debate
- Cain's Valuable 9-9-9 Plan
- EPA's CO2 Endangerment Finding is Endangered
- A World Food Crisis?
- Science and Smear Merchants
- Regulation Cannot Control Malignant Melanoma
- Regulation Cannot Control Malignant Melanoma
- The Sustainable Development Hoax
- Adventures in Federal Budget Cutting
- Good bye, Kyoto
- The CO2 Tax Redux
- What do Climate Data Really Show? The Berkeley Climate Data Project
- The Sad State of the State of California
- Egypt needs an enemy
- CARB's Carbon Capers
- Secondhand Smoke, Lung Cancer, and the Global Warming Debate
- The Cancun Climate Capers
- The Global Warming Court Battle
- Climate Alarmism at the New York Times
- The Green Bubble Is about to Burst
- The French Academy Lays an Egg
- The Renewable Electricity Standard is a Hoax, a Fraud, and a Rip-Off
- ClimateGate Whitewash
- The end of the IPCC