Ruth S. King

Ruth S. King

  • November 5 was a great day for women

    November 10, 2024

    November 5 was a great day for women

    Women have been traditionally herded into regressive policies by hysterical hype over misogyny, always linked to their rights and abortion and race.  To make matters worse, the left takes their votes for granted. As the tabulations conti...

  • April 3, 2020

    Who's insane?

    The media and the leftist body politic have co-opted psychiatric diagnoses without any real understanding of neurology, psychology, and normal human behavior.  They bandy words like sociopath, unstable, unfit, and crazy to vent their unmiti...

  • January 22, 2020

    Prince Charles to make Great Britain's first official royal visit to Israel

    In what may well be a dress rehearsal for his forthcoming ascension to the throne, Prince Charles will be making Britain's first official royal visit to Israel to attend an event at Yad Vashem, "Remembering the Holocaust, Fighting ...

  • September 29, 2019

    On the Jewish New Year: Reflections on resilience and survival

    Tonight, Jews will celebrate the advent of 5,780 years of our existence. On reflection it seems almost impossible that after millennia of persecution and genocide we have survived. Great and powerful empires -- Hellenist, Roman, Hittite, Mesopotamian...

  • September 20, 2019


    So much has been written about truth.  In the King James Bible, one reads: "ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." George Orwell warned:  "The further a society drifts from the truth, th...

  • June 12, 2019

    Is Stacey Abrams being groomed for higher office?

    The practice of opposing a party rebuttal to the president's State of the Union speech was started in 1966, when Republicans Senator Everett Dirksen and Rep. Gerald Ford responded to Democrat President Lyndon Johnson's State of the Union on t...

  • May 29, 2019

    What an honest commencement speech would sound like

    It is graduation season.  I have been going to high school, college, and law school commencements since 1977 for my children and grandchildren.  I've been to eighteen, including for two grandchildren this month. I have hear...

  • April 22, 2019

    Capernaum: A film review

    When I heard that the movie Capernaum was short-listed for a foreign film Oscar, I braced myself.  Capernaum was a fishing village established during the time of the Hasmoneans, located on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee....

  • January 22, 2019

    A new low at the New York Times

    Martin Luther King was a noble man whose courage shattered the ceiling of racism in America.  It is disgraceful that too many bigots and charlatans cloak themselves in his legacy to promote hatred.  The latest example is a written...