R.W. Trewyn

R.W. Trewyn

  • Higher education is raising a finger to state governments attempting to curb DEI mandates

    November 26, 2024

    Higher education is raising a finger to state governments attempting to curb DEI mandates

    A recent article in Inside Higher Ed was entitled, “How Colleges Can Pivot to Keep DEI Alive.”   Having spent over a half century inside the once hallowed halls, the goal of academics to sustain DEI therein didn’t surpr...

  • It’s time for a surgical mister-ectomy!

    August 6, 2024

    It’s time for a surgical mister-ectomy!

    Enough is enough!  A surgical misterectomy needs to be performed ASAP. Why? That’s the question/concern…100%.  It’s just the wrong spelling. Y? Yep, that’s the problem that needs to be rectified.  A...

  • Another C-dissection of Democrats

    March 12, 2024

    Another C-dissection of Democrats

    Following last week’s State of the (Dis)Union, another C-dissection of Democrats seems in order.  Yes, my first mid-word letter slashing occurred very recently thereby generating the Demo/rats term, but the vermin have outdone themselves a...

  • Demo-rats

    February 28, 2024


    Yes, the “c” in Democrat today is either silent or should be dropped totally from the party name.  Demolishing America is what they’re all about nowadays, and only anti-American traitors would do that.  Thus, Demo/...

  • When did common sense in American agriculture get replaced by woke nonsense?

    February 13, 2024

    When did common sense in American agriculture get replaced by woke nonsense?

    Having spent the first two of my eight decades on our family’s small dairy farm in Wisconsin, it was ingrained early and often that hard work and common sense were keys to survival in the agriculture realm.   My follow-on decades were a...

  • January 19, 2024

    Californicating America

    A recent Fox News opinion article (“Why Californicating the United States isn’t going well”) instantly sent up warning flares for me, while simultaneously bringing back fond memories of graduate school.  We lived in Corvallis, ...

  • January 4, 2024

    January 6th reflections on establishment repression three years later

    One day after the Capitol chaos on January 6th, 2021, my American Thinker article began, “Whenever leftist anarchy rears its ugly head, the nearly universal response seems to be: close your eyes; don’t look!  The mob violence yesterd...

  • December 26, 2023

    The White House and the outhouse

    Growing up in Wisconsin in the 1940s, on our dairy farm, the white house’s formal first name was actually “out,” not “white.” But it was painted white, not red, like the barn and four other “out” buildin...

  • December 22, 2023

    Federal Government ‘Public Servants’ No More

    Having entered my eighth decade in 2023, I’m old enough to remember when the terms “public servant” and “civil servant” were used interchangeably to describe someone employed by the federal government.  Obviously, t...

  • December 13, 2023

    Jewish Hatred Ironically Found in ‘Safe Spaces’

    How the horrifying atrocities in Israel against Jewish women and children on October 7th could result in an explosion of hatred towards Jews in America makes no sense.  It defies all logic, and the initial epicenter of that hate was on “sa...

  • December 8, 2023

    Today’s CR pandemic that’s blinding Americans and killing America

    (This is a satire.) No, CR is not the eighty-seven thousandth COVID variant.  It’s cranial rectitis. People afflicted with CR—a grotesque, anatomically disfiguring disease—fail to ever see the light.  And, problemati...

  • July 18, 2023

    Ayn Rand has some prescient thoughts about Democrats' avoidance of reality

      The consequences of avoiding reality are killing us … literally!   American leaders and policy makers in the 21st century should have paid attention to the profound wisdom put forth by Ayn Rand in the last Millennium: ...

  • June 27, 2023

    Think you can!

    “Whether you think you can or think you can’t — you are right.”   That profound truth by Henry Ford may be more important in America now than at any time in American history. Today’s blame others, victim...

  • February 28, 2023

    What? The University of North Carolina is banning DIE?

    Since the birth of affirmative action in the 1960s, universities have been the leading advocates and sacred sanctuary for the principles put forth.  Diversity, inclusion, and equity (DIE, or DEI), is what affirmative action has devolved into ...

  • February 22, 2023

    Is it DEI, IED or DIE? Yes, it is!

    Diversity, equity, and inclusion, or DEI, has become a driving force in hiring practices across America.  It’s replacing equal employment opportunity, EEO, in today’s discussions when new employees are recruited. Within major corp...

  • January 12, 2022

    Have Americans become a people who no longer deserve their Constitution?

    "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people." Only moral and religious people?  Who said that about the Constitution? Someone who would know: John Adams, America's first vice president and second pre...

  • August 18, 2021

    'Stupid is as stupid does' in Vietnam and Afghanistan

    Yes, Forrest Gump's "stupid is as stupid does" sums it up.  So does "someone with the I.Q. of a cabbage could have predicted the outcome" that I used recently to describe the mentality it takes to defund the police....

  • July 31, 2021

    Vietnam’s Role In Government Putrefaction Today

    The Vietnam War and the uncivil insanity it precipitated on America’s college campuses laid the foundation for the putrid organic decay -- putrefaction -- throughout the U.S. government today. As a proud Vietnam combat veteran who has spent a h...

  • May 27, 2021

    Crying 'racism!' is the waterboarding of the left

    Waterboarding: "Water is forced into a detainee's mouth and nose so as to induce the sensation of drowning."  Alternate inducers are delivering that drowning feeling in 2021. A Peggy Noonan Wall Street Journal op-ed...

  • January 7, 2021

    Anti-America Americans are Synergizing Again

    Wherever leftist anarchy rears its ugly head, the nearly universal response seems to be: close your eyes; don’t look!  The mob violence yesterday at the US Capitol, on the other hand, will be a tool for establishment repression of conserva...

  • December 22, 2020

    The Birth of Cancel Culture and the Death of Education

    If today’s poisonous cancel culture is ever to be remedied, the cause must be understood. When deliberating the origin, most just point to America’s universities and say, “they did it.”  And, clearly, that’s wher...