Ron Capshaw

Ron Capshaw

  • August 12, 2013

    The Beginning of Wisdom

    When I was a naive graduate student at CUNY, I was surprised to learn that Camelot merchant Arthur Schlesinger Jr. was conservative. When I dared to question this, the professor would respond with a dismissive, "Oh, he's a Reaganite." They would then...

  • July 8, 2010

    Spies not like us

    It appears that despite the declared end of the Cold War, its espionage component goes on. Anna Chapman and 10 others have been accused of operating an illegal passport ring on behalf of Mother Russia.Those surprised that this type of activity still ...

  • July 6, 2010

    Ingraham's new book: A satire that skirts dangerously close to the truth

    "The Obama Diaries." by  Laura Ingraham. Threshhold Books. 2010.One of the few genuinely funny jokes about Reagan from Al Franken dealt with what the president's energy level was really like behind closed doors. Aired during the Iran...

  • July 5, 2010

    The Elian Gonzalez case 10 years on

    Today, as the left decries the lawful deportation of illegal immigrants it is telling that a mere ten years ago they backed the use of federal troops to extract an illegal from a private home and send him back to a totalitarian country his mother tri...