Rovvy Lepor

Rovvy Lepor

  • Jon Tester is a Radical Leftist Whose Violent Anti-Trump Incitement Should Outrage Every Montanan and American

    October 10, 2024

    Jon Tester is a Radical Leftist Whose Violent Anti-Trump Incitement Should Outrage Every Montanan and American

    Montana, a traditionally red state, values conservative principles and loves President Trump. However, voters will back Democrats if they believe it serves the state’s interests in Washington, D.C. Before voting, Montanans must know that Jon Te...

  • April 13, 2022

    Green-Lighting Infanticide in California

    The Democrat party of 2022 continues to push the bounds of its radical agenda, with a particular focus on "abortion rights." California Assembly Bill (A.B.) 2223 is the most egregious of the fourteen new abortion bills this year in Cal...

  • January 2, 2021

    Georgia Senate Election: Conservatives Must Vote and Save the United States

    The January 5 special runoff elections for the US Senate in Georgia will certainly be one of the most important in US history: It is a choice between maintaining a constitutional republic that values individual freedom or changing the USA into the US...

  • May 29, 2020

    How Trump Can Save Countless Lives in Nursing Homes from COVID-19

    As the federal government and state governments decide how best to proceed with plans to reopen the economy, elderly Americans, particularly those in nursing homes, continue to die at alarming rates from COVID-19.  Now more than ever, it is crit...

  • May 14, 2020

    New York COVID-19 Nursing Home Scandal Signals that States Must Protect Elderly

    Residents in nursing homes and long-term care facilities are dying at alarming rates due to mismanagement and dangerous policies in a number of states.  Harmful state policies such as sending COVID-19 positive patients to these facilities and ex...

  • March 21, 2020

    To Contain Coronavirus, Trump Must Halt Outgoing Flights from JFK, LaGuardia and Newark

    The United States and the world face down one of the most challenging tests in modern history in the coronavirus pandemic.  Timely implementation of bold decisions can substantially stem the spread of the coronavirus and significantly limit the ...

  • March 3, 2020

    Ban travel from South Korea and Italy now to prevent coronavirus spread

    President Trump and his team tasked with combating the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States should be commended for their efforts.  However, while they are taking important action, travel continues from South Korea, Ita...

  • October 29, 2019

    Ensuring Defense of Syrian Kurdish Forces Helps Maintain US Deterrence

    In the midst of ongoing criticism of President Trump's decision to pull out U.S. troops from northern Syria, including by many conservative allies, President Trump has earned rare praise, from both allies and critics, for the elimination of the I...

  • August 2, 2019

    Democrat Indifference to Baltimore's Inner-City Decline Harms Minorities

    The Democrat political stronghold of Baltimore has experienced squalor and crime for many years due to ineffective policies and indifference shown by many of the city's Democrat politicians.  Unfortunately, the serious problems in Balti...

  • July 31, 2019

    Baltimore and the Left’s slander of President Trump

    The major media focus lately has been on President Trump’s criticism of the sorry state of Congressman Elijah Cummings’ congressional district (MD-7) that includes most of Baltimore.  The left’s goal is to wrongly paint Preside...

  • July 30, 2019

    The Left would rather slander Trump than fix Baltimore

    While President Trump's focus this past week has been on the sorry state of Baltimore and Maryland's 7th Congressional District, the Left's focus seems to be on trying to slander President Trump as a racist for partisan political purposes...

  • June 16, 2019

    How the Trump Administration Can Beat Planned Parenthood

    President Trump has proven himself to be a man of his word on a whole host of important issues, not least of which is his outstanding record on pro-life matters.  He can now achieve a great pro-life milestone by putting additional substanti...

  • January 28, 2019

    President Trump Can Fund the Border Wall with Unobligated Balances

    After a 36-day partial government shutdown, the longest in history, President Trump remains determined to make good on his promise to build a border wall to protect U.S. national security, while the Democrats remain staunchly opposed.  Pres...

  • January 8, 2019

    Hezb'allah and the Southern Border

    The southern U.S. border remains mostly unprotected while Democrats remain determined to prevent building the border wall.  Meanwhile, cocaine continues to flow into the United States, smuggled in partly by the Hezb'allah terr...

  • December 26, 2018

    The Senate Must Fund the Border Wall with Budget Reconciliation

    President Trump’s central election promise to build the southern border wall seems about to slip out of reach, with Democrats vowing to oppose any funding of the border wall.  While the Democrats deserve a large share of the blame for this...

  • December 22, 2018

    US Pullout from Syria: A Complete Disaster

    President Trump, without consultation with Republican leaders in Congress, announced his planned immediate withdrawal from Syria.  If President Trump follows through on his planned withdrawal, it will translate into one of the biggest natio...

  • December 11, 2018

    Is Europe Enabling Iran's Nuclear program?

    On August 6, 2018 President Trump announced the reimposition of nuclear-related sanctions on Iran following his announcement in May that the U.S. would withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal (aka the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Actio...

  • November 30, 2018

    The Key to 2020: Trump's Border Wall

    In the final weeks of this Republican-controlled Congress, likely the last significant accomplishment will be passage of the remaining seven spending bills in the 2019 budget.  Notably, this includes funding for the border wall.  ...

  • November 24, 2018

    President Trump's Wall of Compassion

    The focus of the liberal media and many liberal commentators and pundits has been on President Trump’s uncompromising defense of the USA from the migrant caravans, some of which now encroach on our southern border.  They don’t tend t...

  • November 16, 2018

    Pass Legislation for Election Integrity Now

    The 2018 midterm elections have proven dramatic, and in several key races, including for governor, Senate, and the House of Representatives, the outcome has not yet been determined.  Both Republicans and Democrats -- depending on the race -- hav...

  • September 23, 2018

    Time to Designate the Palestinian Authority a Terrorist Organization

    Fatah, the ruling party of the Palestinian Authority (P.A.) and the largest faction of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), routinely incites terrorism in all forms of its media, propagandizes Palestinian students to commit acts of terrorism,...

  • February 8, 2018

    Turkey’s Actions in Syria Harm U.S. National Security

    President Trump is leading the United States to a historic victory against the Islamic State terrorists. On the brink of total U.S. victory against ISIS, Turkey’s Erdogan has ordered an aggressive air and ground military campaign against t...

  • January 11, 2018

    Cancel the Iran Nuclear Deal Now

    President Trump has until January 12 to decide whether to terminate or "fix" the Iran nuclear deal (aka the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action or JCPOA).  Iran has proven to be eminently untrustworthy and unfaithful to the expecta...

  • January 6, 2018

    The US Must Sanction Iran

    The Iranian regime aspires to hold the world hostage under the threat of nuclear conflict while continuing nearly forty years of repression of the Iranian people.  The 2009 Iranian revolution resulted in terrible suffering for many of the protes...

  • December 5, 2017

    Move the Embassy to Jerusalem

    In order to test whether a peace settlement is possible between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, the U.S. embassy must be relocated to Jerusalem as soon as possible. Close to 25 years after the signing of the Oslo Accords, it appears that Israel...

  • August 24, 2017

    Solar Superstorms and the US Electric Grid

    America’s existence is dangerously threatened from a devastating electromagnetic pulse (EMP) from a solar superstorm (aka a coronal mass ejection or CME), and neither Republican nor Democratic leaders have resolved to fix it. This must cha...

  • June 8, 2017

    UK elections: A referendum on terrorism and rogue regimes

    While the United Kingdom's election today carries great importance on a whole host of issues, it is a referendum on terrorism and rogue regimes.  A vote for Theresa May is a vote for the U.K. and the free world, while a vote for Jeremy Corby...

  • May 28, 2017

    The Keys to True Peace in the Middle East

    If the Trump Administration wishes to succeed in achieving true peace between Israel and her Arab neighbors in Judea and Samaria, the U.S. must first recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and must demand a full stop to Palestinian terrorism an...

  • May 22, 2017

    Boeing’s Contract with Iran Harms National Security

    In recent months Boeing has signed contracts with Iranian airlines for the sale of over 100 state-of-the-art aircraft. Iran has a history of supplying terrorists with advanced weaponry on commercial airplanes and the U.S. government must not allow Bo...

  • October 30, 2015

    The Iran Nuclear Deal: Nonbinding from the Outset

    When two parties obligate themselves to the terms of a contract, it is fundamentally necessary that both parties commit to an identical deal.  This is not the case with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which makes it inherently no...