Roger Taylor

Roger Taylor

  • July 24, 2021

    Republicans need to start objecting to being called 'red'

    Terms used in politics today have an interesting provenance.  The terms "left-wing" and "right-wing" date from the French Revolution.  In the early days of that conflict, the opposing parties met in the Nationa...

  • October 8, 2020

    Our leaders need more cognitive testing

    Cognitive testing for many professions is being implemented or being considered.  Motor skills and reflexes decline with age, and that is why commercial airline pilots have a mandatory retirement age.  In my own profession, the pr...

  • July 2, 2020

    Supreme Court just made abortions even more dangerous for women

    The recent decision of the Supreme Court, in a 5-to-4 ruling, negating the requirement that abortionists have privileges at a local hospital, is a travesty in women's health care in America. I state up front that I am pro-life,  am a...

  • May 20, 2020

    Stop the incarceration of America

    We all suffer some form of professional bias.  If you run a weight loss clinic, you might feel as if the whole world is morbidly obese because that is what you see.  (Might be true.)  If you are a mental health therapist...

  • December 31, 2019

    Democrats hate religion

    Recently, I made a statement on social media that the Democrats hate religion.  This was a broad stroke of the paintbrush and offended many Democrats.  But I stand by the statement. The radical left is fully embracing the tenet...

  • September 18, 2019

    The Left is hell-bent on abortion-worship

    The current drove of Democrats running for president seem hell-bent on the primrose path to perdition.  Each one is trying to prove he is more radical than the other, regardless of whether or not this is palatable to the American voter....

  • August 13, 2019

    The Left's intentional ignorance of American history

    It has become fashionable among the socialist Left to denigrate the founding of America.  A popular theme is that our founders simply did not want to pay more taxes.  People think the phrase "no taxation without representatio...

  • March 7, 2019

    Could Abortion Be Mandatory under the Totalitarian Democrats?

    This query may sound like a kooky conspiracy theory, but we must give it serious consideration.  It is possible that "pro-choice" could morph into no choice. My first encounter with abortion fervor was in 1975, at the beginning...

  • October 5, 2018

    Where does Christine Ford's memory intersect with the truth?

    That question is the crux of the matter at hand in Washington.  The social media is abuzz with opinions that run the full spectrum of politics.  Some are convinced that Ford is a talented and blatant liar and that she is an extrem...

  • August 31, 2018

    Progressivism Takes Its Place among the Major Religions

    Many on the left will be repulsed by the notion that they are following the dictates of a religion.  They view themselves as the ultimate secularists.  It may be that they cannot see the forest for the trees.  Progressiv...

  • April 26, 2018

    Eco-nuts: Environmentalism can't progress until people try to reproduce with trees

    Just when you thought the radical environmental movement could not possibly get any stranger, another absurdity comes along.  A few years ago, Professor Elizabeth Stephens at U.C. Santa Cruz published something she called the Ecosex Manifes...

  • April 5, 2018

    The Quest For Objective Truth

    The quest for objective truth is much more difficult than many people realize.  It requires integrity, perseverance, and the ability to assess our own weaknesses and prejudices.  My perspective is that of a practicing physician of...

  • January 6, 2018

    A stroll through the Washington menagerie

    We have an amazing menagerie in Washington, D.C.  Is it in the National Zoo?  Let's examine some of the collection. Of course, there are the elephants and RINOs.  (Some are former elephants.)  There ...

  • November 8, 2017

    It's Time for a Climate Change in the Climate Change Dogma

    This week, a horde of junketeers is amassing in Europe for yet another conference: COP 23 IN Bonn, Germany.  The token host is the president of Fiji.  This one event will consume more fossil fuels than some small nations use in one year. ...

  • October 20, 2017

    Obama should campaign for all the Democrat candidates

    Many people love to laud the campaign skills of Barack Obama.  After all he was elected to the presidency twice. That may be an overzealous opinion. Obama's State Department sent money and operatives to the foes of Benjamin Netanyahu t...

  • October 12, 2017

    What's Progressive about Abortion?

    It used to be that supporting abortion as a member of the Democratic Party was in style, but according to Tom Perez, the Democratic Party chairman, it is now compulsory.  He has said pro-life Democrats are not welcome in the party.  Whateve...

  • September 29, 2017

    When the Single Payer Becomes the Single Player

    American medical care and its financing have been transformed over the last century.  Up until about 1920, American medical care in was quite primitive.  It is quite possible that before then, it would have been healthier for the average pe...

  • September 18, 2017

    Is America a Christian Nation?

    Former President Obama has said that America is not a Christian nation.  Was that far left atheism, pro-Islamic proselytizing, or just wishful thinking?  A few months ago a young second generation Iranian woman came to my office.  I...

  • September 10, 2017

    The Real Danger to the House of America

    I really do not comprehend the need or desire for hatred.  I understand the anger of righteous indignation and the revulsion against evil.  But hatred steals your soul.  So, when the Nazi’s and the KKK try to glorify racial hatre...