Ronald R. Cherry, MD

Ronald R. Cherry, MD

  • January 26, 2020

    Exponential coronavirus

    Similar to SARS, the current Chinese Coronavirus, known as 2019-nCoV, is transmitted from person to person by close personal contact, and also believed to be readily transmitted by respiratory droplets and aerosols produced when an infected person co...

  • August 28, 2014

    Politically Correct Ebola

    Sometime during the last week the Public Health Agency of Canada changed its website’s content regarding Ebola transmission. Last week I published a preliminary essay on the Airborne Transmission of Ebola, and more recently comprehensive essays...

  • August 24, 2014

    Airborne Transmission of Ebola

    The public has been misinformed regarding human-to-human transmission of Ebola. Assurances that Ebola can be transmitted only through direct contact with bodily fluids need to be seriously scrutinized in the wake of the West Africa outbreak...

  • August 15, 2014

    Airborn Transmission of Ebola?

    Many people have been mis-informed regarding human to human transmission of Ebola. The Canadian Health Dept. States that airborne transmission of Ebola is strongly suspected and the CDC admits that Ebola can be transmitted in situations where there i...

  • February 5, 2013

    Locke and Self-defense

    A recent American Thinker essay encourages us to pose the following question to those who would undo the American citizen's Second Amendment protection for our natural right to self defense: "Do you believe that all human beings have a natural and i...