Ronald Tinnell

Ronald Tinnell

  • A modest proposal for sentencing President Trump

    January 5, 2025

    A modest proposal for sentencing President Trump

    Mr. Juan Merchan (I am reluctant to soil the title of "Judge" or "Justice" by putting it in front of his name) is due to sentence President Trump on Jan 10 over the payments issued to porn "star" Stormy Daniels.   ...

  • January 9, 2022

    A thought experiment

    In the spirit of Albert Einstein, I recently decided to do a "thought experiment".  Not having any skills regarding general relativity or quantum physics, I chose a much more mundane subject. Suppose I went to a representative of th...

  • March 24, 2020

    Start mass production of promising Wuhan vaccines before testing is complete

    In watching some of the news coverage and commentary on this problem, I have been shocked.  Have we turned into a nation of wimps?  Nonsense!  We are every bit as good as our mothers, fathers, and grandparents were in 1941.  We...

  • December 22, 2019

    What if Mitch mirrored Nancy?

    Nancy Pelosi is holding up sending the impeachment to the Senate because she is concerned that the Senate process will not be "fair".  What if the shoe were on the other foot?  Suppose Mitch McConnell refused to accept the impeach...

  • March 17, 2017

    The 60-vote rule is already dead

    In 2013, Harry Reid and the Democrats changed the Senate rules to eliminate filibusters for all presidential nominations with the exception of Supreme Court justices.  In effect, this was the death knell of the whole 60-vote rule.  This was...

  • December 21, 2016

    The KKK is just too small

    Crisis alert!  The KKK is believed to have only 5,000 members.  This is just too small to be a credible threat.  With only 5,000 members spread out, they are going to have trouble staging a decent march or demonstration.  The D...

  • November 13, 2016

    Are Democrats really on the ropes post-Trump?

    People are talking as though this election was such a big defeat for the Democrats that they are totally destroyed.  Given all the cards stacked against him, there is no doubt that Trump pulled off an amazing feat, but it was still a squeaker. ...

  • September 30, 2016

    Don't hold your breath

    There is a suspicion – or perhaps a hope – among Trump supporters that Russia has all of Hillary's emails and will release them just before the election.  I don't think so.  Assuming he does have the emails, look at it f...

  • June 13, 2016

    What's a liberal to do?

    Remember the story a few years back in which an endangered bird was eating an endangered fish?  Liberals are now faced with a similar conundrum in regard to the event in Orlando.  Here we have a member of one liberal protected group, M...